Being one of the most successful movies in the world is an astounding
statement from people who have seen James Cameron1s 3TITANIC2. It is a
reflection of how many people have been affected by the imagery and
emotion within the film. Although there have been those who have found
fault in parts of Titanic1s technical side, the emotional side turned
out to be perfect; or was it deliberately engineered that way? Some have
called the emotion within Titanic manipulative to the point of
deliberately having scenes that elate, sadden, shock and anger the

This manipulation is an interesting aspect of Mr. Cameron1s work. No
matter what he works on or writes, the emotional atmosphere always is
perfect in the finished product and according to Cameron is
3biographical2 of his life. Born in Canada in 1956, James Cameron has
always strived to be the best, whether they were class projects or
playing soldier with his friends. According to Cameron1s 3official2
biography, his childhood created the drive to overcome obstacles which
stood in his way and would help later in life.
At this point in history, another person, who shares the surname
Cameron, was at work making progress manipulating behavior and emotion
for a deliberately engineered goal. The person is Dr. Donald Ewen

Dr. Cameron began his career in psychology assisting the Office of
Special Services (O.S.S.), interrogating prisoners during World War II.
His most famous patient was Rudolf Hess, who flew in a plane to Britain
in order to make a peace deal between Germany and the Allies. Hess was
captured and imprisoned and later was interviewed by several
psychiatrists, including Dr. Cameron. Much of Dr. Cameron1s work,
involved psychiatric techniques designed to modify and control a persons
behavior patterns. Dr. Cameron1s work was also derived from experiments
performed on concentration camp prisoners in Nazi Germany and brought to
the U.S. after World War II by the O.S.S. under 3Operation Paper Clip2.
In the 19501s, Dr. Cameron1s successful work led to his appointment as
head of the American Psychological Association (APA), the Canadian
Psychological Association (CPA) and the World Psychological

By this time the O.S.S. had changed it1s name under President Harry
Truman1s Administration to become the Central Intelligence Agency
(C.I.A.) in 1947. Dr. Cameron was contracted by the C.I.A. to continue
his work in behavior manipulation under Projects Bluebird and Artichoke
which would later become MK-ULTRA in 1953.

MK-ULTRA had several sub-programs, approximately 149, from fields
ranging from biology, drugs, sexual activities, technology, physics,
psychology and even motion pictures. It1s no accident that movies
created in the McCarthy era in the 19501s, were designed to scare the
public about the threat of Communists, brainwashing or space aliens.
Hollywood1s motion pictures became a tool of MK-ULTRA.
In the world of psychiatry, Dr. Cameron was a relentless, merciless man
driven by a need to know how to control and modify human behavior, in
other words, direct it. His most common experiments were drug
inducement, sensory deprivation, sensory overload, as well as 3psychic
driving2, the process of replaying his voice recorded in previous
sessions with his patients. Dr. Cameron also performed prefrontal
lobotomies and electro-conclusive shock treatments.

According to the CIA1s charter, Dr. Cameron1s work, especially in
creating potential 3Manchurian Candidates2 would have violated the ban
on domestic CIA operations within the United States. With the help of
the Canadian government and C.I.A. Director Allen Dulles, who was one of
Cameron1s colleagues in the O.S.S., Dr. Cameron relocated his work to
the Allen Memorial Psychiatric Institute in Montreal, Canada in 1957 and
stayed there until 1963.

On a side note, Allen Dulles would run the C.I.A. until after the Bay of
Pigs fiasco, when he and General Charles Cabell (brother of Earl Cabell,
the mayor of Dallas) were fired by President John F. Kennedy in 1961.
After the tragedy of John F. Kennedy1s assassination on November 22,
1963 in Dallas, Dulles was appointed to Warren Commission by Chief
Justice Earl Warren to help investigate the assassination and the
background of supposed assassin or patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald.
The Allen Institute would soon become an infamous brain butchery under
Dr. Camerons control. Many patients were subjected to extreme and harsh
conditions that included drug induced comas that lasted months,
lobotomies, bright lights, sounds, moving images and electro-shocking
that were in such excesses that it killed the patients. Other creations
of Dr. Camerons butcher shop included the development of psychedelic
drugs, most notably, LSD.

