Johnny Gosch
[back] Paedophilia

John "Johnny" David Gosch was kidnapped on September 5, 1982, at age 12, only two blocks from his West Des Moines, Iowa, home, while delivering newspapers for the Des Moines Register. Soon after, he was drugged, molested, photographed, sold, and prostituted.  This was not a random kidnapping. Johnny was clearly targeted; in the weeks before the kidnapping, he was photographed near his home. The man who ordered his kidnapping, Col. Michael Aquino, has connections to the CIA ("Why Johnny Can't Come Home"). The identities of many of the perpetrators are known, and there are several witnesses to these crimes, but no one has ever been brought to justice. Local and federal law enforcement refuse to investigate any leads. The FBI has only worked to cover-up any details surrounding the case from surfacing. 1

See: Madelaine McCann

[2005] Noreen Gosch Speaks About - Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch And The Attempted Theft Of Her Book 'Why Johnny Can't Come Home' By Charlene Fassa

[2005] Johnny Gosch, Jeff Gannon, Hunter Thompson and the Unraveling of a Troubling Tale By Tim Schmitt

[2003] Noreen Gosch Interview

The Johnny Gosch Foundation  " bring awareness of human trafficking and pedophilia to the world..."

Justice for Johnny GoschBush Kisses Johnny Gosch, aka Jeff Gannon


The CIA agent who has resurfaced recently has brought information to Jim Rothstein which is significant at this time. Jim shared a portion of it, which the Waterloo, Iowa TV station reported on. It was then circulated throughout the internet. He informed us that originally 1700 children were targeted for this project... they (pedophile ring) set about kidnapping children throughout the country over a period of years. The number of "usable children" they ended up with was approximately 1,000. I filed a FIOA request and received a reply saying "All records on Johnny's case with the CIA have vanished."  [2005] Noreen Gosch Speaks About - Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch And The Attempted Theft Of Her Book 'Why Johnny Can't Come Home' By Charlene Fassa

The film Conspiracy of Silence was due to be aired in the United States on the Discovery Channel in May of 1994 and then just before airtime, it was pulled. Sometime later John DeCamp received a copy in the mail and he made it available to me. The BBC was ordered to destroy all copies. Yet, a BBC employee, who was so shocked at this story and the censorship, made a copy and got it out to John DeCamp. It is said that the BBC was paid $500,000 not to air the documentary. [2003] Noreen Gosch Interview

 We learned 22 years later that the only eye-witness to the kidnapping was forced to change his story years ago by the police chief. He saw a man shoot Johnny with a stun gun, saw him fall, then be thrown into the back seat of a waiting car. The witness instead stated he only heard the slamming of a car door. By the changing of the story 22 years later, it allowed the Police chief, Orval Cooney deniability and then call Johnny a "runaway child" instead of "kidnapped child". We also later learned the same police chief had been attending the sex parties in Omaha Nebraska with the Franklin kids, so it is no mystery why he was trying to "bury the Johnny Gosch story/case". The police say the case remains open to this day...but when I approached them with this information... they say " we are not going to try and reinvent the wheel". [2005] Noreen Gosch Speaks About - Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch And The Attempted Theft Of Her Book 'Why Johnny Can't Come Home' By Charlene Fassa

Marty Stacey, an Omaha radio talk show host, did an interview with me and Jim Rothstein. During the interview, we shared the information in the question/answer above regarding the police chief being involved in this scandal. The following day Marty was called in by his boss and fired... the reason given was the "Gosch/Rothstein interview". The following morning someone placed an "anatomically correct, blow up, nude sex doll with dark hair and a hole blown in the head at the door of my home". [2005] Noreen Gosch Speaks About - Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch And The Attempted Theft Of Her Book 'Why Johnny Can't Come Home' By Charlene Fassa

Over the years I have been followed, received threatening phone calls, had men come to my home and pound on the outside of my house, throw rocks at my home. My cars have been damaged. It has been a very nerve wracking situation and one has to wonder, why would anyone harass the mother of a missing child ..... just for looking for her child? It is because there is much more to this crime and they are afraid I will uncover it and make it ALL PUBLIC. [2005] Noreen Gosch Speaks About - Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch And The Attempted Theft Of Her Book 'Why Johnny Can't Come Home' By Charlene Fassa

 The official body count for deaths in the Franklin/Johnny case is now up to 15 deaths of witnesses and people who have come forward with information. [2005] Noreen Gosch Speaks About - Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch And The Attempted Theft Of Her Book 'Why Johnny Can't Come Home' By Charlene Fassa

