Holocaust quotes (selected)
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See quotes: Auschwitz-Birkenau Treblinka Robert Faurisson Photographs Witness evidence (false) False evidence Witness torture

"The memory of the Holocaust is central to the New World Order." ---Ian J. Kagedan (Director of government relations for B'nai B'rith Canada, Toronto Star, Nov. 26, 1991, p. A17.)

"The world is aware how jealously the Jewish community guards the Holocaust, both as a memory and a weapon."----David Klinghoffer

The early blockbusters, such as 'Judgment at Nuremberg', forgot to mention the gas chambers.

Three of the best known works on the Second World War are General Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe (New York, Doubleday [Country Life Press], 1948), Winston Churchill's The Second World War (London, Cassell, 6 vol., 1948-1954), and the Mémoires de guerre of General de Gaulle (Paris, Plon, 3 vol., 1954-1959). In these three works not the least mention of the Nazi gas chambers is to be found. [1997] The Detail by Robert Faurisson

"Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate -healthy virile hate- for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German."----Elie Wiesel, Nobel Prize winner and "chief witness" to the Holocaust

The Jews do not tolerate any questioning of the "Holocaust". Against the revisionists they use physical violence and judicial repression because, on the level of historical and scientific argumentation, they have been defeated hands down by the revisionists. We have been able to expose their lies, one by one. Therefore Jews and Zionists seek refuge in violence and intimidation. They treat revisionists like Palestinians.......The more those in the West believe in the "Holocaust", the more Moslems they will kill and cause to be killed in Palestine, in Afghanistan, in Iraq or elsewhere........The Jews' power stems directly from the Western world's near-total belief in the phenomenal lie of the "Holocaust" [2005 Interview Robert Faurisson] Zionist power stems from the West's belief in the 'Holocaust' myth

I forgot to tell you something about this man. As I told you, in his book Night, not once does he talk about gas chambers. So I published something in '86. The title was "A prominent false witness: Elie Wiesel", and I said very simply, that there was not one word about gas chambers in this book, Night. So when the book was published in '88 in Germany, do you know what happened? In the German version of the book by Elie Wiesel, in 9 places in this little book where in fact you used to have "crematory" or "crematoria", you now have the word for "gas chambers", "Gaskammer". This is how one invents gas chambers. Transcript of the Recording of a Talk Given in Stockholm on December 4th, 1992

As the years went on, Auschwitz by and large receded into the background. A decade after the war, the public knew virtually nothing about it. This may be attributed partly to the fact that the Soviets did not permit outsiders to inspect the grounds of the Auschwitz complex. What is more, none of the German and Austrian soldiers interned at Auschwitz, which served for several months as a Soviet prisoner of war camp, found any traces of the alleged mass murders, not even in Birkenau, supposedly the actual extermination camp, and so reported after their release. Of course, remnants of the crematoria were there to be seen, but the quantity of rubble did not match what would have been left behind by crematoria of the size required for the mass extermination of several thousand people per day.
    One may well ask: If this allegation were true, why then did not the Soviets immediately exhibit the camp to journalists from all over the world and place the evidence of the alleged mass murders under international control? I shall leave it to the reader to answer this question for himself. [emphasis added] The Auschwitz Myth by Wilhelm Stäglich

I call their attention to a paradox. Although the "gas chambers" are, in the view of the official historians, absolutely central to a picture of the Nazi concentration camp system (and furthermore, as proof for the totally perverse and devilish character of the German concentration camps in comparison to all previous and more recent concentration camps it ought to be meticulously shown how the Nazis proceeded to invent, construct, and operate these fearsome human slaughterhouses), one must be thoroughly astonished that in the impressive bibliography of the concentration camp literature there is not a single book, not a single brochure, not a single article, on the "gas chambers" themselves. [2005] The Problem of the Gas Chambers By Robert Faurisson 2005

