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[Religion propagates 'God out there' and 'God as the Group' (See: Krishnamurti), two effective blocks to thinking (priests do that for you), pleasure (Puritanism beings it's height in the West), Knowledge and Spirituality (from books).  In fact religion  is the finest example (also Allopathy) of the mind control powers of groupthink (See: God as the groupStages of spiritual growth).  While you can see through the writing of James W. Prescott how religion causes violence, prostitution and porn, from sexual no-nos (rigid values of monogamy, chastity, and virginity eg by forbidding extramarital and pre-marriage sex 1) and Circumcision, aided and abetted by Atheistic Allopathy (See: Suppression of child health knowledge) with its support and participation in Poisonous pedagogy such as Circumcision (See: Schoen), and Bottle-feeding (See: American Academy of Pediatrics).
    Nothing will ever come out of religion as it is controlled by
Satanists such as the Jesuits and Freemasons, as shown by 33 degree Mason Billy Graham.  (SeePopes Robertson Catholic Priest child abuse)   While they make sure any other spirituality is suppressed by enforcing Atheism as the State religion, through media control and propaganda by the likes of Richard Dawkins (who rubs it in by taking the piss out of the white collar boys).  Any good religious person (eg M. Scott Peck, M.D.) gets drowned out by the Greek Chorus of media promoted atheists, and insipid and/or controlled religious people.]

[Judaism] Israel Shahak

See: Atheism  Billy Graham  Gaia God Richard Dawkins James W. Prescott  Catholic Priest child abuse  Anti-Semite

Devil Worshipping Preacher, Pat Robertson, Shoots Off His Vatican Bought and Paid Off Evil Mouth Again

Satanic Infiltration of Fundamentalist 'Christian' Churches (July 8, 2005)

[2009 July] Reporter feels mob's hate in the Holy City  They might be supremely religious, but their behaviour - to me - was far from charitable or benevolent.....I found myself herded against a brick wall as they kept on spitting - on my face, my hair, my clothes, my arms. It was like rain, coming at me from all directions - hitting my recorder, my bag, my shoes, even my glasses. ....I was later told, it was because using a tape-recorder is itself a desecration of the Shabbat even though I'm not Jewish and don't observe the Sabbath.

Does the Bible command Christians to “give unto evil?” --Anne Wilder Chamberlain