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Don Croft
Joined: 16 Mar 2005
Posts: 198
Location: Moscow, Republic of Idaho
Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:58 pm
Post subject: Definitive Physical Analysis of WTC
Bombing? |
I just got
this from Police Chief Billy Phillips, the gifting
Constitutional patriot in Tennessee--enjoy! ~Don
To the main page
View of a Military Expert: Why the Towers of the
World Trade Center
The airplanes did not a have true effect on the
destruction of towers; they
were needed to give an excuse for odd Orwellian wars
at the same time when
the USA is turned into a police nation, like the
German Third Reich, to some
extent. The towers took the impacts of crushing
Boeing 767's. The towers
were originally built to take impacts of Boeing
707's, which are
approximately of the same size and was widely used
in the 1970's.
Fires that kindled from the fuel in the planes were
too shortlasting and
weak to be able to severely damage the structure of
the skyscrapers. Even in
the extreme situation, the heat from a kerosene fire
cannot threat the
durability of a steel trunk. With the temperature of
carbohydrate fires that
reaches only 825 °C (approx. 1517 °F) steel weakens
at 800 °C (approx. 1470
°F) and melts at 1585 °C (approx. 2890 °F). In the
skyscrapers of the WTC
the surroundings were not at all ideal as there were
far too many steel
columns and they led heat away from the burning
area. WTC 1 burned for 102
minutes and WTC 2 for 56 minutes only. A fire
burning much longer, from 10
to 20 hours, could slowly increase the burning
temperature down to perhaps
1100 °C (approx. 2010 °F). Provided there is more
substance to burn, such a
fire will damage concrete and irons, but not
severely heavy steel
In mid-February in Madrid, the Windsor Tower (see
above) burned for over 20
hours, which led to a fire stronger and hotter than
that in the WTC, but
even the collapses of the Windsor Tower caused by
the very strong and
long-enduring fire were minimal and limited to the
upper floors. If either
of the WTC tower had started to collapse because of
fires the collapse would
have been limited to only a few of the floors and
then stopped.
The impossibility of a gravitational collapse is
closer seen in other
documents. A collapse would produce large pieces,
and does not explain
reports of fine dust from concrete, huge amounts of
dust and pieces of steel
ejected outwards.
Destruction of the towers by explosions is clear
according to the
photographs and reports of the eye witnesses. In the
picture below, a range
of cutting charges have just exploded in the down
left sector and a typical
white cloud is formed outwards from the wall. Down
right, explosions are
seen as well. Even a flame is seen.
In video tapes taken of the so-called collapses of
the WTC, more explosions
of these cutting charges can be seen. The explosions
advance quickly, with a
gap of a couple of floors, cutting the strong steel
pillars in the outer
wall. The explosions are timed so that it appears
that the tower collapses
occur in the same timing as in a gravitational
collapse. The explosions are
not completely synchronized in timing, probably a
few charges are triggered
by radio, and other charges explode out of the
impulses of one of these
charges (infrared, pressure wave).
More challenging problems to the demolition men,
however, were the central
cores of the buildings and the 47 steel pillars more
robust than the ones on
the outer rounds. The pillars of the central cores
were made of steel even
100 + 100 mm thick, thicker than the side armours of
a battle tank. Cutting
those, even with explosives, is extremely difficult.
One would need to
surround the whole pillars, every single pillar on
every floor intended to
get blasted, with powerful cutting charges. These
charges would have needed
to be placed in such a way that the users of the
skyscrapers could not
notice these preparations.
As seen in the following pictures, the cores of the
towers were not
distracted by thousands of powerful cutting charges
but by a modern
thermonuclear explosive, a small hydrogen bomb. In
the picture below, a
hydrogen bomb explosion, the bomb having been placed
in the cellar and
directed to the core, has reached the roof of the
tower and the upper parts
of the outer walls. On its way up the waves of fire
pressure partially
penetrated about 100 floors of concrete and steel.
Over ten million degrees
of heat caused by a hydrogen bomb sublimised all
water within the concrete
in a moment. Water exploded extremely quickly into
24-fold volume and
totally pulverized the concrete. Even people and
computers that were in the
buildings disappeared turning into heat and light.
That is why almost
nothing of them was found in the ruins.
Burning radiation is absorbed in steel so quickly
that steel heats up
immediately over its melting point 1585 °C (approx.
2890 °F) and above its
boiling point around 3000 C (approx. 5430 °F). In
the pictures down below,
super hot groups of steel pillars and columns, torn
from wall by pressure
wave, are sublimized. They immediately turn into a
vaporized form, binding
heat as quickly as possible. Bursts upwards, even
visible in the picture
below, are not possible for a gravitational collapse
or for cutting charges
which are used horizontally.
Storax Sedan 104 Kt shallow underground
In the upper picture the explosion is in theory 100
times stronger than in
the picture below, but in practice the difference is
only four times due to
the capability of direction of the small hydrogen
In the picture at the right, the brown shades caused
by a hydrogen bomb are
seen, while the top of the tower that is already
collapsing is breaking down
and the posture straightens up as the hydrogen bomb
pulverized the core and
it lost all its resistance. The piles point the
blasts of the cutting
charges. ( <>
plate 12)
> Steel
pillars are turned
into dust.
Extremely hot, sublimating pieces are not created
with many methods.
For comparison, pictures of subterranean nuclear
explosions where the
explosion is blasting onto surface and into the air:
Ess1.2 Kt
Banberry 10 Kt underground
Radioactivity in air creates shades of brown. (The
subterranean nuke in the
picture on the right is 10 times stronger than the
small nuke on the left.)
This is the reason why the FBI did not search the
crime scene. Ground zeros
of nuclear weapons are a health risk and belong to
the FEMA.
"You were born...and so you're happy
~Laurie Anderson |

Joined: 27 Feb 2006
Posts: 15
Location: BC, Canada
Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:49 am
Post subject: |
This might
sound weird but that just feels right to me. I had
just finished watching the movie about Trinity a
couple days before 9/11. The stench of nuclear
device is very distinct.
- Rebecca |
Don Croft
Joined: 16 Mar 2005
Posts: 198
Location: Moscow, Republic of Idaho
Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:54 am
Post subject: |
you're probably new to this and I think you mean
well but I humbly ask you to add substance to the
threads that I start rather than just musings. I
wouldn't make this comment if you were doing this in
someone else's thread.
I think it's time to streamline this board and that
means we all need to discipline ourselves to only
post what will add to the quality and reputation of
the effort.
Board efforts are kind of like talk radio shows:
about one percent of listeners ever call in to the
talk shows and I think the same ratio is perhaps
reflected in this movement; most of the folks who
gift don't participate on internet forums, in fact.
To me, that means that the few of us volunteer to
represent the movement this way are more or less
obligated to post substantively. Many of the callers
tof talk shows just conribute gibberish, of course,
and are apparently shut-ins who have noody else to
talk to. This forum ought to be different..
I don't think we have enough facts to determine
whether nukes were really used to bring down the WTC
but I posted this because I respect Chief Billy.
Carol and I have been in the etheric trenches with
him and helped get the FBI off his back after he
publicly opposed the Homeland Security Abomination a
couple of years ago. The article is quite
thought-provoking, at least, and will probably be
validated if more evidence shows up.. Here are some
more provocations:
The first time someone attempted to bring down the
WTC, allegedly with a truck bomb, I heard an elderly
nuke scientist, Galen Windsor, tell on a talk show
(not Art Bell's--I doubt he'd ever be invited to
that show) that he went there right after the event
and saw guys in radiation-protection suits all over
the crime scene. His Geiger counter recorded a lot
of residual radiation at the closest point he could
He claimed that it was done with a suitcase fusion
bomb and that the 'fanatical Muslims' who got tagged
with doing it were obviously a smokescreen.. Wasn't
that in 1992, a year or so before the feds massacred
the families at Waco and inadvertently initiated the
Constitutional Militias movement? I don't even know
if Dr Windsor was legit but none of the red flags
came up for me when I heard him talking in radio
interviews, at least. He seemed genuine in the same
way that Al Bielek does to me..
