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What Would The Tuskegee Victims Say?

By Helmut Lammer, Ph.D.

Everybody who is following the continuing debate about my research into alleged military involvement in the alien abduction phenomenon - so called MILAB cases, know which people are trying to ridicule this research and our book MILABS! which is now available in the United States, [1] and of course me.[2,3,4] I will not respond to all articles in the future which attack my research or my reputation since I believe it is more important for me to use my time for things which are more meaningful and important.

I find it interesting that the skeptics are now claiming that their responses address only my MILAB cases. This is important to know, since I do not "own" MILAB abductees and some of these people have also been investigated by other researchers like Budd Hopkins, or researchers related to the MUFON Abduction Transcription Project, etc. It is not my problem if the well known abduction researchers have ignored such cases in their research articles and books. Second, there are more MILAB abductees which have been investigated by professional therapists and psychiatrists than the few which are known via the Internet. Therefore, the skeptic's statement is complete nonsense.

Another interesting aspect of their criticism is that they are attempting to convince their readers that my research concentrates only on tracking devices and implants, and that I claim that all MILAB abductees are implanted with tracking devices. This is certainly not the case. It is correct that there are "some" MILAB cases where evidence indicates that the abductees were implanted with a terrestrial device. It is well known in research areas such as zoology and medicine, that such devices have been in use for a long time.[5]

Mossad's Implant Technology

Recently, there have been many newspaper articles in Europe about an implant with satellite tracking applications which was developed by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad. This implant is now available from a private firm in Italy. Since the skeptics read the MUFON UFO Journal, they should know about this since there was a short article regarding this implant technology in the November 1998 issue. It is also common knowledge that this "commercially" available implant does not contain the latest state of the art "military" or "black project" technology.

I agree with the skeptics that older implants would be easy to detect on x-rays and MRIs because they are relatively large. I am aware of cases where the subjects have x-rays, MRIs and medical statements from independent doctors, where everybody can see that they were implanted with such devices. Interestingly however, nobody will remove their implants![6,7]

Very interesting is the claim by the skeptics that the proposed MILAB projects fail a simple test in common sense, since there is just no reason to conduct such experiments and the alleged victims are not extremely intelligent, for example, no Noble laureate is involved.[4]

It is known from declassified CIA-MKULTRA subproject No. 94 documents, that the CIA experimented with miniaturized electrode implants 30 years ago! The purpose of subproject No. 94 was:[8]

"1. The purpose of this subproject is to provide a continuation of activities in selected species of animals. Miniaturized stimulating electrode implants in specific brain center areas will be utilized.

2. Initial biological work on techniques and brain locations essential to providing conditioning and control of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated...The ultimate objective of this research is to provide an understanding of the mechanisms involved in the directional control of animals and to provide practical systems suitable for (censored) application."

There has been a long standing interest in implant research for mind and behavior control purposes. Since there is also evidence in the form of a declassified research proposal of MKULTRA subproject No. 94 [9] that selected elements of the techniques developed under this project were applicable to humans, one can speculate that some of the before mentioned cases may have been used in such experiments. If one reviews the known MKULTRA subprojects from documents which have been released via the FOIA, one will find many projects where outsiders claim there is no reason for doing this. However, some people decided there were good reasons.[10]

Tuskegee Experiments

The skeptics claim that a reason for the former unwise government experiments like the cold war radiation experiments, MKULTRA, Tuskegee, etc. could be made (of course not for MILABS), although Alexander writes that he does not make excuses or apologies for these experiments. "In Tuskegee, doctors wanted to determine how Syphilis would progress if left untreated."[4] I will not comment on such statements about the former illegal unethical cold war experiments, because I believe they speak for themselves.

In the so-called Tuskegee experiments, hundreds of African-Americans were subjected to sexually transmitted diseases while the experimenters withheld appropriate medication that could have cured their disease. The medication was not administered in order to continue to collect information on the disease's degenerative effects. Beginning in 1932, the "Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male" subjected 412 African-American sharecroppers who had contracted syphilis to 40 years of monitoring aimed at documenting the effects of the disease. All of the victims were permitted to pass through the various chronic stages of illness, suffering from long-term disabilities such as blindness, paralysis, dementia and eventually premature death, even well after penicillin was found to be a highly effective treatment.[11]

I would be very interested to know what the Tuskegee survivors would have to say today knowing that scientists from a secret agency conducted a risk-benefit analysis and chose to proceed in this experiment.

No "Nobel Laureates" Experimented On

Interestingly, only black Americans were used in this experiment. There were no "Nobel laureates" or persons of publicly acclaimed accomplishments used in this nazi-style-project. The reason for this is they used people who were social and political outsiders of the time. Tuskegee is a very good example where one can see why it is better to use the average "nobody," minorities and poor people for covert or secret unethical experiments, as opposed to lawyers, academics and Nobel laureate's, etc.

