A World's Veteran
05 September 2007


  Joined: July 2007
Posts: 1

Dave Maat is a Dutchbat III veteran who served during the fall of the Bosnian enclave at Srebrenica in July 1995. Many Europeans recall the images of mass deportation of Bosnian Muslims from the enclave at the time - by Serb order - for its resemblance to Jew concentration camps and genocide during WWII. One by one, mass graves were found in later years (...).
Under UN command, Dutchbat III soldiers had to maintain the humanitarian mission of peacekeeping by observation. Even during the deportation. Whoever has a heart, imagine the human torment for both exiles and soldiers.
Nine times, UN air strike support had been requested for protection. Eight times it was denied for safety measures; the lives of too many refugees were at stake (...). The ninth time a fog kept the fighter jets from air support. Anyhow, their peacekeeping mission implied insufficient armour for the Dutchbat soldiers to protect the refugees lives. Or their own lives, for that matter.

Years later, Dave Maat finds himself suffering from a Post Traumatical Stress Syndrome (PTSS), along with many Dutchbat soldiers. Some I encounter in prison, as their counsellor. Most are found guilty for extreme violence. Others managed to only wreck up their lives with drugs. Not Dave. I met him through a befriended prison guard. Both Dutchbat III pals are one of the very few PTSS veterans who kept a clean record and found their way to therapy. Then again, imagine the irony to cope with individual therapy for an international matter of guilt.

On August 30th 2007 the state called Dave Maat to court for high appeal. Before, he had sew the state for causing his PTSS by lack of proper personnel healthcare. And he won. Quite unique, especially considering no lawyer would represent him at the time. No media was interested either. Yet the implications are politically profound. For the national state is held responsible for soldiers healthcare, regardless of acting under UN command. Politicians have to think twice before sending their troops on international peace observation missions. Imagine the impact on missions like Iraq or Afghanistan.

I hope my secretive boosting at court and the orgonite I brought, did the cause some good. I got instant confirmations anyhow. One of the three judges eyed me piercefully from time to time. The three state representatives and a man behind them in the public shoved and turned on their chairs, whenever I boosted them. The three even simultaneously took a sip of water, when I turned on my vortex boost. And they turned around in their chairs to look me in the face regularly! They seemed to be connected energetically, as they leaned over to each other whenever I did the stuttering one.
I really got the attention of the man behind them in the public. He eyed and turned around to me the most, though I was sitting behind him to his right. I can assure you I am not that handsome. It must have been all the orgonite in my bra  Cool . I got the impression he was the energetic leader of the pack. When I was done with him, the atmosphere in the courtroom changed to the positive.

The high court will rule in 12 weeks time. Usually it takes 6. I guess some people need time to get their stories straight, before the media cavalry rolls in. In an interview Dave Maat said Dutchbat pals kept him going. He meant the ones who took their own lives after war too. I felt like meeting a general in him. What an honourable, fearless guy. Please give him a boost, will you?
