Andrew Hennessey quotes
Andrew Hennessey

The occult ritual and ceremony [satanic/druidic etc] they perform on aryan sacrifices serves several purposes. Because the Reptiles allegedly cannot call up their lost mates from the abyss, they need the magical/spiritual properties of the aryans to do the ceremony for them. They turn up - after ritual has been rigourously followed, and give their special team of shape changers in this dimension encouragement to carry on looking for the way to go with the escape of the 'demons' from their abyss. Various MK-slaves are there, some get eaten some get 'orgied' - flesh and blood is devoured especially that of the sacrifice - a female whose combination of blood; preferred menstrual [that's why satanic/druidic ritual goes with the full moon] - and with the secretion from the pineal gland stimulated by intense fear, the sacrifice drives the Reptiles wild with carnage. Reptiles, Aryans and Horror

The Reptoid establishment however, has only one purpose, to detach the Monkeys of the Spiritual Forests of God and predate on them. In order to do that - it must paint a picture of death and finite constraints. Thus it builds religions out of death, and sets up barriers between the questing souls and God. It denies us eternity and says that our souls are but material that will perish. It says that our eternity is small and constrained - and denies us the scientific advance we need to explore it.
    It gives the monkey no hope in a world that is a diseased slaughterhouse, and using its telepathic predators, harvests the despair of monkey dissolution whilst opening up the monkey soul and shell to the frightening possibility of demonic reptile possession.
    At that point, the monkeys are faced with a science that cannot or will not explain its predicament, and telepathic reptoid wise men and doctors who do know but perpetuate the disease and the hosting in the name of their ancient ancestors. The monkeys have nowhere to turn except to believe that they are mentally and spiritually diseased and blind to the reptoid deceit and motives happily partake of destructive pharmaceuticals in the misplaced trust that these chemicals will make their problem go away.
    The only cure for mismanaged reality, however, is Truth. Chapter 4-6 MONKEYS OF EDEN - the telepathic Overlords and the Slaves of Earth

I and my family were born non-telepathic and our heritage as the planetary monkeys was only ever intended to be the fruits of derision. Such peoples with such powers as telepathy, and I believe there to be many, have revealed themselves as nothing whatsoever to aspire to. A whole hierarchy of form that all looks human runs the gamut of ascendancy from blueblood shapeshifting lizard, through very functional Aryan hybrid, to base non-telepathic monkeys like myself. The first two categories, I believe to take up 20% of the western population. Chapter 4-6 MONKEYS OF EDEN - the telepathic Overlords and the Slaves of Earth - by Andrew Hennessey

The diagnosis of Paranoia is a weapon of war used against the Monkey that is starting to realise that some people seem to have knowledge of his/her thoughts. .........Some of them you may think are your friends, but they will defend their hidden ability though - and they will do that by trivialising the connections that you have made when you identified reaction to your thoughts, or by attempting to make you feel paranoid....Paranoia is where the rational processing power of the Monkey simply goes on overload. Chapters 11-14 MONKEYS OF EDEN - the telepathic Overlords and the Slaves of Earth - by Andrew Hennessey

A 1978 book entitled, "Microwave Auditory Effect and Application," by James C. Lynn describes how audible voices can be broadcast directly into the brain. This technology could actually allow the blind to see and the deaf to hear. Instead, it has been turned into a weapon to enslave the world....Allen Frie also reports that he could speed up, slow down or stop the hearts of isolated frogs by synchronizing the pulsed rate of a microwave beam with the heart itself......According to Robert Baker, similar results have been obtained using live frogs, which shows that it is technically feasible to produce heart attacks with rays designed to penetrate the human chest. EDITOR'S NOTE: Both the author of this report and his colleague died of "heart attacks" only days apart one in Canada and the other while visiting Ireland. Neither had a history of heart problems. Chapters 11-14 MONKEYS OF EDEN - the telepathic Overlords and the Slaves of Earth - by Andrew Hennessey