by Andrew Hennessey

 In Edinburgh and the Lothians, east central Scotland, there is a strange and fantastical blend of the ancient and the science fiction. It’s true to say that what can be identified are cultural themes that are so ancient that they Are science fiction.

From the times of the alleged gods of Atlantis and the wars of the Fall of Eden mentioned in the Book of Enoch and artefacts apparent in Michael Cremo’s ‘Forbidden Archaeology’  – it becomes apparent that even across the water in Fife there are ‘strange fires’ and epochs inferred in the naming of the town Burntisland. Burntisland got its name from the glassy fusion of its rocks that became vitrified by temperatures that were somewhat nuclear.

We hear how in the Hindu Mahabarat mythology from India how chariots called Vimanas would fly across the sky raining down the power of the sun – so rather like the other vitrified fort in the Dark Isle, Cromarty, near Inverness at a place known traditionally as ‘the centre of the Universe’ it may be that Scotland has been party to some epic battle at the end of an Age.

Traditional explanations from the National Museum of Antiquities as to how these fortresses became fused glass go along the lines of whole tracts of the Caledonian forests being carried up to the hilltops to be ignited to melt the rock. It then becomes more rational to go with the ‘ancient nuclear war’ theory than buy into the ‘pointless, resource consuming bonfire’ theory.

 I’m of the opinion today though, knowing what I now know, that although the surface works of some science fiction civilisation of at least 20,000 BC have been erased from the planets surface, there are still pockets of subterranean infrastructure in the hands of non-humanity.

There are supposed to be secret caves full of alchemical and ancient artefacts in the Templar lands east of Aberdeen on the north east coast of Scotland according to a Templar archivist, and in the hills south of Edinburgh at Innerleithen there is a folk tale of a civilisation inside the hills from the 18th century.

 Two lovers had gone onto the hills above Innerleithen to play hide and seek. The girl had gone into a small cave to hide and she had discovered a doorway that led her into a wonderful and strange land full of carefree people who drove about in magical horseless coaches and who had cities of domes and spires. She had a very good adventure there but then remembered her lover who was still looking for her.

Her lover, however, had returned to the village without her and as time passed there he was accused of her murder, was tried and was hanged.

The girl though returned to the cave entrance and made her way back home. She did not recognise very much about her village – and when she inquired of her lover she was told that he had been hanged over 50 years ago.

 Scotland has for some time been accredited with being one of the world's busiest UFO hotspots with attention in Scotland being focussed initially on Bonnybridge and the Falkirk triangle.

It has been said that much of the sightings there declined in volume after the closure of the local chemical factory that may have been polluting the area.  (allegedly with dioxin)

However, more recently, from about 2000, it has become apparent that the small town of Gorebridge - an ex coal mining town about  15  miles south of Edinburgh, Scotland's capital city has had more than its fair share of close encounters and abductions.

On checking the local news and gossip - there have been reported and unreported close encounters in the Gorebridge area for decades.

 Geographically and historically, Gorebridge is situated adjacent to Rosslyn Castle and Chapel, which lie a few miles to the west.

In Rosslyn glen by the river there is a Bronze Age carving in stone of a reptilian head and, folklore referring to a tunnel and cavern system.  

 To the east lie the cavern systems of Cousland and a place called 'Goblin Halls' as well as numerous other references to this reality in village names. e.g. Elphinstone and Elvingston.

Gorebridge, then, a typical post-industrial mining community with abandoned mines and workings has a past intimately tied in to Celtic mythological traditions.

 From the village of Gifford beside Goblin Halls, to the seriously haunted Crichton Castle on the edge of the Cousland cavern system all the way from the Moorfoot hills to the Pentland hills that frame the city of Edinburgh, the area is riddled with vast limestone works from ancient times made by ancient peoples.

 On midsummer's night, two people from Gorebridge were determined to practise some form of Wicca in the Churchyard adjacent to Crichton Castle - daring the wrath of the Blue Lady, allegedly the wraith of a distressed Nun.

Under a full moon on the stroke of midnight they looked up from what they were doing towards the path that led all the way down to Crichton Castle. They saw, filing past the Churchyard gate on its way down the castle road - a silent procession of fine ladies and gentlemen all in black evening gowns and dinner suits. [Circa 1970]

The two sat there totally struck dumb ... and when the parade reached the castle, they started quickly walking away back to the road, noticing with increasing alarm that there were no cars or coaches parked by the roadside.

