
[The Aztecs believed that Tezcatlipoca created war to provide food and drink to the gods. Michael Harner, in his 1997 article The Enigma of Aztec Sacrifice, estimates the number of persons sacrificed in central Mexico in the 15th century as high as 250,000 per year (ref). This gives credence to the theory BAAL is the singular name for the negative Reptilians.
Baal is a Judeo-Christian demon.  In the Masonic Royal Arch Degree ritual (13th degree in the Scottish Rite) the sacred god of Freemasonry is revealed as Jah-Bal-On or Jahbuhlun. BUL = Baal, so the world is run by BAAL worshipers (think Rwanda, Iraq, Iraqi Children).
   Temples to BAAL are
Slaughterhouses/abattoirs/meat works, and a side sacrifice are the 300 million sacrificed in the name of Corporate medical 'research' known as Vivisection.  Then we have the yearly cow sacrifice for TB, one of the side benefits of Corporate factory farming of dairy cows, rather popular in England under the pretext of disease control, then there was BSE, CJD (Corporate pesticides), & Foot and mouth (FMD). slaughter, cattle shot under your nose and then burnt.
    Corporate medicine (
Allopathy) is the leading cause of human death with 780,000 iatrogenic deaths in the USA every year, and child death and disease with vaccination (666). The AIDS scam is designed for that aim, see Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport.  BAAL would be behind the depopulation agenda and other poisonings and killings.  The Reptilian entity behind Big Brother, aka Eye of Sauron.  Allergic to Orgonite.  Loves DOR and all negative emotions.
   One of BAAL's main defences is Atheism, if there is no God then it follows there is no Devil, which suits him fine.]

Aka: Gaia Baphomet  Lucifer  Moloch The Devil, Satan, Tezcatlipoca, Reptilians

See: Human Sacrifice  Genocide

JAH-BUL-ON by Stephen Knight

Riddles in Stone, Secret Architecture of Washington DC

On Christmas day, 1907, many years before it would become the symbol of the Third Reich, Lanz and other members of the ONT raised the swastika flag over the castle which Lanz had purchased to house the order (Goodrick-Clarke:109). Lanz chose the swastika, he said, because it was the ancient pagan symbol of Wotan, the god of storms (Cavendish:1983). (Wotan, the inspiration for "Storm Troopers," was the Teutonic equivalent of Baal in the Old Testament and Zeus in Greek culture). Waite notes that it was through Lanz that Hitler would learn that most of his heroes of history were also "practicing homosexuals" (Waite, 1977:94f). The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams.

Jabulon, sir, is a very strange god.  He is supposed to be the leader of the Chitauli.  He is a god, to my great surprise, which I find certain groups of White people, especially, worshipping.  We have known about Jabulon for many, many centuries, we Black people.  But I am surprised that there are White people who worship this god, and these people, amongst them are people whom many have blamed for all the things that have happened on this Earth, namely, the Freemason people.  We believe that Jabulon is the leader of the Chitauli.  He is the Old One.  And one of his names, in the African language, sir, is Umbaba-Samahongo-'the lord king, the great father of the terrible eyes'-because we believe that Jabulon has got one eye which, if he opens it, you die if he looks at you.
    It is said, sir, the Umbaba ran away from an eastern land during a power struggle with one of his sons, and he took refuge in Central Africa, where he hides in a cave, deep underground.  And it is an amazing thing, sir-it is said that under the Mountains of the Moon in Zaire is this great city of copper, of many thousands of shining buildings.  There dwells the god Umbaba or Jabulon.  And this god is waiting for the day when the surface of the Earth will be cleared of human beings so that he, and his children, the Chitauli, can come out and enjoy the heat of the Sun. 
    He is the chief of the Chitauli.  And, like Satan, he lives in a house underground where great fires are always lighted, to keep him warm.  Because, we are told, that after the great war they fought with God, they became cold in their blood and they cannot stand freezing weather, which is why they require human blood, and also they require fire always to be kept working where they are.
[Interview] CREDO MUTWA On Alien Abduction & Reptilians