After Dr. Cameron left Montreal, he retired to private life in the
United States and vanished from the picture, but his work continued on
in MK-ULTRA until it was supposedly shut down by CIA Director Richard
Helms in 1973. Many of the documents from MK-ULTRA were destroyed on
orders from Helms. Helms was also responsible for providing E. Howard
Hunt with the information necessary for the break-in at the Watergate
hotel in 1972 for the purpose of helping President Richard Nixon smear
Daniel Ellsberg, the Pentagon aide who leaked the Pentagon Papers.
Watergate would eventually lead to the resignation of Nixon in 1974.
The murky world of intelligence operations became murkier as names
changed to protect secrecy. MK-ULTRA simply assumed the new name
MK-SEARCH and continued on into 1984.

In the late 19701s as MK-SEARCH(MK-ULTRA) continued on the intelligence
front, a yet unknown film maker in California, named James Cameron
decided to quit his job driving trucks and get into the film making

According to 3official history2 James Cameron, after attending five
semesters at Fullerton College in Orange County, California, convinced a
consortium of dentists from Tustin, California seeking a tax writeoff to
finance a short film. The word 3consortium2 is interesting in itself;
it1s dictionary term is given as 3international business alliance2.
Since these dentists are from a local area, why are they described in
this manner? If 3business2 is dropped from the definition, we1re left
with 3international alliance2 meaning they belong to some large
organization which envelops the world.

In actuality, these 3dentists2 were 3psychiatrists2 and operatives
connected to the CIA1s MK-ULTRA program and Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron.
James Cameron as well as the 3psychiatrists2 knew each other from a
fraternal organization they belonged to. This secret brotherhood helped
finance Cameron1s first film and would continue to help his career. He
had entered this organization when he turned 21 years of age. The
majority of persons in intelligence community, including Dr. Cameron
belonged to the same organization, which is commonly known as the

The Freemasons are a global fraternal organization that exist for the
express purpose of enlightening those who choose to join it1s ranks.
According to public sources, Freemasonry was created in the 17001s in
Europe, but if one delves deeper into the mysteries that make up
Masonry, it is learned that the origins of the brotherhood trace back to
a highly advanced civilization named Atlantis which existed before the
one we1re in now. Much of the high technology, advanced thinking and
philosophical ideals were handed down through the generations in secret
after the 3Great Flood2 destroyed Atlantis.

This technology would be revealed to the people of the world once again
at a prescribed moment in time. It1s no accident the 20th Century is one
of the most technological achieving centuries in our civilization. This
century saw the creation of techniques that would be used to control the
mind as we saw earlier in this document with the CIA1s implementation of
Dr. Cameron1s mind experiments and MK-ULTRA technology.
The reason the 3consortium2 approached James Cameron was for the
opportunity to use in the motion picture field for the purposes of
subliminal imagery and emotional manipulation on mass numbers of people
and prepare them for an engineered future.

James Cameron continued on from his short-film project to enter the
world of Roger Corman. The studio owned by Corman was aptly named 3New
World Pictures2. The 3New World2 was short for 3New World Order2 a
phrase that embodies the idealism of Freemasonry, a global government.
The phrase wouldn1t be uttered in public until 1991 by President George
Bush(Former Director of the CIA and 33rd Degree Mason).

Cameron worked as miniature builder, model unit DP and matte painter on
a film called 3Battle Beyond the Stars2 in which the title was symbolic
of a belief held by many in the UFO community as well as Freemasons,
that an ancient battle took place in this solar system about 12,000
years ago. The idea was to use MK-ULTRA technology to begin preparing
the masses for the belief in extra-terrestials for the purpose of
bringing humanity into the 3New World Order2. More of this would be used
later in Cameron1s film career.

Determined to get into directing, Cameron worked on another sci-fi film
with a symbolic name, 3Galaxy of Terror2. Cameron became second unit

In 1982, during the early years of the administration of President
Ronald Reagan(33rd Degree Mason), Cameron wrote 3The Terminator2 along
with his 2nd wife Gale Anne Hurd, who1s a member of the Order of the
Eastern Star, a Masonic women1s organization.

