sinister secret government

Masonic - Occultic Numerology by Duke

Knights Templar dovecot with 666 holes

Mandela's prison number seems to have morphed from 4664 to 46664

[Media 2000] 666 Bar Code Tax Number To Be Given Every Russian Citizen

Tony Blair        A=6: 696 Alphanumeric Basis 9 Mode
George Bush:  A=6  Hebrew=666  Pythagorean: 6   Chaldean: 6    ASCI=6
Bill Gates:        ASCII=666           

Vaccination:    A=6: 666 Vaccination and 666

The bar code=666


See: The 18 which is a 666 hexagram mandala

Targets may be stalked by an unusual amount of red vehicles and citizens dressed in red. These vehicles, which may be red or black, may cut targeted people off on the road, block them in a parking lot, or perform some other tactic to reveal their presence. License plates which include the numbers 666, 696, 616, and variations of these are used. Apparently these plates can be made-to-order directly through the DMV. McKinney wrote of the "use of modified license plates," which "appears to have been acquired through the State DMV channels, thus suggesting government/intelligence agency involvement." Citizens with Satanic apparel such as devil figures on shirts or other clothes may stalk targets. http://www.thehiddenevil.com/satanism.asp

Satanic 666 News Update


Rome's new Phone Service 060606 (PDF)

Disguised 666


         A disguised interlocked trio of sixes, symbolic of the anti-christ. It is celtic, also symbolizes the triple goddess of Wicca (three interlocked vesica pisces together). Commonly used in Catholic liturgical iconography, and has recently found it's way into the logo of the New King James Bible. Isn't Satan clever? http://members.tripod.com/~RU_BOLD/occult_practices.html

In Pythagorean numerology there are three letters that have a value of six: FOX

666 (3 O's)

The Euro coin has 6 stars with 6 rods with 6 more stars = 666


Microsoft logo with 666 (3 lines of black 6's)