Burg had discovered that the German Zionist leaders requested as early as 1933 that the Jews be required to wear the yellow star. The Zionists saw it not as an insult but as a heroic gesture, just like the SS wore the swastika. In 1938 the director of the Zionist movement in the Third Reich brought about the wearing of the yellow star by the Jews against the wishes of both Goering and Goebbels. (25-6850) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

"...the alleged gas chambers at the inspected sites could not have then been, or now, be utilized or seriously considered to function as execution gas chambers." (Leuchter, The Leuchter Report, p. 19)

The Leuchter Report was an original idea; the Rudolf Report was an original idea, somewhat less so; the Ball Report was entirely original. So was the Richard Krege Report (ground radar at Treblinka) [2005 Interview] CARLOS W. PORTER

Burg testified that the reason for the continuation of war crimes trials in both the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States was to prove to everybody that the Germans, even the ones born in America and Toronto, were to be blamed for the murdering and gassing of Jews. (26-6907)
.....Israel existed on the basis that a Holocaust happened. The German people of the Federal Republic paid money honestly earned by work to Israel, a barrel without a bottom. (26-6916) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

He also says, "Besides, we had by this time already learned of the Jews' plans for Germany." He mentions explicitly the book by Theodore Kaufman, Germany Must Perish. This is most interesting, because in the Goebbels diaries of August 1941 (which have also not yet been published), Goebbels also mentions Kaufman's book as justification. [1992] The Suppressed Eichmann and Goebbels Papers By David Irving

If the Holocaust story went on the way it was going, said Burg, there would never be a sincere relationship between the Jews and the Germans. The Zionist leaders would see to that. Burg had told Zündel that films such as Holocaust and Shoah were fortifications of a falsification of history, made for the purpose of showing Germans why they had to pay and that the paying would go on for another few generations. (25-6851, 6852) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

It should also be remembered that a man may be overcome by the absorption of hydrocyanic gas through the skin; a concentration of 2 percent hydrocyanic acid gas being sufficient to thus overcome a man in about 10 minutes. Therefore, EVEN IF ONE WEARS A GAS MASK, exposure to concentrations of hydrocyanic gas of 1 percent by volume or greater should be made only in case of necessity and then FOR A PERIOD NO LONGER THAN 1 MINUTE AT A TIME. In general, places containing this gas should be well ventilated with fresh air before the wearer of the mask enters, thus reducing the concentration of hydrocyanic gas to low fractional percentages.
......Unfortunately I must say in their defense that even some intelligent technicians and even some well-informed chemists imagine that almost any small place can easily be transformed into a homicidal "gas chamber." None of those people has had the chance to visit an American gas chamber. They would understand the enormity of their error. The first Americans who thought about executing a condemned man by gas also imagined that it would be easy. It was when they tried to actually do it that they understood that they risked gassing not only the condemned man but also the governor and the employees of the penitentiary. They needed many years to perfect a nearly reliable gas chamber. FOREWORD to The Leuchter Report -by Dr. Robert Faurisson

If it's all a hoax, then why did no one come forward, even years later and say it was a hoax. The answer is that the Germans who knew it was a hoax were the ones in the camps. Not the German public or those outside the camp. The Germans who worked in delousing camps framed as death camps, like Sobibor and Treblinka; or who worked in labor camps framed as death camps like Auschwitz. They were vulnerable to prosecution. Any German who worked in these camps, could have a Thomas Blatt figure come along and say "I saw you beat my father!" on the witness stand. Thomas Blatt's testimony, for instance, was largely responsible for putting Karl Frenzel in jail for his whole life. Thomas Blatt Sobibor Fraud

I hate that word. It's a word I don't like using. People say to me, "Mr. Irving, do you believe in the Holocaust? Do you deny the Holocaust?" I say that I mistrust words with a capital letter. They look like a trademark, don't they? Like Tylenol or something. We don't trust them; no matter how much advertising they put into Tylenol. And so it is with that word "Holocaust." You get the impression that it is a neatly packaged, highly promoted operation, and you don't trust it. [1992] The Suppressed Eichmann and Goebbels Papers By David Irving