The basic idea of The Terminator involved sending a man back through
time to prevent a cyborg from killing a woman who would give birth to
humanity's savior who would save humanity from a world ruled by

The symbology of this story was taken from the Bible with the woman1s
situation somewhat compared to the 3virgin mary2 and humanity1s savior
paralleled to her son.

The Freemasonic symbolism in the Terminator was prevalent through out
the movie. One of the first signs was the use of 3blue light2 used in
dark situations and would later become one of Cameron1s directing

The blue light was symbolic of Cameron1s ascension from the first three
degrees of Masonry which are known as the blue lodges, to the next level
of degrees which are known as the York Rite.

The next symbol was the use of a particular set of words by one of the
characters who described the machines as 3a new order of intelligence2.
You can hear the words 3New World Order2 in the sub-text.

The most concrete symbol was the name of the distributor for the film.
Although Cameron worked with Hemdale and HBO to get the film made, the
film was distributed by Orion Pictures. Orion is symbolic of Osiris, the
ancient Egyptian god of the Sun and fertility.

This sun-worship symbol is heavily used in Freemasonry to represent
light and fertility or the 3compass2 in the square and compass symbology
of Masonry. Osiris1s counterpart Isis, is symbolic of Sirius, the star
system in which Freemasons believe they came from as well as being the
symbol for the carpenter1s square in the 3square and compass2 symbol.
The purpose of Orion1s release of 3The Terminator2 was to be the first
mass use of Dr. Cameron1s work in a James Cameron film. The film was
designed to imprint a subliminal message to unconsciously prepare the
public for a higher form of technology to arrive on Earth in the future
and if they didn1t go along with it, they would be exterminated. Note
that 3terminated2 is part of 3exterminated2.

While Cameron was unknowingly getting financing from the 3consortium2
for 3The Terminator2, he wrote two more scripts, 3Rambo: First Blood
Part II2 and 3Aliens2. The subtitle 3First Blood Part II2 from the Rambo
title was symbolic of Cameron1s ascension throughout the York Rite
degrees, while 3Aliens2 was being prepared as another step in
manipulating the minds of the public with MK-ULTRA technology.
After 3The Terminator1s2 success, Cameron directed 3Aliens2 and began
production in 1985 in England. The film was directed in England so
Cameron could receive the rest of his York Rite degrees in the town of
York while on breaks from shooting the film.

Aliens, was the sequel to Alien, a 1979 movie about Earth explorers
searching another planet for use as a mining colony. When they got
there, they were slowly hunted down by the inhabitants of that world,
which were acid-blooded creatures; insect like as adults, and as
snake-like parasites when young that used the humans as hosts and
eventually killed them by bursting out of their chests. Aliens debuted
in 1986.

The film became one of the highest grossing ĪR1 rated films and also won
Oscars for Best Visual Effects and Best Sound. It was fairly obvious to
anyone with the knowledge in this document that the fear and excitement
generated by the sounds and effects of the movie was the result of mind
manipulation for the purpose of further solidifying the fact that humans
will one day face a threat from outside this world and force them to
unify as one.

Once Cameron has finished this film, he had completed his York Rite
degrees in Masonry and had moved on into the Scottish Rite. It1s also
worthy to note during this time in 1985 and 1986, 33rd Degree Mason
President Ronald Reagan had made several speeches alluding to a threat
from the 3outside2 that would unify the world.

Next on Cameron1s list of films was the ABYSS, a film about a group of
oil rig workers who help recover a sunken nuclear submarine and are
unknowingly being watched by another form of intelligence. In the
special edition of the film, it was made clear that the aliens were
warning the human race to come together as one or face destruction.
During the shooting of the movie, Cameron had been 3trained2 by the
3consortium2 in techniques similar to Dr. Cameron1s 3Psychic Driving2 by
pushing the workers and actors on the set to the limit. According to
published reports, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio was pushed to such a
limit that she now avoids Cameron like the plague. To this day, Ed
Harris refuses to even talk about his experience with Cameron on the
set. 3The Abyss2 was also the first movie with the 3morphing2 technique
which makes a photo-realistic computer animation which was used to
spellbound the audience. The film had also gained Oscars for Best Visual
effects, more proof of MK-ULTRA now being involved with the addition of
computer technology.

