Mark Phillips and Cathy O’Brien
Mind Control




Sex, Lies, and Mind Control by Cathy O'Brien

[1997] Sex, Drugs, the CIA, MIND CONTROL and Your Children By A.B.H. Alexander

Quotes re Mark Phillips
I suspect that Mark is some kind of "containment agent" who is being directed through his "handlers" whose motivations ultimately serve the New World Order. Through his containment expertise, the information I have conveyed to you in this book you are now reading was delayed in reaching you by nearly seven years. After I moved, I found out that Mark had initially told Walter Bowart (author of Operation Mind Control and eyewitness to my use with Bob Hope in Palm Springs) that I was schizophrenic, and since then, I have uncovered a string of lies he told others in an attempt to discredit me. Thanks for the Memories by Brice Taylor p.269

Trance Formation of America
by Mark Phillips and Cathy O’Brien


 Interview 1
 Interview 2

TRANCE Form America - 1of7

Cathy O'Brien on Mind Control

Mind Control & MKULTRA, Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, (Edmonton 2006-07-21)

One of Cathy O’Brien’s abusers was LaVey’s High Priest Merle Kilgore, father of Steve Kilgore12: SCIENCE No. 12-EXTERNAL CONTROLS Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

In 1981, he used Cathy O’Brien to make two HOW TO films for training military officers in the skills needed to program slaves. These two training films were entitled "How to Divide a Personality" and "How to Create a Sex Slave." (See Cathy O’Brien’s monograph "Dick Cheney and Reagan’s ‘Hands-On’ Mind Control Demonstrations" written/released 6/92.) MICHAEL AQUINO, a military/cult mind-control programmer 12: SCIENCE No. 12-EXTERNAL CONTROLS Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula

(Trisha made the mistake of giving her private journal to Mark Philips at a Survival Expo Conference in Las Vegas several years ago and has never gotten her journal back. This journal provided details of military and satanic activity in the small California town in which she grew up. I believe Cathy O’brien is a legitimate monarch but I also believe Mark Philips is still “on a leash.” The information provided by Philips regarding Project Monarch is yet another example of a “controlled leak” since it will never be taken seriously by the corporate media.  Moreover, Philips has emerged as “the savior” to many monarchs who are breaking programming and it is to him that they go to seek guidance and support, never realizing until it is too late that Philips may still be working for the other side. I believe this was the intended result of his “escaping” with Cathy O’brien. Milab Operations Detailed article about military and alien abductions. By James Bartley. (PDF)

Within the context of counterintelligence ops you sometimes have to give up something in order to net a greater return at some future date. The Roswell case is another example of a controlled leak since it will never be taken seriously by the corporate media and academic community. One outcome of the Roswell case is that it established the “bona fides of Kevin Randle within the UFO Research Community. Randle has since emerged, along with his partner Russ Estes, as an arch debunker of alien abductions. Go figure.) Milab Operations Detailed article about military and alien abductions. By James Bartley. (PDF)