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Joined: 15 Apr 2005
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Location: Boston
Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:06 am
Post subject: Jupiter_Update 3 |
Don and I went on an
incredible 500 mile gifting run today crisscrossing
the southern middle part of florida. This area is in
the direct path of the south western running HAARP
induced weather patterns, naturally you can't
control the weather without HAARP towers, so these
of course were gifted and gifted they were.
I'll post more intel on our day, but since I have a
knack for spotting feds I thought I would first
publish this photo of a fed in a toyota pickup with
his girlfriend while he was
watching Don and I use Don's spuggun to lob tb's
into Lake Okeechobee for a final gift to the lake at
the end of our long day.
This is agent was so clueless, he drove his pickup
on the restricted access road above the levee in
order to get a better view of Don and I having a
blast shooting off tb's out onto a sand bar about a
100 yards off the shore.
He nearly came right up to us then realized he was
to close to stay inconspicuous so he drove in
reverse a few hundred yards back and sat it out
while we shot off our tb's from the spud gun.
After we were finished I asked Don for his take on
the people in the pickup and we both agreed that it
was to stupid a move to be anyone, but an agent
assigned to surveil us. That's when my camera got
excited again to capture more feds on film. Do you
suppose anyone is left in charge of these boneheads
anymore ? What is the one thing these losers hate ?
Could it be getting their pictures taken and then
having them posted on the net ? The agent obviously
saw me run 500 yards direclty at him with my camera
and then while nearly next to him I yell him to roll
down his window so I can take his picture. You
should all be rolling in laughter over this, because
I am. All I can say is keep your camera with you at
all times and take their picture when you make them.
Are secret police are the easiest agents to spot and
it sure is fun taking their photographs
Ok, so the black agent from Panama who Don let fire
off a spuggun tb didn't get his photograph taken,
but he was made anyway and he actaully gave him self
away because he didn't even know how to smoke the
cigar he was puffing on and looked so phony trying
to be cool with it. Don even gave him a tb to take
home with him . I wonder if HQ's is trying to take
it apart right now ?
In case the agents reading this aren't sure whether
I set them up at the
Lake park to take their photos, well I did
thank you once again coming thru for me and my
Of course busting a billion dollars worth of HAARP
towers of death in one day will
piss any bad guy off, but they didn't need to nearly
run us off the road and possilby kill us in the
process, did they ?
I didn't go to the CIA Training Skip Barber School
of Assasin Road Killing, but I know when someone is
deliberately trying to run me off the road.
Jeesh Louisie, next time you use mkids to do a MIB's
job use the MIB's.
This girl obviously tweeked into her dissociative
programming tried to cause a potentially fatal
accident with her car and mine just after we left
the spud gun fun at Lake Okeechobee while travelling
down RT 80 and doing 60 mph. Anyone jumping into
high speed traffic from a stalled postion in the
breakdown lane is either trying to commit suicide or
is so brainwashed she doesn't know she is about to
commit suicide.
Either way it's suicide. Can you now see why working
for these losers is not healthy ? Collecting Workers
Comp doesn't pay when you're too dead to spend the
money, dah.
This is exactly why dissociative programming can be
very unhealthy for you. With some quick reflex's I
was able to avoid this "accident".
The rest of the drive back to Don's was uneventful
and since it was a long day I will post more about
next time.
Don Croft
Joined: 16 Mar 2005
Posts: 162
Location: Moscow, Republic of Idaho
Mon Jan 30, 2006 3:46 pm
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Lake Okeechobee is seen in
the background. Eric and I are thinking, after
talking this morning, that these two showed up to
goad him into taking the photos, thus wasting
fifteen more minutes of daylight so that the highway
hit could be arranged before we got too far away.
I'll ask Carol when she gets home but I'm pretty
sure this is the case.
Carol mentioned that I'm a sucker for getting into
discussions with black folk and that she tried to
call us when the hit was being attempted because she
was seeing it. There was another fifteen minutes of
daylight, of course.
She's good at that remote stuff
saw me foundering at sea during a storm five years
ago. She marked the spot where it happened on the
map then and an astral guide who hade accompanied me
jumped ship, showed up where CArol was and said,
'He's crazy!'.
The black guy said he was from Panama and worked as
a welder at a sugar mill, which means that he had to
be making about six or seven bucks an hour. I asked
him if he was smoking a Cuban cigar and he said,
'Yes, can I offer you one?' When he got into his car
I noticed that it's a brand new SUV. $30,000 car and
$40 cigars aren't normal fare for someone in that
he passed us quickly on the highway right after the
murder attempt failed.
Drive defensively, folks! Too many of us have been
t-boned by MKids in intersections and ended up in
multi-car freeway pileups from not being as watchful
as possible in our cars. One is too many, of course.
Tailgating is a bad idea, too. A Monarch drone
slammed his brakes on in the middle of nowhere,
once, when Carol was driving our car. We had to go
off the road to avoid that one. FBI guys toutinely
came at a few of us, head-on, in our lanes on
highways until we posted about it last year. .
Eric was delayed another fifteen minutes after my
friendly encounter so the hit attempt happened in
bad light, after sunset.
It was a fun day and we ot plenty of visual
confirmations. There's a LOT more work to do to get
this state HaARP free before the next HAARP season,
of course, and I now suspect that every single tower
is at least partly used to create HAARP
disturbances. Most of the ones we busted yesterday
were out where there were almost no people living.
