Imperial Cancer Research Fund
Medical Charities

"The Imperial Cancer Research Fund writes--"One of the biggest myths in recent years is that there is a cancer epidemic by exposure to radiation, pollution, pesticides and food additives.  the truth is that these factors have very little to do with the majority of cancers in this country.  In fact food additives may have a protective effect---particulary against stomach cancer."      Decades ago they (cancer charities) were relatively independent from industry...Now they are all but departments of large pharaceutical companies.   The Imperial Cancer Research Fund (ICRF) a case in point.  While most lay people imagine that it is simply a worthy charity collecting money to research cancer, few will understand that it is itself a mutli-million pound corporation which hardly makes a move independently of professional science, or its industrial pharmaceutical patrons and backers.  Through its council and its benefactors, the ICRF is run by, and mainly for, the profit of the pharmaceutical companies the very corporations whose products would have to be investigated for any wide-ranging investigation of cancerand the environment."--Martin Walker writing in the Ecologist vol 28 No 2. Matin Walker is the author of Dirty Medicine.  (ICRF )