Denver Airport symbols
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Interview with Alex Christopher on The Denver Airport


A man named Phil Schneider claimed during the last year of construction that the underground airport system was being connected to a deep underground base. The base is at least 8 levels deep, with a 4.5 square mile underground city and an 88.5 square mile base underneath the airport. Alex Christopher, Author of Pandora's Box and Pandora's Box II - an expose of the British instigation through Washington D.C. over the last 200 years - adds, "It is very unusual that they would allot a 50 square-mile area on the surface at which to locate an airport in the middle of nowhere unless they really planned to use it for something very unusual later. There is a 10-mile, 4-line highway out to this airport, and there is nothing out there in between the airport and Denver. Not even a service station, at least in September 1995."
    So why is an author of anti-British smears talking about the DIA? It turns out that, according to Christopher, the Queen of England has been buying up a lot of property in Colorado under a pseudonym. Along with the Crown, the CIA has a naturally great interest in the area. Rodney Stitch, author of Defrauding America, claims to have a copy of a tape of a CIA agent paying off the mayor of Denver to get the airport built, to the tune of $1.5 million. Nazis have an interest in the area as well, as much of the DIA's symbology refers cryptically to the Black Sun, some sort of Nazi secret occult worship. (Colorado had long been a strong center for the neo-Nazi movement, most notably through the June 1984 assassination of radio talk-show host Alan Berg.) Daddy's Little Princess: JonBenét Ramsey & The Air In Colorado

The Rockefellers monopolized American medicine in the 1920s. They, along with I.G. Farben, Germany's leading industrial organization, held the monopoly on the world's chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The Rockefellers and I.G. Farben worked together before World War II and during World War II. For all practical purposes, the Rockefellers and I.G. Farben were the Third Reich.
ut then, unfortunately, if you're a true researcher, you don't even stop there. Suddenly you get laid out all of the other more insidious, more horrifying documentation, such as who also gave rise to Hitler's racial hygiene program - they're the same people. They funded it. It was the Rockefeller family that built and funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity, which was run by Swiss psychiatrist Ernst Rudin, who was named president of the worldwide Eugenics Federation in 1932.
    Now that's real well articulated in that book published by St. Martin's by Aarons and Loftus called The Secret War Against the Jews. And also another very good book by Little Brown called Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile. Martin Bormann, like Hitler, was never found. It's only come out recently on the History Channel that they admit it's likely that the carcass that was found in the bunker in Berlin was not Hitler's. I just saw that the other day on the History Channel. It was either the History or Discovery Channel, one of the two. Martin Bormann is clearly known to have skipped town and was never found.
    This was Germany's principle money man. He was in charge of the Nazi war chest. The entire German economy was under his direction. He was the liaison with the banksters, the Rockefellers. He laundered half of the remaining Nazi war chest through the Chase Manhattan Bank. The Paris branch, which remained open throughout the German occupation of France. And of course there was congressional testimony as to how the Rockefeller family and Standard Oil were operating and making fortunes off both sides during World War II.
    When Hitler and Martin Bormann knew they were going to lose the war, they invested their treasury in 750 corporations to produce a monopoly over the world's pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Hitler and Bormann invested heavily in Merck and other pharmaceutical companies. They not only knew that would be a good way to make money as a future investment, but they also knew that, given the Holocaust, you can mass exterminate people through chemicals, gasses and pharmaceuticals. You can take people out untraceably that way.
    So that was the target and primary objective for the rise of the Fourth Reich.
    That's what's going on today. The Nazis planned for it, they even had a term for it - "neue Ordnung," which means New Order, New World Order. This today, this New World Order, is the rise of the Fourth Reich. This is precisely what they envisioned and then carried out.
    The populations that have traditionally been targeted for genocide. I have a series of slides taken just weeks ago from the Denver Airport. There's a capstone, a dedication stone in the main terminal building of the Denver Airport dedicated to the New World Airport Commission by the Freemasons. And there's a big mural - a huge, beautiful, colorful mural - that is dedicated to the extinct species. And in the foreground, against the horrific backdrop of flames and destruction, there are three open coffins. THE SATANIC NAZI FLU CONSPIRACY by Jim Redden