
[2009 jan] Katyn: The Story Hollywood Won't Tell by Henry Makow Ph.D.

KATYN: How the Soviets Manufactured 'War Crime' Documents (translation of USSR-54) by C.W.Porter

"This committee unanimously finds... that the Soviet NKVD committed the mass murders of the Polish officers and intellectual leaders in the Katyn Forest... there has not been... even any remote circumstantial evidence presented that could indict any other nation in this international crime. It is an established fact that approximately 15,000 Polish prisoners were interned in three Soviet camps: Kozielsk, Starobielsk, and Ostashkov in the winter of 1939-40. With the exception of 400 prisoners, these men have not been heard from... since the spring of 1940...."
U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee to Investigate the Facts, The Katyn Forest Massacre: Final Report. Issued 22 December 1952.

"Polish President Wojciech Jaruzelski went to the Katyn Forest yesterday and paid tribute to the thousands of Polish army officers killed and buried there by the Soviet Union's secret police during World War II. His visit came one day after the Soviet government reversed nearly 50 years of official denial and admitted committing the massacre. The Soviet Union had long blamed Nazi Germany. ... The Soviet Union on Friday admitted that the NKVD, Stalin's feared secret police, was responsible for the murders."
"Soviets admit WWII massacre of Poles" Associated Press, April 1990

Porter reminds readers that at Nuremberg the Soviets introduced reams of so-called evidence purporting to demonstrate that it was the Germans, not Stalins's henchmen in the secret police, who murdered over 4,000 Polish prisoners at Katyn, near Smolensk. As the author points out, an official Soviet stamp sufficed to make false affidavits, phoney confessions, faked forensic reports and the like "evidence" admissible at Nuremberg under Articles 19 and 21 of the London Agreement of August 8, 1945, in which the Allied lawyers devised the rules which would bind judges and defense attorneys at the forthcoming "trial." Americans, Britons, and Frenchmen currently gloating over Soviet discomfiture at the recent insistence of the Polish regime on finally laying the blame for Katyn where it belongs should recall that the Western Allies said not a public word at Nuremberg to challenge the Soviet "evidence" on Katyn (the judges quietly glossed over the Red charges by omitting them from their verdict).
    It is the special service of Made in Russia: The Holocaust to remind readers that the same Soviet stamp which converted the fake Katyn reports into admissible evidence at Nuremberg also provided proof of the extermination of millions of Jews at Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, and elsewhere. As Porter emphasizes, physical and forensic evidence for the Holocaust was never introduced, nor is there any reason whatsoever to imagine it ever existed. All we have is a handful of "testimonies," and "confessions," and the reports of a number of Soviet or Soviet-controlled "investigative" commissions. If there was a Soviet Fred Leuchter, we have yet to hear from him (and probably never will). The same Red prosecutors who framed the victims of Stalin's purges at the Moscow show trials, and sent millions of innocents to their deaths in our gallant Soviet ally's Gulag archipelago, are the chief source for the vaunted Nuremberg evidence of the "Holocaust."
    Porter provides numerous examples of prosecution tactics, usually allowed by the judges, which would make hanging judge Roy Bean, or even Neal Sher, blanche. He points out that the prosecution made it difficult, if not impossible, for the defense lawyers to have timely access to the documents introduced into evidence by the prosecution; that "photocopies" and "transcripts" were almost invariably submitted in evidence by the prosecution instead of the original German documents, which in very many cases seem today to have disappeared; that the defendants rarely were able to confront their accusers, since "affidavits" from witnesses who had been deposed months or even weeks before sufficed; etc., etc., etc. Porter, Carlos W. Made in Russia: The Holocaust. Reviewed by Ted O'Keefe