The film was released to the public in 1989. This was the same year as
the swearing in of President George Bush and fall of the Berlin Wall in
Germany which was a staged event by the Masons to prepare the world for
a global coming together as one. The name 3Abyss2 was symbolic of
Cameron getting ever deeper into information which is privy to the

In 1990 Cameron co-wrote 3Point Break2 with his third wife and Order of
the Eastern Star member, Kathryn Bigelow, who directed. He became an
executive producer on the film and the film was released in 1991 and
went on to make $100 million and topped the video rental charts.
Although the film was about a group of persons who robbed banks, a lot
of subliminal imagery was added to the film, which explains why the film
was popular.

Lightstorm Entertainment became a new production company created by
Cameron and financed by the 3consortium2. The name Lightstorm was
allegedly symbolic of the appearance of the Terminator in the films but
was really symbolic of Cameron receiving more intellectual light from
the Masons. The first film that would be produced by Cameron1s new
company was Terminator 2. Judgment Day, the sequel to the Terminator.
The title of 3Terminator 2: Judgment Day2 was symbolic of the future war
to come because of technology, to further embolden the public to a form
a destruction beyond of their control. The film also featured the use of
computer technology to make a morphing character that would leave the
audience with chills. The character was created at Industrial Light and
Magic. 3Light and Magic2 is symbolic of the mysteries inside of Masonry.
All of the revenues from Terminator 2, including the box office
receipts, video, TV and merchandising made close to 1 Billion dollars.
More incidents of 3psychic driving2 had also taken place. One of them
being an incident involving Edward Furlong, who played John Connor in
the film, and lip balm. He was coerced by an under-cover 3consortium2
member to use the lip balm. After shooting a scene and congratulating
Furlong for his performance, Cameron noticed the lip balm on Furlong1s
lips and yelled at him for screwing up the scene. After this, Furlong
admitted in an interview that the incident left him paranoid about the
rest of the shoot.

To some people outside of the 3consortium2 this mind control technology
was becoming apparent and needed to be covered up. Cameron1s script for
the film was rewritten with some parts removed to conceal facts related
to the technology. One such example of proof follows when describing
Sarah Connor1s treatment in the mental institution with
electro-conclusive-therapy; --------- SCENE REMOVED BY THE CONSORTIUM FROM T2 SCRIPT --------
Sarah, straight-jacketed and strapped on to GURNEY, is being wheeleddown
the corridor by Douglas and the other orderlies. Silberman is right
behind her with the interns. Sarah's eyes are full of suppressed rage as
she stares up and back at them.

SILBERMAN (to the interns) What's fascinating about her case is that the
architecture of the delusion --
SARAH Don't talk about me like I'm not here. I'm right goddamn here!
SILBERMAN We know where you are,Sarah... (continuing to the interns, as
before) ..the delusion seems to have begun with the boyfriend and then
been adopted by the patient. He believed he was a soldier from the next
century, send to protect her from a killer machine called a

Frustrated, Sarah begins struggling against her restraints. Douglas,
blocking the action from the doctors, casually smacks her solar plexus
with his baton. Sarah gasps for air. Douglas winks at her.
SILBERMAN You see, it's all about machines, for her. We're seeing more
and more of this new syndrome, a sort of acute phobic reaction to
technology. It's a defensive response to the dehumanization of
relationships in a high-tech world.

They sweep through a set of double doors. The doors swing closed into
CLOSEUP. Big block letters stenciled across them read:

ELECTRO-CONVULSIVE THERAPY. Yes, they still do this shit to people.
Sarah's eyes go wide, clocking the sign on the door as she is wheeled in
to a room full of ominous machines. Aging shock therapy equipment.
SILBERMAN Sarah, today we're going to be trying ECT...electro-convulsive
therapy --
SARAH No! Don't do this. Okay, look, Silberman -- hey! Don't put that --
She struggles vainly against the gurney straps as a NURSE tapes
electrodes to her head. Silberman leans down to Sarah. The interns and
the orderlies watch from near the door.

