Auschwitz-Birkenau  photographs
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See photos: Aerial Belsen Belzec Buchenwald Dachau Faked Eisenhower

‘Arbeit macht Frei’ (Work makes you free).  A work camp.

Prisoners Orchestra Sunday concert for SS Auschwitz. USHMM (81216), courtesy of Instytut Pamieci Narodowej.1

Holes put in by Russians, turning a morgue into a 'gas chamber'.

Auschwitz personnel on holiday at Solahuette.  They don't look like they spend their time gassing people.

Dr. Josef Mengele, Richard Baer, Karl Hoecker, and Walter Schmidetski. Richard Baer, known as the last Commandant of Auschwitz
Dr. Josef Mengele, Richard Baer, Karl Hoecker, and Walter Schmidetski.
Richard Baer, known as the last Commandant of Auschwitz

Dr. Josef Mengele, Rudolf Hoess and Josef Kramer
Dr. Josef Mengele, Rudolf Hoess and Josef Kramer

The photo above was taken while Mengele was home on leave, after spending 5 months at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Some of the 5,800 Birkenau survivors, most of whom look like well-fed Polish peasantsThe tall, skinny guy wearing an arm band is Dr. Otto Wolken, a medical doctor in the Birkenau Quarantine camp, who stayed behind to help his fellow prisoners when the Birkenau camp was evacuated.

(36) Garment workshop at Auschwitz. Jean-Claude Pressac claims that these sewing machines were brought along with them by women deportees. The innumerable photographs of the deportation show not one single woman carrying a sewing machine on her back. Pressac’s interpretation is a perfect example of groundless and deliberate misinterpretation.

Jewish prisoners working in the Siemens airplane factory at Bobrek sub-camp, an airplane factory called Siemens Schuckert Werke

Prisoners at work in Monowitz factory


Soviet troops enter the concentration camp Auchwitz-Birkenau and rescue the people found there on January 27, 1945.

Prisoners in the Auchwitz concentration camp greet the Allied troops when they come to rescue them.

Healthy-looking children during the liberation of Auschwitz.

Photo of typhus victims, taken following the British occupation of the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen and published as 'victims of Auschwitz' in various periodicals, eg. Quick in 1979. Do Photographs Prove the NS Extermination of the Jews?

Birkenau Sauna

(51) Hot air disinfestations chamber in the central sauna at Birkenau. The claim was later made that the peepholes were proof of the existence of an execution gas chamber. That this is not the case, was later admitted by J.C. Pressac.

Workers waiting for inmates inside Sauna building (photo: 1943)

Sauna where inmates enjoyed hot showers and haircuts and could leave their
clothes for steam-cleaning to remove possible typhus-carrying-body-lice. (photo 1985)

Containers inside Sauna. After clothes were added and doors closed steam
was introduced to kill body-lice. (photo: 1997)

(52) The disinfestations installation at Birkenau (hot air system).

Hospital opposite 'gas chamber'?  Absurd.