Holocaust Revisionists (critics)
[back] Holocaust revisionism

"Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul" ---Mark Twain

See critics: AIDS Allopathy Cell phone Cancer Dental Dope Inc Psychiatry Smallpox Vaccination Vivisection  Conspiracy

See lists here http://www.revisionists.com  http://www.codoh.com/author/author.html http://www.zundelsite.org/debate/victims/index.html

Ball, John
Belling, Joe
Bellinger, Joseph P.
Bennett, John
Berg, Paul
Burg, Joseph G.
Butz, Arthur R.
Christophersen, Thies
Cole, David
Crowell, Samuel
Desjardins, D.D.
Faurisson, Professor Robert
Felderer, Ditlieb
Garaudy, Roger
Grubach, Paul
Harwood, Richard
Hoffman, Michael
Honsik, Gerd
Irving, David
James, Michael
Kollerstrom, Nicholas
Krege, Richard
Kues, Thomas
Lagace, Ivan
Leuchter, Jr., Fred A.
Mattogno, Carlo
Mullins, Eustace
Nielsen, Ernst
O'Keefe, Theodore J.
Porter, Carlos Whitlock
Rassinier, Paul
Rudolf, Germar
Rudolph, Tijudar
Smith, Bradley
Stäglich, Wilhelm
Töben, Fredrick
Walendy, Udo
Weir,  John
Weber, Mark
Widmann, Richard A.
Zundel, Ernst

John Sack

Dr. Fredrick Töben, Fight or Flight. The Personal Face of Revisionism
Download: PDF: 5.1 MB
On the travels, travails, trials, and tribulations of Australia's top-revisionist Dr. Fredrick Töben, Director of the Adelaide Institute. In this book he describes a multitude of encounters with many personalities of the world, from Konrad Lorenz and Werner Heisenberg to the whole range of representatives of Revisionism and their enemies. A world to be explored.