In August 1984, I testified at a Senate Hearing in Washington DC. It was an Organized Crime hearing regarding Missing Children. During the various testimony by myself and others, Ken Lanning of the FBI, also testified. The FBI also provided a catalog of materials confiscated by them during the arrest of pedophiles. There were instruction books on molesting children, torture devices and a catalog of children who had not yet been kidnapped. A prospective "BUYERS GUIDE". [2005] Noreen Gosch Speaks About - Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch And The Attempted Theft Of Her Book 'Why Johnny Can't Come Home' By Charlene Fassa

What we uncovered 22 years ago was that many pedophile rings are operative in this country. No one wanted to hear this information at that time. Now we hear it in the form of "human trafficking". [2005] Noreen Gosch Speaks About - Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch And The Attempted Theft Of Her Book 'Why Johnny Can't Come Home' By Charlene Fassa

Pedophilia, kiddie porn and child prostitution is a multi-billion dollar business. The only reason we have it to this degree is "supply and demand and supply and demand". We have many high level wealthy pedophiles. The only difference between a rich and poor pedophile is: The poor pedophile must kidnap his own victims...while the rich one can afford to have his victims brought to him." It sounds so simplistic but it is true. [2005] Noreen Gosch Speaks About - Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch And The Attempted Theft Of Her Book 'Why Johnny Can't Come Home' By Charlene Fassa

"We have investigated, we have talked to so far 35 victims of this said organization that took my son and is responsible for what happened to Paul, and they can verify everything that has happened. What this story involves is an elaborate function, I will say, that was an offshoot of a government program. The MK-Ultra program was developed in the 1950s by the CIA. It was used to help spy on other countries during the Cold War because they felt that the other countries were spying on us."
"... there was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He's founded the Temple of Set. And he was a close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use [in] this experimentation on children. "...they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples, so that when they're questioned or put under oath or questioned under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a multiple-personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence. They used these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of. This sounds so far out and so bizarre I had trouble accepting it in the beginning myself until I was presented with the data. We have the proof. In black and white."  [2005] Noreen Gosch Speaks About - Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch And The Attempted Theft Of Her Book 'Why Johnny Can't Come Home' By Charlene Fassa

It was reported to me and given in Federal Court, February 1999, by Paul Bonacci, that "Michael Aquino ... called the "Colonel" was in fact the man who came to Iowa, paid the kidnappers for taking Johnny, then took Johnny with him. This took place 14 days after the kidnapping. Bonacci stated this under oath in Federal Court. Judge Urbom ruled Bonacci was telling the truth. [2005] Noreen Gosch Speaks About - Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch And The Attempted Theft Of Her Book 'Why Johnny Can't Come Home' By Charlene Fassa

.the mind control techniques were to be used on Americans, most all of it was of military purposes ... they experimented on prisoners, service men and branched out to runaway children, then finally kidnapping children for this purpose.   [2005] Noreen Gosch Speaks About - Jeff Gannon, Johnny Gosch And The Attempted Theft Of Her Book 'Why Johnny Can't Come Home' By Charlene Fassa

Noreen Gosch, mother of Johnny Gosch who was kidnapped 20 years ago when he was 12, testified at Mr. Bonacci’s hearing on his behalf on February 5, 1999 in this civil lawsuit against Mr. King. Ms. Gosch was responsible for the passage of legislation on behalf of missing children, and due to her efforts, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children was created. She carried out her own investigation about her son’s disappearance over the years and observed at this hearing that if the FBI had actually done their job in her case, it would have “opened up the biggest scandal in the United States, bigger than the Iran-Contra story.” Paul Bonacci gave information to Noreen Gosch about the kidnapping of her son, Johnny Gosch, and admitted to participating in his kidnapping.
    Ms. Gosch claimed her son, Johnny, visited her in March of 1997 and told her the exact same story Paul Bonacci had, and asked her to make these claims public. He said kidnapped children and others were being used by professional pedophiles and some of those children were victims of mind control. In Ms. Gosch’s book, “Why Johnny Can’t Come Home,” (2000) she wrote that he and three others claimed that Lt. Col. Michael Aquino was involved in Johnny’s kidnapping. (pg. 223) Ms. Gosch stated the following in the court hearing:
    “There was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearance. He was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He’s founded the Temple of Set. And he was also a very close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use this experimentation upon children …where they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples so that when they’re questioned or put under oath or questioned under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a multiple personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence.
    They use these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of…they were taken to be used by professional pedophiles. People that have the money to buy what they want, take the kids wherever they want... and by splitting the children’s personalities they could then train each one of the personalities to do a different function. And the rest of the personalities within that host personality would not be aware of it or remember it.” [2009 Feb] Satanism and Ritual Abuse - Case-by-Case Documentation by Alex Constantine