"In the mind of these many more millions of Americans, a new syllogism
began to take shape: if they lied about why they went to war in Afghanistan and
they lied about why they went to war in Iraq, how stupid would Americans have to
be to believe what they said about 9/11?"
Government's 911 Coverup Falling Apart
By John Kaminski <skylax@comcast.net>
Dec. 20, 2003
Even phony Kean commission concedes something wrong with the official story.
"If what I say is right, the whole U.S. government should end up behind
--Andreas von Bulow
To most Americans, the first inkling that something was wrong with the
official story of the 9/11 catastrophe occurred about a year after the event,
when President Bush resisted setting up a panel to investigate the events of
that dark day.
Why would he not want to investigate the greatest crime in American history?
many wondered. Then, he badly underfunded it. Then, he tried to name infamous
power broker Henry Kissinger to head it. Since then, Bush has stonewalled a
committee of his own choosing, one stacked with political functionaries that is
ill-equipped to conduct either a police or forensic investigation " and, perhaps
most revealing, one that accepted the government's version of who the guilty
parties were before they examined any evidence!
To date, there has never been anything revealed to the public about how the
U.S. government KNOWS that Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda were the actual
perpetrators of 9/11.
Today, millions of Americans realize - simply from watching thousands of cop
shows on TV - that the one most interested in covering up a crime is the one
most likely to have committed it. Many more millions also realize that the
foremost beneficiaries of the attacks and mass killings of 9/11 are the same
people who are now waging wars that are based on some very suspicious
rationalizations, most of which since have been exposed as outright lies.
Shockingly enough, even Thomas Kean, chairman of the committee constructed to
cover up this greatest crime in American history, blew the whistle the other day
that the attacks could have been prevented. Whether this will develop into a
real investigation, or whether Kean's remarks were nothing more than what is
called "a limited hangout," remains to be seen. But Kean's comment was evidence
that a much larger percentage of the American people is beginning to sense that
the "they hate our freedom" rationale uttered by the president is clearly bogus,
and there is much more than meets the media eye happening about 9/11.
To a far smaller number of Americans, the official 9/11 story began to smell
much earlier than when Bush tried to stall the official investigation.
When top Bush administration officials immediately and in unison denied
knowing that jetliners could be used to attack American landmarks right after
9/11, a number of alert reporters immediately pointed out that this very subject
had been under government study for almost a decade. And when U.S. officials
immediately released a list of the alleged hijackers, the lie was immediately
visible to those with eyes to see: how could they deny knowing this possibility
of a massive jetliner attack existed, yet be able to name the alleged hijackers
almost instantly because these individuals had been under surveillance for
If they could name the alleged hijackers, then they couldn't deny knowing the
possibility of using planes as weapons existed, could they?
As astonishing events unfolded after the tragedy " the hasty passage of the
Patriot Act (approved by Congress despite virtually no one in Congress reading
it before voting for it), which nullified large portions of the U.S.
Constitution; constant "terror alerts" about which no evidence was ever
produced; the war against Afghanistan which was claimed to be a response to 9/11
yet was planned long before 9/11; and the war against Iraq, which was waged
because that nation supposedly threatened America with weapons of mass
destruction (which have never and will never be found, unless planted) and had
ties to that mystery terror group called al-Qaeda (since proven to be lies) "
many more millions of Americans began to understand that the new peril they were
in was not from some shadowy worldwide terror group but from unscrupulous
demagogues in Washington who would invent any story " and kill any number of
people " in order to improve the fortunes of the very military/industrial power
brokers who illegally brought them to power in the first place.
In the mind of these many more millions of Americans, a new syllogism began to
take shape: if they lied about why they went to war in Afghanistan and they lied
about why they went to war in Iraq, how stupid would Americans have to be to
believe what they said about 9/11?
And yet, through two years of intense flag waving, during which most Americans
were too terrified to say anything critical of those who were ostensibly
protecting us from this new wave of worldwide terror, the lies became cast in
stone. The media, owned by the same shameful specimens who own the weapons
making companies, refused to even entertain the notion that the U.S. government
could tell blatant lies to its own people, never mind murder thousands of them
in one day.