This was an enactment of a tradition in Scotland - the midsummer's 'Faerie parade' usually told in terms of medieval symbols, such as Knights and Dames e.g. as in 'the Ballad of Tam Linn.'

 Theosophist CW Leadbeater wrote in the late 19th Century in his book 'The Hidden Side of Things' of Faerie tribes in the Pentland Hills to the west of Edinburgh at Flotterstone. Around the Lothian cavern system edges are place names and villages such as 'Elvingstone' and 'Elphinstone' and of course 'Goblin Halls' this over about 1000 square miles in the Lothians.

Faerie abduction stories are common in folklore – and the abduction of the Borders minstrel Thomas the Rhymer by the Faerie Queen in the middle ages resulted in Thomas coming home with a set of prophesies that after various named conflicts and tribulations, one day Scotland would come into its own .

 Faeries, traditionally, can dematerialise and move about as lights - the 'will o' the wisp'.

With the advent of digital cameras, more and more of these beings are being caught on film as ‘orbs’ of light. Indeed one ‘orb’ in Kirkcaldy has been photographed materialising as an anthropoid being holding and pointing some sort of handheld device.

In Mayan times in South America they were referred to as the ‘stars that walk’ – the ‘pashashwaska’, or as the ‘weavers of cloud’ in central America, and in Scotland the Reverend Robert Kirk in 1697 AD notes that they can materialise bodies for themselves out of cloud and air, and, drink essence through their pores.

This latter observation was also made by West Lothian abductee Garry Woods in the 1990’s who watched several Greys bathe in tanks full of translucent green fluid. Garry also noted that they had a genetically designed creature like a tapeworm also in the tank whose function was to absorb any excreted impurities.

 It’s probably true to say that any number of different beings of varying ethical persuasions can present themselves in the form of glowing lights.

 It has been noted for a few years now that Blinkbonny mine, an abandoned coal mine at Gorebridge,  has been a centre for nocturnal activity with lights descending from the sky, and curious strangers there who move the locals on.

Two individuals were chased from that locality one year whilst digging up some fir trees for Christmas by a luminous, floating, 'green eye'.

Another local was confronted whilst out on a walk with his dogs by a tall grey extra terrestrial who had .. 'elephantine, wrinkled grey skin and white blue eyes full of intelligence and life.'

Access to that locality has become more controlled over the last few years with some of the other entrances to the mine at other localities

becoming filled in by contractors.

It has more recently become an ill-reputed Bikers locality.

 Not far down the road from George in Gorebridge is another notable contactee called ‘Hazel’ who appears to have a whole household of invisible but very tough beings who visit her from their overhead ship.

The beings who ‘Hazel’ channels claim to have scanned her and conditioned her to respond to their truth. ‘Hazel’ relates that the scanning process that uploaded her DNA patterns was painful.

One of the beings called ‘Alda’ who operates with ‘Hazel’ as some sort of healer sounds like he is part of the medical field hospital from the Korean war comedy drama. One of the stars of that was Alan Alda.

Alda speaks of the coming ‘Harvest’ – which doesn’t sound too reassuring or funny and that there would be programmable ground troops called Mendaps to deal with things in some sort of ‘friendly invasion’.

Public predictions made by Alda of a show of ships have materialised, however, but then in Gorebridge that was always going to happen.

Alda is allegedly working on some genetic issues with ‘Hazel’ re the reproduction of his species and has that in common with stories of the ‘Tall Whites’ from their airbase in Colorado, USA.

 In other localities in and around Gorebridge strange things have been reported such as parked 'silver domes' in the local fields, at Mayfield village, black triangles flying low overhead, and people being pursued by strange glowing intelligent lights, [on film] and  sightings of Greys and Men in Black in the local woods and abductees who share the same year and dates of birth.

The men in black story comes from the early 1970's when three boys were out playing in the woods near the abandoned military camp at Newbattle Abbey, near Gorebridge.

They had climbed the old fence and found themselves under the distant gaze of a very strange sentinel. They hid as he came over.

One boy has a memory of his friend saying .. ‘let’s run …’

They then had some missing time.

 Later that week the same man came to the house of one of the children in some ‘official capacity’. The child hid behind the sofa ... whilst the Man in Black engaged the parents with some questions. He suggested that he was looking for a missing psychiatric patient. As he was talking to the parents, his eyes searched out the young boy who was hiding behind the couch.

 Also there is the story of George Whyte a contactee from Gorebridge who has filmed numerous alien craft at close quarters. These images are featured by ‘skywatcher’ on www.youtube.com.

