Bali Gifting


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Bali Gifting - 18 December, 02:57
Gifting in Bali is a lonely affair and as far as I know, I’m the only gifter on the island.

When I started making orgonite a few months ago, the sky was a hazy pale blue with no recognizable cloud-formations and I hadn’t seen distinct cumulus for a long time.

Today the sky is a clear blue graced by majestic cumuli wherever one goes (in the south).

This suggests that Bali was indeed totally ungifted before I learned about orgonite a few months ago; a situation which I hope to rectify in time.

Whenever I have occasion to drive up north, the good weather fades as I climb into the hills of central Bali where familiar pale-blue hazy skies prevail, urging me to widen my field of scope from my own back yard to the mountainous north.

I’d like to site another two CBs in the north-east and the north-west respectively to triangulate the island but there are problems.

In contrast to its international image as a holiday destination, many of the Balinese are actually quite poor so a badly secured CB would quickly find its way to the nearest scrap-yard.

They are also a highly superstitious people and are devoted to their complex religion (a kind of animist version of Hinduism).

If it were known that there was a strange device in their village that could effect something as fundamental as the weather, any number of ills could be blamed on it and I fear that it would not be long before it would be destroyed by a lynch-mob.

For this reason I have told very few people about my own CB and any further devices would need to be placed with trusted allies who could keep a secret

Solitary gifting has many advantages and I generally cruise around on my motorbike with my shirt stuffed with TBs.

On a bike nobody bothers me; they haven’t had the time to wonder what I’m up to before I’m in the saddle again and gone.

I’m fast enough to cover long distances with ease and slow enough to chug down alleyways pretending to be looking for an elusive address whereas in reality I’m searching for access to an elusive tower embedded in housing estate.

I can pretend to be fiddling with the engine when I’m actually burying a TB at the roadside and can pull up on the sidewalk to lob a couple into a river or an overgrown vacant lot.

In this way I’ve gifted most of the main roads and many of the smaller ones and sniffed-out the bulk of the towers in Denpasar, the major town in southern Bali where I live.

The ‘city’ of Denpasar is criss-crossed with rivers and storm-drains and these make excellent locations for general gifting.

The bulk of the public areas are swept fastidiously on a daily basis by an army of locals who take pride in keeping their houses and shop-fronts clean making the opportunities for sidewalk gifting few and far between.

As Hari mentioned in his Malaysia gifting reports, the danger of being mistaken for a terrorist in this part of the world is all too real.

There have been a number of high-profile bombing campaigns in the region that have had a catastrophic effect on tourism which used to be one of the major sources of foreign exchange and upon which many Balinese had come to depend.

One fortunate legacy of the erstwhile tourist trade is that Westerners have been visiting the island in such numbers for so many years that they aren’t regarded as anything special anymore and clandestine gifting missions aren’t likely to attract much attention (except where security is high).

Still, it would be a shame to end up in Guantanamo Bay for trying to bust a microwave tower.

Towers are often sited on private land and the owner receives a nominal rent and can still use the ground that’s not taken up by the foundation stones.

I can only imagine what it must be like having a tower buzzing away in your yard but the locals don’t seem unduly bothered.

I gifted this tower a few days before I went back to take this photo:

The house isn't quite finished yet and the owner has yet to move in (rather him than me).

Happy gifting.



Last Edited: 18 December, 03:03 by Edostar
Don Croftoffline
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No Subject - 19 December, 10:33
This is terrific for the record, thanks Dan--the more we can report the before and after effects of our efforts, the more solid and unassailable our body of empirical evidence of orgonite's effects can be.

It's possible that if you go back to the rural areas you're gifting you may find receptive souls. This is another common effect of gifting that hasn't gotten its fair share of reporting but I think you're going to discover that on your own.

Carol and I have hidden CBs in key areas, including the Hopi and Navajo Reservations. Sometimes even a temporary atmospheric boost from a cloudbuster is worth the risk of it being eventually found and dismantled. It may be that you can turn the tide of the present terror in Bali. I hate to think about how things would be in America if the federal gov't had got its terror wishes granted, as happened somewhat where you live.

That big bomb blast is one of the four in the past five years that we failed to discover in time to stop; the other three being the train bombs in Spain and UK and the detonation of the H-bomb on the seabed not very far from you.

I think the larger calamities are social and political ones, including the final obliteration of the rule of law in America and the destruction of the gender equality movement and all other progressive cultural developments in the Middle East. Oddly, it's the isolated government-terrrorist events that catch most people's attention, though. The upside is that we can economically prevent most or all of the latter so that the PJ folks will remain relatively terror-free and are more inclined to notice and resent the new, overt tyrannies.

I reckon Bali is the only region that declined to convert to Islam, centuries ago. I shared a house in the mid-1980s in Western Samoa with some guys from Tanna in Vanu Atu. That island was made famous by a National Geographic magazine article about the vine jumpers, which these fellows were. It's also famous for the John Frumm cargo cult from WWII and the fellows dressed up in discarded US Army uniform items, for which there was apparently a brisk trade on their home island. I mentioned them because that culture, too, remained free from missionizing, so it  was an anomaly. It may be a rule that cultures that resist peer pressure that way (conversion by missionaries) are generally quick to accept practical new tech. Japan has always been that way, too.

If you ever see a bumper sticker that says,'What Would John Frumm Do?' you'll know why it's funny. Worldwide fundamentalist churchianity, since the late 1960s, is mostly a CIA-created cargo cult, by the way. Religion, via dirty  clergy,  has always been the best means of infiltration and cultural sabotage.

My good friend, Kizira Ibrahim in Uganda, is a Buganda witch doctor who planted himself in a rural village because he felt a conviction that it was where he was supposed to be. He's from some other part of the country but within the same tribal region.  When I visited him, there, the villagers were still kind of leery of him, even though all the sick folks came to him for healing. He had done that work, before, in Kenya but apparently it was too difficult to get things done among another tribe, so he moved back to his native region.

He certainly kept in mind the notion that the villagers (just about anyone we ever meet is a PJ person) had limits to how much information they were willing to assimilate at once. He had to put his cloudbuster in the house at some point because so much rain was being generated that the dirt tracks were getting impassable and the villagers were giving him the stinkeye on account of it. Six months before that, our mutual friend, Dr Paul Batiibwe, had built Uganda's first cloudbuster, 20km away, and ended a very long HAARP-induced drought in that farming region.

Dr Paul was often under the gun because he ran the Kiboga district hospital mostly without the use of drugs, including antibiotics, and was getting consistently phenomenal results. This brought a lot of pressure from the UN onto the Uganda Government at a time when the CIA and MI6 were inciting and paying for large-scale bloodshed to the north. Doc Kayiwa's timely gifting in the north and the neighboring areas of Sudan and Congo, late last year, quickly stopped the violence, though CIA and MI6 aren't gifing up entirely, of course.

When I travel I do my best to get acquainted with locals and to develop working relationships, if possible. I did this long before I ever heard about orgone--been doing it since my teens and I'm a middle-aged guy. It's the best kind of tourism, really, and if I'd had orgonite to hand out, back in the day, I know I'd have made even more friends.

I hope you'll try that, especially in the remote regions, Dan--if you're gun shy, why not pepper the area with orgonite, first, on your scooter and then go back, a month later after the energy has had a chance to percolate in people's energy fields? It's now even possible to hand orgonite to many white strangers in America, which is as closed a culture as the one in Bali, I bet. It's human nature to remain separate from other cultures, even when we're surrounded by them, but i think that trait is as obsolete as tails and canine teeth and the only way to get past it is to consciously go against the tendency.

I wonder why the sewer rats want so badly to isolate the Balinese these days with CIA nightclub bombs, etc. Maybe you can tell us--everyone's curious about Bali and I, for one, didn't even know that the terror campaign is succeeding there or that tourism has died. I know that tourism in America, at least via air, is almost dead on account of the airport Gestapo. Our airports are like ghost towns these days. Hopefully something will soon break in the pajama people's consciousness and they'll recognize that the airport Gestapo and the associated new treasonous form of government are unacceptable.  Apparently the world odor has had to 'put up or shut up' and jumped the gun by not sufficiently terrorizing the PJ folks before saddling them with overt tyranny. This is a global problem, actually, as your observations also indicate.







Last Edited: 19 December, 10:43 by Don Croft
Number of Posts: 19
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No Subject - 23 December, 04:03
Thanks Don.

To elucidate; the bombs that were detonated in tourist areas of Bali were widely blamed on a militant Islamic organization called Jemaah Islamiyah whose stated goal is the creation of an Islamic Super-state in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Southern Philippines.

It’s also become quite obvious that they are under the tacit protection of the Indonesian Government and Military.

Islamic terrorists are routinely either never found, manage miraculous escapes or their trials are subject to protracted delays, procrastination and endless appeals etc whereas any reprisals by non-Islamists like the (fabricated) ‘Poso three’ are swiftly executed by firing squad.

The first step in creating an Islamic Super-state is to eradicate all non-Muslims and to this end Balinese tourism stands out as a prime target (killing two birds with one stone so to speak).

The Balinese are a deeply religious people and neither know nor care about politics and many of them still don’t understand who targeted their island and why.

After the first Bali bomb, the tourists fled but when it became clear that this was an isolated incident and many of the culprits had been caught, they began to return.

Just when the tourist industry was getting back on its feet again, J.I. sent a bunch of suicide bombers and the tourists fled again.

It seems that as long as tourism remains at a pitifully low level, the island will remain as safe as houses but there’s little doubt that history will repeat itself should the infidels return in significant numbers.

When I first heard of the organization and their ambitions, I though it a preposterous plan with no chance of success but now I’m not so sure.

They have played their hand quite skillfully and the economic and political climate seems to have swung in their favour

Jemaah Islamiyah is protected by the Indonesian Government (whatever they may say to the contrary) who in turn are in the pocket of the US Government (whether radical Islam likes it or not) and I leave it to you to decide where the sewer rats come into all this and to what twisted purpose.

Interesting to read, Don, that you were in Western Samoa in the mid ‘80s as I was there too for about six months in ’82; staying at Betty Moore’s in Apia (when I wasn’t cycling around Savaii) before jumping a sailing ship to Tonga, Fiji and Vanu Atu on my way to Indonesia.

Life was still good back then for the Pacific islanders who lived in true paradise (would that it still were).

Reading Hari’s latest post on the haze from forest fires in Indonesia and the regular chemtrail spraying over KL, I feel very lucky that Bali is free of both.

The distance from the remaining rainforests and the direction of the prevailing winds conspire to keep the air in Bali clear and to my knowledge Chemtrails never been seen here.

The island has its fair share of Towers of course and they seem to be visible everywhere I go.

My gifting operations are on hold for the time being; some doubt has been cast on the positivity of my stainless steel orgonite and the aluminium tailings from the machine-shop have yet to transpire (perhaps next week; but this is Indonesia).

When they do (and weather permitting) I shall be back on my trusty steed and busting towers further afield.

The monsoon season is finally beginning here in Nusatenggara (usually starts around early November) and last night we had the first heavy rain in months.

Happy gifting.



Last Edited: 23 December, 06:33 by Edostar
Number of Posts: 19
Number of Topics: 2
Chemtrails over Bali - 07 January, 00:47
Today is a black day for Bali with the first sighting of a chemtrail.

Yesterday's weather was fantastic (this photo fails to do it justice) and I saw what I think is my first Sylph over the garden.

Possible sylph

This morning I was surprised to see how much 'moisture' there was in the sky replacing the clarity that has become usual and on closer inspection there seemed to be a feint criss-cross of grey lines everywhere similar to the pictures I've seen of high-level chemtrail spraying.

This faded somewhat but still the sky wasn't anything like as clear as it was yesterday although the cumulus were there as usual (looked like the lower part of the photo below).

I was pouring the last of the TBs before breakfast when I heard a helicopter approaching (a black one as it turned out) that flew down from the north, circled round the east side of my garden and away to the south-west.

I banished paranoid thoughts from my mind and went back to my TBs.

Later in the day I was just sitting down at the computer when I noticed the chemtrail through the window and snapped it for posterity.

Chemtrail over Bali

It was nearly right over our garden and the bit that passed nearest the CB was already nearly gone (just off-camera to the right).

As time passed, I saw that it was definitely a chemtrail as it just spread out and out and finally enveloped the whole sky in a thick white haze that's slowly thinning as I write.

I've mentioned once or twice in my posts how glad I was not to have to contend with chemtrail-spraying but alas, those days seem to be over.

I've found a good source of machine-shop floor-sweepings that seem to make better orgonite than the expensive stainless steel scouring-pads did and when I collect my next sack-full, I'm going to make another CB to counter the muck from above.

So much for 'happy gifting'; this is War.



This is the day after Bali's first chemtrail attack and I'm pleased to report that my defective CB has managed to restore the sky to good health:

health restored

In fact the sky is even more splendid now than before the chemtrail turned it white and makes me think that perhaps they did us a favour.

Is it possible that their injection of DOR, converted to POR by our orgonite, results in an orgone-boost for the region?

I was also wondering what happens to the dangerous chemicals that they spray when a CB 'dissipates' them.

They are rendered invisible, that much is obvious, but what of the chemicals?

Surely they're still there in some form or other.

Anyone know the answer to this?

The sky was virtually clear by late afternoon and we had another spectacular sunset (albeit a bit weird-looking) but by morning it was lovely as usual.

Happy gifting.



Last Edited: 07 January, 22:20 by Edostar
Number of Posts: 19
Number of Topics: 2
Chemtrails continued - 11 January, 03:54
Well the morning passed pleasantly enough but I knew it couldn't last:


For some reason this stuff stuck around for a couple of hours but was pretty much clear by sundown.

Next day...

Next day

...started off okay but got kind of strange as the day progressed.

That evening a prop-plane flying at low altitude laid three trails over our house in quick succession.

What was particularly freaky about it was that they were clearly targetted at the CB as the plane didn't start spraying until it got in range of our garden and stopped the trail just as soon as it passed.

On the third fly-by, the pilot turned off the trail as he left the area and then as an after-thought, turned it back on again and continued until he was out of sight (presumably to empty the tank).

These trails seemed to be different as they didn't become milky-white as the others had done but just spread a bit and hung in the sky for ages.

