[Nazism was Satanic (Adolph Hitler read Madame Blavatsky's book, The Secret Doctrine, nightly), kept secret by Churchill. Most Nazis were pederasts as revealed in The Pink Swastika, a sign of Satanism, along with Human Sacrifice & Genocide. The swastika was a German symbol for BAAL. Nazism was created by the British (see: Hallett) and American Illuminati (their eugenics' programme was funded by Rockefeller, as revealed by Edwin Black), the only difference between the Nazis and Americans like Rockefeller and Bush was the nice uniforms the German's got to wear.]
See: Nazi list Holocaust revisionism
Quotes by Nazis
Quotes re Hitler
connections to Allopathy
Nazi killing of civilians
CIA Nazi connections
Myth of Hitler/Nazi extermination of homosexuals
The Nazi Flu By Dr. Leonard Horowitz
Henry Ford and the
Photo of the auto pioneer being awarded the Nazis' highest honor—with a personal
message from Hitler
I provide hard, documented
evidence of the direct involvement of ex-Nazis at the very highest levels of
NASA. 2) I provide documented evidence of the direct
ties between military intelligence personnel, the Army Intelligence agency, and
the Monroe Institute, a New Age sacred cow for many people.
3) I provide documented evidence of the sort of electronic mind control
technologies that are now available -- like a patent that permits the direct,
electronic transmission of voices into the human auditory cortex via pulsed
microwaves. 4) I talk about the kundalini -- the
natural, cosmic, supremely powerful spiritual power that is in all human beings.
5) And, I talk about the out-of-body phenomenon.
Too 'Conspiratorial' For Strieber! Shunned by
Dreamland By Richard Sauder, Ph.D.
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
By Antony C. Sutton
By Antony C. Sutton
Who Financed Hitler by James Pool and Suzanne Pool
The Hitler Book Edited by Helga
Zepp-La Rouche
The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams.
The Hitler Book: The Secret Report by His Two Closest
Aides by Matthias Uhl, Henrik Eberle
Hitler was a British Agent by Greg Hallett
Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust by Charles Patterson
Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons and the Cold War Allied Legend by Joseph Farrell
Of Pure Blood by Marc Hillel and Clarissa Henry
Hitler's Jewish Soldiers The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military by Bryan Mark Rigg Contrary to conventional views, Rigg reveals that a startlingly large number of German military men were classified by the Nazis as Jews or "partial-Jews" (Mischlinge), in the wake of racial laws first enacted in the mid-1930s. Rigg demonstrates that the actual number was much higher than previously thought--perhaps as many as 150,000 men, including decorated veterans and high-ranking officers, even generals and admirals.
[1983] TRADING WITH THE ENEMY: An Exposé of The Nazi-American Money-Plot 1933-1949 by Charles Higham in 1942 Standard Oil of New Jersey managers shipped the enemy's fuel through neutral Switzerland and that the enemy was shipping Allied fuel? Suppose the public had discovered that the Chase Bank in Nazi-occupied Paris after Pearl Harbor was doing millions of dollars' worth of business with the enemy with the full knowledge of the head office in Manhattan? Or that Ford trucks were being built for the German occupation troops in France with authorization from Dearborn, Michigan? Or that Colonel Sosthenes Behn, the head of the international American telephone conglomerate ITT, flew from New York to Madrid tot Berne during the war to help improve Hitler's communications systems and improve the robot bombs that devastated London? Or that ITT built the Focke-Wulfs that dropped bombs on British and American troops? Or that crucial ball bearings were shipped to Nazi-associated customers in Latin America with the collusion of the vice-chairman of the U.S. War Production Board in partnership with Göring's cousin in Philadelphia when American forces were desperately short of them? Or that such arrangements were known about in Washington and either sanctioned or deliberately ignored?