SILBERMAN Now relax, we're found this very helpful with problems like
yours. Such as this feeling that you're being persecuted --

SARAH I'm not being persecuted, you fucking moron! I'm not a threat to
them anymore. I told you. It's my son who's the target!

Silberman sighs. They finish placing the electrodes on her temples.

SARAH You've got to let me go so I can protect him! He's naked if they
come for him now! Why won't you listen? You know how important this is?
The nurse sets the dials on the machine. Sarah starts to thrash now,
becoming irrational. Starts shrieking at everyone in the room. She
sounds exactly like what they say she is -- a whacko

SARAH Goddamnit. Let me go!! I'll kill you, FUCKER!!
She screams incoherently as they jam the rubber biscuit down between her
teeth so she won't bite through her tongue when the voltage jump starts
her brain. Silberman is smooth and cheerful as he turns to the interns.

SILBERMAN ECT is coming back into favor lately, and we've had good
results with it. It looks worse than it is. As soon as the current hits
her brain, she's out. It's a bit like punching the restart button on a
computer when the program crashes.

He nods to the nurse and the current blasts through Sarah's brain,
locking every muscle in her body into a painful contortion. It triggers
an epilepsy- like seizure and she bucks and flops on the gurney.

SILBERMAN She's not feeling anything right now.

TIGHT ON SARAH'S FACE, contorted, jerking spasmodically. Then...
STROBOSCOPIC FLASH CUTS speeding up in rhythm, images coming at us like
a roaring freight train:
TERMINATOR'S STEEL HAND lunging for her in the punch press. A CHROME
SKULL, eyes burning red, a demon after her soul. STEEL FINGERS closing
on her throat. Then... SARAH'S FINGERS groping endlessly for the switch
to the press. Then...
TERMINATOR'S RED EYES filling frame. Lightning arcing all around as the
press crushes the hideous machine. But even as it dies it has her by the
throat. Even now, long after it's dead, it still has her by the throat.
The lightning gets brighter and brighter... WHITING OUT FRAME
------------- END MISSING SCENE FROM TERMINATOR 2 ----------
Cameron1s description of the ETC scene would not be tolerated by the
3consortium2 who funds Cameron. This scene was removed in order to
prevent any person1s who have been unknowingly affected by MK-ULTRA
technology at the movies to discover that they1ve been mind controlled.
This scene also made the 3consortium2 wonder about Cameron1s loyalty to

After reviewing the "Missing Scene" I've come to the following
conclusion about why the segment was not allowed.

It has nothing to do with exposing the crude type of torture that is
utilized to destroy political prisoners___no this is common
knowledge__the U.S., similar to the U.S.S.R.(1950's) utilized the same
type of butchery on people they wanted to destroy under the guise of
medical treatment. If fact, you might want to view the following link
 radiation experimentation on prisoners and the students 1993 federal
civil rights action.

So, what was so damaging about the segment that the "consortium" refused
to allow revealed to the public? It wasn't the torture techniques it was
the comment Sarah made.

SARAH: I'm not being persecuted, you fucking moron! I'm not a threat to
them anymore. I told you. It's my son who's the target!
Bingo! What this statement revealed is that a "secret system exists" and
that they "persecute" people and____________put them away(destroy them).
Why? If "they" think you are a threat to their system, if they think you
won't accept their culture, if they just need a smuck for their
game____you are fucked with(persecuted) and either destroyed(killed) or
locked up!

This is the true reason why the segment was not allowed; and this is
what happened to the engineering student__he was framed, tortured,
persecuted, illegally incarcerated___and receives daily threats
concerning being put away__similar to what they did to SARAH. Was he
ever a threat to their civilization? No, yet he has often been told that
he is and that his web-site exposes to much information about the "
secret system".

In 1993 Cameron began doing research for a future project called
3Titanic2 which would fit into this pattern of mind-control and Masonic

True Lies, released in 1994, became the next big film for Cameron. The
title 3True Lies2 was symbolic of the inversion of words and meanings
commonly found in Masonry to confuse outsiders. The best way to
understand the title was to remember a phrase created by English
Occultist/Freemason Aleister Crowley; 3If you want to understand, learn
to think backwards2.