I pointed my CB at them and they moved off (against the prevailing wind) to the west.

Perhaps they were testing a different compound on the CB to see what would happen (who knows?).

The next morning....

Morning day 4

....more visits from the black helicopter and a clear sighting of our by now familiar spray-plane (but alas no time to grab my camera).

It's a medium-sized propellor-plane with sharp wings, white with no markings at all and carries a red sprayer slung under one wing.

There's visible evidence of spraying up in the hills out of range of my CB but for the time being they seem to have given up on my area which continues to have a healthy sky.

I've built another CB which I'll be deploying further afield shortly.

The constant visits by the black helicopter and the plane that lays no trails seem to suggest that they don't understand why the crud doesn't stick and keep coming back for another look.

There's no overtly intimidating behovoiur by the chopper and it all seems to be conducted with surprising openness.

I'll keep you posted.

Happy gifting.



Last night at sunset our friendly neighbourhood spray-plane laid a couple of crud-trails across the sky above Denpasar to the west and within minutes it looked like this (and heading in the direction of our house):


I hastily erected my spare CB so that I had two of them ready, awaiting the arrival of the chem-cloud.

No doubt to the dismay of the hapless perpetrators, the cloud was eaten alive in about 20 minutes.

Done and dusted.

Happy gifting.



Last Edited: 13 January, 07:47 by Edostar
Number of Posts: 19
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Cleaning the Crud. - 13 January, 07:46

I took this (composite) photo earlier as the same thing was happening again but in daylight this time.

CB clearing crud

The friendly spray-plane had laid a load of crud way off camera to the right and the CB is standing centre-right of the photo.

You can see the difference in cloud-health as it passes across the garden (right-to-left of course).



Sunday is a  holiday in Bali and everyone takes the family to the beach but there was no let-up for the spray-plane who flew constantly all day in by far the heaviest spray-day here yet.

Poison sky

This was after one could just see the sky through the crud (and he was still spraying!).

I wish I knew what they're spraying but everyone I know (including my family) has a heavy flu that just goes on and on for weeks on end.

Habby gibding.



Last Edited: 14 January, 23:52 by Edostar
Number of Posts: 19
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Chemclouds Rediscovered. - 17 January, 03:45

This photo was taken about two months ago (well before I said they started spraying chemtrails here) and yet with hindsight, I see that what I thought at the time was just a pretty sky at sunset, contained chem-clouds.

Around this time, a lot of people (including myself and my family) contracted influenza.

There's nothing unusual about 'flu' here and lots of the locals get colds etc when the usually stable weather pattern gives way to temperature-fluctuations (as the monsoons start for instance).

The strange thing about this strain of 'flu' is that it never seems to go away; just gets a bit worse or a bit better or changes from nasal-clog to sore throat to headache and back again.

Recently, as reported above, they started saturation-spraying on Sunday and continued (with lesser zeal) on Monday and Tuesday and as result I started to feel seriously poisoned.

This was no longer 'flu' and all the previous symptoms intensified until we were all feeling like death.

Today is Wednesday and for some reason I've only seen one or two short trails here and there.

Blue skies prevail, the symptoms have greatly subsided and I see very little cloud of any kind anywhere (return of the Blue Hole?).

When I built CB2 (see Grounding CBs) and had both devices standing together in the garden, the Blue Hole returned and all the clouds receeded to the horizon so I dismantled one.

Later I redeployed it at a friend's house about five miles away and until today the two CBs have not conspired to produce the Blue Hole.

Perhaps in the absence of chem-spraying and working on a relatively untroubled sky, the two devices are still too close together for comfort.

Happy Gifting.



Last Edited: 17 January, 03:50 by Edostar
Number of Posts: 19
Number of Topics: 2
End of the Drought? - 20 January, 00:42

Amid constant but gentle Crud-spraying, the rain finally seems to have arrived in Bali (about two months late) although my Father-in-law in Java reports clear skies and continues to irrigate his fields with a diesel-pump from a well he dug (with intel from a local dowser) on his land.

Refreshing to have some serious rain after so long but the continuing bad news is the Crud-trails.

My question (above) about what happens to the chemicals when our CBs appear to make them 'go away' seems to be answering itself as time goes by.

They're still there and still make us sick.

In direct proportion to the amount of spraying in the skies, my family and friends in the area report the same fluctuating symptoms (Cold, Fever, Headache, Cough and a lack of motivation).

My CB seems to be able to remove the DOR element from the crud-cloud which results in improvements to the appearance of the sky but the toxins clearly remain (although to what extent they're unchanged I can't tell as I've lived with a CB throughout the current attack).

Happy gifting.



Last Edited: 20 January, 07:22 by Edostar
Number of Posts: 19
Number of Topics: 2
Bali Sky - 25 January, 20:29

For the last few days they haven't just been spraying; it's been a total white-wash and everyone's been feeling really poisoned as a result.

The entire town has been complaining of persistent headaches, nausea and a feeling of disorientation and pointlessness.


Bali Sky

They have yet to start spraying (bet you can tell).

This is the way the sky is whenever they give us a day off from obligatory poisoning.

Long may it last.


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Architects of Doom. - 09 February, 19:33

Here in Indonesia, the monsoon season should have started back in November sometime but until now the drought has persisted (and the chemtrails too) and it's my observation that there's a direct link between the two.

When they stop spraying for a few hours, dark cumulus frequently appear and it threatens to rain. The spray planes return, the clouds disperse and are replaced by the general white-out to which we've all become accustomed.

This has happened time and time again and is clearly no coincidence.

At the same time there are regions of the country that have experienced rainfall well in excess of normal levels (although it's becoming hard to determine what is normal anymore) and these floods are largely confined to the great conurbations in the west of the country.

Now if I were a scumbag NWO weather-control architect and it was my intention to inflict maximum suffering on the dispensable population of a mineral-rich country, I'd create drought in the rice-growing regions and catastrophic flooding in the cities (which would appear to be what they've done).

My Father in law has reported no significant rainfall during the rice-planting season with the bulk of the arable land in his area now abandoned by bankrupt farmers.

At the same time, Jakarta has up to ten feet of sewage flowing through it; the rich have decamped to hotels on higher ground while the rest of the population fester in inner-city refugee camps.

Yesterday I had two CBs running in my garden (one of them is destined for the town of Ubud in the centre of the island later today) and the sky remained clear-blue in spite of sporadic spraying.

Late afternoon saw the backlash with saturation-spraying over the city yet the blue sky prevailed above my house.

Finally at sunset, the planes criss-crossed my village and managed to white it out (but it was clear again by mid-evening).

At sunrise there was no evidence of overnight spraying and the sky started clouding over.

I'm pleased to report that I write this in the early morning to the sound of torrential rain and a thunderstorm.

In Java too the weather seems to have turned and this week saw the first heavy rain of the season (only three months late).

My Father-in law is the only farmer for miles around who has continued to irrigate his rice-crop with a diesel-pump from his well; others in the area who bothered to plant at all, gave up and left their fledgeling crops to die in the parched soil.

It remains to be seen whether this is another 'false dawn' or if the spew-planes will manage to reverse the situation.

This photo was taken just after posting the above:


The crud-plane has dispersed the rainclouds and replaced them with chemclouds.

A case in point.


Last Edited: 25 February, 01:56 by Edostar
Number of Posts: 19
Number of Topics: 2
Rainbows - 21 February, 22:44


When was the last time you saw a rainbow?
I've seen two in as many days and in the same location above my garden:


This is perhaps not as surprising as it may seem as both were in chemical skies; the poison mist apparently refracting the sunlight.

The short horizontal rainbow in the second image eventually grew longer and formed a semi-circle below the sun but grew paler too and shooting directly into the sun, I failed to get a decent photo of it.

Since I deployed the second CB in my garden they've been saturation-spraying against the blue sky above and the chemical they're using in the last couple of days smells similar to the one they started with a few months back.

In the interim period, we've experienced the same dry throat, sneezing etc but it's been lighter than the choking acrid stuff they've used again recently.

A friend just flew in from Singapore and took this shot of the chemical haze above southern Bali.

Crud from the Air



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Java run. - 25 February, 01:44

 Just returned after an interesting trip back to see my wife's family in Java (where I deployed a CB on an earlier trip).

The 'Blue Hole' info’ forms the basis of my 'Grounding CBs thread and it was this alarming function of the CB that seems to have led my Father-in-law to secretly lay the device down for most of the time I thought it was being used (a fact that I only just discovered by going there in person).

I'd previously assumed that the current chemical attack in the area was confined to Bali in general and the south of the island in particular but it seems my information was wrong.

The chemical sky prevailed throughout the trip to Java and although it was obvious enough to me that the sky was heavy with chemicals and bore no visible signs of healthy cloud, Nita's Father seemed unaware of the chem-spraying (just wondered why it was always overcast yet never rained).

I asked after the CB and was led to the back of the tool-shed where it lay under an inch of dust (a terrible sight for any gifter) so I brushed it off and set it up again in the garden.

Within the hour, the sky was much healthier and that night it rained for the first time after a long dry spell.

Nita's Father was amazed and started to learn the difference between grey clouds and grey chem-soup and more about the function of the CB.

I explained how the chem-spraying resulted in cloud-depletion and was probably responsible for the drought this year; how clouds are held together by orgone which is why they disperse when sprayed with DOR-laden chemicals and return when the CB clears the chemicals and restores the POR (and why laying the CB down in the shed will deprive him of any chance of rain as long as the spraying persists).

I'd planned to bring the CB back to Bali if indeed there was no chem-spraying in Java but we decided to leave it there as it was clearly necessary.

I noticed a circular rainbow around the sun (as viewed through a sheet of chem-cover) and he said that many farmers had observed this phenomenon in recent months and there had even been an item about it on TV.

The journalist had apparently received information from a ‘meteorologist’ that this rainbow meant that there was going to be a series of whirl-winds along the archipelago probably on the 12th of March if not a little later (a suspiciously specific prediction).

This ‘prediction’ is an obvious attempt to cover up the chem-spraying program and to prepare the starving farmers for further weather-control attacks.

We have about two weeks to see if their plans materialize.

Upon my return to Bali today, I read an email from Hari (Drakull) in which he mentioned seeing the circular rainbow (the sun viewed through chem-clouds) so it’s obviously an embarrassingly persistent tropical effect that threatens to blow the whistle on the chem-spraying program (farmers are generally far more observant than city-dwellers).

Every time I cross the narrow Strait between Bali and Java, I throw in a few TBs and the sky is always a lot healthier in that area than anywhere either side of it (and today was no exception).

The chem-cover was a total white-out but over the ferry-crossing there were distinct holes and patches of clear blue sky.

Driving down south on the Bali side; I counted no less than 40 towers along the road that I have yet to bust (so a coast-road expedition is clearly in order).

The white-out persisted until about 60 kilometers north of my CBs at which point the etheric health of the sky quite suddenly improved.

Back at the ranch and the battle for control of the skies continues between my CBs and the poor Chem-plane who seems to be having an increasingly hard time closing all the holes in the sky around here.

Long may his problems continue to multiply.



Last Edited: 25 February, 01:54 by Edostar
Don Croftoffline
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No Subject - 25 February, 07:57
Dan, thanks for posting such a well-detailed and illustrated journal, here,  of your observations and efforts!

In fact, any of us who do a lot of gifting and cloudbusting encounter the same challenges that you've been overcoming but not many have been subjected to low-level chemical/biological attacks, as you obviously are these days. I hope you and yhour family are zapping as soon as the symptoms start to occur. This stops the poisoning process and limits the tissue damage caused by this weaponry. It's unfortunate that others in the area are sickened, of course, but you're certainly not rsponsible for what the world odor does to people.

 Some gifters in Africa started seeing chemtrails for the first time after they cleared the sky and brought rainfall to drought-ravaged areas.  I suppose it's also happened in parts of Asia and South America where there were no chemtrails, before people in those areas started restoring our environment after  the world odor's abominations were committed.

I know those are huge islands but I suspect that orgonite in the sea around them will have a profound effect on HAARP.  I can say this from direct experience in an approximately equally large landmass, South Florida. We discovered that a lot of HAARP infrastructure is on the seabed and the only explanation we have for the HAARPicanes getting neutralized so far from the gifted areas, last year, is that dolphins distributed much of our orgonite to these underwater weapon platforms, even as far as Africa. We certainly encountered a lot of dolphins in the process of distributing it and, of cousre, DAve Emmett dumped about as much in the water around Barbados, at the other end of the Caribbean Sea.

I"m awfully happy that you're not entirely isolated, having Hari and Didier, at least, as relatively close associates. Kelly's apparently back in Malaysia, doing  some followup work that might affect your area positively, too.  He's the only gifter, so far, who accomplishes grand-scale successes with only a little orgonite, focusing mainly on the ch'i (orgone) streams in the atmosphere.

If NIta's dad will keep that cloudbuster set up they won't likely experience destructive weather but we'll also see what we dan do in the chatroom to block, the apparently scheduled HAARP assault on that island in March.

Sometimes, rainbow around the sun is a good thing, by the way. I once saw that in San Francisco on a bright ,clear day without chemtrails and the atmosphere felt lovely, there. It, too, was remarked on even by the What To Think Network. That's not to say that what you saw wasn't heinous, of course.

I noticed in some of your pics that the Sylphs are apparently making  a showing in your sky.  You can consider them allies, of course.

 We hid some cloudbusters on teh Hopi and Navajo Reservations, five years ago, and those two stopped the chemtrails and dense smog in a day, apparently perpetually. Carol psychicly checked with the elders before we did it and she told me, recently, that the CBs are still there. The HOpi, and many of the surroudning Navajo, had erected kivas in their yards (sort of like fallout shelters, dome-shaped and partly underground; made of adobe and mud.  They were instructed to do it by the elders after the prophesied 'spider webs in the sky' showed up a few years before.

It's pretty cool that we're living in a time when teh prophecied destruction of civilization has apparently been mostly diverted.  The worse calamities, including the systematic destruction of countless millions of families by state-sponsored divorce mills, the trauma-based programming of countless millions of white and Asian children by the CIA and MI6 (this puts the  rampant divorce rate in another, even more sinister context: a constant supply of already-disoriented small children) the slaughter of untold millions of innocents by National-Socialist (including the US one) and communist regimes, the obliteration of  most of the previously vibrant cultures in AFrica, the Americas and Asia by materialism and missionaries, the spiritual degradation of masses of gullible PJ folks by institutionalized drug culture and promiscuity, ad nauseum.  All of that was aimed at humanity in order to cause people to become less responsible and accountable, of course, but it's all backfiring.

