Fluoridation quotes
[back] Fluoridation

Toxic type of fluoride is used:
Large part of the pharma and chemical industry products
A great fraud
A poison (fancy lead enhanced water?)
Mistakes in dosage do happen in water industry
Waste product of many industries
Fluoridation leads to diseases
Fluoride increases uptake of other poisons

"In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster than any other chemical."--Dean Burk -- Congressional Record 21 July 1976

"Here in Toronto we've been fluoridating for 36 years. Yet Vancouver - which has never fluoridated - has a cavity rate lower than Toronto's." --Dr. Hardy Limeback, B.Sc., Ph.D., in Biochemistry, D.D.S., head of the Department of Preventive Dentistry for the University of Toronto, and president of the Canadian Association for Dental Research. http://www.apfn.org/apfn/fluoride-expert.htm

"I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great IG Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the Nazi movement at the time. I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years` research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine--any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person mentally or physically." CHARLES E. PERKINS, Chemist, 2 October 1954.

A multitude of studies have shown that Aluminium, especially if combined with fluoride, is a powerful brain toxin and that it accumulates in the brain. How Vaccines Can Damage Your Brain: Vaccines, Depression and Neurodegeneration After Age 50: Another Reason to Avoid the Recommended Vaccines By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.

"Fluoride is a halogen. Halogens make it simpler for beings to gain access to the human self and possess it." Nature Spirits and What They Say: Interviews with Verena Stael Von Holstein by Wolfgang Weirauch

 The West Midlands is fluoridation’s UK flagship and its dental health is usually compared to that of Manchester. In 1997, Wolverhampton, in the West Midlands, went from 32 per cent to 100 per cent fluoridated. In the following five years to 2002, dental health spending in Wolverhampton more than doubled and the number of preventative procedures increased by 50 per cent. [2008] Riding the fluoride tiger by John Graham

Francis Crick, who worked with James Watson to crack the molecular code of DNA, suggested medicating public drinking water to lower the fertility rate. This is decreasing birth rates; it is part of the Depopulation program. Dr. Gary Glum’s book called, Full Disclosure, discussed Francis Crick’s plan. It is very shocking to hear the actual words of Francis Crick. He said 'in 1962 the Seva Foundation held a symposium called “Man and his Future.”' Now, the Seva Foundation is the pharmaceutical company. . . .at which the Keynote Speaker was Francis Crick. His favorite tactics of population control included putting a chemical, which today we know is Fluoride that would cause sterility in the water supplies of those nations he judged as “not fit to have children”.............Quoting Francis Crick: This approach may run against Christian ethics, but I do not see why people should  have a right to have children. We might be able to achieve remarkable results after 20 or 30 years by limiting reproduction to genetically superior couples.  Interview: Lauren Moret Population Control [whale.to]  [See: Leuren Moret]

Toxic type of fluoride is used:
In a recent paper authored by Myron Coplan, PE, and Roger Masters, PhD, a professor at Dartmouth, the authors discovered that a subtle but potentially lethal change in F additives took place shortly after the fluoride experimentation on Americans began. In 1947 instead of higher-grade NaF or sodium fluoride - silicofluorides, or SiFs, were substituted as the fluorinating compound in drinking water. This switch was carried out under the gross misconception that all F compounds are the same. As outlined in some largely ignored research, however, one part of SiF is substantially more potent than six parts of NaF. Despite this evidence, and despite the fact that it is now SiF rather than NaF primarily being used in American water fluoridation, Masters and Coplan found that "virtually all the extensive laboratory research on the biological properties and effects of fluoride in water has been performed using NaF rather than SiFs..."  [2003] Fluoride -The Battle of Darkness & Light by Mary Sparrowdancer

Large part of the pharma and chemical industry products
: A 'waste product' of the aluminium industry and used in fluoridation of drinking water, this hazardous intractable garbage has become, by dint of promotion and sly public re-education, the active ingredient in fluorinated pesticides, fungicides, nematodides, rodenticides, anaesthetics, tranquillisers, fluorinated medications (pharmaceuticals), a number of industrial and domestic products, fluorinated dental gels, rinses and toothpastes.
    In other words, sodium fluoride is so much a part of multibillion-dollar industrial and pharmaceutical income that any withdrawal for any reason by the promoters, the fluoridationists or by anyone who has supported them for whatever purpose is impossible on a financial basis, embarrassing on a reputation basis, and unthinkable on a legal basis. Fluoridation - Mind Control of the Masses by Ian E. Stephen

A great fraud
"Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time."--Robert Carton, Ph.D. former US EPA scientist.

A poison (fancy lead enhanced water?)
"Fluoride is more toxic than Lead and only marginally less toxic than Arsenic." ----Clinical Toxicology of Commercial products, 5th Ed. 1984

SODIUM SILICOFLUORIDE: This waste product of the fertiliser industry is used in fluoridation of drinking water. By international law it must be removed from fertiliser so that pastures, crops, sheep and cattle will not be harmed. That it is then sold for disposal through the community kidneys is not a matter of international concern. Until this more profitable use was found, it was used almost exclusively as an insecticide and rodenticide - an exterminator Fluoridation - Mind Control of the Masses by Ian E. Stephen

Mistakes in dosage do happen in water industry
Aluminium poisoning from water supply:
"Effectively they said we were either dotty or lying. For 13 years the authorities have said this whole thing is just in our minds."--Elizabeth Sigmund, Camelford resident

Waste product of many industries
"It's a toxic waste product of many types of industry; for instance, glass production, phosphate fertilizer production and many others. They would have no way to dispose of the tons of fluoride waste they produce unless they could find some use for it, so they made up this story about it being good for dental health. Then they can pass it through everyone's bodies and into the sewer." [A novel approach to toxic waste disposal--just feed it to the people and let their bodies "detoxify" it]. "It is a well coordinated effort, to keep it from being declared for what it is--a toxic waste."--Dr Lee

Fluoridation leads to diseases
"In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer deaths, and causes it faster, than any other chemical."--Dean Burke, Former Chief Chemist Emeritus, US National Cancer Institute.

