The Oil Conspiracy (aka Peak Oil Scam)

[There are vast deposits of oil (1), Peak Oil (it is going to run out) is a lie.  And then they have had free energy (eg Joe Cell), Tesla type technology for decades, probably over a 100 years, after all, they have plenty of silent invisible flying craft they got from various Aliens and the Nazis (see: William Lyne), which sure as hell don't run on oil.  Then numerous inventors have run cars on water, while the Pogue carburettor in 1935 got 130 miles per gallon. (see: Free Energy conspiracy.]

[2007] War and "Peak Oil" Confessions of an ‘ex’ Peak Oil believer by F. William Engdahl

The 'Peak Oil' Put on--Ken Adachi

Lindsey Williams

See: Al Gore  Free Energy conspiracy Global Warming Lie  Suppressed/secret technology

70 (October 12, 2004) Beware the 'Peak Oil' Agenda [See: McGowan, Dave ]
NEWSLETTER 71   November 24, 2004 Belated Election Commentary ... and More Stuff to Piss Off the Peak Oil Crowd  
NEWSLETTER 73  October 23, 2005 Katrina, Eugenics and 'Peak Oil'
74 (October 23, 2005) Katrina, Eugenics and 'Peak Oil,' Pt. 2

Russia Proves "Peak Oil" is a Scam, by Joe Vialls. Scientists like Thomas Gold discovered oil is being created in unlimited quantities twelve miles beneath the earth. Russia is now making billions off that knowledge.

The Peak Oil Scam  "By now you must have heard the term “peak oil.” It’s a current and excellent example of how we are conditioned by mainstream news outlets. It’s not that the electronic and print media outlets have their own agenda, rather, these outlets are merely the pipeline (excuse the pun) through which the global elites pump their propaganda."

Lindsey Williams - The Energy Non-Crisis - Part 1 of 8