 In 2002,  George went out at night to his doorstep because he had the 'feeling' that he would film something.

Sure enough he filmed a square shaped and peculiar UFO flying low across his rooftop. Managing also to get the ship at various stages of its approach, so there is front and side elevation in detail.

The next morning George hears the thunder of a helicopter at rooftop height overhead and goes out with his camera to see a dark helicopter eyeballing him at his doorstep with its cameras trained on him.

George then filmed them filming him.

Thinking it bizarre, he contacted a then prominent UFO group in Scotland with his story and his footage but their investigation though revealing that the helicopter was from a company called PDG helicopters, dismissed their activity as normal and routine.

Certainly it’s ‘all routine’ for the security services to survey citizens on their doorstep in the course of their normal duties. What though was the civil emergency that warranted such illegal flying ?

 All of George's footage has been dismissed by this UFO group and written up on the Internet as 'rubbish'.

However when he eventually started investigating the suspicious helicopter, which had appeared the morning after a close encounter, and when he examined the images of the pilot he was in for a shock - for he had a clear image of a Grey or at least a very unusual looking pilot working for the UK establishment.

PDG helicopters have declined to identify the pilot and any use of 'strange headgear' etc and they remain silent about their illegal presence on his doorstep.

 Perhaps because airtraffic control at Edinburgh had got it wrong – perhaps what was seen and filmed only looked like a helicopter from that company and maybe the original investigator had been misinformed.

 The UFO group who initially investigated George's claim of harassment and who had dismissed the incident as routine had failed to note that the helicopter was flying at 150 feet and that 500 feet is the legal ceiling for such activity.

There are also some of George's neighbours who were alarmed by this low flying machine.

Further scrutiny of this clear helicopter footage and survey of the locality by an RAF flight sergeant from Leuchars airbase who is also a bomb disposal expert and Iraq combat veteran reveals a fairly exact confirmation of the height at about 150 feet and that the camera in use to film George and his house was no ordinary routine camera.

The camera in use by the very strange surveillance team was a radiation source-seeking camera, which can see through walls.

The camera operator looks like a Grey with a heart shaped head - a head much like the Faerie head from the 13th century carved in stone in St Giles cathedral Edinburgh.  It is called 'the corble stone.'

 This is also the Spielberg 'ET' from the film of the same name - perhaps checking if George was following advice to 'be good' and whether or not he had recently acquired any exotic technology from the previous night's encounter with which to 'phone home'.

George had filmed the square UFO shooting off a glowing orb in the direction of the local woods at Gorebridge glen.

Some of the local countryfolk have complained of eerie cries in the night air coming from the direction of those woods. Not the usual fauna they were used to over the many years in the country.

Since then, George has filmed a UFO from his car tailing him down the local road the A7 at Newtongrange that runs by those woods.

 The ramifications of George's Grey chopper pilot are staggering - for when 'alien Tony' as he has been dubbed flies back to the airport - how is he facilitated. What are his catering and restroom arrangements?

Working as an alien technological consultant for the UK black ops - he assists in the 'routine surveillance' of UK abductees and contactees.

Does he drive back to Elphinstone or Goblin Halls at night after he clocks off.

George's photo of 'alien Tony' represents the first clear public domain evidence that some part of the Ministry of Defence is clearly working hand in glove with extraterrestrials and that these ET's are helping them with their fieldwork.

Indeed this disclosure makes a recent MoD Condign Report facile and ridiculous. One of its points of laughter was a sub-report entitled 'Elves, Sprites and Blue Jets'.

It's certain from this evidence that the government are intent on policing their monopoly on exotic technology and all the benefits to be had therefrom.

The authorities may only become involved overtly if there is a 'risk' that Joe Public could be receiving technological gifts of strange things.

Close monitoring of the contactee public is done with the use of conventional and unconventional technology and personnel.

A more recent overfly of Gorebridge by a PDG helicopter was reported in late May 2006.

PDG helicopters of Inverness - who were the company cited as responsible by Edinburgh International Airport's air traffic control according to investigator Jim Robertson of Glasgow, were asked to account for their activity and have been shown evidence of their uncivil flying but have yet declined to comment or identify the occupants and their headgear and flightplan.

 In chatting to a local gamekeeper it was revealed that he did not go to a certain hill a few miles south of Gorebridge  because it always had a low level light over it at night. The gamekeeper related that the light was under the level of the low cumulus clouds.