Lipstadt has argued that when the last Holocaust survivors are gone, nobody will be left to testify that it really happened. But you might as well argue that when the last eyewitnesses of World War II are gone, the world may doubt that it ever occurred. How can a trained historian speak such nonsense? The Irving Danger, by Joseph Sobran. February 23, 2006

"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." - Israeli prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parliament] quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the Beasts," New Statesman, June 25, 1982

“Visiting the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., for example, I was struck by its marginalization of any other victims apart from the Jews, to the extent that it presented photographs of dead bodies in camps such as Buchenwald or Dauchau as dead Jewish bodies, when in fact relatively few Jewish prisoners were held there.”---Richard J. Evans, Lying About Hitler: History, Holocaust, and the David Irving Trial (Basic Book, 2001), p. 261.

Also included in the private collection were gas masks and filters used by the Germans while fumigating the camp with Zyklon B. Felderer indicated that Zyklon B was sold in Sweden prior to the Second World War as an insecticide to kill lice, rats and bugs. In Auschwitz, it was used for the same purpose. Piper told Felderer that the camp had copies of the special instructions which the exterminators followed during the fumigation process, such as how the gas mask was to be worn, the complications of the gas and the required airing of the room. Felderer was very curious as to why the gas masks and other related items were not in the main display at Auschwitz. His conclusion, which he related to Zündel, was that when one talked about gassing, one did not want the people to realize that there were technical problems involved with it. Instead, one wanted to portray to the people that there was really nothing much to it and that it could be done very quickly. (18 4317, 4318) [Ditlieb Felderer] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

Hilberg, who was the world's leading authority on the Holocaust, had never examined a single concentration camp, not even Auschwitz.... In his entire life he has never seen a "gas chamber," either in its original condition or in ruins....On the stand he was forced to admit that there had never been a plan, a central organization, a budget or supervision for what he called the policy of the extermination of the Jews. He also had to admit that since 1945 the Allies have never carried out an expert study of "the weapon of the crime," that is to say of a homicidal gas chamber. No autopsy report has established that even one inmate was ever killed by poison gas." ROBERT FAURISSON

Following the example of Raul Hilberg, Browning had not examined any concentration camps. He had not visited any facility with "gas chambers." He had never thought of asking for an expert study of the "weapon of the crime." In his writings he had made much of homicidal "gas vans," but he was not able to refer to any authentic photograph, any plan, any technical study, or any expert study. He was not aware that German words like "Gaswagen," "Spezialwagen," "Entlausungswagen" (delousing van) could have perfectly innocent meanings. His technical understanding was nil. He had never examined the wartime aerial reconnaissance photos of Auschwitz. He was unaware of all the tortures undergone by Germans, such as Rudolf Hoss, who had spoken of gassings. He knew nothing of the doubts expressed about some of Himmler's speeches or about the Goebbels diary. The Zündel Trials (1985 and 1988) by ROBERT FAURISSON

The prosecution did not benefit from this experts testimony. On the contrary, the defense scored numerous points on cross-examination. Biedermann recognized that the ICRC had never found any proof of the existence of homicidal gas chambers in the German camps. The visit by one of its delegates to Auschwitz in September 1944 had done no more than conclude the existence of a rumor on that subject. To his embarrassment, the expert was obliged to admit that he was wrong in attributing to the National Socialists the expression "extermination camps." He had not noticed that this was a term coined by the Allies. The Zündel Trials (1985 and 1988) by ROBERT FAURISSON

