Mind control programmers
Mind control
Appendix I: The Programmers [The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler]
Col. John
Dr. Donald Ewen (Dr White)
Clinton, Hilary
Gottlieb, Sid
Jerry Lee
Mengele, Joseph
(Dr Green)
LIST of PROGRAMMERS (continuation from the list given in Vol. 2)
Stephen Aldrich
Morse Allen
Dr. Charles L. Brown
Col. Campbell
Dr. Cleghon
Hillary Clinton
Jack F. (Uncle Jack) & Jill Coogan
Sen. Alan Cranston
"Gen." Earman
Don Ebner
Dr. Charles Evans
Dr. Tom Fox
Floyd & Mildred Frost & dau. Carol Frost Buls
Dr. George S. Glass
Dr. Goldshe
L. Wilson Greene
Dr. James Hamilton
Dr. Robert G. Heath
Richard Helms
Dr. Paul Hoch
Dr. Hyde
Dr. Korim (sp. not known)
Dr. Lowenstein
Dr. Gary E. Miller
Dr. Moore
Dr. Martin Orne
Dr. Rosenberg
Dr. Woolsworth Russell
Cpt. George White (nickname/cover name Stormy)
Dr. Robert E. White