Reptilian quotes

"Whenever we were working against Satanic targets, the thread would always go back to one or more Reptilians.  It seems that Reptilians actually created Satanism."--- SETHS STORY

How do they do it? Well, sad to say, there are sexual rituals involving demonic beings known as sucubus and incubus. These reptilian beings densify during the slaughter of a young virgin girl, no older than 12, but menstruating. That's the reason for the growth hormones in milk - to produce more menstruating young women in western countries. It was getting tough - as the CIA continued its Satanic expansion of itself into every town, city, and hamlet in the North and Southern Americas, to fill the needs of the Beast. Plus, keeping their own undead here, requires a whole cataloge of young children.

we, too, are not prejudiced against reptiles Wink Speaking of which, Andy was with Carol and I at a Denny's near his place in LA--I think it was five years ago--and the only other diner was an old guy, wearing a belt and suspenders, who faced us throughout our meal and stared at us without changing his expression. His eyes were all black, just like in the horror movies Wink .. All of us saw that. It was kind of like the meal at an IHOP outside of Atlanta that Carol and I shared with Al Bielek during which three hours (mostly talking, not eating) an androgenous couple with very weird facial features and apparent wigs sat and stared at us the entire time, without even ordering any food. It seems like the waitresses avoided the room for the whole time
    When DB and I were trying out the then-new Powerwand at his place in Pasadena he took me on a tour of the neighborhood to point out the wetworkers from the variouis agencies who had murdered the previous residents (heart attacks) and moved into their homes in order to be ready to murder DB and his wife and kids on a moment's notice.
    As we passed near the NSA 'safe house' across the street, a gal drove a big car out of the driveway, right past us, and she had green skin, no hair, no ears and a little stubby nose. I say 'gal' because she was wearing female clothing. Later that day, I went on an errand and took his boys along with me. When I got back, he reported that two ambulances had shown up at the NSA house, not long after I'd left my Powerwand pointed at it on the fence. Two bodies were taken away, in different directions, and one of the bodies was covered by a sheet--I always wondered if that one was Green Gal.
    That was the weirdest year of my life, including box surveillance, an attempted drug sting operation by the local cops on DB and ourselves, each, lots of spaceship encounters, overt reptilian and draconian encounters, etc. I wonder if anyone can show me fiction or $#!+bird disinformation that is more bizarre or interesting. I doubt it.
    I think these little film clips are going to excite the old cadre of CIA/MI6 $#!+slingers to a frenzy and that, too, will be fun to watch and experience. Fortunately for me, 'trouble' is just another word for 'fun.' ~Don

I and my family were born non-telepathic and our heritage as the planetary monkeys was only ever intended to be the fruits of derision. Such peoples with such powers as telepathy, and I believe there to be many, have revealed themselves as nothing whatsoever to aspire to. A whole hierarchy of form that all looks human runs the gamut of ascendancy from blueblood shapeshifting lizard, through very functional Aryan hybrid, to base non-telepathic monkeys like myself. The first two categories, I believe to take up 20% of the western population. Chapter 4-6 MONKEYS OF EDEN - the telepathic Overlords and the Slaves of Earth - by Andrew Hennessey

During particular rituals, Reptilians would lead the humans.  The Reptilian would wear a cloak, sometimes with a high scooping collar.  They were always highly arrogant but offered me great (fake) respect.  Some had no horns. Some had a ring of horns around the head and were subordinate and specialized in mindform warfare.  Sometimes it seemed that the Reptilian was not at the ritual with the humans physically, but was projecting in to the room, but still ordering them around.  The Reptilians also used technology, and would conduct their own tests to control or kill me with their space ships.  The Greys would do what the Reptilians told them, and would be directed to conduct their own tests with supervision.  The Rep’s, Grey’s or Human could not engineer their ship into my local physical, but “closeby” and still deliver a strike that felt like a lightning bolt attempting to separate me from my body violently.  There was a feeling to me that the Reptilians could not completely enter our level of physical density except in certain circumstances. SETHS STORY

I personally have no use for any of the reptile 'info' though I've seen reptiles.  I apparently killed one with my new Powerwand a couple of years ago.   Green skin; no nose or ears.  I know they're no more than parasites. The scam is that they 'run the world' and 'own humanity.' Here's where a little intellectual integrity can serve us:  all of that drama is based on the assumption that humanity is a few thousand years old as a specie. How is that much different from believing that God made Eve from one of Adam's ribs?---Don Croft

