The Depopulation/genocide
conspiracy articles
[Depopulation is just a front for Human genocide.]
The USDA'S Food Irradiation Plot by Mike Adams US food and health authorities, in league with corporations, are enacting plans to sterilise the fresh food supply with irradiation, thus destroying essential disease-fighting nutrients and promoting a sick society,
[2009 Jan] Fluoride: Now it can be added to our food
Population Reduction In this rather chilling interview about population control, Leuren goes into many areas that highlight what has been going on.
[2008] Combating the Codex Alimentarius by Gregory Damato, PhD Billions of people will suffer from degenerative diseases due to poor nutrition and limited access to health supplements if the powerful global corporations behind the new Codex Alimentarius standards are allowed to “harmonise” the world.
More KBR-Halliburton Fraud: Poisoning US Troops by SUE ARRIGO, MD
[India] 86,922 farmer suicides 2001-05
[2007] Economic globalisation has become a war against nature and poor by Vandana Shiva
[April 2008] Did the Illuminati Exterminate Canadian Indian Children? By Henry Makow Ph.D.
[Oct 2007] Interveiw of Leuren Moret: Wall Street Czars depopulating the World
[2000] Aspartame Murders Infants - Violates Federal Genocide Law By James Bowen, MD
[2007] U.S. Corporations Keeping Biowarfare Work Secret
Dr. Rath Charges Pharma-Cartel and Political Leaders with Genocide (Feb. 14, 2004)
[2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport
Vaccinations Designed To Sterilize Women? by Kjeld Heising
Pharmageddon II: From One Scam to Another By Kjeld Heising
[Dec 2001] The Chemtrail and Flu Vaccine Connection
The Windsor's' Global Food Cartel: Instrument for Starvation by Richard Freeman
[Media June 2004] The licensing of disorder by Melanie Phillips
[2004] The Plot To Kill Us All by John Kaminski
Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population
Parenting with Deadly Timely Propaganda --Dr. Len Horowitz
A History Timeline of Population Control by Robert Howard
The Population Control Agenda Stanley K. Monteith, M.D.
Targets of the Illuminati and the Committee of 300 By Dr. John Coleman.
Eliminate the Useless Eaters by Paula Demers
The Nine Stages of American Autogenocide by Martha Rose Crow, M.S.
[2004] Kenyan Nobel peace laureate claims AIDS virus deliberately created
The Reservation Boarding School System in the United States, 1870 -1928
National Security Study Memorandum 200
[Cancer] How Much Longer Must This Genocide Continue? by Arlin J. Brown
Murdering Blacks with Aspartame! BY JAMES BOWEN, M.D.
Targets of the Illuminati and the Committe of 300 By Dr. John Coleman.
New Evidence of US Germ Warfare Destroys CIA's "Brainwashing" Cover Story
[August 19, 2004 Israel ] Ringworm and Radiation
[Book] We Were Not the Savages by Daniel N. Paul
Jews, Zionists Behind Armenian Genocide
Holocaust By Jack Manuelian
[2005] The Planned,
Organized, Executed Genocide Of Armenians By Jack Manuelian
[2009 July] Obama Science Advisor Called For
“Planetary Regime” To Enforce Totalitarian Population Control Measures Forcibly
and unknowingly sterilizing the entire population by adding infertility drugs to
the nation’s water and food supply. Legalizing “compulsory abortions,” ie
forced abortions carried out against the will of the pregnant women, as is
common place in Communist China where women who have already had one child and
refuse to abort the second are kidnapped off the street by the authorities
before a procedure is carried out to forcibly abort the baby. Implementing
a system of “involuntary birth control,” where both men and women would be
mandated to have an infertility device implanted into their body at puberty and
only have it removed temporarily if they received permission from the government
to have a baby. - Permanently sterilizing people who the authorities deem
have already had too many children or who have contributed to “general social