In place of Hilberg there came his friend Christopher Browning, an American professor who specializes in the Holocaust. Admitted as an expert witness (and paid for several days at the rate of $150 per hour by the Canadian taxpayer), Browning tried to prove that the Harwood pamphlet was a tissue of lies and that the attempt to exterminate the Jews was a scientifically established fact. He had cause to regret the experience. During cross-examination, the defense used his own arguments to destroy him. In the course of those days, people saw the tall and naive professor, who had strutted while he stood testifying, seated, shrunken in size, behind the witness stand like a schoolboy caught in a mistake. With a faint and submissive voice, he ended up acknowledging that the trial had definitely taught him something about historical research.
    Following the example of Raul Hilberg, Browning had not examined any concentration camps. He had not visited any facility with "gas chambers." He had never thought of asking for an expert study of the "weapon of the crime." In his writings he had made much of homicidal "gas vans," but he was not able to refer to any authentic photograph, any plan, any technical study, or any expert study. He was not aware that German words like "Gaswagen," "Spezialwagen," "Entlausungswagen" (delousing van) could have perfectly innocent meanings. His technical understanding was nil. He had never examined the wartime aerial reconnaissance photos of Auschwitz. He was unaware of all the tortures undergone by Germans, such as Rudolf Hoss, who had spoken of gassings. He knew nothing of the doubts expressed about some of Himmler's speeches or about the Goebbels diary.
    A great follower of the trials of war criminals, Browning had only questioned the prosecutors, never the defense lawyers. His ignorance of the transcript of the Nuremberg trial was disconcerting. He had not even read what Hans Frank, former Governor General of Poland, had said before the Nuremberg tribunal about his "diary" and about "the extermination of the Jews." That was inexcusable! As a matter of fact, Browning claimed to have found irrefutable proof of the existence of a policy of exterminating the Jews in the Frank diary. He had discovered one incriminating sentence. He did not know that Frank had given the Tribunal an explanation of that kind of sentence, chosen beforehand from the hundreds of thousands of sentences in a personnel and administrative journal of 11,560 pages. Furthermore, Frank had spontaneously turned over his "diary" to the Americans when they came to arrest him. The sincerity of the former Governor General is so obvious to anyone who reads his deposition that Christopher Browning, invited to hear the content, did not raise the least objection. One last humiliation awaited him.
    For the sake of his thesis, he invoked a passage from the well-known "protocol" of the Wannsee conference (20 January 1942). He had made his own translation of the passage, a translation that was seriously in error. At that point, his thesis collapsed. Finally, his own personal explanation of a "policy of the extermination of the Jews" was the same as Hilberg's. Everything was explained by the "nod" of Adolf Hitler. In other words, the Fuhrer of the German people did not need to give any written or even spoken order for the extermination of the Jews. It was enough for him to give a "nod" at the beginning of the operation and, for the rest, a series of "signals." And that was understood! The Zündel Trials (1985 and 1988) by ROBERT FAURISSON

War created to create Israel
Burg discussed with Zündel who was responsible for the upset in the world between Germans and Jews. He told Zündel that the First World War had brought the Zionists a homestead in Palestine but not a nation. This was much too little and everything had to be done to create a state of Israel. This was only possible by war activity. A world war had to come about. The Zionists therefore co-operated with what was known as Wall Street. Wall Street brought about the Second World War, just as they had brought about the First World War. Burg noted that the Hitler regime had also been supported because it was supposed to fight the Communists. Like the National Socialists, the Communists did not want to subordinate themselves to Wall Street. The plan of Churchill, together with the Zionists and the Americans of Wall Street, was to ensure that the National Socialists and Communists "knocked each other out." Chaim Weizmann had stated that he was willing to sacrifice German Jewry in the interest of a state of Israel. (26- 6912, 6913, 6915) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

Jewish emigration
Burg testified that the emigration of Jews from Nazi Germany who did not go to Palestine was hindered by the Zionists. The Zionists prevented the Jews from going to other countries because their interest was in making the Jews go to Palestine. Furthermore, most countries blocked entrance to Jewish emigration. (25-6842)
......The German Reich wanted to get the Jews out: how and where were secondary questions. The people under Goering dealing with the Jewish question picked up a plan which came from the founder of the Zionist movement, Theodor Herzl, which involved moving the Jews to Uganda or Madagascar. Both of these colonies belonged to France. The plan did not work out, but the existence of the plan alone proved logically that a liquidation of the Jews did not exist. Their labour was needed as well. Burg emphasized there was no liquidation of the Jews by the Germans. (25-6842, 6843, 6844) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

