Al Bielek


[EW jan 15, 2007] Comet McNaught--Don Croft

Interview with Al Bielek 1991

Interview with Al Bielek

Interviewed by Kenneth Burke at the Global Sciences Congress, Daytona Beach, Florida in August 1997

ALIENS, TIME TRAVEL, AND WORMHOLES: An Interview of Al Bielek Conducted by Susanne Konicov

Here's an audio link interview with  Al Bielek about his friendship with Phil and the circumstances around his death:

Phoenix Undead: The Montauk Project and Camp Hero Today By John Quinn (Nov. 1998)

Phil Schneider, for example, who knew the facts and had directly interviewed aliens himself in Area 51. He knew what was going on. He attended underground UN meetings - the real meetings are not held in New York at the UN Plaza. The policy-making meetings are held in the underground military bases (what he called the DUM [deep underground military) bases). They are all controlled and dictated to by the tall gray aliens. He personally attended two of these meetings and said, after the second one, he was working for the wrong people. That was why he quit his service as a geologist for the government.   He said it was run by aliens. He said that the aliens are in back of UN policy, and that they are in back of so many things that are happening on the Earth. He says that they are gradually taking over and are running, shall we say, "The New World Order."  Interviewed by Kenneth Burke at the Global Sciences Congress, Daytona Beach, Florida in August 1997

I was time-transferred to 1983, where they did the full erasure of my full memory of my career and everything as Zeb Cameron. All my credentials were removed and erased. Dr. von Neumann knew it was happening. He didn't like it, but he couldn't do anything about it.   They also pulled the age regression number on me, which was to reduce my body size to that of an infant. Now, they can take a person back to a fetus. This is a common and usual technique, now, and I know people who have gone through it, including my second son. (I have four sons by the way.) My number two son, I found and I've met and know him. It's another long story.
    He was also regressed back to a fetus; yes, the whole nine yards. I was reduced only to approximately a one-year-old boy. Why they stopped at this point, I don't know. I think part of the process they intended to put me through was subverted or failed. I know Dr. von Neumann interfered with it at one point. So, I was sent back to 1927 as approximately a one-year-old boy, because, my legal parents, whom I knew as my only parents for many years (Albertina Bielek, maiden name Kurchess, and my father Arthur E. Bielek) were the only parents I knew. I was totally wiped as memory, and I grew up as a kid, literally from a baby but, at the age of one by the birth certificate, which said March 31, 1927, by Christmas I would have been nine months old. Interviewed by Kenneth Burke at the Global Sciences Congress, Daytona Beach, Florida in August 1997

It's the transmitting signal itself. If you're sitting close to a transmitter or within reasonable distance; you would have to establish a criteria of field strength, and I don't know what that threshold is on this, but if you're radiated by the signals from the transmitter, if you're reasonably close to the actual physical tower, the transmitter, you're getting radiated, it's going to affect you physiologically.
    Now there's a very good example of this. Measurements were made of this in Portland, Oregon. Oregon is perhaps unique in this in that they have all of their FM, AM, and TV transmitters upon Mt. Olympia, and it's an ungodly collection of transmitters in one location. Right next to this transmitter site are all kinds of residences, people living there.
    The rate of leukemia is very high in Portland in that area; and one private doctor did a private study on this to try and correlate what is doing this, what's going on, looked back in the case histories, the family histories, etc.. He found out that people that lived in the vicinity of those transmitters came down with this particularly nasty form of leukemia and he finally determined that if they lived there long enough the rate of succumbing to leukemia was 100%. There were no exceptions. If they moved away from that area they would recover as long as they didn't have it fatally already.
    The physiological symptoms in the sites of the transmitter within a mile or so were severe, very severe. The people knew it, in some cases and they just got the sense and said, "I don't like it here, let's go somewhere else," and they go someplace else and they get over it.
    I was up in that site once with a friend Bill who was working as a chief engineer down at the local AM, FM and TV stations in Portland and he'd have to go up and do maintenance occasionally in that tower in the transmitter section. He says he hated to go up there. He says you're up there half an hour and your brain just scrambles, you can't think straight anymore.
    You walk in the door and they have this fluorescent tube over the door, it glows day and night He told me, he says, "That's not wired to anything." I say, "What do you mean it's not wired to anything?" He says, "There's no connections. You can hold that thing in your hands and it will light up like a Christmas tree. That's how much RF is coming out of this building. We're subjected to that as long as we're in here., They have problems occasionally where the equipment just fries itself, particularly some of the solid state components which are highly susceptible to this sort of thing. He said, "You don't want to stay up here very long. I don't want to. I have to come up here to do maintenance. When go home I have quite a time getting over it. It takes overnight." It just scrambles the normal function of his brain. He can't think anymore as to what he's doing, what he's up there for, what tools to pick up, what he's actually working on. The continuity of thought is lost. Interview with Al Bielek

Preston's checked into the records and found that this particular type of advanced technology, electroshock therapy equipment is what they officially call it. It's now very advanced computerized with floppy disks and very small electrodes instead of the old big patch pads they used to put on people and tape the down. They now have tiny little probes 50 millimeters square and they attach them to certain critical sensitive points on the body, about 8 of them. And there's a computer program they now use which will induce the Reichian orgiastic state by electronics and hold it to that state and in that condition a human mind from conscious to subconscious is completely aligned and opened.
    Consequently you can remove buried information in the subconscious, reprogram the person, do whatever you want in that sense. And when the program is over they close it down, restore the person to the so-called normal state with either blocks on memory of the whole thing happening or a whole total implant of what went on that day as a substitute to memory or whatever they want to do. They usually put in a substitute memory. It's happened to Duncan once. We had quite a time running that down but we did.
    They can do this to anyone they want. They grab them physically and take them off to one of the hospitals. The law is that any hospital or institution in the U.S. that accepts federal funding must by law have one of these machines on their premises and there must be certain personnel, very limited, trained in its use. Now it can be used for "nominal" electroshock therapy in the normal mode which doctors use, thought it's much more sophisticated now and less damaging. Or they can use it for reprogramming, the same piece of equipment. But to do the reprogramming requires a special floppy disk, which is kept under lock and key and can only be used by certain government personnel.
    When they do this number of the reprogramming it's done by government personnel. It is not normally shown [in] their records and there is never a charge made back to a hospital organization or to a hospitalization fund or medical fund of any kind, that is paid for 100% by the federal government and the record's swept under the rug. They put it once on Duncan and they tried to do it again.
........It's based on Reich's principle, his old theories. The original programming techniques were more physical, but now they can do it electronically. It's much clearer, so to speak, much easier to accomplish and much easier to cover the tracks. And the law says these instruments, pieces of equipment, shall be made available to non-federally funded institutions. They recommend that they have them but there's no requirement.  Interview with Al Bielek 1991