
"To be afraid is to have more faith in evil than in God."---Emmet Fox
“It is as hard for the good to suspect evil, as it is for the evil to suspect good.”- Marcus Tullius Cicero,
Statesman, orator, writer (106-43 BCE)


Targeting children

Evil or IgnoranceThe Trick of the Psychopath's Trade: Make Us Believe that Evil Comes from Others

See: Psychopaths

"Evil is slick. Cunning...sly...dirty...shadowy...and PREDICTABLE as all hell. Give you an example. Out doing moves Saturday night, with a bag of orgone up the coast. Angelbaby ses aloud, "I miss so and so, and etc, and so forth." A little open heart discussion of an old friend from her past, uttered aloud in our bugged car.
   Next day, at the pool, here comes this lady, arrives after her cuz AB didn't announce her plans, kept them fluid (that's always the smart play, under these circumstances - BIG WINK), then waddled over to her, asked if she lived here, then sat down and tried to do a whole series of sympatico NLP routines on her. AB, being hep, immediately shut herself down and off and deflected the dodge. But that's not all. Want to hear the OMYGOD weird part.
     The woman, physically, was AN EXACT DUPLICATE OF HER LONG-MISSED FRIEND, down to the size, eye, hair, skin, shape, vocal tone, the works. A PERFECT CLONE. How they got her DNA and did this...and no heart center. And, they made this happen in under 18 hours. Witnesses. Sorry, I wasn't there, or I'd have the pics."---- Cbswork - June 2004

"Ahriman is the teacher of the lie that the Man is an animal: neo-Darwinism and similar theories.....Ahriman is the inspirer of the most extreme kind of "scientific" materialism: the doctrine that there is no spirit or soul in the world; that life itself is not in fact alive, but is only a complex of mechanical processes; that reality is at base only quantitative, that there is no reality in the qualitative -- color, sound, etc.; even that the human's inner being is a confluence of material forces. On the emotional level, he works in the human subconscious instincts, inspiring fear, hatred, lust for power, and destructive sex impulses. On the mental level, he inspires rigid, automatic thinking: (in Steiner's phrase) thinking almost entirely without thoughts, but thinking tremendously strongly in the language, in the literal words, which easily become empty words, which in turn easily become lies. -- This "abstract" thinking is devoid of any conscious, inner activity and devoid of any real connection to living experience, and creates a darkened consciousness without light, color, or images."  ---The Advent of Ahriman

People of the Lie (The Hope for Healing Human Evil) By M. Scott Peck, M.D.
Book Review: People of the Lie (The Hope for Healing Human Evil) By M. Scott Peck, M.D.
Political Ponerology: The Scientific Study of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes by Andrew M. Lobaczewski

The Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised as Freedom By David Kupelian