Terror Bombing (World War II)
[back] Holocaust revisionism  [back] genocide  [back] Churchill

[One of Churchill's war crimes (700,000 Phosphorus bombs were dropped on Dresden, deliberately killing over 500,000---During this time there were more than 1,2 Million people in Dresden, 600,000 Dresden citizens, plus 600,000 refugees from Breslau). This fits the definition of holocaust: 'Holocaust -- from the meaning wholly burnt.  1) a sacrifice wholly consumed by fire.  2) complete consumption by fire'.  Oxford English Dictionary.  Another war crime is the Mass Starvation of Germans, 1945-1950.  With the use of phosphorous, the majority of the German men, women, and children indiscriminately killed in the air war perished from the inhalation of poisonous carbon monoxide gas, hence the gas proof bomb shelters (see below), that they managed to pass off as 'gas chambers' for the Holocaust hoax.]


How Britain Pioneered City Bombing


Defending Against the Allied Bombing Campaign: Air Raid Shelters and Gas Protection in Germany, 1939-1945, by Samuel Crowell 

See: Churchill  Professor Frederick Lindemann Eisenhower Mass Starvation of Germans, 1945-1950   Holocaust  Agent Orange  Napalm  Phosphorus  Depleted Uranium

The Fire: The Bombing of Germany, 1940-1945 by Jörg Friedrich
.  Combining meticulous research with striking descriptions, Jörg Friedrich renders in acute detail the Allies' air campaign of systematic destruction of civilian life, cultural treasures, and industrial capacities in Germany's city landscape. He includes personal stories and firsthand testimony of German civilians, creating a portrait of unimaginable suffering, horror, and grief. He also draws on official military documents to unravel the reasoning behind the Allies' strikes.
Inferno: The Devastation of Hamburg, 1943 By Keith Lowe.
[1960] The Night Hamburg Died by Martin Caidin.
Advance to Barbarism by F.J.P Veale

Bombs over Dresden by Franz Kurowski

[1987] The Night Tokyo Burned: The Incendiary Campaign Against Japan by Hoito Edoin

Left: USHMM replica displayed as "gas chamber" door.
Right: German ad for bomb shelter doors.  (source)