
[You can imagine the level of hostility caused by the deliberate use of Aluminium & Mercury in amalgam, medicines, food, food containers and cookware, all helped by fluoride]

See: Criminality and vaccines   Mercury Amalgam & Mental Illness, Depression

[pdf] Violent Crime, Hyperactivity & Metal Imbalance Review. Nicholas Kollerstrom

One guy I know knew a Saudi who said that over there women are for children and men are for love. The violence and hatred in that kind of stuff is produced by sodomy; it produces the internal rage. Deprogrammer Interview with Marion Knox: In the House of the Strongman, Sodomy is the Key - by Elana Freeland

When a man sodomizes a child at three, the child bonds to that man as if he were their father, and when he’s a man of the cloth, of the Church, the child bonds to the Church, too. This sodomy thing has been around for hundreds of years. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, was a Catholic mystic; he had to have been a sodomized one. He was the guy who headed up the Inquisition to persecute those who didn’t adhere to the tenets of the Catholic faith. Terribly cruel! How could you be that cruel if you didn’t have the sodomy rage? The torture they put people through! Later, Joseph Mengele developed the programming and brought it up to another level. He was a Catholic alter boy. I think he was also a Rothschild and a Jesuit. The founder of the Illuminati was Adam Weishaupt, trained as a Jesuit. Deprogrammer Interview with Marion Knox: In the House of the Strongman, Sodomy is the Key - by Elana Freeland

Hair analysis reveals high levels of aluminum, which is also found in vaccines. "I think in later years we are going to look back at aluminum the way we are looking at mercury now," said Cave. "Aluminum is neurotoxic but is found in city water, cookware, cans, and foil. All of this can accumulate, and it is a very difficult metal to pull out of their systems....It is a slow, arduous process, but if I had to name one treatment that has had astounding results, it is pulling metals [through nutritional therapies]....The age group that seems to benefit the most is between two and seven. Between seven and 12 there is speech and social recovery, and after 12 there is an ability to reduce the rage usually seen. Metal is rage. When you pull the metal, the rage goes."  [2001] Vaccine Conference Exclusive Report By Lisa Reagan