MILABS (Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction )

See: James Bartley   Dr. Karla Turner Barbara Bartholic  Leah A. Haley  {Dead link referring to Alien Jigsaw deleted.} Helmut Lammer, Ph.D.

[2009] A Primer on Military Abductions By James Bartley

[1999] MILAB Research Ruffles Feathers by Helmut_Lammer, Ph.D.

John Alexander on MILABs and response by Alex Constantine

Quantum Manipulations by Occult Fraternities:  The Montauk Project Phase Two by Sierra Peterson


[pdf] Masquerade of Angels by Dr. Karla Turner
[c.1994] Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda by Dr. Karla Turner
[pdf] Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda  by Dr. Karla Turner

THE CONTROLLERS by Martin Cannon. Are UFO abductions a cover-up for CIA mind control experiments and the MKULTRA program?


Lost Was the Key by Leah A. Haley


Ultimate Alien Agenda: The Re-Engineering of Humankind by James L. Walden (au); Barbara Bartholic (fr) ISBN: 156718779X

[1999] MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abductions by Dr. Helmut Lammer

{Dead link referring to Alien Jigsaw deleted.}
{Dead link referring to The Alien Jigsaw Researcher’s Supplement deleted.}
{Dead link referring "I Forgot What I Wasn’t Supposed To Remember: An Expanded View Of The Alien Abduction Phenomenon" by "The Alien Jigsaw" deleted.}
{Dead link referring "Project Open Mind (MILABS): Are Some Alien Abductions Government Mind Control Experiments?" by "The Alien Jigsaw" deleted.}

External links
Milab Operations Detailed article about military and alien abductions. By James Bartley. (PDF)
MILABS: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction By Dr. Helmut Lammer And Marion Lammer

Mentioned in "Project MILAB" by Dr. Helmut Lammer

Preliminary findings of Project-MILAB: Evidence for military kidnappings of alleged UFO-abductees by Dr. Helmut Lammer Ph.D

Interview with a Recovered MILAB from Reptilian/Drac Control by Eve Lorgen 2006

Alien Abduction Files

Well, these accounts, of which we have literally thousands upon thousands, are so extraordinarily similar. To start with, in the sequence of events, Robert -- Edward Bulwark, who's a folklorist, has broken down these various accounts into separate units of what happens, and has found out that not only are the same things reported again and again, but they're reported in the same sequence. Which is very, very different, obviously, from a fantasy or a whatever. And the details are so incredibly similar. Which I am stunned by every time I interview somebody. The power of these accounts, or the emotional resources behind them, where people are really extremely upset and going into it -- which is not the kind of thing one finds behind a fantasy -- the power of that, mixing with the fact that the accounts are so similar around the world, again, supported by the evidence in all the cases. You know, if somebody said the UFO came down in the yard there, where that tree is, you might look at it and find a broken tree branch, or several of them broken from the top down. That sort of thing. The background is always supported there. Which, of course, doesn't happen with a fantasy. It only happens with reality. And the evidence is absolutely there in every case. And, of course, you don't get in fantasies or imaginary experiences this -- the fact that everyone is remembering the same thing the same way. And you have multiple -- many multiple abductions. INTERVIEW WITH BUDD HOPKINS -- AUTHOR, ABDUCTEE RESEARCHER