Dr Windsor also told about a successful alleged US
Navy nuke bomb test at Port Chicago, California (in
San Francisco Bay) in 1943. He went there after some
records of the event were inadvertently found in a
yard sale in Santa Fe by a young man who allegedly
worked at Los Alamos. The young man, who found them
in a metal ammo box that he bought, told Dr Windsor
and also confronted Dr Teller, who was working at
Los Alamos at th etime--Dr T told him it was all
true, he said..
This young man was also on the radio talk show
circuit in those days but he soon recanted his
claims and wasn't heard from again. Do you remember
any of this? The Art Bell show, which wasn't
nationally syndicated yet and the popular talk show
hosts who covered stuff like this are no longer
nationally syndicated, by the way. They all lost the
networks about the same time that Art Bell became
omnipresent--remember? See how it works? Al told
Carol and I that Bell blackballed him after a few
the early days of Bell's national syndication. He
tells his guest not to discuss certain things, which
happen to be all of the substantive material. A few
legitimate Coast-to-Coast guests like Danion
Brinkley and Len Horowitz seem to get past all that
somehow--divine teflon, maybe.
The young man soon recanted all of that, probably
after being extorted by the NSA. I heard Teller,
too, around that time and he seemed pretty freaked
out. It was toward the end of the Star Wars program,
which he headed and Al Bielek claims emphatically is
for planetary defense, not anti-missile defense, and
that it's been very successful at diverting the
planet-sized missiles that ETs hurl at the Earth
periodically, in cahoots with some branches of the
occult/corporate world order, who have dug-in pretty
deep, obviously
Dr Windsor, who was apparently a very busy man in
those days, said he travelled to Port Chicago as
soon as he heard from the young man and all of the
soil had been removed to quite a depth from an
enormous amount of land around the still-restricted
, previous Navy ammo transfer facility..
He said that he still got positive readings on his
Geiger counter there (it was probably a very dirty
fission bomb), though, and gave a specific reference
to newspaper coverage at the time that indicated
that the survivors, who had been evacuated to
hospitals in the San Francisco area via ferries, all
apparently all suffered from severe radiation
sickness and third degree burns that wouldn't heal.
If you read accounts of the aftermath of the
Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs you see the same
There are lots of publicly recorded incidents of the
US Government experimenting on the Black population
with biological weaponry so it's not a stretch to
understand why they would pick this population to
host a test for a nuke bomb. the occult/corporate
hierarchies have banked on the rest of us not caring
what happens to anyone who isn't white: a country in
Africa is decimated by UN-enabled slaughter and it's
not headline news; a bridge collapses in Paris or a
crooked US president gets a BJ and nothing else is
discussed on the front page for weeks.
He said that the Navy bomb was tested on a ship
which Black sailors were in the process of loading
with ammunition at the time. The newspapers reported
it as an ordinary but tragic explosion of ammunition
on a ship but another man came to the talk show
circuit who said he was ordered to fly his fighter
plane from the east, toward the base that day, and
report what he saw to his superior. He reported a
blinding, white flash from a great distance away and
that a mushroom cloud reached into the stratosphere
as he was approaching the base. The hospital staff
had no reference for radiation injuries, of course,
and were reported to be baffled.
A few years ago someone sent me a website that
recorded regular atmospheric nuclear tests in 17 or
so states, including Mississippi, before the
mid-1950s; all gotten from public records. I should
have kept the site because most of the detonations
were done during the time that Reich was attempting
to normalize the suddenly-crazy weather in the US
with his cloudbusters. You can imagine how much DOR
an atmospheric detonation of a nuke puts into the
atmosphere. Other sources showed that lots of
tornadoes developed downwind from the test for a
thousand miles or so for awhile afterward.
