Gifting stories

[Some gifting sorties logged on EW.  UK and Africa ones are on other pages.]

See: Gifting and zapper stories from Africa  UK gifting

[EW 2009 oct] Observations After Milwaukee Area Gifting

First weather confirmations

[EW 2009 July] One Year Since Gifting In Japan

[EW 2009 July] A Year in Gifting – Huddersfield - UK

[2009 may] Zambezi Expedition

[EW 2009 March] Denmark's First Prolific Gifter?

[EW Jan 2009] Discovery House

[EW 2009 Jan] Singapore Gifting.

[2009 Jan EW] Gifting The Vigeland Monolith

[EW Sept 2008] Previously Silent Dublin Gifter Speaks Up

[EW Aug 2008 Malaysia] Politics In Context.

[EW July 2008] Operation "Flowering Dessert" and Santiago Gifting

[EW July 2008] Tales From Texas

[EW July 2008] From an Exemplary Gifter in New Hampshire

[EW July 2008] The Previously-Muddy Mississippi

[EW March 2008] Gifting Moscow

[EW 2008] Mexico City Gifter!

[Feb 2008] Vortex Gifting And Towerbusting In Atacama & Patagonia

[EW 2006/7] Lake Geneva
To summarizes it says that the reason why the lake's water is so clear is a mystery. It has never been so clear in 40 years. Normally at this time of the year, the water is a little troubled, especially with the warm weather (this spring is exceptionnally warm here).  The lake is lacking oxygen (phenomen called eutrophisation) since the 60s, and despite the efforts that were made, it did not help much, so the waters quality is even more unexplainable. This is a great confirmation for the rest of us that the gifting that took place at the end of December 2006 was successful!

[EW Nov 2007] Trip to Reunion Island

[EW Nov 2007] Gifting Yellowsone Lake,

[EW 2006/7] Bali Gifting

[EW Nov7, 2006 Water gifting] Weather Confirmations of energetic improvements ---Stevo

cesco Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2004 2:55 am    Post subject: virgin mary

MoonBeaM Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:01 am    Post subject: They made me do it!

SovereignSpiritPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:07 pm    Post subject: Satanic place, vortex (es) and UB busted

[The Devil's Punch Bowl Tale by Ryan McGinty]. Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2004 12:02 am    Post subject: Gifting the west coast 7-28-04 thru 8-10-04
[Aug 10, 2004] Juicing at the Devil's Punchbowl, Part 2 by Don Croft
[August 6, 2004] Count 'I Ain't' Saint Germaine and The Rattlesnake. Juicing at the Devil's Punchbowl, Part 1 by Don Croft

Florida East Coast CBer's Report

Denis Couture Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 4:13 pm    Post subject: Ugly jesuits

Here's another gardener who uses orgonite, folks!