"It is concluded that artificial fluoridation appears to cause or induce about 20-30 excess cancer deaths for every 100,000 persons exposed per year after about 15-20 years."--Dean Burke 

Dr. John Yiamouyiannis states that from 30,000-50,000 deaths/year are directly traceable to fluoridation; 10,000-20,000 of these deaths being from fluoride induced cancers

In 1969, the country of Sweden intended to fluoridate their water supply due to the strong advice of Professor Yngve Ericsson, a Swedish dentist who was also the senior representative on the World Health Organization's Expert Committee on Fluoridation. Then it was found that Professor Ericsson coincidentally was the holder of two highly-profitable patents on fluoride toothpaste. (Follow the money.)  A subsequent investigation disclosed that the World Health Organization's numerous so-called "objective" comparative studies on mortality and morbidity for fluoridated vs. non-fluoridated areas simply didn't exist! The investigation stated that the World Health Organization's report was unacceptable from a scientific point of view, and that some of the claims set forth in the WHO report actually lack any and every basis in fact. The conclusion was that the details given by WHO on risks and safety margins were grossly defective. Sweden thus remains non-fluoridated, to this day. Tom Swanson

Green Tea, Fluoride & the Thyroid

A website by a pro-fluoridation infant medical group lists a cup of black tea to contain 7.8 mgs of fluoride (7), which is roughly the same amount as if one were to drink 7.8 litres of water in an area fluoridated at 1ppm. It is well known that fluoride in tea gets absorbed by the body similarly as the fluoride in drinking water (1,8).

Drinking a cup of tea with fluoride content as mentioned above (7.8mg) would mean a fluoride intake much higher(!) than amounts which were actually given as medication to treat hyperthyroidism (-> over-functioning thyroid) for numerous decades - in several countries - specifically to reduce thyroid activity! [(2 -10 mg NaF/day => 0.9mg - 4.5mg F-)] (19,20,21,22)

Fluoride increases uptake of other poisons [Aluminium  Fluorine-based SSRI drugs  Synergistic toxicity quotes.]
luoride makes your body absorb extra aluminum. And where does the aluminum go? Your brain. And what metal shows up alarmingly in the brains of Alzheimer's victims? You guessed it. William Douglass, MD,

A multitude of studies have shown that aluminum, especially if combined with fluoride, is a powerful brain toxin and that it accumulates in the brain. How Vaccines Can Damage Your Brain: Vaccines, Depression and Neurodegeneration After Age 50: Another Reason to Avoid the Recommended Vaccines By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.


Other World War II, produced of course by Rome, caused the Nazi experiments on the people in the concentration camps-the Jews, the Gypsies, the Socialists, primarily the Jews. But they experimented with things like fluoride. They experimented with things like EDTA chelation, which is THE treatment of choice for anybody with heart disease. They experimented with poisons. They experimented with surgeries. They experimented with all kinds of things on these people. They also experimented with vaccinations and immunizations.
    There's a book called The Nazi Doctors. Everything that was learned by them was integrated into the American Medical Association, after the war. That's why we all have our municipal water supplies fluoridated. That's why they're all chlorinated, because chlorine decreases oxygen, and therefore causes cancer, because cancer grows in an anaerobic state-it's a virus, converting cells into mutants that are anaerobic.
    Ok. All of Europe is using ozone to clean their water supplies. Here they use chlorine. They want us with cancer. And how do we get cancer? With the vaccinations and immunizations, where they inject us with live viruses, like the hepatitis vaccine-every one of them has the HIV virus, SV-40.
    What they're doing is what they learned in Nazi Germany. They implemented here and they continue their research in the CIA. There's a two-tape set called The CIA And The Virus Makers which show how the CIA helped to create the HIV virus and various other viruses. They get into Robert Gallo, the world's foremost virologist.
    Robert Gallo is a Jesuit. He's a Roman Catholic, Italian, the world's foremost virologist-and yet not controlled by the Brotherhood, by the Company? Ridiculous. He's under their control! He's doing all the research, and he doesn't want to be blamed for it-as the WONDERFUL Jew, Len Horowitz, proved. Again, we've got Jews getting in the way-Jews blowing their cover.
    Personally, I have my own home where I use ozone oxygen. I use ultraviolet blood irradiation. I can show you how ultraviolet blood irradiation incapacitates Lupus. It destroys Hepatitis. It destroys Meningitis. It destroys HIV.
    This is a very simple procedure; I do it every day. It can easily be done by any medical doctor, and they won't do it. Because, when you kill off the virus, you don't have the diseases. You are thwarting what they wanted to do with their vaccinations and immunizations.
    That's why they want to make a law. That's why that filthy Ted Kennedy, that Knight of Columbus, wants all these vaccinations and immunizations-when it should be a religious tenet of everyone: 'It's against my religious convictions to put foreign pathogens into my bloodstream. It's going to make me sick by the time I'm 40. It's going to give me plaque build-up and heart-disease. I'm not going to do it.'
    In the meantime, they're suppressing all the things that reverse it: soft lasers, hyperbaric chambers, ultraviolet blood irradiation, oxygen ozone, north-pole magnetic therapy. All the things working together that would easily reverse it, they suppress, and consider it a crime. Make sense? The Black Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps