Lemurian crystals

[EW Nov 2007] Cloudbuster Modification   

Carol noticed, early,  that it's better to leave the crystals in the pipes exposed rather than encase them in resin.  I had wanted to encase the crystals in resin in the pipes because it just seemed reasonable to do that.   Only a few kinds of crystals won't need replacing in a CB, by the way: Lemurian seed crystals, diamante crystals(?) and maybe some others.   Encasing a crystal in orgonite ensures that it won't 'run out of energy' but it also apparently makes it unsuitable for the cloudbuster pipe.

An example of that, in an email I got today, is the question of whether or not to encase crystals in the cloudbusters' pipes in resin.  I hadn't thought about it in years because we simply don't do that in our cloudbusters but Carol had an interesting experience with that just last week, when making her pyramids.
    Its no secret that she uses Lemu crystals in them. When she can't get Lemurian seed crystals she uses diamantina crystals, which also have the same 'offworld' characteristic higher ring that Lemus have.  On one of the pyramids she cast last week the Lemu's point sticks out the top because the resin didn't completely soak the copper bits in the apex of the pyramid. She was bummed at first,  then liked the feel of the  pyramid and crystal so much that she kept it for the house.
    Lemurian crystals are the only ones she advises leaving partly exposed when sitting in orgonite because she says that these can't be 'hijacked' the way just about any other crystal in that position apparently can be.  She doesn't know whether a diamantina crystal has this characteristic but I'm sure she could find out  through  experimentation.

We've used our half-scale cloudbuster productively for a couple of years. It's loaded with gems, a Cesco coil, Lemus in the pipes and has a grand Succor Punch in the middle of the pipe lenghts that's made with a larger Lemu xtal bound by an extral big mobius coil to an obsidian spear point.  This is an interactive cloudbuster and pretty soon I'm going  to add a small solar panel to it so I don't have to change the battery any more and I'll keep it outside with the other  two cloudbusters,  here at the airfield, so I can get more flying days this winter