The Reptoid establishment however, has only one purpose, to detach the Monkeys of the Spiritual Forests of God and predate on them. In order to do that - it must paint a picture of death and finite constraints. Thus it builds religions out of death, and sets up barriers between the questing souls and God. It denies us eternity and says that our souls are but material that will perish. It says that our eternity is small and constrained - and denies us the scientific advance we need to explore it.
    It gives the monkey no hope in a world that is a diseased slaughterhouse, and using its telepathic predators, harvests the despair of monkey dissolution whilst opening up the monkey soul and shell to the frightening possibility of demonic reptile possession.
    At that point, the monkeys are faced with a science that cannot or will not explain its predicament, and telepathic reptoid wise men and doctors who do know but perpetuate the disease and the hosting in the name of their ancient ancestors. The monkeys have nowhere to turn except to believe that they are mentally and spiritually diseased and blind to the reptoid deceit and motives happily partake of destructive pharmaceuticals in the misplaced trust that these chemicals will make their problem go away.
    The only cure for mismanaged reality, however, is Truth. Chapter 4-6 MONKEYS OF EDEN - the telepathic Overlords and the Slaves of Earth

In the few cases that I am very familiar with, when the "base line" was reached, reptilians were involved. ........In one case that I recount in "Into the Fringe," James had mostly conscious recollections and almost no hypnosis. He remembered being drawn into the proximity of a beautiful "Pleiadian" woman, who was very alluring and tender, and almost seductive. She wanted him to come into her embrace. When he got into the embrace, and thought she was going to kiss him, she disappeared entirely, and what was left in her place was a purplish-black, bumpy, almost slimy-looking character with fairly asymmetrical features. I have encountered this same type of creature in a couple of other cases. The entity was very strong. Instead of embracing James, the creature threw him down on the ground and shoved a two-foot-long tube down his throat, into his stomach, and pulled up stomach juices. The next day, he still had some of the bile taste, the interior of his throat was sore, and he discovered claw marks around both sides of his neck, where he had been held down. Whatever the entity was, there was something claw-like about it (which, of course, matches reptilians). Maybe, as close as he was to it, he could not perceive the whole figure. But he could see a bumpy covering, which could equate to the rough, scaly exterior sometimes reported to be reptilian. It is described as bumpy, ridged, bony, strong, clawed.
    Some people say that they transform -- that they mutate or change their own real forms. I don't accept that as accurate. I don't believe they really look like a blond, and they do something to trick you and then they suddenly look like a reptilian. I think that what they alter is human perception. They certainly can project false images -- just as Ted's [Ted Rice's] grandmother was shown her dead husband, so that she would consent to have a sexual encounter. Ted's grandfather had been dead for six years. And in the middle of having the encounter with what she thought was her restored husband, the image disappeared -- I suppose because the aliens wanted to get the "emotional juice" from her -- and she saw a 'reptoid' on top of her. We also have heard stories about military people being present during abduction, and when people focus on them, they change. Budd Hopkins tells a story about a person who saw a military policeman. He wondered why on Earth the MP was there, and tried to focus very carefully on him. When he did so, the MP changed, before his eyes, into an officer of high rank, and then into a NAZI officer. Interview with Karla Turner, Ph.D. From Contact Forum, May/June 1995

This really happened somewhere in NOrth America last weekend but I promised not to divulge the details. It didn't happen in Kalifornia Uber Alles, unfortunately. A good friend of mine was introduced to a governor at a formal dinner and the governor nearly fell over from the effects of the orgonite on the person of the friend  right in the presence of the two black-suited/earphoned thugs in attendance and the rest of the neo-scaly entourage. Priceless!  ---Don Croft

I remember the Greys as doctors or technicians. I believe the Reptilians stay camouflaged (cloaked) most of the time. They prefer to appear human because they are naturally fierce looking. The Mars Records: Interview with Michael and Stephanie Relfe by Eve Lorgen

We have received psychic attacks fairly often since The Mars Records were released. These attacks take the form of surveillance, monitoring and blocking of clearing sessions, energy "drains" being hooked into each of us, offensive attacks meant to hurt us using radionics, psychotronics and various "death signal" devices as well as RV and psychic attacks while sleeping. The Mars Records: Interview with Michael and Stephanie Relfe by Eve Lorgen

He had arrived at the boulder overlook in darkness and in time to witness Lawrence Rockefeller gutting a terrified young girl in the middle of a circle of black-robed, torch-bearing celebrants, who had brought along a dozen or so other children to be killed during the ritual. DB was so infuriated that he vented his anger directly at the old murderous Illuminist, whose heart stopped. When the rat suddenly keeled over, dead, the others looked angrily around and he could hear them yelling, ‘Who did that!?’ The next morning, of course, the news of the old parasite’s death was announced in the news. DB told me that he had seen Rocky assume his genuine draconian form right before he slaughtered that little girl and his description was pretty graphic. maybe you can get it directly from one of his blogs but for our purpose, I’ll refer to all of the predators in human form as humans, while not doubting at all that what DB is relating is accurate. If you, too, will steer clear of belief, denial and judgement, you’re guaranteed to be as happy as I am. [August 6, 2004] Count 'I Ain't' Saint Germaine and The Rattlesnake

We moved a lot deeper into the cave until we got to a point where Carol and Ryan saw a Watcher, which is one of the very old ET entities assigned to report intrusions, etc, to killing sites. Those two attacked the entity, who appeared to both of them to slink on all fours up out of the deeper reaches and was around 20 feet tall when he stood up—maybe he’s actually just a little jerk, doing a Wizard of Oz act, though.[August 6, 2004] Count 'I Ain't' Saint Germaine and The Rattlesnake. Juicing at the Devil's Punchbowl, Part 1 by Don Croft

David Icke pointed out in The Biggest Secret that the actual rulers of this planet are Reptilians who reside in the lower fourth dimension and who work through their reptilian-human hybrids that have attained positions of power on Earth. These reptilian-human hybrids are the driving force behind most of the systemic cruelty and wickedness on Earth. The use of Mind Controlled Sex Slaves, the International Child Prostitution business, Sexual Slavery and Torture, International Drug Trafficking with its concomitant miseries, Genocide, Human Experimentation, Chem Trail spraying ad nauseum are all spawned from the Reptilian Mind.
    When one studies the Reptilian Mind, horrors such as Occultic Rituals involving human sacrifice and the horrendous and systematic sexual exploitation of women and children becomes understandable. These wicked attributes are imbued into their manipulated humans the world over at all strata of society. The result is a worldwide smorgasbord of human misery and suffering.. Why does a cruel and remorseless muppet dictator need to see the bigger picture and even know shapeshfiting reptilian exist? His job (and overwhelmingly muppet dictators are male) is to ensure the humans in "his" own country lead miserable lives. UNDERSTANDING THE REPTILIAN MIND By James Bartley

The Medical System is controlled by the Draco's through the vehicle of the American Medical Association which uses Gestapo like methods to squelch any efforts at using SUCCESSFUL alternative medical treatments, especially as they apply to supposedly "incurable diseases." The World Health Organization metes out the same treatment to the rest of the planet especially to the so-called Third World. UNDERSTANDING THE REPTILIAN MIND By James Bartley

The reptilians are paraphysical beings who can alter their vibrational density to operate within the confines of our three dimensional world both in and out of the normal visual spectrum.
    The reptilians can manipulate the human "dreamscape" and install all manner of conditioning and programming much of which is erotic or perverse in nature. They specialize in manipulating ones dreamscape with erotic imagery specifically designed to promote certain behaviours and alternative lifestyles within a given abductee population. I know of no one else besides our team who is even aware of this very basic and pervasive reptilian programming agenda.
The definition of the word "Lifespan" as we understand the term does not apply to these reptilians who live in their own vibrational density long enough to manipulate countless generations of a given genetic/soul matrix population in our dimension.
The reptilians are master geneticists who have created subserviant races of non-human beings to act as Specialists tasked with furthering certain agendas directly impacting the human race including but not limited to genetic and soul matrix manipulation of the abductee population. It is through the latter program that Hosts are created through apparently normal human childbirth. These reptilian hosts are geared to sow confusion, discordance and disinformation amongst the abductee population. ON THE MARCH by James Bartley

The reptilians promote the use of certain methamphetamines in particular "Crank" or "Crystal Methedrine" in order to better control and in some cases, to ultimately utilize the abductee as a Host. The latter types of amphetamines have a "sympathetic resonance" to the reptilians and some of their gray workers.
........Why do you think Alcohol has been referred to for centuries as "Spirits?" Because prolonged use opens doorways, which allow discarnate entities the opportunity to enter into the auric field and physical body of the drinker! This is why truly sensitive people feel like bathing after they step into a "dive bar" for even a few minutes because of the discarnate entities clinging onto the auric fields of some of the dive bar patrons. This is why I have my "shields up" during the infrequent times I attend UFO conferences and lectures because I don't feel like having my energy drained by the parasitic entities that have attached themselves to some of the conference junkies who keep attending lectures and conferences in the forlorn hope that someone else will explain their own reality to them. If you've ever wondered why you feel exhausted or why your knees are wobbly after an abductee support group or a UFO lecture you needn't wonder anymore. ON THE MARCH by James Bartley

