Holocaust definition

Holocaust. Dictionaries prior to 1960 defined the word holocaust as human sacrifice, usually by bloodletting, then fire. Now it means something else. This holocaust was done in service to Baal or Moloch, as defined by the countless historical records. This goes on today. It's more a Canaanite thing, a reptile thing, a Dark Gods thing, than anything else. A Nephilim thing.  CBSWORK

"In the Hebrew language, if you ever take the time to study the Old Testament, you will learn that the word 'holocaust' is shorthand for 'a burnt sacrificial offering to Hashem (the god of the Jews) in return for certain favours.' It's neatly defined as such in the Jewish encyclopaedia."...it served a ritual purpose, often only involving the death of a teething ram or a sheep. Modern Jewry no longer practises the ritual of sacrificial 'holocaust' offerings, at least not officially."  ......"Fundamentalist Christians also believe that Isaac was destined to be the first human sacrificial lamb." [2008] Michael James: I Want My Freedom Back

See: Origin of Holocaust Propaganda   Human Sacrifice

'Holocaust -- from the meaning wholly burnt.  1) a sacrifice wholly consumed by fire.  2) complete consumption by fire'.-- Oxford English Dictionary.