Lucifer quotes

The initiation into the light of Lucifer is achieved by sodomy of the three year old. However, if that person does not follow through, he can become a dud -- he doesn’t go anywhere, so he hasn’t really risen to any rank within the movement of the body of the Illuminati. They have certain degrees associated with being a high-level Illuminati -- you wouldn’t get there simply by being initiated as a three year old. The initiation of the three year old is the beginning requirement of someday rising up into the ranks of a group that is considered to be the Illuminati. A lot of people think of the Illuminati as being a political group of people, but in another sense it’s a brotherhood of sodomites that’s like family. Deprogrammer Interview with Marion Knox: In the House of the Strongman, Sodomy is the Key - by Elana Freeland

(Lucifer) He's a very beautiful being and was at one time a higher angel. He's a powerful being. (Lucifer task is) to enthuse humans and make them progress. But he's always trying to do everything too soon. Lucifer inspires and brings things to mankind which leads them on. He brings important things from out of the spiritual world and transforms them to human abilities. When seen in this light he's very helpful to mankind. Through their deeds, the powers of evil are making a great sacrifice in the background. This aspect of theirs has always to be kept in mind. But that doesn't mean finding everything the powers of evil achieve good......On the one hand there are Luciferic beings, who bind themselves to sense impressions and can inflame and enthuse humans. When humans, especially young people, become highly excited or go into ecstasy through music concerts, then that's connected with the little red, hot devils, the Luciferic ones, which slip into the human with the appropriate sense perceptions. When perceiving with the eyes or perceiving something intellectually, dark beings slip into the human. Nature Spirits and What They Say: Interviews with Verena Stael Von Holstein by Wolfgang Weirauch

"Various high-level Satanists who have escaped from the Illuminati by God's power were eyewitnesses to Satan appearing at the Rothchilds. They testified they witnessed Satan showing up at the Rothchilds as a very beautiful man who can shape shift, (at times his feet would be cloven hoofs). He wears a black tuxedo to gamble and play cards (winnings are sexual victims) & a white tuxedo when present just to socialize. He can also shape shift into a reptilian. As a sincere researcher, I must report that lots of info. about shape shifting reps has confronted me in so many independent places in such a wide variety of historical periods that this bizarre topic must have some importance. I've withheld my findings for years, because I feel quite tentative about my results. David Icke gives details of this strange topic & his bold views in The Biggest Secret." - Fritz Springmeier (Bloodlines of the Illuminati).

Luciferians like Rothschild, Lenin and Hitler still control the planet and intend to enslave humanity. I'm afraid that this will become increasingly evident. I pray I am wrong. This is a debate I want to lose. Did Rothschild Write The Protocols of Zion ? By Henry Makow Ph.D (September 21, 2003)

Satanism and Luciferianism and other similar cults are blood cults that require blood to be sacrificed to pull in certain demons.  For instance, blood may be taken from both the tongue and the genital area and mixed in a certain ceremony to invoke a particular demon. Demons are not bought with gold or silver, they are bought with blood. Some spirits are invoked by placing alcoholic enemas into the child. These children get totally intoxicated with alcohol, some to the point that they even die from the ceremony. This is all done to bring in particular demons.  The Spirit Choronzon and Typhon are critical spirits to place into a person for the Mind-Control to work. The Illuminati Formula 10. Spiritual Control Techniques, Possession, Trances, Etc. A. Using spiritual principles against a person

In the Egyptian mystery schools Lucifer was seen as the brightest and best among Gods angels or messengers to earth. Lucifer gave mankind the tools he needed to cast off the dark cloaks of ignorance and climb the ladder to enlightenment and finally return to God. Lucifer, the "light bearer" was seen as the source of enlightenment, according to the early doctrines of Illuminized Freemasonry. His fall from grace came after these teachings. THE ART OF GLOBAL POLITICS BY GUNTHER K. RUSSBACHER

Lucifer is a wonderful being.  I’ve seen him, personally.  I’ve faced him, personally.  And he’s not red, with a long tail and horns!  But nevertheless—he is a Master of deception, a Master of lying! If you say Lucifer is all bad, you’re wrong.  He’s a good example of what’s all bad!  The Creator, what a kick, I love the way the Creator works.  Lucifer can’t get anywhere except by conning you. People say: “Oh, the devil made me do it.”  Or “The devil’s on my back.”
    No, not if they see it right.  There is no bad, it is only how you comprehend it and look at it.  I’m not saying that my grandchild being tortured and raped is not a bad event.  But I look at it even different beyond that:  It is simply a test to watch if you can grow past the rock, pebble, or mountain put in your spiritual path to grow.
   There is no bad.  It is only how you look at bad.  The Creator allows these things to happen, hoping that you will realize that it is a rock, a pebble, or mountain in your path, and that you will overcome it, and get stronger in love, His Love, true love, purity love, and just keep going up that path.
   He wants you to learn to go around, over, or under that large boulder that’s been placed there by Lucifer.  In short, He’s using Lucifer, and Lucifer’s conning you, thinking that it’s Him doing it, as Lucifer; and it is, but you’re supposed to be conned into thinking that you cannot surmount that stone, which you CAN!  He’s conned you into thinking that you can’t.
   And I’ll guarantee you: a man who lays down gets up a lot slower than a man who falls down.  And we all fall, we all fail.  But the guy who falls down, gets up quick, and he starts attacking that stone.  In time, in time, as you grow, that rock will only make you falter, as you walk through it.  You no longer have to go around it, above it, or under it.  You grow so spiritually strong, it just holds you there for a few moments.  And you just say: “Ah, come on, this is just an illusion; this is meant to slow me down from growing spiritually, to Dad, and in Dad.”  And I’m just going to have to bypass it.  I’m going to bypass it this time by walking through it!  And when you get to that stage in your life, in your spiritual growth, boy, I tell you, it’s fun.  And you get bigger and bigger rocks thrown there.
    Yeah, but it makes you grow stronger and stronger and stronger.  And then the world looks at you and says: “How could you laugh at that terrible thing that happened to you?” ......he’s the number-two man.  But when you say Satan, you’re thinking Lucifer, automatically. (2) You cannot be Satan, but you can be satanic; (3) you cannot be Christ, but you can be Christ-like. Red Elk

"The Jesuit General, and the other high Jesuit Generals, they are sorcerers. They are Luciferians, and they worship what they would call Lucifer. They do not believe in Satan. They believe in Lucifer."---The Black Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps
