Lockerbie (December 21, 1988 Pan Am Flight 103)
[back] Plane crashes

"The covert operators that I ran with would blow up a 747 with 300 people to kill one person. They are total sociopaths with no conscience whatsoever." -- Former Pentagon CID Investigator Gene Wheaton

[Media may 2000] Lockerbie: CIA witness gagged by US government  One month before a court order was served on him by the US government gagging him from speaking on the grounds of national security, he spoke to US congressional aide Susan Lindauer, telling her he knew the identities of the Lockerbie bombers and claiming they were not Libyan.

[2008] Lockerbie Evidence Called into Question

This serves as an alternative to some of the recent elaborate plane crashes, involving the deaths of hundreds of innocent people, which have been arranged to disguise the murder of the one or more people aboard who were the real targets. Mae Brussell INSIDE THE HEARST KIDNAPPING

Dean Warwick (R.I.P.) on 9/11 demolition, Bobby Kennedy assassination, abduction and ritual murder of children, and the shoot-down of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie (about 45 mins in.  "That plane was shot down."), Tsunami (52 mins), Whales beaching (53 mins).
In the taped interview with Dave Starbuck, he also revealed how and why seven survivors at Lockerbie were allowed to die from hypothermia. The reason, he said, was that the survivors knew that a terrorist bombing did not bring down Pam Am Flight 103, which went down in 1988 killing 270 passengers and crew. They were allowed to die, said Dean, because they knew that a missile not a bomb brought down the Jumbo jet and had they lived, would have been able to testify to this.

The Zionist Lockerbie Scam by Joe Vialls

Susan Lindauer -- Reporter Held Political Prisoner to Cover Up U.S. Genocide in Iraq

Former White House Chief Of Staff Andy Card's Cousin Released After Being Jailed for One Year For Having Information "No WMD Existed In Iraq.   “She had information it wasn’t Libyan terrorists as claimed by the U.S. and Israeli governments, but actually Syrians in complicity with the CIA who placed the bomb on the plane,” said Bilk Friday

Evidence Points To The Mossad Orchestrating Lockerbie

Jim Swire