Dr STevo (our own GPS) is fond of pointing out that no matter how hard the world odor tries to destroy us all with environmental poisons, bioweaponry, radiactive materials,  bad food, depleted soil, poisoned water, etc., we continue to survive and even thrive as a species; much like cockroaches, in fact Cool

YOu assume that Muslims are responsible for the bombings, perhaps because that's what the What To Think Network keeps harping on. Similarly, PJ folks in the West assume that some ignorant, greedy smugglers in Colombia are responsible for the intricately coordinated global dope trade, complete with price fixing, subsidized distribution networks, complicity by US presidents and Air Force, etc.  For that matter, the same mindset is now led to assume, by the What To Think Network, that this fake, cretinous and capricious US President orchestrated the destrucytion of the World Trade Center.  More, nobody on the What  To Think Network stops to consider where these 'terrorists,' who are allegedly villagers in third world countries, mainly, get so much money and costly weaponry if not from the same London bankers who have been financing all the wars in the world since the early 1800s and, before that,  built up the largest empire in recorded history and subverted all the clergy (including the Muslim clergy) in the conquered lands.  They didn't completely take the Middle East until the end of WWI but they had begun subverting all the Muslim clergy a couple decades before that, through their sponsorship of Jalal'ud-Din Afghani and the Pan Islamic Movement. The Brits used the Young Turk Movement to depose the Sultan of Turkey in 1908, for instance, and all of the Middle East, west of Persia, belonged to him, before that, as did part of Europe.

Here's a case where studying documented history pays off in terms of not getting perpetually mind-buggered by the What To Think Network and I doubt it's possible to have genuine peace of mind, these days, without being willing to independently examine real, factual info. 

Holland got Indonesia, perhaps, because for a few decades before the Venetian bankers took over England by subterfuge, they based their operations in Amsterdam.  Those parasites had to leave Venice not long after Sultan Abdu'l Aziz took Cosntantinople, which was the Venetian bankers/traders' buffer.  They had built Venice because it's easiest to defend a city that's surrounded by water, or at least it was when it was built, in the days before artillery ;-)

Another thing about the new, allegedly dangerous Islamic fundamentalism  that the What To Think Network won't likely mention is that it appeard suddenly and uniformly, worldwide, after Khomeini was put in place in the late 70s. Anyone who has studied Islamic history knows that it's impossible to get those self-seeking mullahs to work together to accomplish anything exceptt to exploit their flocks, so that sort of uniformity was not their doing.  Many Islamic countries that were quite progressive, before, were thrown back into the dark ages by top-down machinations and, as some German research journalists have shown, many of the SS men who escaped prosecution at Nuremburg ended up heading the police agencies of all the Middle Eastern countries, possibly except Israel, where Mossad can arguably outdo any of the transgressions that the SS were known for. 

The only other modern instances I'm aware of in which comformist movements had spread so fast and thoroughly in modern times were the sudden establishment, in Europe and the US, of fascism in teh 1930s, the hippie movement in the sixties, the degradation of family life after WWII (current with the rise of the MOnarch and Tavistock mind control agenda) and the sudden proliferation, worldwide, of the current version of fundamentalist Christianity, which is cultish and characterized by centralized mind control via televangelism and other new tricks.

Identical  What To Think Network smear campaigns convinced their national audiences that Poles, Japanese, Germans, Gypsies, Chinese, Koreans, Jews, Russians, Americans, etc., were subhuman, just as the What To Think Network is now trying to convince the entire world that Muslims are all mean-spirited, suicidal bomb throwers. It's not working as well, now, as it did in the previous century, thank God, but I feel compelled to 'answer back' any time Islam is spoken ill of on account of the What To Think Network's lying agenda, even though I'm not a Muslim. I'd have done the same in the 1930 and 40s when other groups national and ethnic groups were turned into scapegoats by the world odor but I probably would have gotten imprisoned or executed for it, then Wink. By their standards, Christians would be considered a lot worse than Muslims, of course, based on history, but I'd defend Christianity if it were under attack by the world odor's brain police.

A couple of days ago I overheard a grocery clerk and customer talking about some bad news on TV and I interrupted to comment about how the 'What To Think Network' (yep, I use that term on PJ folks) strictly avoids telling good news. The customer's eyes got glassy and she numbly wandered off without acknowledging me but the clerk said, 'You know, my brother in law had high blood pressure, but it was cured in a short time after he stopped watching TV news and resorted to the newspaper, instead!' 

 Dan, we need to watch the sky for confirmations and I don't know of anyone who's been  doing a better job than you're doing (thanks again for posting that here!) but I hope you'll also take note of the improvements on the ground in the form of more enlightened attitudes and decreasing suspicion, xenophobia and paranoia among people where you've been gifting.   The hill people are likely to respond most dramatically to your gifting efforts, in fact, and you miight be astonished to find that they're more amenable to receiving orgonite than the city folks are. I hope you'll get in touch with Eddie-san in Japan, who has experience with this in the mountains of N Thailand and elsewhere in Southeast Asia.

 I think it's awfully cool that you gift from a motorcycle, by the way!  Ed does, too.

 When I travel to other countries, I generally don't seek the company of my own kind but rather seek to make friends among the locals. To be fair, some places have been much easier than others for me: I  was accepted by Western Samoans but not by Tongans, for instance, and it was very easy for me to meet and work wiith Ugandans but the Namibians were more standoffish. I've never been to your region but the Malaysians I've met have been more relaxed and tolerant than the Indonesians I've met, for what that's worth.  In the Phillipines, just about everyone's your friend Cool
and quite a lot of gifting has been done there, though we're not in touch with any of those gifters at the moment, except Jukka in Finland, who spent some time there last year and posts occasionally on EW. 

I used to get culture shock only wnen returning to teh US but that's been changing in recent years.  Gifting has contributed to this place being nicer than it was, before, and I want you to find the same happy result from your own efforts, which have been very good and thorough, I think.














Last Edited: 25 February, 08:10 by Don Croft
Number of Posts: 19
Number of Topics: 2
Down to Earth. - 28 February, 04:27
Thanks Don.

Okay; down from the skies and you're absolutely right; most of my reports feature photos of confirmations and illustrations from above the horizon.

The reasons for this are two-fold:

1).The sky is easier to photograph than the feeling of community in a well-gifted neighbourhood.

2).The major catastrophe in Bali since I moved here 20 years ago started this year with systematic chem-spraying shortly after I began gifting and deploying Cloudbusters.

Another quite striking difference that's easily observable (but difficult to take a picture of) is the lack of exhaust-fumes in the street.

Previously the air in the centre of town was barely breatheable at peak traffic times and any busy street was choked with the blue-grey haze of vehicle exhaust, one couldn't make out details at the other end of Main St and the smog extended up to the first floor windows.

Now, it's quite clear everywhere; visibility along the same stretch of street is perfect and the air in one's immediate area (even in the middle of heavy traffic) is quite pleasant.

Main St. is about half a mile long and suffers from the well-known features of an almost un-giftable road with virtually nowhere to hide even a single TB.

There is, however a large river crossing it half way along the street that now hosts about 20 TBs (I seem to lob one over the parapet whenever I cross the bridge).

I find myself using this as an example when answering sceptical questions regarding the effectiveness of Orgonite and anyone who knew the town before and after has to admit that the difference is remarkable (although they have to take it on trust that it's because I've hidden hundreds of TB there).

Many of the other effects that gifters quite rightly attribute to the judicial distribution of Orgonite are less easily proven.

I guess this is the reason that I tend to avoid armchair sceptics; secure in my own well-confirmed conviction that Orgonite works better than I expected it to (and I don't care whether anyone chooses to 'believe' me or not).

The general feeling in southern Bali is greatly improved and I'm sure it's not my imagination that people are friendlier and more helpful than they've been for years.

This is particularly noticeable when there is a minor traffic accident.

These days people will naturally rush to the aid of the victims where previously it was considered quite 'normal' to see everyone watching from a safe distance.


As for the generally held assumption that it was Muslim Fundamentalists that placed the bombs in Bali; I didn't mean to imply that this was also my conviction.

What I actually wrote was that it was 'widely blamed' on them and I tend to agree with Don that this was a well-worn 'spin' by the What to Think networks and unlikely to bear much relation to the truth.

The link between future bombing campaigns and the preponderence of tourists in Bali still holds true, of course, regardless of who is held responsible for the carnage.

The sharply different treatment that Islamist and non-Islamists get in the World's most populous Muslim nation is just human nature, I guess.

Dan. (Edostar).

PS: Anyone know why these posts end with such a long blank area?

Last Edited: 28 February, 04:41 by Edostar
Number of Posts: 19
Number of Topics: 2
White-out in 'Paradise'. - 03 March, 21:24
Another sky-related post I’m afraid but only because it describes a shift in the chem.-spraying that’s caused us so much grief over the last few months.

The general pattern (up until recently) has gone something like this:

The health of the sky is reasonably good with sporadic spraying that doesn’t stick around for long.

Then it threatens to rain, the plane sprays its poison all over the place and the clouds dissipate (and rarely are things left long enough to generate thunder or lightening).

Three days ago there was a violent electric storm with blustery winds that appears to have caught them off-guard (or perhaps they were servicing the plane and couldn’t prevent it in time, who knows?) and it rained hard all through the night and into the next morning with deafening thunder-claps.

Then they sprayed a lot to dissipate the clouds and return it to the deathly calm and white-out conditions that have prevailed ever since.

It was usual to see the blue sky at least once a day prior to the storm but now it’s totally hidden behind their constantly replenished chemical haze (and we hear the distinctive drone of the chem.-plane coming in to land in nearby Kuta many times a day).

Last night the brightest stars were just visible through the chem-cloud but by sun-up the blanket had been thickened again.

They spray so much that it’s almost as though the two CBs in my garden have stopped working.

We also came under chemical attack again the morning after the storm when they sprayed the debilitating acrid chemical that our lungs reject (causing us to take short, widely-spaced breaths and giving us all sandpaper throats and pounding headaches).

Don hoped that we were all Zapping to reduce the harmful effects but I don't even have a Zapper (although I ordered one from Georg a couple of weeks ago).

In fact I’m just a ‘CB-and-TB-man’ and have no additional equipment at all (harmonic protector, power-wand, succor-punch or whatever) figuring that money spent on peripherals could be better spent making TBs.

I set off at dawn today to gift Kuta (including the airport perimeter) as the beach is deserted at that time making gifting the tourist-town a breeze.

 Found a few more towers and busted a military residential complex.

Bali is often known as the Paradise Island but that tag is becoming increasingly anachronistic.



Bali Gifting (Page 2 of 2)

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Predicted Twisters - 13 March, 16:58

 Just a quick note to confirm the 'prediction' that there would be a series of tornados along Java on or around the 12th of March (see 'Java-run' above).

Local TV reported that on the 12th of March three twisters; two in west Java and one in central Java, trashed three villages.  



Last Edited: 13 March, 17:04 by Edostar
Number of Posts: 19
Number of Topics: 2
Day of Silence - 18 March, 21:48

Today is the festival day of 'Nyepi' (Day of Silence) which happens once a year here in Bali.

It marks the night when all the demons congregate to do battle with the humans; huge bamboo and paper statues (Ogoh-Ogoh) are constructed by the villagers and fire-crackers are lit (in years past the monsters were the focus of staged battles in the streets and were eventually burned).

The night of the demons was last night and today is the day when everyone stays at home and remains completely silent (apparently to fool the demons into thinking that they won the battles with the humans and leave us alone for another year).

The roads are deserted, air and sea ports are closed and all flights are stopped over the island to respect this important Hindu festival which is also a national holiday.

Notwithstanding, our friendly neighbourhood chem-plane continues to work and just laid this short trail right above our house:


It didn't stick.

After reading Dave Rusin's recent post, I over-gifted this immediate area with another three hundred TBs and seems to have achieved a similar effect to Dave's area.

The above chemtrail hardly spread at all and was gone in half an hour.

Selamat Hari Raya Nyepi.

Dan (Edostar).

Number of Posts: 19
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Dolphins of Singaraja - 26 March, 03:58

Singaraja is a quiet port town on the north coast of Bali whose waters are host to a colony of Dolphins.

Edo Star

My wife Nita and I took our 5-year-old son Edo Star up to visit them a couple of days ago and take them about 50 spherical TBs (not strictly speaking 'Dolphin Balls' as they contained no coil or DT crystals).

A rather run-down tourist area straggles along the black sand beach and appears to have been dying slowly since the bombing campaign all but destroyed the tourist trade on the island.

All that keeps this area alive now are the dolphins that attract a slow trickle of tourists up to the north for a night or two to visit them at dawn in local fishing boats.

The continued presence of the dolphins in these coastal waters represent a valuable source of extra income to the fishermen in the village and I was afraid that the boatman would be worried that tossing TBs into the water might scare them away and ruin the village.

In the event I didnt feel comfortable sneaking them into the water unbeknown to our captain so I just handed him one.

Above the chug of the diesel engine I explained (in simplified terms) that the dolphins like them and urged him to drop it in the water when we saw some; I said that it restores the natural energy to the sea and might help to clear the sky too (he told me that it had been overcast with very little rain for months).

Beneath a chemical sky in a totally ungifted area, our little flotilla of dug-out canoes crossed the bay and soon the Dolphins began to appear alongside the boats.

We gifted a relatively small area with all the orgonite balls (on the understanding that they would most likely be redistributed anyway) and it seemed to us that the Dolphins were congregating closer to our boat than any of the others.

We spent about an hour driving around in the area heading wherever a school appeared and after a while our captain tapped me on the shoulder and pointed upwards; the sky was beginning to clear and the chem-soup was giving way to healthy cloud formations against a clear blue sky (and he seemed rather impressed).

In the photo above, the chemical white-out is visible in the distance and the bank of rain clouds spread down from the mountains within an hour of gifting the ocean.

 I took this shot as we were heading back to the beach and the blue holes are behind us.