Worse, what passed for the political opposition was afraid to even whisper
what was becoming obvious in the minds of so many Americans with functioning
brains " that the initial signs of a deliberate air defense standdown, the phony
mythology about Muslim hijackers, the funny way all those buildings in New York
happened to fall, the tiny hole in the Pentagon that was supposedly caused by a
giant airliner, and the curiously comatose behavior of our president when the
nation he was supposed to be leading was under dire attack " that 9/11 bore a
multitude of evidential suggestions that it was an inside job, executed to give
right-wing crazies a better shot at looting the treasury of their own country in
a variety of ways. This scenario has now obviously come to pass.
And that is really where we stand today. Shockingly, while millions around the
country and billions more around the world are certain that this is what
happened, not a single major politician now chirping about irrelevant subjects
in order to be permitted to run for the office of president against the world's
top mass murderer has uttered even a single syllable that these millions of
Americans who believe something is very wrong with the official 9/11 story just
might be right.
And in the so-called American free press, our prostituted media continue a
total blackout on the subject, as evidenced by the total silence that
accompanied the recent filing of a lawsuit by 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani again
President Bush for obstruction of justice and treason.
This is a travesty of mind-boggling proportions. Like the entire Congress that
goosestepped late at night while it knocked over the U.S. Constitution, here we
have the complete political spectrum " every single rich man who has declared
his intention to run for president " not daring to admit what millions of
Americans know beyond doubt in the sincerest depths of their hearts " that 9/11
was conceived, devised, planned and carried out from the offices of power in the
United States, principally Washington, but also New York and Langley, Virginia,
and quite possibly Tel Aviv.
You have only to look at the psychologically palsied and putrescent behavior
of the official 9/11 investigative body, the Kean commission " as well as the
insane and demonic actions of every single functionary in the Bush
Administration " to know in your heart that it's true.
And realize the jeopardy we are all in.
Fortunately, there are many scrupulous personalities who haven't bought the
shallow lies and who have worked doggedly since that dark day to bring the
cynical deceptions to light.
They have analyzed the fall of the WTC towers and concluded they were most
likely demolished. Why else would so much of the rubble have turned to powder
and the towers themselves exploded at the top? Why else would WTC7 have fallen
in the same manner of the others when it was not hit by a plane?
They have talked the Pentagon scenario to death and concluded there was no
legitimate trace of jetliner rubble to be found, written that a hole of that
small type was most likely made by a missile, and concluded that reports of
identifying the DNA of every passenger on Flight 77 in that rubble was simply an
impossible lie if the fires were hot enough to have melted virtually every trace
of the crashed airliner.
They have concluded beyond doubt that the alleged maneuvers of the Pentagon
jet could never have been accomplished by someone who did not do well in a small
plane at a jerkwater flight school.
Many people have asked me, what are the best 9/11 sites? This is a sampling of
some of them. Study them. Hone your arguments. Talk to people.
(Apologies to the many good ones excluded; I'm only one guy. These are just a
few of the ones I happened to have used.)
When you read through these and understand their contents, you will understand
beyond question that everything you hear from the mouths of presidential
candidates, government officials and TV commentators is a lie. That there is so
much evidence to convince you that 9/11 was an inside job, that our leading
officials are criminals and mass murderers, that you, as a functioning human
being on this earth, have no choice but to try to convince your neighbor that
something must done if we are not to go quietly into this police state prison
that has been prepared for us.
And yet, with all the comprehensive and inspired research that has been done
(really, the Kean commission only needs to read the internet before recommending
mass arrests for virtually all of the American government's leadership) there
are two glaring areas that continue to delay the search for justice about 9/11.
The first involves the suspicious investments prior to 9/11, in which millions
of dollars were made by betting the price of certain airline stocks (and other
companies, some of which were located in the WTC towers) would go down.
