Dachau photographs
[back] Dachau

See photos: Aerial Auschwitz Belsen Belzec Buchenwald Faked Propaganda Eisenhower

Fig. 22: Door of disinfestation chamber at Dachau. The inscriptions on the door specify that the chamber was last used from 7:30 to 10 in the morning. The warning reads "Caution! Gas! Life danger! Do not open!" The U.S. Army caption for this photograph declares: "Gas chambers, conveniently located to the crematory, are examined by a soldier of the U.S. Seventh Army. These chambers were used by Nazi guards for killing prisoners of the infamous Dachau concentration camp." 1

This photo was explicated for years to spread the gas chamber swindle. We are supposed to believe that the Germans did their best to fool their victims through the installation of shower heads, while the entry door to the gas chamber was marked with gassing times! For this reason the photo was later retouched to get rid of the inscription. Porter, Carlos Whitlock

U.S. Congressmen visiting the showers at Dachau camp. They are inside the "gas chamber". http://www.cwporter.com/bild1.htm

'Door into homicidal gas chamber at Dachau, May 2001' Exterior of Gas Chamber
Notice that this is a different door to the one above.

Doors into the disinfection chambers Exterior of Gas Chamber
These look to be the original 'gas chamber' doors the soldier is standing in front of, but painted!
You have to wonder how much their income would drop if they admitted they were just
disinfection chambers.

Why build a gas chamber and never use it? 

Prisoners arrive at Dachau

Polish prisoners found in Dachau toast their new found freedom from the camp.

Survivors of Dachau, both young and old, cheer as the U.S. troops approach.

 Dachau prisoners were overjoyed in late April 1945 when they were rescuced by the American soldiers. Approximently 30,000 men, women, and children were let free.

A view of a death march from Dachau. The column of prisoners marches along the Noerdlichen Muenchner street in Gruenwald in a southerly direction. German civilians secretly photographed several death marches from the Dachau concentration camp as the prisoners moved slowly through the Bavarian towns of Gruenwald, Wolfrathshausen, and Herbertshausen.  (April 29, 1945)

Dachau, Germany, 1945

Americans conduct on-the-spot executions of Nazi SS guards at Dachau.
Execution of SS soldiers at Dachau 

Lt. Felix Sparks stops the killing of SS soldiers at the wall

Rabbit farm

The photo above shows bodies laid out in rows near a barracks building on the east side of the Dachau camp; these were the bodies of prisoners who had died of typhus after the camp was liberated.

American doctors care for sick prisoners in the Dachau typhus ward Typhus epidemic at Dachau

Prisoners inside the gatehouse at Dachau on liberation day

Mothers with their babies at Dachau, May 1945


Well-fed prisoners in Dachau concentration camp, 1938

Dachau shower room, April 1945

Deloused clothing hung up outside the four disinfection chambers, April 1945

Toilets 2009

Disinfection chamber with a door at each end, May 2001