Symbols that appeared in the film varied from helicopters shilouetted
against the morning sun so they appeared black as in 3black helicopters2
which have been seen all over the United States that year and the use of
the name 3Trilby2 for the leader of the Omega group. 3Trilby2 was
symbolic of the type of hats Masons would wear at many of their
gatherings. A play based on a novel called 3Trilby2 was written in 1848
by a Mason, the same year in which Freemasons were nearly driven out of
the United States after the murder of Albert Pike who had revealed many
Masonic secrets.

By this time Cameron had gained enough momentum to move further up in
the Scottish Rite degrees of Masonry to receive guidance and direction
from an established Hollywood 3consortium2 known as the Hollywood
Twelve. 3Hollywood-122 was a mirror group for the U.S. government1s
Majestic-12. MJ-12, which was created in 1947 after the crash of the
extra-terrestial vehicle in Roswell, New Mexico and designed to
manipulate history to control information on extra-terrestials. HW-12
was originally created in the 19501s during the 3Red Scare2 and McCarthy
witch hunts.

When the Masons and their 3consortium2 of psychiatrists first introduced
the MK-ULTRA technology to Hollywood to prepare the public for
extra-terrestials and the New World Order, it was determined that a
consortium would have to be built among those experienced in film making
to implement this technology and to keep it in the proper hands. All of
this culimated to become Hollywood Twelve, made up of film studios and
television networks. Among HW-121s members today are;
20 Century Fox, Universal, Paramount, Warner Brothers, Sony/Columbia
Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, Disney, Orion, CBS, NBC, ABC.
It is the mission of HW-12 to use MK-ULTRA technology to it1s limits in
ALL entertainment mediums, including, films, television, magazines,
computers and now the internet.

In 1995, the world saw 3Strange Days2, a film written and 3produced2 by
Cameron and directed by his 3rd wife(now ex-wife) Kathryn Bigelow.
3Strange Days2, named after a 3Doors2 song was symbolic of the weird
things that would be occurring from 1995 onward that would shape history
toward the world government by the millennium.

The film was based on a type of technology called 3SQUID2 -
Superconducting QUantum Interference Device. This device could be used
to record human experiences on a CD ROM and play them back for later
use. 3SQUID2 was an actual device created from MK-ULTRA technology to
record and play back memories as well as for use as a 3psychic driving2
tool for mind control as Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron did by replaying his
voice to mental patients to cause 3de-patternization2 of human
consciousness and multiple personalities.

A lot of the SQUID imagery in 3Strange Days2 was loaded with subliminal
messages which were inserted by 3consortium2 members who had infiltrated
3Digital Domain2 a special effects company created by Cameron in 1994.
The film didn1t make much at the box office and it was designed that way
for the purposes of determining what kinds of subliminal images would
draw a person to Cameron1s films.

The negative portrayal of the SQUID technology was influenced by Cameron
and the 3consortium2 began to see him as a problem that needed to be
handled. It turns out that while writing and researching Strange Days,
Cameron discovered the MK-ULTRA connection and read about Dr. Donald
Ewen Cameron1s brain butchery in Montreal in the 19501s and was
horrified to discover that his great artistic talents had been used in
this way. He would try to break away from this madness.

The next big project on Cameron1s list was 3TITANIC2. A culimation of
five years worth of research, Cameron was finally going to make a film
that would be free of MK-ULTRA1s influence. Since 3Strange Days2,
Cameron had learned that all of this time, he had been manipulated and
controlled. by a group of 3bad2 Freemasons who work for evil purposes.
In order to understand this, you have to trace the history of the
Freemasons from Atlantis. In ancient Atlantis, there was originally ten
republics that made up the island continent located in the Atlantic.
During it1s history, a disagreement over how Atlantis was going to be
managed split the Atlanteans into two factions, the Sons of Belial and
the Law of One. The disagreement evolved into a civil war which led to
the suppression of the Law of One, which emphasized spiritual existence,
and the creation of a dictatorship by the Sons of Belial which
emphasized materialism.

