Al-Qaeda/Bin Laden articles
[back] Al-Qaeda

See: False flag articles

[2009 Oct] The Geopolitics behind the phoney US war in Afghanistan By F. William Engdahl

[2005 Interview] Webster Griffin Tarpley on 'Synthetic Terror'

Articles Documenting U.S. Creation of Taliban and bin Laden's Terrorist Network

When Osama Bin Laden Was Tim Osman by J. Orlin Grabbe

A look at the details involved in the creation of a third world war. By Fritz Springmeier

CRG -- "OSAMAGATE" by Michel Chossudovsky Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa

A Wolf in Sheikhs Clothing: Bush Business Deals with 9 Partners of bin Laden’s Banker by Martin J. Rivers

3/11 -- The Madrid 'Terrorist'

Robotoids, cloning, doubles
Cbswork and Cloning

Fake Al Qaeda

[2004] Al-Qaeda cleric exposed as an MI5 double agent Abu Qatada

[2007] Al-Qaeda is a front organization of CIA and MOSSAD : Mumbai based group of intellectuals and human rights activists

[2005] Webster Griffin Tarpley on 'Synthetic Terror'

[2002] Mossad Exposed in Phony `Palestinian Al-Qaeda' Caper by Michele Steinberg and Hussein Askary

British Press Gagged on Reporting MI6's £100,000 bin Laden Payoff  By Paul Joseph Watson
[2002] MI6 'halted bid to arrest bin Laden'

[2002] Britain 'sheltering al-Qaeda leader'

[2002] Palestinians arrest al-Qaeda 'poseurs'

[2001] Gaping Holes in the 'Washington Hates bin Laden' Story by Jared Israel

[2001] Saudi Minister Asserts That bin Laden Is a 'Tool' of Al Qaeda, Not Its Mastermind

CIA-Mossad Mercenaries Stage 'Al-Qaeda' Beheadings by JOHN KAMINSKI

How to Unseat the War Criminals and Reverse the Tide of War? Expose the Links between Al Qaeda and the Bush Administration by Michel Chossudovsky