Gordon Brown
[42 day detention sums him up nicely. Blair without the
charisma, and it aint pretty--just shows what you can hide with charisma--think
Clinton also. Chief New
Labour bandit and Iraq war money man (gave impassioned speech to Cabinet in
support of war, revealed in Robin Cook's memoirs), now off to massacre African children with a vaccine drive
(AIDS & pneumococcal vaccines), no doubt funded by
a raid on the taxpayer. Great boost for the vaccine companies. Bill
gates must have given him that idea.
Brown sold half of Great Britain's gold holdings,
some 415 tons, at an average price of $315 per ounce. Less than a decade later
the price (at the closing of the market in the US today, Nov
10, 2009) was $1105 per ounce, an unnecessary
loss of $9,178,800,000, within a few years the loss
will probably grow to twice that.
Now that is what you call a bank job!]
See: Gates AIDS hoax Genocide via vaccination Pneumovax (pneumococcal) Prevnar (pneumococcal)
Gordon Brown’s New World Order Speech[Media January 13, 2005] Aids vaccine possible by 2012, Brown tells Africa