 By the time we returned to shore, the sky looked much healthier and its epicentre was clearly right above the gifted area of ocean.

We spent the next day in the village; I gifted the beach on foot and busted all the visible towers along the strip.

Our friends arrived with their two daughters later in the day and they planned to go out to see the dolphins the next morning.

They had seen them before but this time they returned amazed to see such a spectacular display; the dolphins were far more energetic than usual and many of the adult dolphins were leaping clear of the water and their young turning spirals in the air.

I told them that I'd gifted the area the day before and although rather sceptical of the whole orgonite thing, they had to admit that perhaps this might have been responsible for the startling increase in the animals' energy.

The main road to Singaraja runs north, straight up over the central mountains from Denpasar and on the way home we found (and busted) all the accessible towers along the way; some of them were rather curiously set hard against the rock face at the foot of a mountain.

The good thing is that many of these towers are sitting at the roadside on the outskirts of sleepy villages and are easily gifted (sometimes without even getting out of the car).

We plan to return to the area in a month or two to see the effects and to gift it further.

Dan (Edostar).

Last Edited: 26 March, 09:35 by Edostar
Number of Posts: 7
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No Subject - 27 March, 14:01
have you gifted the airport where the chem plane flies in and out of, maybe the pilot would experiance an elevation in consiousness
Number of Posts: 19
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Tower-Buster Tour - 01 April, 21:32

A minor update to the Dolphin report above.


200 TBs in the saddle-bags (and a soon-to-be-busted tower in the background).

I stayed overnight in Singaraja to break my journey the other day on my way around the coast road on a tower-busting mission and spoke to the fisherman who took us out to see the Dolphins last time.

He asked if I’d brought any more of the little balls for the Dolphins and I told him that I was going round the island busting all the towers that I could see from the road and I handed him a TB to put by his TV.

We were sitting with some of his friends who all asked for a TB (or two) and seemed very interested that it could make the Dolphins so lively, clear the sky and even rejuvenate the coral reefs that are slowly dying off shore (when they’re not being dynamited by pirate fishermen from other islands).

They said they’d be happy to gift the reefs if I’d provide the ammo (but I think I’ll oversee the job myself).

The sky was largely chemical when I arrived at the beach in the late afternoon having just busted all the towers to the west and by sunset it was all but clear.

The next morning, people I’d never met came and asked for TBs and it seems that the villagers of Lovina are rapidly becoming Orgonite aficionados.

Many of these villagers have never been to school and yet accept orgonite with the ease and curiosity of a child (in contrast to the wary skepticism almost ubiquitous amongst the more ‘educated’).

The weather in the mountains is quite healthy now that the towers on the central road are busted and thick cloud prevailed in the interior throughout the two day journey.

A friend who made the journey along the central road the same day said that traffic was brought to a standstill by total cloud-cover on the precipitous descent to Singaraja (rather than the chemical haze that greeted us on the last run).

Most of the towers are concentrated in the west, north and centre of the island with very few along the east coast where the views are largely uninterrupted.


2 TBs to a tower (minus the hand-outs along the way) makes about 90 fewer active towers.


Last Edited: 01 April, 22:03 by Edostar
Number of Posts: 19
Number of Topics: 2
Shot the Crud-plane - 05 April, 04:48
Chem-spraying in Bali only started at the end of last year and there's been a succession of white un-marked prop-planes used.

The first one was rather small and had a red crop-sprayer slung under its right wing; this was replaced by a larger plane with a grey external sprayer under its left wing.

At the height of the monsoon season (that never happened) these were changed for two larger planes; one twin-engine and one with four engines (both apparently with internal sprayers).

Recently the wind changed back to its dry-season mode (blowing from the east) and the spraying seems much lighter with clear blue skies everywhere and they only seem to spray against any cloud that puts in an appearance.

He just sprayed a short trail right over my garden which disappeared slowly over the next 20 minutes and came back for a second look and I finally I managed to snap this rather poor shot of the latest spray-plane with its external sprayer clearly visible.



And here's another one of the same plane taken today (April 22): 

Crud Plane 2


Last Edited: Sunday, 03:43 by Edostar
Don Croftoffline
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No Subject - 07 April, 13:54
Thanks for the outstanding gifting reports and photos, Dan, especially since you're focusing on the confirmations for us all.

I want our readers to all get a glimpse of how empowering gifting is, also how consistent the results/confirmations are in such a short time--usually before we're even done with a day's gifting.

I think the key is to load up with as much orgonite as one can feasibly make and carry, then distribute it all according to one's instinctive and rational promptings, as you've been doing in and around Bali.

When Georg Ritschl started giftging in South Africa the economy was flat and the government was warning the populace to prepare for a famine.  After a couple of years of his mostly-singlehanded gifting in the region the entire nation had become prosperous and was greener than ever. Even the Kalahari Desert has been blooming.

I suspect that Bali is another good test case for orgonite's phenomenal power to revolutionize a region's fortunes and health and we can see from your photos that what you've done, so far, has begun to revolutionize that region, which had been so pitilessly targetted by the new world odor in recent years.

Very encouraging!



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Dolphins Revisited - 15 April, 22:38
The good new is that yesterday's trip up to Singaraja to take the Dolphins some more Orgonite went well; the bad news is that I have little in the way of confirmations to report (and no photos to post either for that matter).

The fresh batteries that Nita put in her camera turned out to be duds and we only realised this when we were out at sea. Before our last trip, the area was totally ungifted and the sky was (chemical) overcast and had produced little rainfall for months.

Since then, I distributed TBs along the beach and to the Dolphins as they swam and busted every tower in the region and it's apparently rained frequently ever since (and this trip was to be no exception).

It was pouring with rain as we descended from the mountains but clear skies greeted us upon our arrival at the seaside and we arranged the boat for dawn the next day.

Torrential rain overnight threatened to scupper our plans but it eased up by the time we took to sea, heavily laden with Orgonite.

I brought 40 cricket ball sized TBs for the Dolphins to distribute, six hefty Dolphin Balls (still in the jam jars they were cast in) with charged Big Secret coils and crystals and 150 regular funky TBs to gift the moribund coral reef.

We soon located the Dolphins and this time there were many more of them and they semed to be more inclined to cruise closer to the boats which delighted Edo Star who so wants to swim with them.

I guess I'm just going to have to ignore my profound reservations and take him one time to a hotel in the area where they hold a number of Dolphins prisoner in a swimming pool as tourist attractions.

We dropped all the 'Cricket Balls' and the DBs evenly as we pursued the pods while they pursued their breakfast but eventually had to retire as the rain had resumed in earnest and by this time we were all cold and bedraggled.

As on the last trip, the sky looked healthier by the time we beached the canoe; Nita and her sister took Edo back to the hotel for coffee and croissants while our Captain and I headed back out to sea to gift the reef.

The tide was high enough for us to drive above the coral and from what I could see, much of it was very pale and dead looking.

I dropped the TBs in rather at random, but in a far greater concentration than Don's 'one per half mile' suggestion and finished up in a wide area favoured by the local fishermen for taking tourists snorkelling where I generously distributed the remainder.

Confirmations of the efficacy of Orgonite to regenerate this area of coral will have to wait a while although I understand from Don that the prospects are excellent and it quickly returns to good health.

We headed back home later and it was my feeling that the gifting of Lovina Beach is just about done, except perhaps for the addition of a Cloudbuster somewhere (I'm workin' on it).

We've deliberately chosen the same hotel now on three occasions and are on good terms with the owner; a Balinese woman called Ibu Rini.

Along with the other Orgonite was a HHG for her which she accepted with interest (so I added a bag of TBs for her to distribute around the grounds).

Perhaps next time I'll give her a CB.

 Bali Lakes 

On the outward journey over the mountains I dropped one of my jam-jar Dolphin Bombs in one end of Lake Bratan and coming back earlier today, the sky was thick with rain clouds except for a patch of clear blue sky directly over the spot (so I lobbed another three in from along the shore-line for good measure).

A useful little outing and everyone loved to see the Dolphins again.


Last Edited: 17 April, 06:56 by Edostar
Number of Posts: 19
Number of Topics: 2
Hilltop Vortex? - 19 April, 01:16
On my way around the island a couple of weeks ago (see: ‘Tower-Buster Tour above) I was an hour from home and seriously saddle-sore so chose to ignore (temporarily) a couple of hilltop arrays that I spotted, resolving to get them on another occasion.

Well that occasion was yesterday and I set off with my saddle-bags stuffed with TBs as usual (but this time I included a HHG that was a bit bent and one of a pair that I made the other day…Here’s its twin:


Someone told me about another array hidden behind an important temple site in roughly the same area so I had three hills to bust in all.

The first one turned out to be the most interesting and fortunately the Telkom gate was open so I drove in and up and up until I reached the towers on the summit.

There were two together set outside the compound and one by itself behind bars.

On an inspiration I decided to bury the HHG between the twin towers and busted the other one by liberally chucking TBs around the perimeter fence (there was someone inside) whilst pretending to be a stupid tourist taking photos of the countryside.

I took the shot of the first tower and when I went back to shoot the twin towers, the sky was clearing fast and this sylph had appeared.


I didn’t think anything much of it (just another nice little confirmation) and drove back down the hill to discover to my horror that the gate had been locked shut during the half hour I’d been at the hilltop.

Fortunately there was a hole in the hedge beside the gate-pillar but it was the other side of a deep drainage ditch which I would have to man-handle my heavy bike across (twice) before I was back on asphalt.

The alternatives were rather worse (eat humble pie at the hilltop office or wait for whoever locked me in to come back and ask some tricky question) so I bit the bullet and wrestled my way to freedom.

Found and busted the other arrays although the one near Lempuyang Temple turned out to be not so nasty (worth busting all the same).

When I drove past my first hilltop about an hour later, the gate was still locked but the sky in the area was a deeper blue and crystal clear (and my sylph was still there).

Since then the sky has remained fantastic in spite of the chem-plane’s best efforts and his trails evaporate in minutes if they stick at all and this got me wondering if I might have accidentally struck a vortex with my HHG (but I’m not in a position to do anything more than speculate on this).

Certainly there’s been a noticeable boost from yesterday’s little run whatever its specific causes.


Last Edited: 19 April, 01:23 by Edostar
Number of Posts: 19
Number of Topics: 2
More Rainbows - Yesterday, 20:53
I've lived in this house now for more than five years and in that time I've never seen a rainbow.

Since making and deploying orgonite I've seen more and more of them to the extent that now they're quite common.

Here's a seletion of recent rainbows:


And a couple of Chemical Rainbows too:

Chemical Rainbows
Chemical Rainbow 

Personally, I prefer the first lot anyday.


Last Edited: 27 April, 16:47 by Edostar
Number of Posts: 31
Number of Topics: 2
Send PM
Dry-season Rain - 08 May, 11:39

Since the end of the Balinese monsoon season I managed to bust all the towers on the coast road and the central north-south road and this seems to have greatly increased the rainfall in the mountains.

The other day I went down to the ‘Bukit’; the southern peninsular of Bali, an area I hadn’t visited for a few years and found a large concentration of towers had sprung up there recently.

All the TV stations are there and many of the regular towers that we’re all familiar with now although these two were a little out of the ordinary:


I drove the only two roads in the region, right down to the Mother Temple of ‘Uluwatu’ and busted about 40 towers in all.

Another development here is the addition of Cesco coils to my CBs and the combined effect on the weather in southern Bali has been dramatic.

It’s hardly stopped raining since the weekend when I busted the southern towers and improved my CBs and the near constant chem-spraying is having very little effect.

My Father-in-law visited recently and he says the rain in the area of his CB is frequent and only punctuated by blue skies and healthy clouds.

He’s an old Javanese rice-farmer whose experiences with orgonite devices in the last year have completely convinced him of their effectiveness (and the crimes committed by the chem-planes) although he doesn’t tell anyone else about it as they’d just think he was going barmy in his old age.


Last Edited: 08 May, 12:45 by Edostar
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Since the White-out... - 23 May, 22:18
Since the white-out (see 'New HAARP white-out in Bali' in 'Tips and Strategies')


The skies have been amazingly untroubled by chemtrails and the deep blue has returned everywhere with healthy cloud formations.

Earlier today a lone chem-plane laid what was supposed to be a chem-trail but disappeared like a contrail.

Then, in a sky devoid of all other cloud, there appeared this strange cloud in one small part of the sky that the plane passed over:

Lonely Cloud

It looks decidedly chemical to me but faded steadily to nothing over the next minute or so.

(The little speck some way below it is a kite). 

So much for chemtrails in Bali 


Last Edited: 24 May, 04:48 by Edostar
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No Subject - 24 May, 12:29
Your post contents me greatly!! Thank you!
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Mountain Gifting - 26 May, 16:12
 I'm glad you liked it, Javi; here's another one for you: 

This morning I went up to Kintamani; one of the volcanoes in the middle of Bali that has a large lake inside its crater (and another smaller volcano rising from the lake) to do a little inland water gifting.

This is where the original Hindu settlers in Bali fled to centuries ago and from whom all Balinese are said to be descended.

I took with me a bunch of regular TBs (for busting towers) and twelve cylindrical blocks of orgonite containing Cesco coils and DT crystals which I threw into the lake from the water’s edge.

When I arrived at the rim of the outer crater, the sky was filled with Sylphs clearing chemicals:


Shortly after I finished my little tour of the lakeside, I took this shot (from inside the outer volcano) which shows a much healthier sky.


(Nita’s clever camera managed to change its own settings all by itself which accounts for the difference in the resolution of the two shots).

There are many roads up the mountains and I managed to choose two that were previously un-busted and disabled about fifteen towers en route.

I went through some spectacular countryside in the interior which looks all the better now for its deep blue skies.


PS: And then (as if by coincidence) for the first time in over a week they attack the sky right over my garden:Coincidence

Last Edited: 26 May, 17:27 by Edostar
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TB Drop at Lovina. - 02 June, 09:30
Edo was off school on Friday so we took the opportunity to go up to Lovina to see the Dolphins again.

We took with us a CB (with Cesco coils in the base of the pipes) for the grounds of our regular hotel and 100 TBs as part of an experiment that Don and I have been hatching to see if they would be distributed by the Dolphins if simply dumped in a heap on the sea bed.

The skies over the mountains were overcast with healthy rain clouds as is apparently usual now (according to a strawberry-grower who was bemoaning the lack of sunshine to ripen his fruit) but descending to the coast at Singaraja, the chemicals were only too evident.

That night I set up the CB in the shrubbery next to our hotel room and the sky cleared within the hour to reveal bright stars and a full moon.

The next morning at sunrise we set off as usual to try and locate the Dolphins and I tossed a few of my Cesco coil blocks in the sea for good measure (I cast them in 3 inch sections of 1.5 inch diameter plastic pipe) but initially found no Dolphins.

Then one of the boats evidently located some a way down the coast near the port of Singaraja and the entire flotilla headed that way.

On previous occasions there were lots of Dolphins but this time they were fewer in number and seemed to be mostly adults with a few juveniles and they weren’t hunting for their breakfast but just cruising around lazily.

Edo gave them a few Cesco blocks and I tipped the bag of TBs in the water and we chugged around catching sight of Dolphins here and there until I noticed that some of them were following the same pattern; apparently circling the spot where I dumped the orgonite before deliberately diving straight down (tail flukes high in the air) in twos and threes, never to be seen again and I had the impression that this was intended to tell me something as I’m sure they could have located the stash of TBs without such an ostentatious demonstration.

Back at the hotel I moved the CB to a place behind the staff quarters with the help of the hotel manager, Kadek who seemed very interested in the device and asked me to send him such information as I have translated into Indonesian.

I emailed Don from a local Internet office giving the time and approximate location of the TB drop to see if Carol could track their progress and I understand that he intends to post some comments here in due course.

The only other thing I have to report is that the water in the bay is now very clear and the coral is much more visible from the boat than it was six weeks ago when I gifted the reef in distinctly murky waters.

Our regular boatman said that it’s consistently clear now but he hasn’t noticed any improvement yet in the health of the coral.

The sea is now quite well gifted up at Lovina as is the beach and the coastal road; all the towers are busted and with the placing of the CB, it’s my impression that there is little more gifting to be done in the area.

Certainly the Hotel Rini is the best gifted hotel in Bali now and has TBs buried everywhere (even the vehicles have TBs in them) and now a CB.

Heading back over the mountains again, I took this photo of the sky over Lake Bratan.

Bedugul Sky


Don Croftoffline
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No Subject - 02 June, 11:25
Thanks for the exemplary thread, Dan, and especially for photographing the confimrations in the atmosphere.

 When I opened your email this morning, I asked Carol to track the orgonite you dumped in one spot for the dolphins and she told me that they had taken all of it to appropriate spots in the surrounding sea.  If there's been smog on the horizon you might notice it disappearing after this, as we saw happen in Florida while gifting around the peninsula.

By the way, when  you see one dolphin,  there are generally ten or more under the surface.  With  sonar (fishfinder) you can see them as very large fish, usually quite deep underwater. The reason they look big is because the sonar bounces off of air sacs in sea creatures.  Dolphins have lungs, so have a lot more air in them than fish do. Fish have little flotation sacs to make them neutrally buoyant at a given depth. 

 It's anyone's guess how long it will take for the reef to regenerate there. The fact that it happened veyr fast in the Florida Keys, and with comparatively little  orgonite, might not have much bearing on the conditions you're facing, there, but time will tell and this is an extremely valuable research  project as well as a healing one.

It's funny, to me, that if one of the fascist corporations had found a way to clear water as dramatically as orgonite does, the media would canonize them and these nazis would charge the people billions of dollars to do the work, probably collected by taxation at gunpoint Cool.  Parasites never heal the earth, though, of course.

 What we're doing is nothing short of miraculous but the only way someone is going to know about it, at least for now, is if that person is actively seeking solutions on the internet.  Fortunately, there are apparently enough of us to get it all done b efore the Pajama People even notice that the world has improved.

 Dan, your dad might find open ears if he starts telling his colleagues how well a little orgonite can boost the health and productivity of his crops, also keep pests away.  

If we try to 'convert' people by proclamation and protests we'll meet nothing but resistance, mixed with paranoia, but if we sincerely share what we've learned with people who  are being victimized by the parasitic cartels (all farmers in teh world are resentful toward these fascists) they're more likely to listen than not.

Contrary to the old paradigm of big business or Rothschild/Rockefeller-financed environmentalists tackling big environmental problems nobody, here, is soliciting funds and, in fact, most of the work is being done by people who wouldn't be considered able to afford it.   Some of us give up things like home ownership in order to invest in resin and travel, for instance, and the majority of us are wage slaves or pensioners, gifting on a small scale but steadily over time.

This is a very healthy characteristic for a grassroot revolution, of course, which is entirely sans administration or organization.

 Carol and I started flying lessons in advance of acquiring the ability to gift remote targets and long stretches of coastline economically and the Federal Aviation Agency landed in our  awareness like a nuclear bomb, pretending to own the skies and own all the pilots--quite a rude awakening even though we've been painfully aware of the inappropriateness of a centralized, misrepresentative political entity controlling everyone's personal lives and crapping on evreryone's natural rights in the process, through intimidation.

When these wicked, centralized, parasitic corporate entities have finally been discarded, as obsolete tech always is,  there will still be a need for standards, of course, and if I were to step onto a commercial plane in those bright days, I will want to be sure that the crew have been evaluated by a competent, reputable group of assessors and have been given their stamp of approval.  Anyone applying for credentials can pay a reasonable  fee for the privelege of being evaluated.  There's absolutely no reason why any federal government ought to assume this responsibility.

The way the world will be run, then, is already within our comprehension,  of course.  For instance, is a place where the participants aspire to high intellectual , spiritualand work standards, so gifters and readers generally look here for viable information.  It's like that because we know that earning a reputation, through work, is an essential part of getting our points across effectively.  That's not to say that we're responsible for anyone but ourselves, as individuals, of course. This global movement is not, nor will it be an organization as long as I'm drawing breath, grid willing.

 I get a lot of email from readers who say that the mountain fo disinformation had threatened to discourage them until they found this website and learned about this movement, in which absolutely anyone can shine and be confirmed.  One by one, the heavily-sponsored fakers have fallen away after enough people figured out that associating with  them only led to confusion, backbiting and  inactivity. LIke any other camp followers, some of those will always be in our wake but I'm quite proud of the fact that they're less and less likely to steal our thunder or poison our reputations.

This has been coming about organically and naturally over the past six years or so and the internet, itself, started not long before that.  Standardization is a marvellous thing which modern man instinctively gravitates to.  Contrary to causing conformity, which is a bad thing, standardization makes diverse expression more feasible and heighten's the potential  importance of any individual's contribution.

Dan is, singlehandedly,  returing the island and waters of Bali to pristine splendor after a few years of degradation and etheric poisoning at the hands of the world odor, who seemed deadly-determined to destroy the culture and land. He's made tremendous progress in a short time with  about a bag of orgonite per week, tossed systematically around the island from a motorcycle.  Like the rest of us, this activity is new to him and probably never even dreamt of until quite recently.  How different this is from standing on a street corner and haranguing passersby, which is the receding paradigm of what an activist ought to be like.

 It was a terrific inspiration to toss orgonite in those volcanic-core lakes, by the way, Dan!





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ocean gifting - 02 June, 12:58
guys, I just wanted to share an experience of ocean gifting from a friend in Maine, who does not post in this forum but is an active gifter... she was telling me how amazing the experiences of gifting the ocean have been, since most of the times there are almost inmediate visual results (like Dan also has mentioned). On the day of her birthday, she celebrated as follows:


Part of my present from them was a long
ferry ride this week to an island which had been pissing me off, or
rather the horridtower on it, its panels, many drums.  It was a heavily
overcast day; I did much seagifting in the crossing, and suddenly, a
perfect circle of blue sky opened above the ferry.  It lasted for 1/2
hr, till we entered the dor zone of the island.  I got directions into
the hinterland, and circled the promontory with a hhg and 7 tb's.  I
looked up 10 min later, having fled, as the thing had given me such a
headache, and the whole island was bathed with golden light and blue
sky, AND the spewmaniacs went berzerker and did parallel line after
line, all of which went poof, at the fastest rate I've ever seen.  The
seagifting is simply awesome.



Remember, gifting water mases magnifies the effects of orgonite!

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Java Bali - 03 June, 09:24
Yesterday I did a little more local water gifting down at the southern Balinese port of Benoa and the ‘island’ of Serangan right next door.

‘Island’ is in quotes here because it’s no longer an island since ‘Tomi’, the Son of former President Soeharto, joined it to the mainland and expanded its area hugely in an abortive attempt to turn it into a casino resort for Indonesia (the Administration collapsed before it was completed).

Today it’s just a vast undeveloped expanse of bare limestone that was used for the land reclamation and the sea is miles from the fishing village.

I cruised its dusty perimeter on my bike chucking Cesco-blocks in the sea at regular intervals and TBs either side of the causeway; busted two new towers at Benoa and tossed more Cesco-blocks off the wharf where a mass of Korean fishing trawlers dock.

The sky was reasonably healthy before I started so no great confirmations but this morning the wind blew rain-clouds over our garden from that direction.

Actually, in the two days since I wrote that, the sky has been a consistently deeper blue than usual and the only thing that's changed is the water gifting at Benoa (and I become ever more impressed with Cesco's 'little secret' coils).

The other item I have to report is that I just heard from Edo’s Uncle in Java that he faithfully busted some 80 or so towers along the eastern coast of the island facing Bali.

This means that the strip of water that separates the two islands now has no active towers operating along its shores (and I’ll supply the Dolphins with more orgonite in the coming months so that they can disable the underwater platforms).

For now, blue skies and healthy clouds prevail across Bali and it’s become a very pleasant place to live again.


Last Edited: 04 June, 12:58 by Edostar
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Ring of Orgonite - Monday, 16:25

Starting just before the first of the recent hacking attacks on EW (and following an alarming White-out here) Don and I began to hatch a plot to place a Ring of Orgonite around the island of Bali, aimed at disabling the undersea platforms that are down there somewhere but of course not visible (to us up here at least).

  My initial idea was to take ferry-boats around the island and drop a string of TBs along the route; some of which might be near enough to the HAARP facilities to reverse their operation but the route was incomplete and the method rather ‘hit and miss’. 

Don suggested just giving the Dolphins a heap of TBs to distribute as they know where best to place them and Carol could ‘track’ them psychically.

  The first TB drop was to be off a public pier just south of the International airport but coincidentally, it got washed away by a freak high-tide, just days before the initial stash was ready. 

Plan B was to take them up to Lovina where we’d seen Dolphins on a previous occasion and where I could get a visual sighting before committing the orgonite to the sea.

  My earlier report of this trip can be found on page 2 of this thread. 

My next drop was at Serangan Island where there is a man-made harbour, initially intended as the site of a marina and constructed by ‘Tomi’ Soeharto in an abortive attempt to turn the area into a casino resort (the administration collapsed before the project was completed and Tomi spent the next few years on the prison island of Nusa Kambangan).

  No pier here or even boat-trips so I found a rocky bank close to the inlet to the bay and just threw another 100 TBs into the water from dry land. 

Each time I make a TB drop, I email Don and Carol for ‘tracking info’ and generally receive positive confirmations from the environment (decreased smog over the sea or increased rainfall) that the orgonite was intelligently distributed by the Dolphins.

  A couple of weeks later I threw another 150 TBs off the same rocky bank at Serangan before the next drop from the Lombok ferry on a trip there a couple of weeks later. 

By this time the rainfall had increased dramatically in southern Bali and the chem.-planes were clearly finding it increasingly difficult to dissolve rain-clouds and we set out to Lombok in torrential (and quite unseasonable) rain….

  Leaving Bali  ….and out into an ungifted sea: 

Ungifted Sea


About half way across the Lombok strait I chucked another 350 TBs into the sea for the Dolphins to distribute as they thought fit and a while later we approached ungifted Lombok.

  Coming to Lombok   

To my knowledge there is no orgonite on the island and certainly the feeling of the place is a world apart from the way Bali feels now. 

Skies on Lombok

  Rain-clouds can be seen inland over the Mount Rinjani National Park which is presumably out of range of the coastal towers (which we had to leave unbusted as we had very little orgonite left). 

The air was heavy and oppressive and there was no wind at all; chemical skies prevailed along the coast and nobody seemed to be smiling much. 

I found a small internet office and emailed Don with the time and approximate location of the drop.

  We headed for nearest tourist area on the island at Senggigi and found a reasonable hotel for the night and took this photo from the beach overlooking the sea we gifted earlier. 

Chemical Sunset

  We had to bust the place before we could get any sleep and Edo put a Cesco coil block in the murky green fish-pond. 

By sunrise the sky looked a lot healthier and a gentle sea breeze had returned (and the water in the fish-pond was clear).

 Healthier Sunrise 

After breakfast we drove up the coast to another tourist spot and the location of three tiny resort islands known as the ‘Gilis’ (although Gili just means small island).

  This one is called ‘Gili Air’ and clearly needs three death-towers: 

Gili Air Towers

  Although we gave ourselves the option of another night on Lombok; my fellow gifters … 

Fellow Gifters

  …and I decided that we’d had quite enough of the ambient negativity of the place (which we didn’t have enough orgonite to do much about) so we headed back to the ferry before it got too late to return to Bali. 

The sea over the strait was now totally covered with cloud apart from this little blue hole about half way back:

  Blue Hole 

The sea on the outward journey had been quite choppy but was much calmer on the return trip and we made reasonable time, coming into increasing rain as we approached Bali:

  Back to Bali 

We drove back home in the pouring rain and the weather remained this way for the next few days.

  I got a reply from Don before we left to say that Carol saw the TBs being taken in all directions; to an undersea volcano and an active fault-line. 

He pointed out that the more ammunition I can give the Dolphins, the more they can get done and I planned to take them some more up at Lovina soon (as the first 100 seemed rather miserly in the circumstances).

  Last week we made another trip up there with a further 250 TBs in the car and stayed at our usual hotel which feels like coming home now; not least because it has TBs buried everywhere and hosts a CB. 

On this occasion we were surprised to see so much more activity in what was previously a very depressed tourist area; shop-fronts were re-painted and there was an air of optimism everywhere.

  I asked the hotel manager about this and he said that although this is high-season, the occupancy at the hotel hadn’t risen to last year’s level (which stood at 40% compared to last year’s 60%) suggesting that the minor influx of tourists didn’t entirely account for the big smiles and relaxed atmosphere in the village. 

Our regular boatman said that the water in the bay has remained consistently clear since I started gifting the bay and that the coral was beginning to regenerate.

  We took his boat out early next morning to find the Dolphins and give them some more ammo.

  Sylphs at Sunrise 

There were not so many Dolphins as on some previous visits and they seemed to be playing rather than hunting fish; we’d see a group of them here and there but for almost the whole time a few juveniles swam alongside our boat which pleased Edo greatly.

  We left another 250 TBs for them this time and it’s my guess that they can achieve much with this substantial supply of orgonite. 

Again, we left Lovina around midday so had little time to notice any great confirmations and anyway most of the orgonite would likely be distributed far away from the area

  I emailed Don as usual giving the time and location of the latest drop and in a reply received when I got home, he told me that Carol saw the orgonite taken to the north and east. 

When I conceived this; it was my estimate (based on Don’s ‘one per half mile’ suggestion) that about 1000 TBs were needed to surround Bali but I calculate that the second Lovina drop brought the total so far to 950 and we’re only half way round the coast.

  It’s the Dolphins who decide on the best locations for the orgonite and my feeling is that telepathically, they’re calling the shots (on this one at least) and I trust in their superior wisdom. 

Driving back over the mountains I noticed that the chem.-spraying has increased up in the highlands as it has down by the sea (the shit-bags have little else to use now that their terrestrial facilities are being eroded on a daily basis) but that the clouds remain relatively unaffected:

  Lake Buyan 

The area is totally ungridded; I just busted the towers and gifted the lakes a little.

  Bali Map 

More TB drops planned of course but more about that after the event; I don’t want to invite trouble.


Last Edited: Monday, 17:04 by Edostar
Don Croftoffline
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No Subject - Yesterday, 06:04
This is one of the most exemplary threads on EW, I think, because Dan maintains some healthy skepticism, as many of us do. If not for keeping fairly objective how could we evaluate the confirmations, after all?

 Dan took the leap of faith  of throwing all that orgonite in the sea because he'd gotten sufficient confirmation when a pod of dolphins in N Bali dove down in the spot where he had just tossed a number of TBs.  The subsequent clearing of the atmosphere in areas beyond where he dropped the orgonite, which you can see in the photos, was perhaps an even better confirmation that the orgonite is being distributed by our friends.

The reason we felt encouraged to keep gifting Florida's coast is that the dense smog over the sea progressively disappeared along the way, keeping pace with our progress over the months, there.  The underwater death transmitters are quite visible on expensive, stereoscopic sonar, by the way, and even our boat's cheaper sonar picked up their characteristic signatures--confirmation also often coming from dolphins on site, who sometimes showed up in sonar around the underwater towers adn also around the boat. Dolphins are big blips on sonarscopes because sonar bounces off of air pockets in the water & they have lungs, after all.

The appearance, since sea gifting started in earnest, in the Tyrhennian Sea, of orcas and even hump back whales in Elba's harbor is yet another sort of confirmation. How long has it been since larger cetaceans have been seen in the Mediterranean, after all?

The whale that was hanging out near the entrance of Rotterdam's harbor was perhaps an open invitation for our Benelux gifting cohorts to get busy in the NOrth  Sea, even if only tossing orgonite from seawalls and piers.

 This has been happening at an increasing rate and while it requires a leap of faith to commit to doing what Dan's doing, at least there are plenty of good reports to encourage us.


Great work, Dan!















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Post Pictures of Devices 


I thought you might like to see a couple of pieces of Orgonite that I’ve been making in Bali.

The metal is Machine-shop floor-sweepings of highly variable quality; the resin is nothing special and the crystals are mediocre quartz (mostly broken pieces).


Funky Orgonite

A:  an HHG.

Mostly for standing around the house and garden but occasionally I bust something with one.

All my cones now contain a charged Cesco coil, a charged quartz crystal point (I think this one has a DT in it) cast in a paper mould and cured on the CB.

B: again these ‘dynamite sticks’ contain the same as the HHGs and I use them for gifting lakes and the like. 

C: this is the mighty 3.oz TB.

I guess I ought to charge the crystals first but I usually pour these in such numbers that I figure the charge would be lost before I get any resin to it.

Bali has incalculable numbers of them everywhere now.

D: the School-Buster.

Basically a custom TB, cast shallow so as to maximize the adhesive surface area (of double-sided sponge tape) and intended for sticking to the underside of Edo’s classroom tables (when was the last time you looked at the underside of a table?).

Orgonite Stones

TB stones for surface deployment where there’s nowhere to hide a regular TB.

Spot the real rock.

Pocket SBB

I made this for carrying around in my pocket (and to save myself the indignity of a chunk of Orgonite swinging like a mill-stone from my neck).Cast in two identical halves with an SBB coil on each side. 

Please don’t try and order any of these items; I haven’t got the time to make any for you (too busy busting).


#36   22 Jul 2007 03:59
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chile.png Javiera Gender: Female
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Hey Dan, I loved the school buster!

Wanted to ask you, how do you make the orgonite stones? do you use a mold? what type? These are certainly VERY useful, specially for giting in the city... 



#37   23 Jul 2007 00:58
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Hi Javi.

I used Silicone for the mold:

Silicone Mold

Just select a stone and oil it lightly; sit it in the bottom of a suitable plastic pot; catalyse the Silicone and pour it on.

I had to cut a hole to get the stone out but the Silicone stretches a lot without tearing.

I initially made these to bust a shopping mall that has a fountain in the atrium; the floor of which is covered with black stones of this size.

They clean the fountain pond every day but after a month my 'stones' are still there and the place feels much nicer now.

I only made one mold so whenever I pour TBs I make a 'stone' and they do solve a lot of gifting problems.

The 'School-Busters' are useful too; you can gift restaurants and government offices and nobody realises.

How are your coils?



#38   23 Jul 2007 05:10
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Post The Gain Phenomenon 


Earlier in this thread; both Don and I separately suggested that chem-spraying in a well gifted area is not just futile; it’s downright counterproductive (from the shit-bags’ point of view).


With their terrestrial facilities converted to orgone-production (by the addition of a TB or two) the upshot of a spraying-spree is a net orgone gain.


The last couple of days have seen a sharp increase in chem-spraying in my area with constant over-flights and this photo illustrates the situation at the height of yesterdays attack:


Futile Attack


It was funny to see the planes laying trails so short that it seemed that the fade-point of the trail was chasing the plane across the sky.

Short Trail


Before the start of my ongoing campaign against the undersea platforms, the chem-spraying would dissolve the clouds and stall the wind but now neither is unduly affected as these kites in a chemical sky attest.


Kites in a Chemical Sky


Last night I awoke around midnight and there were beautiful cumulus clouds skating across a starry sky.


A little light rain in the early morning and this is the way it looked before they started spraying again today:


Net Result


In a situation like this; if they really want to reduce the orgone level, their best bet is to recall the planes and turn off the towers (but perhaps this is a little too complicated for them to grasp).


#39   24 Jul 2007 12:14
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Post Java Ferry Gifting 

On Wednesday we set out at three in the morning and drove up to the ferry crossing to Java with some more TBs for the Dolphins and a box of assorted orgonite for the fields that Nita’s Father works.

The advantages of such an early start are empty roads and an empty ferry (so no busy-bodies asking me what I just dumped in the sea and why (I didn’t feel like conducting a seminar on Orgonite on the car-deck before breakfast). 

As good fortune would have it; we were directed to a small ferry which had low gunwales and I simply tipped all 350 Tbs over the side in a single go (rather than dumping them piecemeal from one of the upper decks) shortly after we set off.

Cumulus and Chemicals  The influence of the CB at Lovina could be seen here with the presence of fairly healthy Cumulus in a not-so-chemical sky. 

This is the first time we’ve visited Java since Nita’s Father and Brother busted all the towers along the coast facing Bali and the effects were striking.

Where previously there was little cloud in the chemical sky; now healthy cumulus accompanied our trip down to the south. 


Cumulus and Chemicals 2

Bad news from the farmers on Java: the rice in these fields looks healthy at this distance but closer inspection reveals that it’s being eaten by thousands of tiny worms and many of the seed-heads don’t contain rice seeds. 

This is the situation quite suddenly right across Java apparently and it doesn’t seem to have spread from any one place but mysteriously appeared everywhere at the same time.

None of the farmers I talked to had ever seen this worm before in spite of having worked the fields their entire lives although the Department of Agriculture recommends a rather expensive cure for it in the form of a powder that is mixed with sand and broadcast amongst the crops. 

It doesn’t kill all the worms but equally it’s difficult to know to what extent it helps reduce their numbers as nobody has done a control field where no remedy was applied.

To me this is all very suspicious: a mystery parasite that attacks most crops (Rice Paddy; Melon, Tobacco. etc) whose appearance has no apparent epicenter and an active chem-spraying program in operation makes you wonder if there’s any correlation. 

In Central Java many farmers subscribe to a Government ‘insurance’ program that offers them free fertilizer and chemicals in return for a proportion of their crop but most people in Nita’s village choose not to participate.

It apparently rains a lot in the area of the CB in Nita’s Father’s garden and when he wants to harvest his rice crop and dry the fresh paddy in the fields; he dismantles the CB and the rain stops (and when he’s finished, he redeploys the CB and the rain returns). 

The night we stayed at his house it rained heavily which suited him perfectly as he was ready to plant maize (that seems less affected by the mystery worm) and in the morning I took this photo of a rainbow over the fields:

Rainbow at Dawn

Orgonite is said to reduce parasites and improve yield and we buried all the TBs I had left around the perimeter of our land and put Cesco blocks in the wells. 

We put the HHGs in the house and left again for Bali the next day as I wanted to email Don and Carol about the TB-drop and there was no internet office to be found locally.

I spotted this lost chamtrail segment over Java from the ferry home… 

Lost Chemtrail

…and we arrived back to clear skies over Bali: 

Clear Skies over Bali

On the drive back home I noticed that there is now very little gap between the influence of the CB in my garden in the south of Bali and the other one up at Lovina on the north coast. 

Barely half an hour after our arrival back at the house, I saw this plane laying a chemtrail right above our house:

First Chem-jet in Bali 

 The big deal about this is that it’s the first time I’ve ever seen a Jet spew-plane in Bali and it would seem to mark an escalation in the conflict.




#40   27 Jul 2007 04:31
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uganda.png Don Croft Gender: Male
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Thanks for posting the pics and the specifics, Dan. It will be good to track what effects the orgonite will have in those fields. You should be seeing something pretty soon.

 I'm going to ask Carol to track that big load of orgonite you dumped from the Java ferry but I hope you'll also track changes in weather and climate in the overall region from now on because I think the dolphins and perhaps whales are taking some of that orgonite pretty far and orgonite in the sea disables HAARP. 

In Florida, we could easily track the orgonite nearly across the ocean to Africa according to peculiar effects shown by weather radar.  Of course, Dave Emmett had been and probably still is tossing huge numbers of TBs into teh sea around Barbados (the eastern end of the Caribbean), so I don't mean to imply that it's all from Florida.

The photo of the chemtrail jet seems to show that it's spewing at the lower level (around 12,000 ft altitude), which perhaps shows their desperation to 'make a showing' in the skies over Bali.  I've rarely heard of chemtrails being spewed lower than that.

The little remnant you noted is probably just a bit of cloud that formed around some of the spew particles and/or droplets.  Notice that these don't fall, as in the years before cloudbusters, but remain suspended as clouds for a little while.  Anyone who remembers what chemtrails were like when they were sickening and killing millions of people knows that in those days (before cloudbusters) they quickly spread out to blot the sky and destroyed all water-bearing clouds on their way to the ground.  Sometimes you could smell the kerosene base material that the bioweaponry rode along in and perhaps subsisted on, in transit.

An advantage of having constant spewplane activity is that you can  track, over the coming months,  the time it takes for the stuff to disappear.  On average days, we have a dozen or so chemtrail jets in our skies but the stuff disappears so fast that it's sometimes hard to find those white, unmarked jets without a lot of effort Cool.  The spew began disappearing faster after we gifted the big lakes but that disappearance rate is still increasing,  nine months later.

 I might paint my new gifting airplane light blue underneath, like those WWII fighters, because it's hard to see from the ground, and NATO gray on top. I'm told that NATO gray is hard to see from the air. It's nice to have a shop, finally!

I'm getting fewer and fewer Chicken Little chemtrail reports in my mailbox, by the way, which probably indicates that the incessant disinfo efforts on the internet, in the face of our increasing success, are finally failing.  I got a typical one today,  though, accompanied by a lot of photos.  The frantic emailer said that as soon as she started seeing these, her chest started burning and she felt just terrible.   She also said that the planes were 'flying well below 5,000 feet!'   The one photo of a plane indicated that the altitude was far above what Dan showed in the previous post, by the way, and the 'chemtrails' were obviously just temporary clouds formed on the harmless spew in that vibrant blue sky.

Some folks who have just begun to notice streaks in the sky get mad at me for saying that the chemtrail program is no longer a threat, though it's easy enough to see that my claim is valid.  I think we humans tend to be irrational and reactive rather than rational and proactive, which makes the parasitic disinformants' work easy.  If it weren't for solid, sequential gifting reports and photos like Dan's who would be countering the phrenetic nattering of the disinformants and their peanut gallery? I constantly invite the latter to take the next logical step away from the What To Think Network and start doing their own work and reading instead of assuming that people like Rense, Carnicom and Jones will give them all the answers or convince them that 'resistance is futile!' I also assure them that getting from the brain-killing What To  Think Network to the livelier, more clever disinformants was a positive step, at least.

I hope we can get some pictures of the DOR-laden atmosphere around Bali the way it used to be, before Dan started healing it.  From correspondents who had visited there after the CIA murdered all those tourists, six years ago, it's apparent that Bali had lost its reputation for being a tropical paradise before Dan came along to restore it.  If this were a fair world, he'd get richly rewarded for the work he's doing, though he's probably inclined to say that the work IS the reward Cool.









#41   27 Jul 2007 22:50
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I asked Carol to track the overall distribution, to date, of Dan's large scale orgonite drops in the sea, the latest of which were 350 unloaded enroute on the ferry from Bali to Java, recently.

