Neoconservative movement

The Neoconservative movement, a right-wing political philosophy that emerged in the United States and now has considerable influence over President George W. Bush, is essentially a Jewish movement with Jewish-Zionist interests at its core.  This has been well documented by the recent publication of Jacob Heilbrunn’s They Knew They Were Right: The Rise of The Neocons.  “After all, it is quite true that while not all neoconservatives are Jews,” the American political scientist points out, “the majority of neoconservatives were, and are, Jewish; it is also true that they tend to propose foreign policy goals that support and favor Israel.”
...But even more importantly, Heilbrunn notes that the Holocaust was a Neoconservative “justification” for the US invasion of Iraq.
.... “In the end, the neoconservatives adduced a number of reasons justifying war against [Iraqi dictator] Saddam [Hussein]. Their moralism stemmed less from imperial dreams than from something else—a firm belief in America’s role as the only bulwark against a second Holocaust.  As Jews, they (and their Catholic conservative allies) were haunted by the memory that the Allies had not stopped the Holocaust—and they strongly believed that it was America’s obligation to act preemptively to avert another one.” [2008] The Holocaust as an Ideological Danger by Paul Grubach