Burg wrote in his books about the co-operation which existed between the Zionist leadership, including David Ben-Gurion, with the Nazi regime prior to the war. (26 6877) Several days after Hitler had been named Chancellor, Rabbi Leo Baeck, a leader of the Zionist organizations in Germany, announced publicly that the interests of Jewry were identical with the interests of National Socialism. Burg testified that Baeck meant "Zionism," not "Jewry." The Zionists at that time in Germany constituted one and a half percent of the Jewish population. A few days later another Zionist leader made a similar declaration. The sense of these declarations, testified Burg, was as follows: 'We nationalist Jews, meaning Zionists, are in agreement with this regime. We are not ashamed of our nationalist thoughts.' The Germans who had to deal with the Jewish question co-operated immediately with this minority of Jews in order to prove to the whole world that they were not anti-Jewish but were co-operating with the Jews. (26-6878, 6879)
In the early 1930s, as result of this co-operation between the Nazis and Zionists, some 120,000 Jews emigrated from Germany to Palestine. Difficulties began, however, when Britain, which administered Palestine, refused to issue any more immigration permits because of Arab unrest. (26-6879, 6880) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

Zionists in Germany worked at organizing schools for children in the Jewish language, workshops for young people, etc., to help prepare people to emigrate at some point to Palestine. The Zionists were interested only in emigration to Palestine and did everything they could to make sure that outside of Palestine no Jews were admitted. The Nazis were interested in getting the Jews to emigrate wherever they could. Nevertheless, co-operation continued between the Zionists and the Nazis, such people as Adolf Eichmann, Golda Meir and David Ben-Gurion, until 1942 when the Zionist leaders were of the opinion they had reached their goal. Burg stated that even at that point Germany's defeat could be seen and the Zionists became like "rats leaving a sinking ship." (26-6880 to 6884) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

Holocaust numbers
Israel submitted a document to Germany stating that of four European Jews, three had been killed and for those dead people Israel demanded restitution. The document did not claim that 6 million died. Neither gassings nor murder were obvious from the document. The word used was "killed." The initial sum of 3.5 million marks had grown and not only today's Germans would pay but also the newborns. The sums were justified by inventions that 40 million Jews were gassed, then 25, then about 6 million, the level at which it had stayed. (26-6907) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

Money from Holocaust
Burg had frequently discussed the subject of German restitution with Zündel. In Burg's opinion, if the Holocaust hadn't been invented, the Germans wouldn't be paying restitution and, he pointed out, "they are paying." He dealt with the subject in his book Guilt and Fate which Zündel read in the 1960s. (25-6850, 6851) Israel was created in 1948 and in 1951 still had no diplomatic ties with the Federal Republic of Germany. In that year, Israel gave Dr. Nahum Goldmann, a representative of the World Jewish Congress, authority to negotiate with Dr. Adenauer, the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, concerning Germany's guilt. Israel, under Ben Gurion, wanted money from the "damned Germans" but didn't want to sit down at a table together with them to negotiate. The negotiations between Goldmann and Adenauer resulted in a recognition by Germany that it had committed a holocaust against the Jews. (26-6904, 6905) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

Israel submitted a document to Germany stating that of four European Jews, three had been killed and for those dead people Israel demanded restitution. The document did not claim that 6 million died. Neither gassings nor murder were obvious from the document. The word used was "killed." The initial sum of 3.5 million marks had grown and not only today's Germans would pay but also the newborns. The sums were justified by inventions that 40 million Jews were gassed, then 25, then about 6 million, the level at which it had stayed. (26-6907) [Joseph G. Burg] The 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zündel -- 1988 

Holocaust started as wartime propaganda
Bruno Baum, a former communist inmate in Auschwitz, was allowed to brag in summer 1945 in a Soviet newspaper: "The whole propaganda which started about Auschwitz abroad was initiated by us [German communist inmates] with the help of our Polish comrades." (Deutsche Volkszeitung, Soviet paper in occupied East Germany, 31 July 1945). Thus, it is not surprising to learn that during several trials in Germany, it emerged that the testimony of witnesses from eastern Europe had been orchestrated by communist authorities. THE HOLOCAUST CONTROVERSY The Case For Open Debate An Introduction by Germar Rudolf