This area was on the straight path from Wilma's
landfal, south of Naples on the Gulf Coast, to
'ground zero,' which is the Croft residence
it built up speed across Florida afrter it came
ashore. Natural hurricanes lose speed and strength
when they reach shore, of course.
Many thanks, Earache, for sharing this wonderful
experience with me!
"You were born...and so you're free...so happy
~Laurie Anderson |
Joined: 28 Jan 2005
Posts: 119
Location: jupiter, florida
Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:37 pm
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something else was happening
when don and eric went over to south-west florida
yesterday. it was me on a gifting run that went to
the south in fla on the western edge of the
inhabitable land that isn't everglades on the east
it was a planned two prong simultaneous double
gifting run that was meant to rid fla. of it's haarp
influence and therefore allow more natural weather
and an endto the haarpicane season down here. i had
about 150 tbs and some earth pipes when i left and i
ran out down there. here is a very partial list of
what was busted:
two hard military battleship gray towers with stuff
i've never seen before
one field of haarp with eight towers
one haarp field with six towers
one five=in=a=row haarp field
one small weather ball
one large weather ball with additional circular
arrays and square arrays
inside a dike
one six tower haarp array
one half-mile high megatower haarp
three huge weather balls with many weird little
one four tower haarp array
about thirty large triangular towers
and finally about thirty "regular" death towers
all this and more was being busted at the same time
don and eric were across the state doing the same
thing to the same amount of hardware over there.
it was a good day in south florida yesterday.
with the inflow of upper cloudy weather today, i see
they're giving the haarp all they've got and the
signature is quite weak. it also shows exactly which
direction it is coming from. maybe i'll do it
jeff mckinley
jupiter, florida |
Don Croft
Joined: 16 Mar 2005
Posts: 162
Location: Moscow, Republic of Idaho
Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:10 pm
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Hi, Jeff--looking forward to
getting out in the boat with you again this weekend.
Carol made close contact with a pod of bottlenose
dolphins at Sand Key, 6 miles west of Key West, last
week with her kids. I might put the full account of
that in my book but I wonder if that might not
happen in our waters this Saturday if we go out and
start busting the underwater death transmitters to
teh south of where we did before.
I want Jeff to be in the boat with me the first time
we get a chance to swim with dolphins locally
because I think he earned it. It's not up to us when
they'll show up, of course, but the only sortie
we've done where we didn't see teh dark dolphins was
the time we saw a huge turtle at the end of it.
Carol says the turtle was a sign for us to
persevere. Vo Joanna has just advised us, through Al
in Rio de Janeiro, to persevere, too.
Sand Key is the end of the 40-mile reef-gifting run
that Jeff, Carol and I made three weeks ago. When we
were doing that we saw almost no fish on the
fishfinder and when Carol was there a week ago there
were fish everywhere. The pod of dark, spinner
dolphins that we saw just south of Key West weren't
the same ones who greeted Carol and spent quality
time around the boat. Nick, Carol's son, took plenty
of pics of those dolphins but none of them turned
out. By April I suspect there will be coral growing
on that reef in abundance. Now there's almost none.
Your side of the mission was more loaded with
distinctive HAARP stuff than ours, in fact, but it's
clear that it all works together somehow because the
towers we busted were mostly out where there are
very, very few people living. We had a pretty weird
experience gifting huge 'Devil's Garden,' which is
apparently a corporate farm. Eric tossed a tb into a
nuke pond there and we were chased away when we
pulled off the road to micturate
another spot on their land.
Earache Carlson is on the road now but has promised
to post about the disappearign HAARP tower in
Immokalee. Carol and I will go find and bust that
one because she says it's a primary tower that the
sewer rats managed to hide from us after we first
spotted it. You can imagine that one doesn't 'lose
sight of' a tall red and white tower in a flatland.
We apparently did gift the huge nuke pond in
Immokalee that powers it, at least.
I'm going to gift the three irrigation canals that
go straight from Lake Okeechobee to Palm Beach,
Lauderdale and Miami. They're not actually for boats
so I'll use my inflatable dive kayak with the 3.5hp
motor. I have a sense that gifting long stretches of
inland water will further macerate the HAARP
network. I did a lot of gridding in addition to
busting towers on Sunday as Eric's co-pilot. When my
daughter and her beau get here from Boston in a
couple of weeks we'll do the boat canal from St
Lucie on the Atlantic coast,, through Lake
Okeechobee, all the way to Ft Meyers on the Gulf
Eric almost hit a big turtle, tossing a TB in a
canal on Devil's Garden and later almost hit an
alligator elsewhere. Rural Florida gifting sorties
are kind of spicy
"You were born...and so you're free...so happy
~Laurie Anderson |
Don Croft
Joined: 16 Mar 2005
Posts: 162
Location: Moscow, Republic of Idaho
Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006
4:14 pm Post subject:
When Carol got home, right
before Eric left yesterday, I asked if the couple in
the car were working with the guy on the levee and
she said, no, the guy on the levee who was
supervising the later hit attempt on the highway is
NSA and the couple in the car are CIA, not
connected. ~Don
"You were born...and so you're free...so happy
~Laurie Anderson |