
See: Baphomet  Eye  666  Satanic Hand signals

“Called the 'mal ochio' (evil eye), this object is regarded by all Satanists as the symbol of Lucifer.”- William J. Schnoebelen, James R. Spencer Whited Sepulchers, p. 20 ----Terry Melanson

Are Olds Gods Still Being Worshipped? By: Ryan McGinty

The All-Seeing Eye, The President, The Secretary and The Guru by Terry Melanson

The (Reptilian) Eye of Sauron as seen on US currency on top of the pyramid.  The ring is mind control---Golum is a name for someone under mind controlAll Seeing Eye aka Eye of Sauron

But the real punch line here is this: as Glenn correctly pointed out to me, Longinus who pierced the side of Jesus with his 'Spear of Destiny' had only one eye! (He was blind in one eye, but was healed by Jesus' blood.)  And, in the film The Passion [of the Christ, a controversial film about the final 12 hours of Jesus, released soon after the Super Bowl fiasco], Jesus is mostly... you guess it, one-eyed.   Needless to say, this... relates to the Eye of Horus, or the 'All-Seeing Eye' of the pyramid capstone that you see on the back of the US dollar bill. It symbolizes Osirian resurrection, seed/sex, Mars, New World Order... etc. etc. all very relevant. Birth of Horus, birth of Antichrist - that would probably the strongest concept conveyed by all this.--The Lucifer Time Code Pt 2 By Goro Adachi  http://www.goroadachi.com/etemenanki/lucifer-timecode-2.htm  

The Eye of Horus comes from one of the many religions which came from Babylon because of Nimrod (aka, Baal, Osiris - represented by the pagan owl Molech) and the Whore of Babylon (aka Isis, the whore, even Lady Liberty).

Eye of Horus: According to Egyptian legend, Osiris was murdered by Set and Set was killed by Horus who lost an eye in the process, hence the Eye of Horus. The 33rd degree Freemason and Black Nobility president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had this symbol printed on the dollar bill from 1933. It was a symbol of secret societies in Europe long before anyone heard of the United States and it is awash with Freemasonic and secret society symbolism going back to the ancient world.--David Icke

ALL-SEEING EYE -- The All-seeing eye originated in Egypt in those Satanic Mysteries which God physically judged during the time of Moses, when he lead the Israelites out of the land by the mighty hand of God.  The All-Seeing Eye was representative of the omniscience of Horus, the Sun God, [Magic Symbols, by Frederick Goodman, p. 103, Satanic symbols book].  As one Masonic book says, "These considerations lead us to an interesting topic, the Eye of Mind or the Eye of Horus ... and conveying the idea of the 'All seeing Eye'.  The end set before the Egyptian neophyte was illumination, that is to be 'brought to light'.  The Religion of Egypt was the Religion of the Light". [Thomas Milton Stewart, The Symbolism fo the Gods of the Egyptians and the Light They Throw on Freemasonry, London, England, Baskerville Press, Ltd., 1927, p. 5]Anyone who knows their Scripture and thinks of themselves as "Christian" should feel right now like they have been slapped alongside their head with a two-by-four!  This Masonic author has just told you that the Light to which Masons constantly refer, and toward which they are to constantly move, is the Religion of Horus!  This is damning, because in Egyptian Mythology, Horus IS Lucifer [Former Satanist, William Schnoebelen, Masonry:  Byond The Light, p. 197]  http://cuttingedge.org/free19.htm

The pyramid and the "eye of Horus" on the back of the dollar bill are Illuminati symbology. The pyramid is an ancient form based on the holyness of the number 3 to the ancient mystery religions (it, not 6, is considered the most spiritual number), and a pyramid was a structure used specifically to call up the demonic, or occult, a point of psychic activity.
    The eye is the all seeing eye of Horus (remember the emphasis on Egyptian magical religious practices? The book of the undead, etc.?) and the fact that no one can escape his magical reach. This eye is considered a demonic eye in the group, or the eye of the deity, and in Illuminati mythology is either open or closed, depending upon the spiritual time of year and the state of the person psychically. Young children are given "psychic surgery" where the eye is placed inside, and they are told that Horus will snatch their soul if they ever try to leave, or if they tell, or that the eye will explode. The symbol on the dollar is reinforcement for every Illuminati child who sees one, and the reminder that they are being watched.
    The saying on the dollar, 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' also means "bringing in the new order", which is the Illuminati stated agenda. Just think, in the early 1800's, our forefathers already were looking forward to when the new order would be ushered in. Have I mentioned that this is a patient, forward looking group of intellectuals? That Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, FDR, and others were Illuminati leaders? Our country may have been founded on freedom from taxation, but it was also founded on the New World Order just as surely. Part 4: The Illuminati - Freemason Connection

In addition, here is a quote from John Todd, who belongs to the Masonic "Council of 13", in the magazine "Progress for All" from January 1991; an interview regarding the clarification of the Pyramid and the shining eye on the back of the US One Dollar Bill (see picture above): "The seal of the pyramid was created by the Rothschild family and brought to North America by Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton before 1776. The Rothschild family is the head of the organization in which I entered in Colorado. All the Occult Brotherhoods are part of it. It is a Lucifer Organization to install his reign in the whole world. The eye on the pyramid is the eye of Lucifer. Supposedly the Rothschild's have personal dealings with the Devil. I have personally been in his villa and have experienced it. And I know it is true."
- John Todd

MI 5

Notice the hidden messages, A.L. and R.T. Bel? Can you decipher them? Notice that a capstone is in place? Did you notice Bel is placed above the capstone by the flying arrow? Do you know what that means? Did you spot the all seeing eye?
    Here is a clue... A.L. is the abbreviation for the Latin which translates Year of Light referring to the year 6,000 when the Illuminati believe Prometheus, Lucifer, Baal, Bel, Satan, the angel of light who was cast out of heaven, will triumph over God and mount the throne in the north (A metaphor for the triumph of socialism over religion, nation states, and the common herd). A.L. can be found by adding 4,000 to the current year, 1998 + 4000 = 5998. All who say they are Light Workers are engaged in the battle against God on Lucifer's behalf. --Cooper

Bank of Estonia