I should remind the reader that to her dying day Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great insisted that her son was conceived during sexual intercourse between herself and what she described as a python. Olympia was an initiate of the Dionysian Mystery Schools and had frequently inbibed in hallucinogenics during these rituals many of which involved blood sacrifices, contrary to what some would have you believe. It has also been alleged that Julius Caesar was the product of a union between his mother and an Incubi. ON THE MARCH by James Bartley

I would strongly discourage anyone from meditating at or near energy ley lines, dimensional vortex areas and the like. Such places serve as "the membrane" between dimensions which is precisely why UFO's are frequently seen over areas with high electromagnetic anomalies. (That doesn't mean I believe UFO's are strictly interdimensional in nature. There is a school of thought which holds that the UFO phenomenon is either Extraterrestrial or Interdimensional in nature and are mutually exclusive to each other. I disagree. It all relates to frequency and resonance.) ON THE MARCH by James Bartley

The reader must understand that reptilians detest CATS. CATS are the best reptilian detectors and reptilian busters known to mankind. They have been known to wake up female abductees moments before the onset of a reptilian abduction or rape. UNDERSTANDING THE REPTILIAN MIND By James Bartley

Some of you may have read my previous papers "The Grand Strategy of the Reptilians" and "Common Sense: Rebuttal to a Reptile in Human Clothing." I deliberately withheld the release of those two papers onto the internet until such a time when there were no "Imminent Landings" , "Signals from Space" "Revealed Hoaxes" or any other mindless crap which seems to whip the UFO community into a frenzy every other month at least.  ON THE MARCH by James Bartley

The reptilians are masters of frequency and resonance and can shape shift at will. They have often appeared to abductees as "Nordics" or "Blondes" or "Spirit Guides" and have conveyed to them much neutralist-positivist information. Throughout history the reptilians have used the image of Nordics as a screen to carry out their nefarious activities.
    By that I do not mean that there are no "Nordics" as such. Please do not hear what I didn’t say. I am merely saying that for their own reasons the reptilians have consistently and persistently utilized the "Blond Aryan" or "Nordic" image as a smokescreen to further their own agenda at the expense of the human race and may even be using captive or genetically engineered elements of Nordic beings as subject races within their spheres of influence.  ON THE MARCH by James Bartley

When the reptilians have decided that an abductee has gone "too far" they will exact their preferred method of retribution which is Cancer. It is an excruciating way to die and the reptilians extract every last iota of physical and emotional anguish from their victim until their demise. ON THE MARCH by James Bartley

I would strongly discourage anyone from meditating at or near energy ley lines, dimensional vortex areas and the like. Such places serve as "the membrane" between dimensions which is precisely why UFO's are frequently seen over areas with high electromagnetic anomalies. (That doesn't mean I believe UFO's are strictly interdimensional in nature. There is a school of thought which holds that the UFO phenomenon is either Extraterrestrial or Interdimensional in nature and are mutually exclusive to each other. I disagree. It all relates to frequency and resonance.) Occult Ritual activity is practiced in areas where electromagnetic anomalies exist because it is easier to create portals to allow beings from other dimensions into our space-time continuum. ON THE MARCH by James Bartley

The reptilian host that my friend shared an apartment with brought into my experience a woman who was literally demon possessed. I referred to her as Demon Infested Deborah. Demon Infested Deborah brought unimaginable amounts of grief and misery into my life.
    Demon Infested Deborah was possessed of the most crudest, perverse and vulgar characteristics imaginable and she was the hypnotherapist of the reptilian host's support group! (She called herself an "alchemical hypnotherapist" whose mission in life was to "deprogram people." She should have started with herself.)
    Only a reptilian host could have found someone like her. In fact some of the most whacked out and confused people I've ever met were in that host's "support group." Demon Infested Deborah now resides in a suburb outside of Atlanta Georgia.
    Do we have any volunteers who are willing to submit to a hypnotic regression by someone who is literally possessed of multitudes of trouble making spirits and who has the most feces oriented behavior imaginable? Any takers? And if you do not believe in demonic possession you are merely revealing your ignorance because its a given in many societies and cultures in the world except this one. I identified at least five different demons inside of Demon Infested Deborah at which point I stopped counting.
    My only "crime" as regards my treatment of the reptilian host and Demon Infested Deborah was that I loved them unconditionally, did not judge them and did everything in my power to help them overcome whatever challenges they may have had but I may as well have tried to stop a tidal wave with my bare hands. It is simply not in the base nature of reptilian beings and demonic entities to repay your kindness with anything other than sheer grief and misery. ON THE MARCH by James Bartley

I'll tell you another thing about some of these "X" factor abductees: Some of them can literally see the reptilian image superimposed over other abductees or RESEARCHERS.