The same gamekeeper relates that he has seen a strange procession of small monks in dark robes heading from Temple village towards Middleton, near Gorebridge.

 Indeed from two independent sources it was confirmed that a field on Leadburn road a few miles to the west had alien and or military technology in it.

 A local gypsy called Muriel told me that 'someone' a while back had left a probe in a field near Leadburn village to the west and that if you stood at a certain place it would drift over to where you stood to check you out.

This was also checked out by Garry Woods another prominent Scottish abductee and investigator.

More recently it has come to light that two friends and hill walkers had been in that area and one had said to the other to watch the trees at the top of a hill whilst walking up to a certain point in the field.

When the point had been reached, a Harrier vertical take off and landing 'jump jet' rose above the treeline. The friend then said to the other, now step back, and then the jet sank back down into the trees. Now step forward again and the jet rose up again.

It would appear that some sort of holographic technology may be in use, for there are, according to a Flight Sergeant at RAF Leuchars, air traffic control,  no Harriers flying in Scotland - the nearest being 300 miles away at bases such as Peterhead and Norwich.

The hill walker had encountered the Harrier before many times noting that it rose up if he walked forward and then sunk down if he walked back at a spot in the field.

 The weird Harrier is in the exact locality identified by the local gypsy as that which contained the 'alien probe'.

 There are though many other mining towns in the Scottish region of the Lothians, comprising of West Lothian, Midlothian and East Lothian e.g. Blackridge in West Lothian [closer to Bonnybridge] that have noted ET activity and abductions from craft and beings operating in and around old coal mines. Garry Woods a prominent abductee from Scotland investigated this.

It has been said that a number of abductions had been taking place in Blackridge from ships originating in the direction of the old mine.

I went to check this out with a former employee of the UK version of the American National Security Agency who had been an expert in military communications and he had noted as we drove around the back of the mine that there was a specialist military antennae rising from what looked like an abandoned prefabricated concrete hut.

 It may be though that old mines could be utilised in times of national emergency for various reasons and are currently being made secure for that purpose. There does seem to be sightings of dark helicopters associated with these places - as a recent correspondent from West Lothian confirms.

 With so many contactees in Gorebridge in Midlothian itself and many more people who have witnessed strange encounters and happenings - it was with interest that I note that an abductee who had parents born in Gorebridge on the same day within 5 minutes of each other and who had then moved to Edinburgh was also being followed up in later life by ongoing ET contact and also happened to be a relative of Mr Whyte.

 There is clearly something alien going on at Gorebridge and that when you open your back door and find yourself being confronted by a helicopter cockpit and one of the occupants in plain view  is an alien or even a spook wearing a strange mask - then you know that maybe the authorities know something about it too.

Other footage shot by George Whyte reveals an arrowhead shaped craft with visible triangular structural details flying up from the Rosslyn area through the stars of Orion's belt. As it rises heading south in the direction of the Scottish Borders - three cities materialise for it to dock with. This footage provides proof for an anecdote reported by Charles Fort in his book 'New Lands', of a city descending from the sky over the Scottish Borders in the 18th or 19th century.

 There was a claim of a sighting of an Aurora jet over the Lothians by a 'respectable witness' i.e. a Policeman from the local town of Penicuik, who claimed to see percussion smoke rings from faster than sound flight behind it. This does not detract from the fact that the ship filmed by George is not of conventional technology and was clearly leaving the Earths atmosphere. It is enveloped in a bright blue glow and is identical to one filmed on the Martian sands by a NASA satellite.

 The UK military though by the looks of 'alien Tony' the chopper occupant have long surpassed the need for jet aircraft restricted by the speed of sound - and the ultimate irony in the recent MoD Condign report that jokingly refers to 'blue jets' is that George had indeed filmed a blue craft - but it was clearly enveloped in a light blue electrogravitational field. [Of the sort described and produced by Townsend Brown in the 1930's for various government sponsored engineering firms and their publications]

 Exactly what is going on at Gorebridge ? well two strangers, men in suits,  who were walking around conducting some sort of survey,  were overheard by Mr Whyte at his doorstep to declare the area a 'hive'.

Well it certainly has been and continues to be a hive of alien activity.

 Tunnels and caverns under Rosslyn were not made by the Scottish Coalboard as when Rosslyn Chapel Trust recently tried to claim for subsidence - the coal board proved they had not mined there and were not at fault. A similar claim made by the Catholic diocese in Rosewell - a nearby village was successful though.