I assume that the occult/corporate hierarchy wanted
to keep this up in order to increase general mayhem
and misery but that people in general refused to
allow it. I believe the death towers, chemtrails and
HAARP facilities were the hierarchies' 'second
wind,' in their continuing efforts to ruin our
planet and note how Reich's legacy has come back
around to disable all that
They're not having much luck, apparently.
The last time I operated my own sign shop, in 1995
near Mt Vernon, Washington, my commercial neighbor
was Dr. Al Larrabee . I jokinly called that
Irishman, 'Al Arabi' ('the Arab) because we got a
lot of pleasure from innocent jousting. He always
said goodbye to me this way,'I'll see YOU in court!'
Before he was a stone mason he was a nuclear
Al was a late-middle aged guy who had been in some
incredible circumstances overseas during his
engineer career, including a stretch in a Peruvian
prison--he told me that he and his fellow corporate
workers (he was a mining engineer--uranium?--at the
time) were rounded up after a regime change and
tossed into that hell for a couple of years as
hostages but, with hindsight, I wonder if they were
all moonlighting for the CIA. He got beaten severely
a lot in there, he told me, because he's not a
'rules' kind of guy. I could see the effects of
massive facial damage that had obviously happend
years before and didn't heal well..
He got brain cancer in the late 1980s as the
eventual outome of his days in the US Marines in the
mid-1950s. His unit had been ordered to occupy
trenches in the close vicinity of the atmospheric
detonation of a nuclear bomb, somewhere in the US,
then the survivors were sworn to secrecy in the
interests of national security (!).
HIs brilliant mom was the personal secretary of
Allen Dulles at the time. Dulles later headed the
CIA, of course, and had spent WWII in Switzerland as
the OSS' affectionate liaison with Hitler's SS, who
were the CIA's and KGB's wombmate.
She guilted her boss to get Al into an Ivy League
school to study nuclear engineering and when he got
cancer he was working in a nuke plant (big surprise,
eh?). He survived chemo 'therapy' and lost the
cancer. Cancer and chemo destroyed too much brain
matter for him to be able to do the math
calculations that his job required, so they fired
him and he went back to the trade he learned as a
youth from his father-in-law.
By the way, if you're eating 'Top Shelf' dinners I
hope you know that it's a bad idea: it's irradiated
to death, which is why it doesn't need to be frozen
because bacteria and fungi don't even want it. Al
told me that a guy he worked with in the nuke plant
was living on the stuff but got sicker and sicker.
Al told the guy that he was dying of starvation and
that he needed to eat food that wasn't irradiated.
The guy quit eating that stuff and regained as much
of his health as was possible for a nuke plant
His mom, by the way, was also an old personal friend
of Georgia O'Keefe, who gave Al and his wife a
painting that was worth so much that they would have
needed insurance and a major remodel to keep it in
their house. The annual insurance was apparently
more than his salary at the time, so they donated it
to a museum.
Someone else might have written off this fellow as a
kook because he was an odd duck, for sure, but to
me, the most interesting folks on the planet are the
ones who have the weirdest personal histories and I
treasure their friendship when they seem
trustworthy, as Al certainly did to me. I wrote this
to perhaps inspire you, reader, to cultivate
friendships like this because you can pick up an
awful lot of corroborative evidence about 'the way
things are,' and it's an excellent antidote to the
mind/spirit-crushing What To Think Network.
Another of my close friends in those days was a
Sikh, Bachittar Singh, who was on the lam from the
Brits' MI6 on account of his activism on behalf of 'Khalistan,'
the Sikh secessionist movement's desired name for
their native Punjab. He operated a dry cleaning biz,
off the books, in Mt Vernon for a nephew and we met
when he ordered a sign from me. We came to spend a
lot of time together because I was fascinated to
know his personal history and beliefs. He was a
Sanskrit scholar and also knew a lot of interesting
things about India's history and, especially, his
fascinating religion.