Witness confessions
His confessions were false. They had been extorted from Höss by torture, but it took until 1983 to learn the identity of the torturers and the nature of the tortures they inflicted upon him....The confessions of Rudolf Höss supply the keystone to the theory which maintains that systematic extermination of the Jews, especially by means of homicidal gas chambers, was a historical reality.
....."Certainly, I signed a statement that I killed two and a half million Jews. But I could just as well have said that it was five million Jews. There are certain methods by which any confession can be obtained, whether it is true or not."
.....Moreover we now see that Bernard Clarke, the first British torturer, was a Jew, The second British torturer, Major Draper (?), may also have been a Jew. The same for the two Americans: psychologist G.M. (Gustave Mahler) Gilbert and Colonel Harlan Amen. Finally, in Poland, Höss was faced with Polish Jews who treated him more or less the same way. When he wrote his "memoirs" it was under the supervision of instructing magistrate Jan Sehn, who was also probably a Jew. [1986] How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss by Robert Faurisson

Photographic evidence
All photographs of heaps of corpses were taken in Western camps around the end of the war, such as Dachau, Bergen-Belsen, and Buchenwald, where historians now agree no mass murders took place.
Significantly, there are no such photographs taken at the camps in which mass murder is alleged to have occurred (Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor, Chelmno, Majdanek.) These eastern camps were all in areas which came under Soviet control at war's end. It is very telling that the Soviets released no pictures of mass graves or heaps of corpses and allowed no journalists, medical professionals, or other experts to examine the camps. Since the end of the 1980sFAQ about Revisionism by Germar Rudolf

The principal authors of the creation and the peddling of the "rumor of Auschwitz" have been, successively, two Slovaks, Alfred Wetzler (or Weczler) and Rudolf Vrba (or Rosenberg or Rosenthal); then a Hungarian, Rabbi Michael Dov Ber Weissmandel (or Weissmandl); then, in Switzerland, representatives of the World Jewish Congress like Gerhard Riegner, who were in touch with London and Washington; and finally Americans like Harry Dexter White, Henry Morgenthau Jr. and Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise. Thus was born the famous World Refugee Board Report on Auschwitz and Birkenau, published in Washington in November 1944. Copies of this report were included in the files of the judges advocate general in charge of prosecuting the Germans involved in the Auschwitz camp. It constituted the official version of the story of the alleged gassing of the Jews in that camp. Most probably it was used as a reference work by the inquirers-interrogators-torturers of "the Commandant of Auschwitz." All the names here mentioned are those of Jews. [1986] How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss by Robert Faurisson

Holocaust in Allied interests
Weber pointed out that the Crown Attorney had previously tried to suggest that people who were Holocaust revisionists believed that the Holocaust story was a gigantic hoax perpetrated by the Jews to get money for the state of Israel. In Weber's opinion this was not accurate. It was essentially in the interests of the Allied governments that won the war and in the interests of the post-war West and East German governments which were set up by the Allies, to portray the Hitler regime in the worst possible light. The more terrible the Hitler regime could be portrayed, the more glorious became the Allied cause and the more legitimate became the post- war governments of East and West Germany. (23-5766) The state of Israel and Jews around the world benefited from the Holocaust story directly and indirectly. It was used to encourage a sense of solidarity among Jews based on fear through the argument that if a people as cultured and civilized as the Germans could commit this great crime, then anyone could. (23-5767) [1989] My Role in the [Ernst] Zündel Trial

Holocaust as a weapon
The Holocaust is used to control Germany (and hence Europe), to suppress national movements, and to maintain American dominance -- to say nothing of the power leftist and internationalist movements derive from it, and the use to which Jewish and Zionist groups put it. [2001] A Brief History of Forensic Examinations of Auschwitz by Germar Rudolf