There are certainly caverns and tunnels under Rosslyn - not made by human hand though. There is a story from the 19th century of a piper being sent down the tunnel from a shaft at the base of Rosslyn castle - and at one point his pipes stopped playing and he was never heard of again !!

There is on record a letter from Mary Queen of Scots sent to the Edinburgh City hierarchy that promises never to reveal the secret that she was shown at Rosslyn.

 Edinburgh National Museum and National Art Gallery, are recipients of millions from the Hawthornden Estates owned by Heinz foods. Hawthornden  castle is linked by tunnel to and only a mile from Rosslyn castle and chapel. The Hawthorn tree is symbolic in Celtic lands of the faerie folk. Whereas the Elfin bloodline may patronise the arts, recent withdrawal of a big exhibit from the collection of the 20th century at  Edinburgh's National Museum showed that the whole deal is keeping itself covert.

'Rotation of exhibits' is the official story !!

 The exhibit from which I have taken photos shows a multinational multi-logo'd tracksuit top for the 'shopper and traveller', an insectoid Holy Grail called the cup of communion, an archetypal ‘zeta reticulan’ wrapped around a cafetierre, and a mantis alien vase.

Even the new Scottish Parliament building itself reputed to be situated on a deep and ancient tunnel system under the capital looks rather like an ant hive - a mound constructed out of grass and straw with some very unique asymmetric ‘alien-looking’ window designs.

 There is a strong cultural link between secret societies such as the Templars and Masons and the ancient insectoid ET's.

For example one of the symbols of the Merovingian bloodline, of the secret Templar families is the golden bee. The Order of the Golden Bee was patronised by both Napoleon and the Earl of Rosslyn. It's also true that little ET's such as Kobolds can be found on Templar tapestries.

The beehive is also featured in many Masonic illustrations.

Elizabethan Magi and the Queen's 'eyes and ears' John Dee drew and documented very recognisable insectoid/humanoid 'alien' beings making an appearance during his magical ceremonies.

He signed himself as Her Majesties ‘eyes and ears’ by use of 007.

The secret side to the establishment has a long history of association with non-human beings and ideas.

 When Garry Woods was famously abducted at Tarbrax West Lothian, the 'A70 Case' in the early 1990's he was later taken underground into a big cavern that was lined from floor to roof by little sarcophagi in which slept little Greys. He was then taken into the presence of the Emperor Grey ... and Garry, true to his Scottish nature asked him ... 'What do you want here ??' ... the answer was .. 'Sanctuary !'

The Templar lands of the Priory of Torphichen in West Lothian were considered an ancient Sanctuary .

 Indeed there is a very recognisable ET on a standing stone inside Brechin Cathedral in Scotland's northeast according to Dr Ralls Macleod.

 One of the highest hills in the West Lothian area is an amazing Bronze Age sacred site. It was almost totally unknown and unrecognisable until Mrs Dalziel, mother of a prominent politician Tam Dalziel started getting curious enough to want to excavate at the beginning of the 20th Century.

The story goes that Mrs Dalziel and her two sons - one who later died in a world war were out on a picnic. She had given one of her sons a new raincoat and he had run off to play.

He had been gone some time, but later arrived back without his coat.

When his mother enquired what he had done with it - he said that he 'gave it to the brown boy'.

They searched everywhere - but no trace of him or the coat could be found.

The tradition of the 'brown boy' or faerie child is also associated with Calton Hill in central Edinburgh and the tunnels adjacent to the new Parliament building that run from the central hill called Arthur's Seat to Calton Hill and also to the Edinburgh castle rock.

 Mrs Dalziel, determined to get to the bottom of this other-world mystery obtained permission to excavate and then it was revealed that Cairnpapple Hill was a very impressive and important Bronze Age burial and sacred site.

Taking Highlander Paul MacDonald there along with his Reporter friend Bob from Newcastle, I was relating the story of the brown boy when suddenly the entire hilltop shook as if it were undergoing an earthquake and under our feet we could hear the scrape of a stone door grinding open with a cavernous echo.

It appeared to be very much the case that the ancient faerie tradition is still alive and interactive today.

 It is traditional within the Templar secrets of Scotland to refer to  another  Elvish race that is of Reptilian descent - the so-called bluebloods.

They are depicted and symbolised in the paintings of 19th Century Scottish Gnostic and 'sacred' artist John Duncan in e.g. 'The riders of the Sidhe'. A painting that encapsulates the main aspects of this ideology; e.g. the shining/glowing ones - in other words the Illuminati, Aryan, Hindu and Nordic symbolism and overt Reptilian forms.