He had asked me to check whether it was important to ring the island of Bali with orgonite but when Carol asked to see his  orgonite on the seabed she saw the region for about fifty miles all around Bali lit up with dots of light--one dot corresponding with one orgonite device.  I thanked her and went back to work, then she came into the office to say that when she looked beyond that perimeter she saw more lights out to a hundred miles, then concentrations of lights around two underwater volcanos, about 200 miles from Bali.

 I felt gratified, for Dan, that the dolphins apparently honored his intention of ringing the island thoroughly, though they perhaps also did that because the world odor have been trying  so hard (at least until Dan reversed their local agenda) to turn Bali from a paradise to hell on earth.  Dan said that it's not within his means to buy or hire a boat to do the sea gifting around the island, after all, which is why he's been dropping it all from piers, ferries and (in the north) motorized canoes.

While a reputable psychic's impressions, alone, shouldn't be considered scientific evidence it can be considered a very respectable, even essential part of a larger body of empirical evidence when it's combined with others' visual and sensory perceptions, like the systematic disappearance of smog over the sea, the return of healthy, busy tropical skies/weather and a general improvement in ambience in the region beyond the island.

 Many of us, of course, use these psychics' impressions and advice as 'battlefield intelligence' and strategic/tactical guidance and it usually pays off.

 I can foresee schools for gifted psychics that will be entirely divorced from the irrationalist, CIA/MI6 default metaphysical paradigm (Theosophy; newage sewage) and more aligned with rational, detached and heart-centered examination of reality.  It's starting here, apparently, and Dan's ongoing experiment is on the cutting edge of new research.







#42   31 Jul 2007 18:09
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Post Ring of Orgonite (preliminary results) 

Thanks Don and thanks to Carol for ‘seeing’ what became of the nearly 1,500 TBs that I dumped in little heaps in the sea around Bali.

It seems that the Dolphins and Whales have distributed them widely and efficiently; partly in accordance with my wishes (to disable the under-water HAARP facilities) and partly following their own agenda.


In addition to Carol’s intel; I’ve made my own observations that confirm her findings and many of them have been posted here over the weeks.


Since the last TB-drop from the Java ferry, the chemtrail program here has been stepped-up greatly with more planes and saturation spraying on a daily basis; usually starting around mid morning and gaining in intensity until sunset when they turn in for the night.

A military ship was seen anchored for 24 hours off the famous resort beach of Kuta and HAARP clouds reported in the area during its deployment. 

Apparently Carol confirmed the presence of a naval ship and said that it was using nuclear-powered HAARP transmitters to compensate for the lack of terrestrial facilities in the region which lends credibility to the report (and confirms the regional collapse of their HAARP capabilities). 

Clouds, Kites and Chem-crud

This is the worst it got at about midday today when they mysteriously stopped spraying.

Certainly the heavy chem-spraying around the island would seem to be almost totally ‘unsupported’ by microwave transmitters; the trails initially become invisible before the plane laying them has passed but with constant over-flights, they can eventually effect a temporary grey-out but only by continuously replenishing the spew (which disappears totally within an hour of the last trail being laid).

The clouds aren’t unduly affected (a little broken at their edges perhaps) and the wind never drops in spite of the intensity of the spraying (I counted three chem-planes spraying simultaneously above my house yesterday in a frantic attempt to close the blue hole).

The chemicals don’t affect us any more than usual despite the increased quantity and just give us mild head-aches, stiff muscles and runny noses (and nothing that the Zapper can’t sort out). 

I don’t know what they’re hoping to achieve with this spraying but my guess is that they’re not getting the results they expected. 

If they’re trying to cause a drought then they’re failing (it rained this morning) and if they’re trying to effect a constant white-out and make us forget what a healthy sky looked like; they failed (the sky was gorgeous this morning). 

Before they Started

If they’re just trying to give us a mild head-ache then they can probably chalk up a resounding success (but that has to be one of the most expensive headaches on record).

As I advised in a previous post; if they really want to reduce the amount of orgone in the atmosphere, their best bet is to recall the planes and turn off their towers (but this will be too bitter a pill for them to swallow at this stage)



#43   01 Aug 2007 09:31
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I was recently contacted by someone who has learned how to make orgonite here in Bali and he sent me this email a few days agol

Don suggested that (coupled with my response) it would make an interesting mini-post so here it is:

Fabrizio's email:

...there was a military ship just in front of kuta beach. all day and night.
it was easy to identify as a military ship.
then in the night i saw the most terrificant sky of my life. all nubes
aligned in perfect half circles. do you know the usual picture of antenna
and its waves? exactely the same.
was it all natural? boat and nubes in the same day? today morning the sky
looked good but in the afternoon changed and appered dusty. i saw at least
two chemtrails, never dissolved on the contrary of many other normal
then this afternoon a military helicopter passed on kuta beach.
what's happening?

And my reply:

What I think is happening is this:
The orgonite I dumped in the sea in recent weeks (1,500 TBs so far) has been taken by the
Dolphins and Whales to all the undersea HAARP platforms around the island.
This, coupled with the neutralisation of many of the towers on the island, has resulted in an 'unsupported' chemtrail program (chemtrails need to be bombarded with microwaves from towers on land and platforms in the ocean in order to 'stick') and the program has been increased
in response to their reduced HAARP capability in the area.
The military ship may have been carrying mobile microwave transmitters to replace the terrestrial facilities that my orgonite has disabled and this may be the reason that the chemtrails you saw
stuck around for longer.
The 'dusty' sky you reported is just fading chemicals that appear grey in a blue sky as they aren't supported by microwaves from the ground anymore (if they were supported; the sky would go
white and the wind would drop).
The sky over my house is the same; they've been spraying for days non-stop but can't cause a white-out; just pale blue and a little hazy (with many Sylphs working to clear the chemicals) which returns to its vibrant state again as soon as the spraying stops.


Interestingly enough; Carol confirmed later that there was indeed a naval ship anchored off Kuta beach and that it was carrying nuclear powered HAARP-tech to replace their crippled capability.



#44   03 Aug 2007 22:39
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Post Re: Bali Gifting 

Since my last Bali Gifting report for EW; I’ve gifted rather more lightly than previously, mainly because I can’t think of anything to bust.

I have been gridding some of the residential areas of my local town Denpasar and busted a couple of new towers I noticed popping up here and there (notably the huge new ProXL cell phone tower in the heart of town).

I also surrounded the perimeter of the International airport closely with TBs (paying particular attention to the radar which is conveniently sited hard up against the public access to the car park).

I was rewarded with a visit from a black helicopter the next day and it’s been persistently cloudy ever since (echoes of Onder).

Traditionally the monsoon season doesn’t begin before the end of November in this part of Indonesia although there are quite wide annual variations; this is mid October and we’ve already had some gentle rainfall, usually during the early hours of the morning.

The rains usually spread down from the far west of the archipelago during the months of the rainy season but although the weather satellite shows moisture across the whole region; reports from my friend in Jakarta attest to a constant HAARP white-out and no rain for months.

At four this morning I awoke to the now familiar sound of gentle rain and by five it was raining more convincingly so I checked the weather site and found this:



This is very amusing and I hope we get many more of these ‘bullet-holes’ in the data on global warming and advancing drought as the monsoons unfold but only time will tell whether these readings are more than coincidence.
I should point out that to my knowledge, Bali and the east coast of Java are the only places in Indonesia that have been gifted at all (although I am in contact with a tentative new gifter in Bekasi, Jakarta).

If anywhere needs Orgonite; Jakarta does; a friend just returned from four months in the city and reported white skies with no recognizable cloud, no rain and no wind.

He didn’t see the blue sky once in all the time he was there.









Re: Bali Gifting 

Since I posted that last report; the house has been visited three times by the black helicopter and it’s flown regularly over Edo Star’s school (which is heavily gifted now) and all I can think that he’s doing is taking some kind of reading or measurement.

This is the latest Moisture reading from the NRL site:


Which seems to show another anomaly but one that contrasts sharply with the images I posted last time.

If the rampant chem-spraying over the island is anything to go by then the moisture gap in this image could be intentionally created.

They’ve been spraying constantly for days against the persistent cloud-cover over Bali and by the looks of things they need to.


If they stop for more than an hour; the health of the sky returns along with the clouds.

This was taken earlier and is typical of the sky upon resumption of the attack after a short break around dawn:


Healthy clouds around the perimeter of the shot and some cloud being rapidly reinstated by a Sylph in the centre.

A curiosity is that it seems to be raining regularly up in the mountains, judging by the quantity of water flowing down the rivers.

The HAARP drought in Jakarta seems to have inexplicably broken last Sunday when, according to my contact in the city, quite heavy rain fell for the first time in ages (but I imagine that it was a mistake and is unlikely to happen again very soon).


Last edited by Edostar on 30 Oct 2007 11:24; edited 1 time in total 

#46   25 Oct 2007 05:13
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Post Re: Bali Gifting 


Here in Bali the chem-spraying is pretty much incessant now against the clouds that form and the reasons for allowing rainfall in other parts of the country is slowly becoming apparent.

In east Java (this end of the island and not far from the CB) there have been more whirlwinds that have caused much damage in localized areas but perhaps not surprisingly, the area near my Father-in-law’s house (where all the towers have been disabled and a CB is deployed) was unaffected.

In Makassar on the island of Sulewesi; the sky is dense with chemicals and people are surprised to see a circular rainbow around the Sun which is visible through the aerosol layer.

As in Java last year; this has been interpreted by the ‘meteorologists’ as a portent of doom.

In Java they said that whirlwinds would occur on a certain date in the near future (they were right) and in Makassar, the current prediction is that catastrophic and imminent floods will occur and the locals are packing their bags and heading into the mountainous interior to avoid this apocalyptic scenario (I’ll let you know if this prediction also comes true).

Now, we all know that the rainbow around the sun is simply the sun’s rays being refracted through the unnaturally even layer of chemicals which have been deliberately sprayed from ('all together now') white, unmarked aircraft of ‘unknown’ origin.

The somnambulistic population are (incredibly) still unaware that this is going on and have come to accept the stable white skies as ‘normal’ these days.

With all the towers still producing DOR; the chemicals stick around constantly and probably don’t need much replenishing and when they do, the planes are masked by the chemical haze (perpetuating the fiction that it just appears by itself).

What the New World Shitbags hate about orgonite and CBs is that it restores the blue skies where their crimes are clearly visible to anyone with a mind to look upwards.

I wonder how much of this has to do with the forthcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali. 3-14th December 2007.


From what I see on TV news footage from around the country; Bali and the extreme east end of Java are the only places left that can boast blue skies and the shitbags (however hard they try) can’t seem to do anything about it.


#47   30 Oct 2007 07:18
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Post Re: Bali Gifting 

Just a quickie to show you this pointed TB (the Lawn Buster) for burying in reasonably soft ground without needing to dig a hole or hitting it in with a hammer (eath pipe style); just tread it in with the heel of your boot.


It's cast in a twist of paper which I supported inside a short length of plastic pipe.

This one contains a Cesco coil and a small DT crystal but of course the ingredients for a regular TB would do fine.


#48   31 Oct 2007 02:03
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Post Dolphin Gifting. 


I’d like to revisit for a moment the Dolphin gifting that I reported earlier in this thread and highlight not only the formidable initial confirmations (torrential rain across the island for ten days straight) but the hugely consolidating effect it’s had on the gifting that I’d done previously.

The effects seem to extend over a wide area and this was confirmed by Carol who saw that the Dolphins had taken my TBs up to 200 miles across the ocean floor to the undersea platforms (in accordance with my wishes) and also to sites of seismic activity (following their own separate agenda).

During this phase of gifting Bali, Don said that ‘the more ammo I give them the more work they can do’ and this simple piece of logic was responsible for my nearly doubling the quantity of TBs I dumped in heaps around the island.

It must be said that although I see little more to do in terms of gifting Bali on dry land; the gifting of the ocean is still very much an ongoing project and I tip boxes of TBs in the sea whenever I take a ferry anywhere.

If the Dolphins can take TBs 200 miles then they can take them 400 miles or maybe thousands of miles in all directions and in a group of island nations like South East Asia; the effects of large-scale ocean gifting are likely to be both profound and enduring.

The efficiency of this form of gifting can’t be ignored; transport costs frequently exceed the cost of the orgonite on gifting runs and the Dolphins don’t charge a dime for their services.

We’re all sitting here on land, wondering how to awaken the somnambulistic masses and galvanize them to the cause and the ocean is full of Whales and Dolphins who are only too eager to distribute as much orgonite as we can give them and with a level of intelligence that we Humans can only dream of.

I recommend that anyone who lives near the ocean and has access to orgonite (and regular TBs are all you need) take as generous a quantity as you can muster and throw them off the nearest pier and our aquatic allies are guaranteed to take it from there.


#49   13 Nov 2007 07:59
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Post Captive Dolphins. 

I heard that yet another tourist attraction had been added to the bewildering array on offer in Bali but what interested me was that this one involved our friends the Dolphins.

A businessman from Singapore has for some time operated a Dolphin Interaction facility on the Indonesian island of Batam just south of his home ‘country’…

Dolphin Lodge

…and has decided to see if there’s any money to be made from opening up a branch here in Bali.

I went down to the beach at Serangan (near the site of a couple of TB-drops for distribution by the free Dolphins) and located the Dolphin Interaction office which turned out to be closed for the day.

The place where four Dolphins are currently being held prisoner is a floating cage anchored out in the bay and guarded day and night (to protect their investment)..

I was told by the security guard that there had been complaints from customers that having paid US $70 ($50 for children) for the privilege of touching the Dolphins; there were only four (so they were waiting for another few to be brought down from Batam).

They’re already rather overcrowded (in a space about the size of two buses parked side by side) and I rather doubt if their conditions will improve much when their friends arrive.


I couldn’t get to meet them but threw a few TBs in the water where they’re currently anchored.

Edo cried when he saw this photo (the only other Dolphins he’s seen were swimming free in the ocean.


#50   15 Nov 2007 01:14
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Post Free Dolphins. 

I wanted to see how the CB was doing up at Lovina in the north of the island (see the Cloudbuster Modification thread) and Edo wanted to go and see his friends the Dolphins again and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take them some more ammo so that they could continue their impressive undersea gifting operations.