The continuing materialism of the Sons of Belial led to the creation of
changes in the Earth1s climate, via pollution and waste of resources and
the eventual sinking of the Atlantean continent as described in many
ancient texts, including the book of 3Genesis2 in the Bible. The Law of
One preserved the intellectual and philosophical idealism from Atlantis
and stored it inside of two hollow pillars they named Boaz and Jachin
that floated away from Atlantis and were later discovered by ancient
travelers in Europe. Boaz was the Atlantean word for 3strength2 while
Jachin was the word for 3stability2. From the information found inside
these pillars by travelers who were known as 3sojourners2, they founded
the earliest remnants of Freemasonry with the precepts of 3strength and
stability2 and passed them down through the generations.

As Freemasonry evolved into the 17001s, several members had quarreled
with other members and secretly revived the Sons of Belial into their
own faction also known as the Illuminati. Upon discovery, the rest of
the Masons became the Law of One faction. Both factions worked toward
the same goal, the recreation of Atlantis. Thus with the help of several
of their members from both sides, including George Washington of the
American Masons and Adam Weishaupt of the Bavarian Illuminati, they
created the United States of America in 1776. Since then, both factions
have two versions of the same goal. The Sons of Belial faction wants to
enslave the human race in a 3New World Order2 while the Law of One
Faction wants to create a 3Pax Humana2 or Human Peace.

The Sons of Belial faction are responsible for events that set back
human history and creativity while The Law of One faction has been
responsible for advancing the human race toward the it1s ultimate goal,
to rejoin the community of civilizations in the universe where humanity
originally came from.

After breaking from the Sons of Belial faction of Masonry, Cameron was
finally approached by members of the Law of One faction to help him
create one of the most emotionally moving and popular film of all time.
When Cameron casted actors to fill the roles, the Law of One faction
helped him find other Law of One members who would make the film a

Among them were Order of Eastern Star members, Kate Winslet and Gloria
Stuart for the young Rose and old Rose roles. For the Jack Dawson role,
Cameron had chose Leonardo Dicaprio, who is a Freemason. He had
admittedto being a Mason in a 1995 German television interview. When the
reporter had pressed for further details, Leo became uncomfortable and
abruptly ended the interview. This was because he1s been followed by
members of the Son1s of Belial faction and they1ve intimidated him into

Cameron wouldn1t remain completely free from the Sons of Belial faction
for long. During part of the filming in Nova Scotia, someone had spiked
clam chowder that was going to be fed to crew members with PCP. This had
sickened many people, including Cameron who1s eyes had become as red as
the eyes of the Terminator. Everyone recovered but more events would
take place. Another Son of Belial member posing as a Mexican mafia
hitman had threatened Cameron1s life on the Titanic set in Baja, Mexico.
The Law of One continued to help Cameron make Titanic into a 3religious
experience2 and to serve as a metaphorical warning to the world of the
consequences of the Sons of Belial faction taking over with their 3New
World Order2 and moving carelessly into the future with only technology.
Under the Sons of Belial, the population of the world would be coerced
into slavery and finally destruction. Similar ideas of the choice
between servitude or destruction have been placed in several Hollywood
recent movies ranging from films like 3Independence Day2 to 3The X-Files
Movie2 as warnings of the future to come.

The number of Oscar nominations received by Titanic explained the Law of
One1s influence on the 3religious experience2 side while the MK-ULTRA
technology held by the Sons of Belial influenced the films subliminal
imagery and created repeated viewing by audience members to the point of
the film taking in 1 Billion dollars.  The success of the film created a
rewarding situation for Cameron who had now achieved the status of a
32nd Degree Mason and in August of 1997 he had married Linda Hamilton,
who played Sarah Connor in Terminator 2 and is also a member of the
Order of the Eastern Star.

The Academy Awards will be held at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles.
The building was built in 1927 by The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles
of the Mystic Shrine, better known as the Shriners. The Shriners are an
organization which admits only 32nd degree Masons and was founded in New
York City in the 18701s by American actor William Florence.
Upon entering the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, on March 23rd, 1998,
James Cameron will become instated as a 33rd Degree Mason. The outcome
of the Oscars will determine which side James Cameron is being
influenced by in Freemasonry, the Law of One faction or the Sons of
Belial and the 3consortium2.

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Morning Star the Light Bearer