Plenty of rain in Australia! Time to gift the reef? [Download
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Plenty of rain in Australia! Time to gift the reef?
Over the past few months we've been getting increasing reports of
rain in areas of Australia that have been HAARP-stricken with
drought for several years. We only get bits and pieces of reports
because most of the Ozzie gifters apparently like to do it without a
public profile but it's an impressive accomplishment. I think the
kicker was when someone or several people finally gifted the coastal
HAARP arrays. Several people told me they were making plans to do
it, not long before abundant rain started being reported. The lack
of reports of floods perhaps indicates that there are
enough orgonite cloudbusters distributed in those regions. Hugh
Lovel's been making and selling them, there, for several years and
Francois of has also been making and selling
them, I think. This is in addition to all the homebuilt ones, which
may be the majority.
As best as we can figure, orgonite cloudbusters generously ionize
the atmosphere so that rain is able to penetrate teh soil quickly
instead of running across the top of it. A cloudbuster won't
overcome HAARP arrays' ability to electronically block moisture from
moving inland from the sea, though. Georg Ritschl was the first to
tackle this problem on a grand scale after distributing a score of
orgonite cloudbusters in the Kalahari and busting thousands of
inland death towers and HAARP arrays failed to end that region's
artificial drought. Fortunately, there's plenty of photo
documentation of what's been happening after he and Trevor took out
all of the coastal HAARPies from Mozambique to Cape Town, almost
four years ago.
A couple of months ago Carol had told me she suddenly had a very
graphic, heart wrenching vision in which some dolphins and whales
pleaded with her to make it known that the most pressing ocean
gifting target, right now, is the Great Barrier Reef. She's a
little bit shy, so I'm relaying that information.
I'm hoping that enough of our associates in Oz will take this as a
signal and will go do some of that, or at least get lots and lots of
orgonite into the sea in that region or close to it, so that the
dolphins and whales can quickly distribute it and restore that
murdered reef. Maybe there's a timing factor. If there is, I'm
confident that someone will now take up the challenge. We stopped
trying to second guess The Operators very early on, content to see
how it all unfolds, sooner and later.
Carol, Jeff and I revived Florida's murdered reef with a few
hundred ordinary towerbusters, distributed along a couple hundred of
miles, and apparently a lot of those were even taken elsewhere by
the dolphins. It really doesn't take much orgonite to accomplish
this and the healing happens fast!
Thanks very much for the emailed updates, Australian gifters! You're
doing an exemplary job, smacking down the HAARPies! I think you'll
be very pleased to see what happens to further sweeten your climate
after you also toss thousands of ordinary, inexpensive TBs out for
dolphins to distribute along the Great Barrier Reef. They like it a
lot when we toss a little of the fancy stuff to them during the 3D
exchanges, too, as many of us have discovered, by now.
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 105
Location: Bali
Re: Plenty Of Rain In Australia! Time To Gift The Reef?
I frequently check out the weather satellite images of this region [ ] to see
what’s happening to the moisture and rainfall distribution around
Indonesia and the page includes Australia.
This is the accumulated rainfall for the past two weeks and shows
rather more than in recent months.
It is however the monsoon season but the drought in Australia is a
long-standing phenomenon that appears to be breaking significantly
in spite of HAARP’s best efforts.
I wonder how many of my 2000 TBs dumped off the coast of Bali have
found their way down to the Great Barrier Reef (a further 400 were
dumped from the Java-Bali ferry this week).
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 107
Re: Plenty Of Rain In Australia! Time To Gift The Reef?
That is some very good intel and good news.
I love Australia and have been there 3 times (pre orgonite making
. You would never guess
that the Aussie government makes it the hardest for americans to
Although the last few years it has gotten a lot better, now their
short stay visa can be done online.
I'm going to check this thread again to keep track of how the NOT
drought is doing down under.
#3 23
Dec 2007 23:49
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 105
Location: Bali
Re: Plenty Of Rain In Australia! Time To Gift The Reef?
My post above shows the two-week rain accumulation up to the 21st of
December and this one shows the
one-week rain accumulation up
to tthe 24th of December:
This indicates a marked improvement in the last few days (see my
latest reports on Bali Gifting for possible influences).
The intense rain south of Bali is becoming a persistent feature of
these weather images since the latest batch of 400 TBs were dropped
from the Bali/Java ferry last week; I don't know what's down there
but it looks like the Dolphins hit something significant.
The last remaining drought-stricken area of Australia in the
south-west of the continent marks the location of the huge HAARP
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 105
Location: Bali
Persistent Features.
The 'persistent feature' of the satellite images that I mentioned
above is marked 'A' on this image:
It started as an intense area of rainfall south of Bali and remained
there for days.
It's now turned into a tropical cyclone and has moved south and just
turned west avoiding a direct hit on the coast of Australia at Port
Hedland and seems to be drawing in a lot of the moisture in the area
(much of central Indonesia is cloudy with light rain as is the north
of Australia).
The other 'persistent feature is the intense rain on the north coast
of Australia (marked 'B') which hasn't moved since it formed just
after I dumped the TBs in the Bali Strait.
I shall be keeping an eye on both in the days to come.
The rainfall in the Great Barrier Reef area has also improved and
remained stable throughout this time which suggests that the
Dolphins have recently done some gifting in this area too.
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 105
Location: Bali

Rain Distribution In The Australia Area.
Thi image show the accumulated rainfall in the Australia area for
the last 2 weeks:
As you can see most of the rain has fallen in Indonesia where a lot
of sea-gifting has been done by the Dolphins who have apparently
busted many of the undersea HAARP platforms allowing a healthy
rainfall this year.
Australia continues remarkably dry in spite of the good efforts of
the Aussie gifters and suggests that rather more is needed before
the drought is broken (pity the Kangaroos aren't as good at gifting
as the Dolphins are).
The huge HAARP facility in SW Australia continues to bear visible
influence on the region if anyone feels like ringing it with