I agree that some of the people who claim that they hear voices and are used in secret experiments or are abducted by aliens, are paranoid or are experiencing delusions or may be mentally ill. However, I also believe there are some people who are not! Therefore, I believe it would be logical to use natural phenomena, strange psychological phenomena, unexplained and generally ridiculed phenomena as a cover for top secret experiments.

Alien Abductions as a "Cover"

How easy such a cover would work is evident from the present discussion and statements by the skeptics. They claim that these people are crazy and are experiencing hallucinations or what have you. If this is really going on then the skeptics are right: "That is human, not alien intervention."[4] An alien cover would be excellent. If alleged victims were to go to the police as the skeptics suggest and tell them that people in military uniforms experimented on them and the police officer learns that the person has also claimed alien abduction experiences, the victim would be immediately ridiculed.

On the other hand, there are also MILAB cases which point in a different direction. These are cases where it seems to me that the military is involved, or their officers believe that "some alien abductions" may be a true, unexplained phenomena. These are cases where it does not seem they would use the abduction phenomenon as a cover for secret experiments, but rather, would like to know what is really going on in alien abduction cases. Another possibility is it could be that these military units are involved in pseudo-alien abductions in order to propagate an alien threat. Of course, this is speculation and more data is needed.

Double Standard for Reporting Unusual Phenomena

The MILAB skeptics claim that one can see from my research that I lack an understanding of technical knowledge; the ability to completely analyze information, political science, military science, budget and finance, organizational sociology and psychology and psychiatry. I can only say that I trust NASA's cameras and my scientific knowledge more than the stories of the former military remote viewers who are good friends and former colleagues of the skeptics; and who have also claimed during public meetings and in magazine articles that they remote viewed Martians, artificial structures on the Martian surface, machines under the surface of Mars, the disappearance of the Russian Phobos 2 probe and other nonsense.[12]

I exposed some of this nonsense in the peer reviewed border science Journal, "Journal of Scientific Exploration."[13] Why were the MILAB skeptics quiet as their friends, former colleagues, etc. delivered mental food for their estimated 10 million people who suffer from paranoid delusions, unreal entities, voices, bedroom-related visions and hypnagogic experiences?

For the fields of knowledge where I have no immediate training myself e.g. psychiatry, military science, etc. I make a habit out of consulting with experienced professionals with many years of experience in these fields. The opinions I present in my books and articles may have more weight than these skeptics want to believe.

By Helmut_Lammer, Ph.D. Copyright 1999


[1] Lammer, Helmut, and Lammer, Marion: MILABS!: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction, Illuminetpress, USA, 1999.

[2] Alexander, Victoria: "MILABS
" MUFON UFO Journal, February 1997.

[3] Alexander, Victoria: What Would Freud Say", CAUS, on-line newsletter, March 1999.

[4] Alexander, John: John Alexander on MILABS
, http://www.konformist.com, April 1999.

[5] Savages, Science and citations of Brain-Computer Technology: A compilation of 25 scientific papers concerning research in brain-computer interface, and bio-medical microelectronic implants, Gruppen P.O. Box 136, 114 79 Stockholm, Sweden.

[6] Naeslund, Robert: Branded by the Security Police, Gruppen P.O. Box 136, 114 79 Stockholm, Sweden.

[7] Jones, Janine: Implant Victim Seeks Help, 1/66 Robinson Avenue, Holdens Bay, Rotorua, New Zealand.

[8] Memorandum for the record: Subject: Project MKULTRA, Subproject No. 94, 22. November, 1961; declassified FOIA released document concerning brain telemetry studies on animals.

[9] Research Proposal for MKULTRA, Subproject No. 94, declassified FOIA released document.

[10] Memorandum for the Director of Central Intelligence: Subject: Report of Inspection of MKULTRA, 26. July, 1963; declassified FOIA released documents.

[11] Sklar, Morton: Torture in the United States, World Organization Against Torture USA, Suite 400,1015 18th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036, E-mail: msklar@igc.apc.org, 1998.

[12] Stubblebine, Albert, N. III (Retired Major-General, INSCOM): "Remote viewing and the psychic intelligence agents," Talk at the International Symposium on UFO Research, May, 1992; also in: Nexus magazine, August-September, 1994. Major Ed Dames and other former military remote viewer claimed at various books, conferences etc. that they remote viewed Martians, artificial structures, the disappearance of the Phobos 2 space craft and other scientific nonsense.

[13] Lammer, Helmut: "Atmospheric mass loss on Mars and the Consequences for the Cydonian Hypothesis and Martian life forms," Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10:3, 1996.