If someone can develop something akin to Kirlian photography that would allow us to photograph the reptilian entity overshadowing the host and put the pictures up on the internet I guarantee you some paradigms would be shattered.

The abductee community would be aghast at how numerous these hosts are and how pervasive is their malign influence upon the lives of abductees. ON THE MARCH by James Bartley

I know of a case where a reptilian had sexually assaulted a female milab and thus activated the kundalini energy of the woman. No sooner had the reptilian left than the military instantaneously brought the woman via some hi-tech means, to their underground installation. The military controllers then tasked the female milab with an astral op. Responding to the suggestions and encouragement of her controllers, the milab (perhaps with the help of the aforementioned technology) sent her astral body to the Persian Gulf region to observe several people who had gathered together at a private meeting. She then verbally reported her perceptions to her controllers....... In this incident the military had either colluded with the reptilian or became aware of the reptilian’s appearance in the woman’s bedroom. The military has sensors that indicate when an electromagnetic disturbance or event has occurred that is indicative of a reptilian manifestation. Again, genetic markers would likely have identified the woman as a person having reptilian encounters. Reptilians and dracs (winged gargoyle species) tend to follow certain bloodlines. Other genetic markers would have identified her as someone with latent paraphysical abilities. She would already have been under close surveillance as a milab. The military would have known that the likely outcome of such an encounter would be a reptilian sexual assault on the woman. Moreover, the military controllers know that a predictable by-product of such a reptilian sexual encounter would be enhanced astral and psychic abilities on the part of the woman for a short period of time.  From the military’s standpoint, this would be the ideal time to exploit the woman’s psychic abilities. (This is similar to the human tantric magickal practice of repetitively bringing the woman to the point of orgasm but stopping before climax. This tends to amplify the woman’s psi abilities.) Milab Operations Detailed article about military and alien abductions. By James Bartley. (PDF)

Non-Human Handlers of Milabs I have met milabs who claim that the being or beings responsible for their training were non-humans. In some instances, the trainers were shape-shifting reptilians. The training occurred in underground installations and on secure above-ground reservations where U.S. military personnel were present. “Ruby” the military’s code name for a female milab from the southern United States, has described to me the anti-terrorist training she has received. Ruby has been used in training and ops with other milabs from different parts of the country. On one occasion I was on the phone with Ruby as part of a three way call with another milab making up the third party. During our phone conversation, we all heard a phone ring on the line that we shared. We asked each other if we had made another phone call on an extra line. None of us had. I couldn’t have if I wanted to because both of my lines were already being used.
After a couple of rings, the phone was answered and it was a fourth milab that we had just been talking about! This fourth milab, a woman from the southwest named “Angelina”, had been used in training and ops with Ruby. After we got over the surprise of the unexpected phone call (obviously arranged by the deep black military that controls these milabs) Angelina and Ruby began talking. Ruby told me during this four way conversation that she was starting to “trance out” merely by listening to Angelina’s voice since the only times they have met and interacted with one another was during these military training scenarios.
    Ruby told me that her primary military trainer “Mike” was a Caucasian male who spoke English with a European accent. Mike wore a military uniform. At various times during the training, Mike would suddenly shape-shift into a reptilian. This usually happened when he was angry or agitated about Ruby’s performance or level of effort during the training. Ruby is an example of someone with legitimate alien abduction experiences who was also a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse. She had seen the dreaded Men In Black and had noticed how they shape-shifted into reptilians after she had banished them from her presence in the Name of Jesus Christ. She says that a swirling vortex appeared behind the MiBs/Reptilians. The reptilians were sucked into the vortex and then the vortex closed up. This experience with the MiBs occurred in her bedroom. Milab Operations Detailed article about military and alien abductions. By James Bartley. (PDF)

Female milabs and female monarchs have both reported encounters with reptilians and with humans shapeshifting into reptilians. (The phenomenon known as “shapeshifting” was well known long before David Icke’s seminal works on the subject. Some of the earliest reported instances of shapeshifting involved not humans but “nordic” aliens shapeshifting into reptilians. Reptilians have also been known to disguise themselves as “tall greys” and even human military personnel.) Milabs tend to have more experiences with Greys, Nordics, Insectoids and other types of aliens as compared to monarchs. Milabs have been used by both aliens and their military controllers to operate complex technology. Milab Operations Detailed article about military and alien abductions. By James Bartley. (PDF)