Financial laws guarantee a degree of confidentiality in these transactions, even
those these laws principally protect crooks with large amounts of money who are
often doing something the law does not permit. Nevertheless, the laws are set up
to protect these identities.
Had America a great and honest leader, he (or she) would suspend these laws
and name the beneficiaries of these suspicious transactions, reasoning that the
greater good was served by tracking down the real perpetrators of the 9/11 mass
murder instead of protecting the identities who clearly knew that 9/11 was going
to happen before it did happen. Could there be any clearer path to uncovering
the real criminals who killed all those people in New York and Washington (and
later in Afghanistan and Iraq)? No, there couldn't. Any genuine investigation
into the crimes of 9/11 would start (and quite possibly finish) right here.
In addition to releasing the contents of the black boxes that were found in
the wreckages of the three disaster venues of 9/11, as well as the contents of
the footage taken by the confiscated security cameras near the Pentagon (which
could clearly reveal what actually did hit the Pentagon), the names of the
investors who profited from insider trading in the days prior to 9/11 would give
us a clear look at who the actual perpetrators of this unspeakable crime
actually were.
It is a way to solve the crime, and it is clear. Logical people must assume
that those who would prevent this method of solving this crime clearly have some
involvement in it. This is beyond debate.
The second area most researchers have failed to make any real headway in is
the involvement of Israel and its intelligence agency the Mossad in the planning
and carrying out of the 9/11 attacks. Sure, Israel was one of those many
countries that gave advance warning to the U.S. that something like this was
about to happen (you remember, those warnings that Bush and his thugs insist
they never got, but fortunately were reliably recorded by the other countries
The facts are that the evidence for Israeli involvement is substantial. Two
workers in an Israeli company located in New York got advance warnings by e-mail
two hours before the attacks. Israeli "art students" were shadowing the alleged
hijackers for many months during their sojourns in flight schools around the
United States. Five Israelis were arrested for dancing in celebration shortly
after the planes hit the towers; two had connections to the Mossad. And, perhaps
foremost, in the city with the largest Jewish population in the entire world,
virtually no Israelis were killed in the 9/11 attacks.
Taken together, these coincidences are too astonishing to ignore. And given
Israel's history of "false flag" operations (conducting terror and getting the
blame shifted to another country), its involvement throughout history in attacks
on its own citizens and Jews around the world to get them to behave in a certain
way, its ponderous influence on the American congress and the American media,
and the words of former Israeli prime minister Netanyahu, who immediately after
the attacks said they were a very good thing for Israel, many millions of people
believe that Israel was really the driving force behind 9/11, simply to get the
Americans to continue to do their bidding in the Middle East, which as you can
see by subsequent events, clearly is continuing to happen.
The withholding of information by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
of the names of the men who profited from the suspicious trades in the days
before 9/11, and the hidden role of Israeli intelligence in a caper in the
biggest Jewish city in the world in a complex owned by Jewish businessmen
continue to be the two most significant uninvestigated aspects of 9/11, and the
ones most likely to lead to a genuine finding of fact about what really happened
on this tragic and significant day.
Unfortunately, the powers that be are doing everything they can to impede
investigation into these two areas, as well as into all other areas of
information about 9/11.
Thus, it stands to reason, just on the basis of rules established in all those
TV detective shows, that the powers that be are the ones who committed these
heinous crimes, for the purpose of regimenting society more to their liking,
because a regimented society is more profitable, and those under the thumb of a
totalitarian capitalist dictatorship, as we are now, are far less likely to
solve crimes and discover the perpetrators of the horror of 9/11 that changed
the fundamental nature of the nation and the world in which we live.
It's not too much to demand honesty and accountability. Insist your favorite
presidential candidate tell you about what he knows about 9/11, the insider
trading, and Israel's influence. The answers you receive will tell you exactly
what kind of candidate you're supporting.
John Kaminski
John Kaminski is the author of "America's Autopsy Report," a collection of his
Internet essays.
For more information, see
http://www.johnkaminski.com/ Contributions to the author who otherwise
derives no income from these essays are always gratefully accepted. To read more
of Kaminski's essays, see