On the way over the mountains we stopped to eat our packed lunch at lake Buyan…


… where Edo and I did a little water gifting on a hike along its stony shoreline.


Between us we hurled a dozen ‘Cesco blocks’ from the water’s edge at regular intervals along the northern shore of the lake as far as the beach was navigable on foot.

After lunch we continued our drive down the steep descent to Singaraja and the beach at Lovina where we made adjustments to the CB in the hotel grounds.

The next morning we set out shortly after dawn in our regular boatman’s traditional outrigger canoe (powered by a traditional 6.HP diesel engine).


There were many families of Dolphins chasing their breakfast and many more than usual diesel canoes chasing their every appearance and somewhere along the way I asked the captain to stop for a moment while I poured all 200 TBs over the side in a single drop.


I hope that they can do a lot more work in the region now that they have access to this cache and wherever they decide to place them; I bow to their superior judgment.


Nita's little sister Henny, who lives with us and studies at a university locally, just told me that immediately after we set off on this trip; a black helicopter flew low over the house, paused for a moment and flew on (I think the experience gave her quite a scare).

#51   18 Nov 2007 11:24
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Post UN Climate Change Conference. 

Here in Bali the United Nations Climate Change Conference is almost upon us with tight security everywhere (UN troops positioned all around the coastline and the sky full of helicopters).
The 24/7 chem-spraying that typified the past couple of weeks has given way to 12/7 chem-spraying (at night only now) and I can only assume that they're acutely aware of the close scrutiny of an estimated 10.000 pairs of environmentally-conscious eyes descending on the island about now and figure that night-spraying is all that's left to them for the time being.

 I write this in the early morning and the sky is a rapidly fading chemical haze and will probably be another glorious day like yesterday with a fresh breeze and towering cumulus against a deep blue background.


Don pointed out that the conference was probably scheduled well before I began gifting Bali and that the recent round of frantic chem-spraying represents a futile effort to re-establish the DOR matrix for the media’s sake.

Certainly Bali would appear to be a strange choice of venue for an International conference that hopes to promote the fiction of global warming and ever more unstable weather patterns.

It would be particularly embarrassing for the Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (who hosts a UN Conference on climate change on one hand and an active chemtrail program on the other) to take the podium on the first day with pure white chemtrails being sprayed overhead in a clear blue sky.

 Toya (a new Balinese gifter) has gifted the hotel where the conference is to be held (something of a 'baptism of fire' considering the tight security in the grounds) and the atmosphere should be pleasant enough in the area for the delegates; one imagines them strolling around the grounds wondering what all the fuss is about.
Bali is apparently the only island in the archipelago now that can boast blue skies and healthy clouds and there seems to be a rapidly accelerating influx of wealthy Indonesians fleeing DOR-charged Jakarta for the tranquility of Bali (as reflected in the soaring property-prices).

Tourism is no longer the mainstay of the Balinese economy; these days the money comes largely from domestic sources.


#52   28 Nov 2007 00:32
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Post Re: Bali Gifting 
I got pretty excited when Dan told me about this conference in an email the other day  Cool

Here are some considerations that I think are intriguing:

The world odor apparently scheduled this 'summit' (I like to use the term, 'dung heap' to describe the world odor's hierarchy, so 'summit' seems particularly fitting here) long before Dan healed the atmosphere and seas and Bali's environment was particularly degraded before that. Maybe that's why they planned to host the 'summit' there in the first place after intentionally ruining the beauty and economy there.

Another thought I immediately had was that Dan  was apparently inspired to fiddle with the cloudbuster pipes to get better short-term results in teh upper atmosphere, where the HAARPies and perhaps spewplanes had managed to create an enduring whiteout strata.  Taking even that harmless local manifestation away from teh world odor was a real psychological coup for Dan, I think.

By the way, Javi in Santiago, Chile, got similar results with this method with a similar whiteout condition, there.  Only she and Ale are apparently disabling the thousands  of DOR-generating death towers in that vast metropolitan area, after all, and both of them have full time occupations, so it's going to take awhile to get it all done.

Toya and at least one other Balinese contacted Dan after they read his postings on EW and this, too, is a major victory for the good guys.  We'll certainly do whatever we can to watch out for the gifters in Bali in coming months.

The CIA apparently blew up a nightclub in Bali some time after other federal agencies blew up the World Trade Center. It's one of the handful of 'terrorist attacks' that actually succeeded in the past six years, in fact.   I don't know the timing of this relative to the beginning of the chemtrail and HAARP  assault on that island but I get a sense that they're related, as was probably the subsequent intentional destruction of the crucial tourism industry there.

Maybe Dan will give us his impressions about whether tourism has increased significantly since he began cleaning up the atmosphere and oceans (thanks, dolphins!).

If I were a betting man I'd lay odds that the gorgeous state of Bali's environment won't get a mention on any of the outlets of teh What To Think Network and the very passionate, professional (read: Rockefeller-funded) environmentalists at that 'summit' will probably do their best to only see the tops of their own shoes and some passing derriers.
When we listen to or read the What To Think Network's offerings we have to do it critically, by the way.  On Sunday, in our international chat session, when we were going after the Japanese Corporate Navy personnel/weaponry and the other whale murderers off the coast of Antarctica's northern peninsula, Alejandro in Chile provided some pretty cool factual data that he'd gleaned from the news, there.  One point was that when the photos of the sinking 'cruise' ship (filled with scientists, the TV liars admitted---did whales sink that ship?) were shown, there was no ice in the area but those photos and films were later altered to show that it was ice bound. In fact, even if the ice caps had not been receding dramatically in recent years, the 'sinking' took place hundreds of miles north of where the ice pack would be this time of year (summer there).  The liars tried to make us believe it was kind of like the Titanic disaster  Rolling Eyes and note how fast those 'tourists' were taken to safety by an armada of helicopters and waiting 'rescue' vessels, too.  I suppose they just happened to be there in the middle of literally nowhere that day.

If you've ever travelled on the ocean you know that teh only times you're likely to see any other vessels are when  you're in the shipping lanes. That's not a shipping lane.

Another startling note was that the Japanese What To Think Network was claiming that whaling was no longer profitable.  I don't doubt that at all.  If it were profitable, though, it would make sense that Japanese naval vessels would be protecting the whale murderers so far from home  Laughing . Otherwise, can you imagine the US Navy, for instance, sending a costly expedition thousands of miles away to a hostile environment to 'protect' baby-seal slaughterers or urban  garbage scows, for instance?   These fascist military organizations only ever protect valuable corporate interests, really, NOT marginally profitable but very unpopular enterprises.

Isn't it fun to watch the news in this light?


#53   28 Nov 2007 02:00
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Post Bombs, Chemtrails And Etheric Health. 

Thanks for those comments, Don.

Back in the days when the WTC was blown up (and the first Bali bombing a little while later) I knew nothing about orgonite or gifting and wasn’t so keenly aware of the finer features of the sky (shades of blue, cloud-density etc) and so can’t remember when chem-spraying first came to the island.

I do recall thinking that there was no chem-spraying when I first started gifting around the middle of last year but the subsequent clearing of the atmosphere and the appearance of healthy cumulus clouds calls this assessment into question.

I imagine that spraying was light and well-supported by DOR-tech at the time and so they could achieve much more back then with many fewer flights than they can ever hope to now.

The tourists began to return within a year of the first bomb and confidence built up steadily until the second bombing which just about put an end to tourism in Bali.

That was before I started gifting and as the good health returned to the island, so did its popularity; although not amongst the casual tourists.

Many people who live and work overseas also visit the island on a regular basis and these ‘old hands’ know the situation here and wouldn’t be deterred by a bomb every few years.

The island has seen a sharp increase in ‘out-of-towners’ moving here and buying or building second homes in recent years and as I mentioned earlier; domestic wealth is flowing into the island on an unprecedented scale.

It’s my impression that the recent increase in the etheric health of the place has much to do with this wave of personal investment and confidence in Bali.


#54   28 Nov 2007 06:07
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Post Global Warming Blues. 
Well the UN Climate Change Conference went well (I think) down at the Westin Hotel in Nusa Dua (which was gifted in preparation, thanks to a series of courageous sorties by Toya).

I haven’t bothered to read the daily summaries of proceedings that the UN has posted on their website as the whole thing is nothing more that a disinfo’ circus for what Don calls the ‘What to Think Network’.

Whether buffoons like Schwarzenegger and Gore actually believe what they say they believe and to what extent they’re knowingly a part of the grotesquely cynical deception that produces the lies they expound is anyone’s guess.

Global warming is a (fabricated) reality and is here to stay; at least as long as a significant part of the HAARP program remains active.

HAARP melts the ice-caps and brings whirlwinds to London but becomes more degraded by the hour with each tower we bust (I imagine CO2 plays its part but it’s negligible compared to HAARP).

I reported in an earlier post how they seemed to be laying off the blindingly obvious chemtrails as long as the Conference is on but their nerve broke after a day or two and they started spraying above the clouds during daylight and as the thin haze spread they sprayed more in the hope that nobody would notice the planes (but within an hour of the last trail, the sky was deep blue again).

Sunday marked the half-way point in the proceedings and was designated a rest-day for the delegates and rather surprisingly; that day saw the heaviest ‘in-yer-face’ spraying during the whole fortnight.


Exactly what the logic of that was I can’t imagine but things returned to normal the next day.


Today is the last day of the conference and according to a member of the Philippine delegation (who is closely related to an emerging gifter in Manila) most people are spending it shopping.

No visible spraying; deep blue skies and the only helicopter I’ve seen today was a shiny black one that flew right over my garden as I drove out the front gate earlier.

Generally the weather has remained beautiful for the delegates strolling in the grounds of the Westin and I hpoe they enjoyed their stay here in Bali (even if HAARP and the Chem-planes couldn’t produce a convinving demonstration of global warming for them).


Last edited by Edostar on 18 Dec 2007 07:48; edited 1 time in total 

#55   14 Dec 2007 08:30
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Post Ocean Busting. 

I just returned to Bali after another interesting trip to Java and I took the opportunity to dump another 200 TBs in the Bali Strait for the Dolphins to continue their gifting of the ocean floor.

.There had been no rain to speak of for many weeks prior to our trip as the chem-planes had succeeded in dissolving any trace of rain-cloud over the archipelago although the satellite images showed heavy rain over the sea.


The farmers were all complaining about the lack of rain as it’s the one time of year that they can safely plant rice.

The TBs were dropped early on Sunday morning after a protracted drought and by nightfall it was raining heavily and it continued throughout the night.

These satellite images show the situation before and after the TB-drop:



I left Nita and Edo in Java and returned to Bali for a few days:


Driving over the mountains towards the south there was some rain and evidence of much more during the night and it’s rained pretty much without a break ever since (although the chem-plane continues to spray constantly).


When I return to collect my bedraggled family at the end of the week I shall be sure to take another 200 or so TBs for the industrious gifters in the sea.


Last edited by Edostar on 24 Dec 2007 10:13; edited 1 time in total 

#56   18 Dec 2007 01:57
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Post Re: Bali Gifting 

Don commented in an email once that with the amount of orgonite that I’ve dumped in the sea, I should be able to see the effects on the weather satellite images.

At the time I thought he was kidding but he was absolutely right:


This image shows the rain-rate in the area and although there’s evidence that the jokers in the spray-planes have cut a swathe through it over land; there’s still a lot of rain falling where I am.

It would seem that their efforts in perpetuating the artificial drought in this region at least have been less than successful (although other parts of the country are less fortunate).

If there are any Indonesians out there who’d like to do some gifting, please get in touch; I’ll gladly send you some orgonite if you’ll distribute it.

If not then I’m just going to have to dump another few thousand TBs in the sea and let the Dolphins do the job.


#57   19 Dec 2007 02:52
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Post TBs And Rain. 

On my return trip to collect Nita and Edo Star yesterday I dropped another 200 TBs in the sea from the ferry without expecting much in the way of confirmations (actually I was rather hoping that the Dolphins would take most of them down to the Great Barrier Reef as Carol told us the Whales had suggested).

I returned the same day and this morning the sky is black with rain-clouds as one would expect from the satellite image:


The scene in the rice fields this week with everyone busily preparing the fields for planting rice contrasts sharply with last week when the land was all but abandoned awaiting the slim chance of a monsoon season this year.

Nita spent the intervening week there and said it hardly stopped raining the whole time.

I’d modified the CB there with three 60cm aluminium pipes and it’s difficult to say how much the disappearance of the high-altitude crud-layer added to the effect of the TBs in the sea but on one occasion there was a large black storm-cloud sitting right over the garden where only regular clouds prevailed elsewhere.

Nita’s little brother (who was responsible for busting more than a 100 towers in the area) recently noticed a new tower being erected nearby so he took two TBs and went in search of it.

When he got there he found an old school friend working on the perimeter fence and they were just getting ready to set the fence-posts so he added a couple of gifts to the mix as it went in the hole; the tower is now permanently busted and the equipment hasn’t even arrived yet.

As I finish this report; it’s now raining so hard that I can hardly see across the garden.


#58   24 Dec 2007 01:57
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Post Re: Bali Gifting 
Hello Dan, this is definitely one of the best ongoing reports I've seen in a long time. It's a wonderful testimony which shows "true intestinal fortitude" on your part as well as crisp clear documentation to back it up. I specifically love the pointed orgonite device you dubbed the lawn buster. This unique creation has solved many problems for us by allowing us to use the heel of our shoe to quickly insert it in the ground and remain stealthy at the same time. It works extremely well in places that are impossible to use a small shovel day or night. Each time I make a batch of TBs, I make a half dozen or more of your ultra-cool lawn busters.  Cool


#59   24 Dec 2007 06:08
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New post Thanks To The Dolphins. 

As with the TBs dropped for rhe Dolphins from the Java ferry; the 200 more that I chucked in the sea from the banks of Serangan Island two days ago seem to be having a similar effect:


The concentration of rain south of Bali appeared from nowhere and is being classed as a tropical cyclone (although it's not accompanied by high winds and is very gentle so far).

The Dolphins and Whales seem to be doing excellent work and have restored healthy rains to a wide area that was previously under the influence of the under-sea HAARP platforms.