He told me that the Sikhs in India are quite
impressed with the American Sikh converts, by the
way, as typified by the Golden Temple bunch, which
interested me because the followers of the neo-Hindu
and neo-Buddhist (read: thinly-veiled icky
Theosophy) CIA/MI6 guru projects like that old
predator of little boys, Sai Baba, are generally
weak, vindictive characters and obnoxious
proselytes, as you probably noticed. Sikhs are
generally characterized by courage, genuine devotion
and self-sacrifice, by contrast, and the women are
generally treated better than in the rest of India..
I almost went to India to help him smuggle his wife
and kid into America but it didn't work out. I'd
probably be dead by now if I followed that course
(CIA is MI6's and the US Navy's mean and ugly love
child) but he was a standup guy. He bought a truck
and moved to Fresno to haul vegetables but I saw him
a couple of times after that.
I wanted to get something about Al Larrabee into the
public record in this case. I hope he's still doing
okay and I'm sending him a boost, just in case. I
didn't get onto the internet for another three years
after I knew him. That period as his neighbor was
just was after my divorce but right before the
grief, wandering and craziness of losing my four
beloved chilidren to the Federal Reserve Corporation
set in.
"You were born...and so you're happy
~Laurie Anderson |
Joined: 05 Dec 2005
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Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:20 pm
Post subject: |
Just Adding
substance to your post Don nothing more. here is a
link to a video titled "911 Revisited" a good
compilation of Videos about people and experts
confirming that the WTC buildings were taken down by
controlled implosions even though the US federal
government denies these facts and brutally murdered
over 3000 innocent people on American Soil. Treason
of the very Highest Order commited by the US Federal
Doug |

Joined: 27 Feb 2006
Posts: 15
Location: BC, Canada
Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:01 pm
Post subject: |
Sorry about
that, Don. Thanks for the advice. I hope the
following constitutes as useful discussion.
The problems with the WTC destruction is what led me
to find out about the truth about a lot of other
things. I just wanted to say I believe the Finnish
military expert is correct in his belief about
nuclear devices being used there. The vaporization
was the biggest problem I had believing planes
knocked them down, since it was something I had only
read about happening with nuclear blasts. As well,
the illnesses faced by people in the vicinity of the
trade towers and the people who cleaned it up could
not be explained away by mere asbestos - asbestos
takes much longer to exhibit those extreme affects
as experienced by such people as the man here
I worry about this since the toxic cloud from this
stuff floated all over Manhatten and down to the
residential areas in Brooklyn. I have a friend who
was working in Manhatten at the time and lives in
Brooklyn. What's more, she told me they were not
allowed to leave for over a day after the event. The
EPA wouldn't even test the area but citizens were
kept inside it? EPA and FEMA also didn't even want
people to wear masks while cleaning up the area and
OSHA didn't enforce any protective measures.
- Becca |
Don Croft
Joined: 16 Mar 2005
Posts: 198
Location: Moscow, Republic of Idaho
Sat Mar 04, 2006 5:49 pm
Post subject: |
vindicated, Becca, thanks
The intense DOR effect of even a 'safe' nuke plant
makes everyone sick within forty miles and pretty
much guarantees that the workers will never enjoy
retirement due to early cancer deaths. I imagine
that even a tiny suitcase hydrogen bomb, shielded by
all that steel and concrete, would dose everyone in
the area with enough DOR to generate classic
radiation sickness.
One reason that Reich was silenced, I think, is that
he credited DOR as the main problem of nuke tech,
rather than 'radiation' per se.