Their historic roots can be traced back to Mesopotamia and depictions of human reptilian shape shifting and also of strange flying craft in ancient clay tablets. Circa. 2000 BC

The Annunaki as they were called became known as the Anu, and their name became translated into Celtic mythology as the Tuatha De Dannan whose story is featured in the ancient Celtic  'Book of Invasions'.

Some then chose to live underground in Ireland during the Milesian dynasty according to the myth after they had arrived on these shores after a War.

 In Rosslyn Glen below the chapel is an ancient Bronze Age carving of a Reptilian head on what has come to be regarded over the centuries as the 'spirit rock' - where locals would come to commune with their unborn children.  It is of the same shape and morphology as those Reptilian statues from ancient Sumeria seen depicted in Laurence Gardner's late 1990's books. E.g. 'Bloodline of the Grail'.

 A local poet, writing in a charity pamphlet in 1919 called 'the Ballad of the Gore', refers to '... the ancient Race of Dundas.'

Elsewhere in Scotland's western isles there is a myth of the aquatic 'Blue Men of the Minches' according to the Reverend Robert Kirk's 1697 AD treatise called 'The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Faeries'. Indeed the name for the City of Glasgow has Gaelic roots in this notion of blue and maybe that is where the native tradition of becoming super warriors in blue woad originally came from.

That humanity could have god-like strength if they took on the ‘blue’ characteristics of this other Race.

 Dr Ralls-Macleod an ethno-musicologist relates that on searching the old parish records of the Isle of Skye from the 18th century she came across a documented dispute in a village between two parties that had caused the village and parish to record their vote … and it was recorded that the little people voted for one particular party.

 The local Lairds, ‘the ancient race of Dundas .. etc’  are reputed to have an architectural folly whose purpose is to show that Edinburgh is the latitude of a secret Jerusalem-like Holy City.

This idea is linked to an entrenchment of special attributes and abilities in some geographical locus regarded as sacred.

It was a known fact that Hitler had made preparations to obtain the mansion house in Edinburgh that is now Donaldson’s School for the Deaf and was it also co-incidence that the embassy of Rudolph Hess, one of Hitler’s henchmen was directed at the Duke of Hamilton – part of the Scottish nobility.

Indeed according to De Brett’s Peerage the direct descendant of the Stuart line who is the technical heir to the throne of Scotland is the cousin of Queen Elizabeth the second, the Duke of Bavaria who embarrassingly was a member of the SS and the Luftwaffe during World War 2.

 Edinburgh therefore has the historic provenance to be a place where magical ideas and strange beings create strange works.

The Dundas architectural folly, it is alleged is a small ornamental building goes down into a small chamber from where it can be seen that a shaft in the ceiling opens out into the sky.

It is said that at the transit of a luminary - a shaft of light comes down the shaft - much like in the film 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' - and if the recipient places a staff a cubit long in a cupola in the floor, then the shadow cast by the sun is the shadow of the latitude of Jerusalem.

The so called 'tena brosa'.

The idea being that because of the curvature of the Earth, a similar cubit sized staff would produce an entirely different length of shadow nearer the equator in e.g. The Holy Land.

In Scotland at least, Edinburgh, with its seven hills, is a place thought of as a Jerusalem by the elect [see William Comyns Beaumont, 'Britain Key to World History, 1947, or the illustration plate in the paperback edition of the more recent; 1980's 'Holy Blood and the Holy Grail' by Baigent, Lincoln and Leigh, of the Dutch 15th century woodcut of Jerusalem ..  you are looking at Edinburgh city centre .. it's in plain view.

 In this belief system, St Giles Cathedral becomes the Temple of Solomon, St David is the city's patron Saint, and Holyrood Palace becomes the Palace of Cedars whilst the Gorgie district becomes the site of Golgotha and, Edinburgh Castle or its site, is the fortress.

Beaumont also shows that the Dung Gate of this Jerusalem ideology is Kings Stables road, where indeed the Cleansing Department have their HQ.

There is also a tradition that Pontius Pilate was born in Killin in Perthshire, 70 or so miles North and that his family then stayed outside Edinburgh in Dalkeith.

 My problem with this ideology is that I cannot imagine cedars growing anywhere near the latitude of Edinburgh, nor can I envision Arthur’s Seat as the Mount of Olives - it has traditionally been very cold in Scotland.

This ideology though has a strong counter-current of anti-Christianity in it with perverse symbolism of the crucified dragon for example.

