Large gas chambers
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[The existence of these large gas chambers is awkward for the Holocaust story, as common sense would tell you if they had really wanted to gas large numbers of people they would driven cattle trucks into them, gassed them, and then driven them to large crematories or mass graves.  Pulling millions of people out of small rooms, some underground, is hard work, not to mention the gas hazards for the workers.
    They would have put them underground so no one could see them.]

Typhus and the Jews


 The following photos show that the Germans were able to build gigantic gas chambers and even that they were already available. This technology was therefore nothing new for them.

(68) Tunnel with open door. Note the train carriage. The door, which could be hermetically sealed, hung from a drawbridge and was placed before the entrance to the tunnel by means of an electrical motor.

(69) This show the interior of a tunnel-shaped gas chamber equipped with rails, with enough space for several train carriages.

(70) Tunnel with door closed.

(71) Background of a tunnel installation in Budapest. Note the apparatus to bring the gas into circulation and exhaust it after the gassing operation.


(73) This tunnel was located in Budapest. Note the exhaust pipes in the background. The claim is made that the Germans deported nearly 450,000