If you've done a lot of gifting you've seen the nuke
cooling ponds scattered across the landscape. The
death towers and HAARP faciilties take so much
electricity that if they were powered by the grid
your electric bill would be $200 per month
hence the unspoken little undergound nukes every
twenty or thirty miles in populated areas and their
telltale cooling ponds.
Keep your eyes open if you havent' noticed them
because when you toss one TB into a nuke pond it
means the nukes can't work any more, so they have to
use those massive generators in the fortified
bunkers beside the towers, instead, and that new
noise helps wake up the Pajama People a wee bit
more.. Continued tyranny and exploitation rests on
the sleepyheads' passive compliance, after all.
Even the bad guys won't kill off their nuke workers
by allowing the cooling water to absorb all that DOR
from the reactor and stay underground to quickly
poison them to death.. They use two ponds, separated
by a wall, because one is always venting DOR out
into the atmosphere while the water from the other
is cooling the reactor. That's why you see one full
at one time, then the other; also why the water is
so clean and, up north, is yellow-green from
antifreeze in the winter.
Dr Windsor claimed that the 'radiation' threat of
depleted uranium, etc., is vastly overstated. He and
a colleague at Los Alamos called a press conference
in which they both had a picnic atop a radioactive
waste container to drive the point home. The press
didn't show up, though Dr Windsor is allegedly one
of the Old Boys of the nucler industry. If he's
legit, having a high profile might account for his
continued breathing in this case.
ARound the time I heard him on the radio an inventor
in Portland, Oregon, also held a press conference to
announce that he formed a company to turn radiactive
waste into harmless, cheap, very efficient
storage-battery material. The press didn't show up
that time, either, but his mom's car blew up the
next day and he stopped promoting his new
development, which he had apparently successfully
Carol and I gifted an unauthorized nuke waste dump
in the Namib Desert, four years ago, and it only
took about two pounds of orgonite, distributed in
the smoggy area, to dissipate the DOR, which had
been incessant in that spot for years. So much or
half life, I guess
By the way, orgonite apparently prevents and even
cures radiation poisoning. The reason I say that is
that when Carol, Reno Richard and I were gifting the
underground bases in and around Fallon, Nevada,
three summers ago, the dust where we camped in the
desert one night was obviously radioactive. Carol's
nose bled from breathing it all night but none of us
had the telltale metallic taste in our mouths,
perhaps because we were wearing our Harmonic
Eight years ago I started putting orgonite in my
zappers and a customer in Romania reported that a
patient of his who was dying from the effects of
radiation poisoning (also lung cancer) completely
recovered in a few weeks, just from using the
zapper. The patient had survived as one of the
cleanup crew at Chernyobyl, but got sick after that
and was on his deathbed when he started zapping.
I think radioactive plutonium was injected in my
left arm the night six of us across the US
(including DB in Pasadena and StanMan in South
Carolina) were marked on our chest with poison
needles and otherwise molested. I was in Idaho.
That was a couple of weeks after we got CHEMTRAILS:
CLOUDS OF DEATH onto the internet, finally.
That spot on my arm necrotized immediately but the
zapper shortly reduced the arm's swelling and
apparently drew that and/or other poisons right out
thru the skin. I spent a couple of days in bed after
that and I haven't been sick, otherwise, in ten
years (I stopped getting sick the day I got my first
zapper in March, 96).
It took months for that spot to heal (just like with
the rattlesnakebite later on), but it did heal well.
Up close radioactive material poisoning creates
sores that won't ever heal in classical cases.
Pretty neat implications in all of this, don't you
"You were born...and so you're happy
~Laurie Anderson |
Joined: 27 Jan 2006
Posts: 22
Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:51 am
Post subject: re |
Remember to
boost yourself from time to time if u watch and read
much conspiracy theories cause in my experience it
seems to me that sometimes it "triggs" bad energy to
awake in u.
I watched and read a lot of what Alex Jones (and
some other guys)made and at a certain points i felt
i got dragged down into a pool of unpleasant
feelings. At most i felt aggressive. Dunno why tho. |