 Also the symbolic story of the White Hynd of Holyrood Park chased by the King’s hunting party suggests a strong link with the faerie otherworld in central Edinburgh which is directly adjacent to the hollow hill of Arthur’s Seat.

The story of the faerie chase is an archetypal faerie story in the tradition that relates a crossing of the threshold between two worlds.

 The entrance to these caverns on the extinct volcano was on the side of the hill above the old rifle range site. This was apparently sealed off by order of the town council in the late 19th century as too many people were going missing in the cavern system.

Some had travelled from Arthur’s Seat directly under the site of the new parliament building to come up at another faerie hill called Calton Hill.

Even today, the practise of Wicca still scatters iron pins on the hilltop to scare away and undo the faerie beings.

 On the 18th Century maps of the area, Rosslyn, the village was called Paradise. Today the only remnant of that fact is commemorated in the very adjacent village of Loanhead as Paradykes Road.

At the end of Paradykes road an industrial estate backing onto the Cloning labs where Ian Wilmut famously cloned 'Dolly the sheep' and where once stood Paradise Village now stands Dryden Tower fenced off under high security. The Dark Tower of the Earl of Orcus - another title for the earl of Rosslyn, now seems to commemorate a dry and more barren world, which can be a den of iniquity.

With ‘Paradise lost’ and now a Dryden it is intriguing that from both the

History of the Jews by Flavius Josephus and also the Ethiopic Book of Enoch that it is related that in ancient days, there was a paradise which we can call ‘Atlantis’ which began to practise dark things under the tutelage of Fallen Angels. Many strange beings, hybrids and chimeras were begotten and the place incurred the wrath of God.

 Speaking of 'Dark Towers at Rosslyn' ...

Whilst digging further into these strange magical belief systems that surround the establishment and its cultural heritage I uncovered some very strong links to the JRR Tolkein fantasy epic 'Lord of the Rings'

This is a story about shining elves and goblins and darkness and light and heroes and wizards and an outcast fallen dynasty that will one day regain its true sovereignty after darkness has been overthrown.

 The outcast King in the book and film is called an EL - which is a biblical reference to a race of Angels, he is called Elessar or Aragorn, who is of a people called the Rangers of the North, the Dunedain.

Dunedain is Edinburgh's Celtic name.

Before his last battle - he summons a wraith army at the 'stone of erech'.

This army of the dead are alleged to be ‘oath breakers’ – perhaps alluding to the criminals of the Fall of Atlantis mentioned in the Book of Enoch as an imprisoned army called ‘the Grigori’.

 In real Scottish history the stone of erec is the name given to the stone of destiny by the first Dalriadan King, which then, historically, becomes Scotland's coronation stone.

This was the stone that tradition has it was brought from Egypt to Ireland and the court at Tara by an eloping princess called Scota.

I cannot imagine it looking like the huge block of sandstone that was famously stolen back from Westminster London by the Scottish National Party – as it just wouldn’t fit very well into Princess Scota’s handbag.

 In the ‘Lord of the Rings’  book Aragorn replaces the failing Stewards of Gondor - Steward being another name given to the Stuarts the traditional bloodline of Scotland.

In the book and film - the heroes face the Orcs, and historically the Orcs were a tribe of Picts from southeast Fife, across the water from Edinburgh.

Also more locally, Goblins may be found at Goblin Halls at Gifford, East Lothian and their head shape is also commemorated in stone in the East Lothian marker stone in the Millennium monument to the Scottish Regions.

Even the name of the Elven Kingdom of Lothlorien is phonetically similar to Lothian. The region was traditionally named after King Lot, whose daughter was made outcast because she married a strange being, and pregnant with child, she was cast from a local big hill called Traprain Law as her punishment.

She was caught by the Faeries so the story goes and she was born over the river estuary called the Forth to the isle of maidens or the isle of May to give birth in safety.

 It does seem rather likely that JRR Tolkein was very aware of Scottish mythology and traditions and also seems to plug into the magical belief system of fallen gods and dynasties.

 To add to the somewhat elevated local cultural mythology it is said that the river estuary called the Firth of Forth can be translated from Celtic to mean 'the way of ways'.

 The idea of a fallen race of Angels is spoken of in Flavius Josephus' 'History of the Jews' and also referred to in various apocryphal writings such as 'the book of Enoch'.

Indeed the bible makes several references to a species of 'Dragons' and one reference speaks of 'Dragons in their pleasant palaces'

 There is also some Templar folklore that suggests that Soutra Law south east of Edinburgh was a place of visions and inspirations to build great works.

