John McCain

John McCain: Is He Still a Manchurian Candidate?  by RAYELAN ALLEN (RUMOR MILL NEWS)

[2008] How war hero John McCain betrayed the Vietnamese peasant who saved his life

[2008] The three Stooges go to Washington  By Don Nicoloff

John McCain: War Hero or Go-To Collaborator?

John McCain: Privlidged 'War Hero', Liar, Colloborator, Traitor - Part 1 (Feb. 8, 2008)

John McCain, Rothschild Puppet, Zionist Warmonger

The three Stooges go to Washington  By Don Nicoloff

Who Is John McCain?

Will the USS Liberty haunt McCain?

Rick Renzi, McCain's AZ Campaign Co-Chairman, Indicted on Land Deal Corruption Charges

Phil Gramm: Corporate Prostitute in Residence