"In the ritual of exaltation, the name of the Great Architect of the Universe is revealed as JAH-BUL-ON......BUL = Baal, the ancient Canaanite fertility god associated with 'licentious rites of imitative magic'. .....Baal, of course, was the 'false god' with whom Jahweh competed for the allegiance of the Israelites in the Old Testament. But more recently, within a hundred years of the creation of the Freemason's God, the sixteenth-century demonologist John Weir identified Baal as a devil. This grotesque manifestation of evil had the body of a spider and three heads - those of a man, a toad and a cat. A description of Baal to be found in de Plancy's Dictionary of Witchcraft is particularly apposite when considered in the light of the secretive and deceptive nature of Freemasonry: his voice was raucous, and he taught his followers guile, cunning and the ability to become invisible. JAH-BUL-ON by Stephen Knight

Holocaust. Dictionaries prior to 1960 defined the word holocaust as human sacrifice, usually by bloodletting, then fire. Now it means something else. This holocaust was done in service to Baal or Moloch, as defined by the countless historical records. This goes on today. It's more a Canaanite thing, a reptile thing, a Dark Gods thing, than anything else. A Nephilim thing.  CBSWORK

"Logically, the name should be spelled Yah-Baal-On, but...over the years the spelling has been 'corrupted' by Freemasonry until it reached its current form."----Tex Marrs (Codex Magica p54).

"The American Medical Association is fashioned to prescribe drugs and perform various treatments that although they may be unsuspecting, tend to weed out the weaker species.”—Brice Taylor (Thanks For The Memories p 283)

"At the main hospital in Mbarara during that month of 1977 more than 600 children had died following polio vaccination. 600 children!"---  A Transcript of a talk given by Kihura Nkuba (Nov 2002)

[1921] There are no adequate statistics showing these fatalities, but it may be estimated that in England and Wales no fewer than 6,000 Infants are Killed every Year by Vaccination.    This is perhaps the least part of the damage. The Great Damage is that caused to Teeth, Eyesight and Constitution, by the illness of vaccinia forced upon the infant at the most critical and delicate period of its life. [1921] Vaccination and the State By Arnold Lupton MP.

[1880] That since Vaccination has been rendered obligatory, infantile syphilis (under one year old) has been increased in England, according to a Parliamentary return, dated February 25th, 1880, from 472 per million of births in 1847, to 1,736 per million in 1877, or fourfold; and that other inoculable diseases, such as pyaemia, scrofula, erysipelas, and bronchitis, were also augmented in infants. In England, the increase of inoculable diseases was 20 per cent., notwithstanding an expenditure of 200 millions sterling since 1850 in sanitary works. Another Parliamentary return (No. 443, Session 1877) demonstrates that 25,000 babies are yearly sacrificed by diseases excited by Vaccination.  International Anti-Vaccination League points against vaccination 1880

The demon Bael, from Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire infernal (1862)










Baal Stone








Daniel Killing the Dragon of Baal by Jakob Wet











Demon: Baal Pehor.
Vice: Obscure Love (to be complacent with crimes).

Samael Aun Weor stated:

"Baal Pehor, the obscene dread of Moab's sons, who dwelled from Aroer to Nebo, and even far beyond the Southmost of the desert of Abarim... He dwelled also in Hesebon and Horonaim, in Zion's Realm, beyond the flowery dales of Sibma clad with Vines, and Eleale to the Asphaltick lake.

"Frightful, left-handed, tenebrous Baal Pehor, he enticed the Israelites in Sittim on their march from the Nile to perform for him wanton rites, which cost them woes...

"From there this Elohim, fallen amidst the luciferin reddish fires, his lascivious orgies he enlarged even to that hill of scandal, by the Grove of the homicidal Moloch...

"Thenceforth, it is obvious that their abominable debauchery was established hard by hate, till pious Josiah drove them thence to hell..."

- Quoted from Parsifal Unveiled

Baals Bridge Square Lodge 13 have in their archives an old brass square that was found under the foundations of Baals Bridge. This Square dated 1507 is reputed to be one of the earliest Masonic items in the world. The old brass square, known as the Baal�s Bridge Square, was recovered from the foundations of Baal�s Bridge in Limerick when the bridge was being rebuilt in 1830. It is inscribed  �I will strive to live with Love and Care Upon the Level By the Square� and bears the  date, 1507.'s_Bridge_Square.htm