It was famously a place of pilgrimage and was also a medieval hospital.

It is claimed that in the Dark Ages St Cuthbert was a shepherd on the east Lothian hills at Soutra when he saw a big orange ball. Such things are being filmed today flying about the sky. It may be that there is some need by the establishment to link ET into the Edinburgh area because it can be seen from other research that St Cuthbert saw his vision in the Scottish Borders, near Melrose, not anywhere near Soutra Law – despite what a well illustrated plaque replete with Saint and orange ‘Death Star’ near Gorebridge might now be saying.

 It is very strange that the biblical idea of rebuilding the Temple is being linked in with the alleged non-human visions of Scottish Saints and the tradition of an obscure valley in the Soutra hills not that far from Goblin Halls.

 When the Templar persecutions came in Europe in the early 14th century, it is said that three treasure ships set sail and brought the treasures of the ancients, the wealth of Kings and no doubt the takings of the Crusades to Scotland.

Although Hollywood might suggest differently, it appears to be a fact according to the research of Stephen Prior, that in the early 1300's the Isle of May in the Firth of Forth was bought out from under the Order of St Adrian, who had a monastery there, by The Knights Templar for the price of five times the then national product of Scotland. This gold was paid to the Archbishop in Edinburgh.

What was also purchased by the Templar order was a small private beach at Gullane - presumably to land the treasure from the stockpiles on the island.

At Gullane the local aristocracy the Wemyss, have a designer pyramid crypt and a gateway to it guarded by elfin-like beings. They are one of the wealthiest families within the Scottish nobility.

 The idea behind bringing the Templar treasure to Scotland and perhaps Gullane was to rebuild the fallen Temple in Scotland - and according to a contactee in Kirkcaldy - that is exactly what the aliens he meets with are now doing.

There appears to be no need of the Templar gold, however, if the ET’s are in charge of the fabrications.

 Film from this contactee group in Kirkcaldy was shown at a Film Festival in Glenrothes called Rushes to a group called MIMAC 2001/2002. It depicted a massive, long transporter ship perhaps 2 or 3 miles long, of lenticular shape with three what looked like big circular headlights at the back - they were probably the drive engines - and in this excerpt from 2 hours of camcorder footage by a guy called Steve, hundreds of tiny glowing podships can be seen launching out of various decks in this transporter and assembling like a cloud of midges before flying off over Gullane and the cavern system of Goblin Halls. This fresh influx of visitors was no doubt just in time for the Edinburgh Hogmanay Fireworks street party.

 One commentator, who has been seen wearing a Masonic  'pyramid and eye' neck pendant and whose father had been in Airforce Intelligence, stated that he was looking at Grangemouth Oil refinery and was not looking across the estuary to Gullane at a UFO.

 A fleet of ships of similar design was photographed by a fisherman over Puerto Rico, a place famous for its non-human activity and bases.

 It can be seen from any map however  and the testimony of the cameraman Steve that the Gullane locality he filmed with the ship hanging in the sky like a starwars movie was directly due south across the water and that Grangemouth is far west from and more distant to this locality. Steve is also very familiar with the coast he can usually see in the daytime from his flat in the Kirkcaldy tower block.

 Edinburgh and the Lothians then appear to read like a script from a science fantasy epic and it becomes more obvious the more one looks that the powers that be know all about it.

 One of the most important issues that emerge from this is that collectively we are unsure of the intentions of the non-humanity that is evident.

It doesn’t re-assure whatsoever to realise that St Cuthbert is being deliberately linked by historically inaccurate but highly colourful public monuments with the prolific sightings of a huge orange ball ship that has been severally caught on film by two different parties around Edinburgh.

St Cuthbert in Scotland is associated with a shopping Co-operative or the ‘Co-op’ who used to present cheap affordable foods and goods to the needy in society through its chain of shops. Over the years the incoming supermarket giants have put that chain of shops almost completely out of business in Scotland.

The Co-op today however is still famous for one vital and important service everybody needs ….. Funeral Undertaking.

 St Cuthbert, patron Saint of the planet Zool and guardian of the Federated Galactic Collective … as they say … ‘it’s your funeral !!’

 Today, Rosslyn is being promoted as a ‘stargate’, tomorrow maybe the alien hybrids that attend school in the deeps under Gorgie, Edinburgh – according to one Edinburgh abductee [1999] will come forward to say hello.