['Ex'-Nazi Wernher von Braun headed NASA.]

See: Moon Mars UFO (Man made)

Wagging the Moondoggie  by Dave McGowan

[2007] Secret American Military Space Program?  by Linda Moulton Howe

As I grew older, by the time I was five, I was being taken to military bases in and out of California and officials there were programming me, and later, doctors at UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute in California, and places where there were NASA installations - I was also programmed. .... Hypnosis was always used in conjunction with drugs, and often when I was at military bases or NASA installations, it was used in conjunction with a very sophisticated chair and instruments that went over my head - I was given electroshock and hypnotic commands with drugs that they know are very useful in allowing that hypnotic command to go deeper than the subconscious mind.
    A lot of that was being sat in a chair that looked like the NASA space chairs, where I would be strapped in. A lot of the equipment that I imagine was used by the astronauts was used on me. A lot of the spinning, the weightlessness, being put into sensory deprivation tanks........But people do name a lot of the same military bases and I will just say for myself and my daughter were programmed heavily at Point ______ Naval Base where they had dolphin tanks in research, and there were places at Edwards Air Force Base and all sorts of different locations. But I think our commonalities are that we are all naming either major medical hospitals where arms of different medical research projects were done, or military bases, or NASA stations ... it's an organized pictures. It's not just some little satanic cult operating here and there. It's all very organized. Interview: Brice Taylor (Sue Ford)

Kleinknecht was National Director of NASA during the Moon Flights when lots of mind-control programming was being done by both the Masonic lodges and NASA. C. Fred Kleinknecht was not only director of NASA but the Sec. General of the Scottish Rite 33°.12: SCIENCE No. 12-EXTERNAL CONTROLS Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

I provide hard, documented evidence of the direct involvement of ex-Nazis at the very highest levels of NASA. 2) I provide documented evidence of the direct ties between military intelligence personnel, the Army Intelligence agency, and the Monroe Institute, a New Age sacred cow for many people. 3) I provide documented evidence of the sort of electronic mind control technologies that are now available -- like a patent that permits the direct, electronic transmission of voices into the human auditory cortex via pulsed microwaves. 4) I talk about the kundalini -- the natural, cosmic, supremely powerful spiritual power that is in all human beings. 5) And, I talk about the out-of-body phenomenon.  Too 'Conspiratorial' For Strieber! Shunned by Dreamland By Richard Sauder, Ph.D.

Astronaut Edwin "BUZZ" Aldrin, 33° Mason, presents the Scottish Rite flag carried to the moon on Apollo 11 in 1969 to Masonic Grand Commander Luther A. Smith (from the book, Lodge of the Doubleheaded Eagle, by William L. Fox, University of Arkansas Press, 1997).