In September 2007, President George W. Bush cited the Holocaust religion as a “justification” for possibly attacking Iran and beginning a world-wide war.  Bush was quoted as saying: "Iran’s active pursuit of technology that could lead to nuclear weapons threatens to put the region already known for instability and violence under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust." A former White House aide clarified the meaning of Bush’s statement: "By using the word ‘holocaust,’ Mr. Bush has provided a moral reason to allow the Jewish state to do what it needs to do."
.....As I have shown here, the traditional view of the Holocaust has been used to “legitimize” hate, defamation, ethnic cleansing, and future wars of mass death.  In the West, the Holocaust ideology has been raised to the status of an intolerant religion.  It is the ultimate “mortal sin” to contest it.  Even Israeli scholar Beit-Hallami is honest enough to admit the moment the Holocaust dogma is raised to “justify” a political agenda, almost all debate and discussion ceases.17  Yet, this scenario contradicts the political philosophy of democratic governments, for any doctrine that influences the politics of the nation or world, as the Holocaust undoubtedly does, should be subject to close scrutiny and questioning. 
....In this world of endless war and violence, it is everyone’s duty to help bring about  peaceful resolutions to the problems humanity faces. It is now up to the powerful interests that are behind the Holocaust ideology to engage its opponents, the revisionists, in peaceful, democratic debate so we may get at the truth about the fate of the Jews during World War II. Indeed, a critical examination of the Holocaust dogma is in the best interests of Iran, the United States, and the entire world.  In this way, we can help to build a more rational and humane world order. [2008] The Holocaust as an Ideological Danger by Paul Grubach

The Neoconservative movement, a right-wing political philosophy that emerged in the United States and now has considerable influence over President George W. Bush, is essentially a Jewish movement with Jewish-Zionist interests at its core.  This has been well documented by the recent publication of Jacob Heilbrunn’s They Knew They Were Right: The Rise of The Neocons.  “After all, it is quite true that while not all neoconservatives are Jews,” the American political scientist points out, “the majority of neoconservatives were, and are, Jewish; it is also true that they tend to propose foreign policy goals that support and favor Israel.”
...But even more importantly, Heilbrunn notes that the Holocaust was a Neoconservative “justification” for the US invasion of Iraq.
.... “In the end, the neoconservatives adduced a number of reasons justifying war against [Iraqi dictator] Saddam [Hussein]. Their moralism stemmed less from imperial dreams than from something else—a firm belief in America’s role as the only bulwark against a second Holocaust.  As Jews, they (and their Catholic conservative allies) were haunted by the memory that the Allies had not stopped the Holocaust—and they strongly believed that it was America’s obligation to act preemptively to avert another one.” [2008] The Holocaust as an Ideological Danger by Paul Grubach

The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie, which has permitted a gigantic political and financial swindle whose main beneficiaries are the state of Israel and international Zionism and whose main victims are the German people "but not their leaders" and the Palestinian people in their entirety.
......"Whoever allows himself to claim that the alleged Nazi gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews are a historical reality is, whether he likes it or not, giving support to a horrid lie that has become the number one war propaganda weapon of the State of Israel, a colonialist, racist and imperialist State. Let whoever has the nerve to support the Holocaust myth look at his hands! His hands are red with the blood of Palestinian children!" [2009 jan] Interview given by Professor Robert Faurisson

Aerial evidence [Aerial photographs.]
"To this day there is no air photo evidence to support the alleged mass murder of the Jews at any location in Europe occupied by the Germans during World War Two. Further, air photo analysis refutes the claim that the Nazis had intended, at whatever time, to keep events in the alleged extermination camps secret. In many cases the air photos provide clear proof that some of the events attested to by witnesses, such as the destruction of the Hungarian Jews or the mass executions at Babi Yar, did not in fact take place. We may hope that the release of Soviet air photos dating from the time the camps were in operation will shed further light on these issues. The fact that these photos have not been published to date may already speak for itself. That the photos in Western hands were altered in order to incriminate Germany, and were first published by the CIA, is also very significant indeed."----AIR PHOTO EVIDENCE by JOHN CLIVE BALL