Vaccination videos
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See video: Vaccine injured children video  Vaccine propaganda  Thimerosal Video  Gulf War vaccines  Flu vaccine injuries (video)  Gardasil injuries

See: Are You Hearing This? video at Cryshame
VaccinePrimer Oct23 mp4. Physicians and health professionals are now speaking out clearly of the risks and dangers of vaccination.
We have tip toed around the American Medical model long enough. Vaccines come with a great risk including juvenile diabetes, asthma, ADD, ADHD, and Autism. And never mind the more subtle injury of teenagers who can't focus and are depressed.

CBS News – Research Links Kids Vaccines & Brain Damage  Posted on October 9, 2009 by childhealthsafety . A new scientific safety study by British researcher Dr Laura Hewitson shows US children’s vaccines are linked to brain damage. CBS interviews Dr Andrew Wakefield on this new study and also the controversy over the MMR vaccine and autism.

Hepatitis B vaccination video

[2009 May FILM] Selective Hearing: Brian Deer and the GMC.

Vaccine videos in French

[DVD] Vaccines: The Risks, Benefits & Choices by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

[DVD] Vaccines: What CDC Documents & Science Reveal by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

[Highly recommended] Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda   David Ayoub, M.D.

Gulf War Syndrome-Killing Our Own by Dr. Null

The Messenger Part 1 (David Kirby talks about the recent developments in the Autism vaccine connection)


The Messenger Part 2 (David Kirby talks about the recent developments in the Autism vaccine connection)

Something in the System (MMR AUTISM)

General Medical Council PART 1 Dr Andrew Wakefield

General Medical Council PART 2 Dr Wakefield


The Flu Shot Vaccine Scam (Sweet Remedy clip) This short clip from the documentary Sweet Remedy (by Cori Brackett) features a short interview with Robert Scott Bell on the flu shot vaccine marketing scam. The full documentary about aspartame is available directly from Sound and Fury Productions at

Why Vaccines Aren't Safe by Mary Tocco. This two and a half hour presentation, is well researched and presented. Are vaccines safe? Find out how they made it & the LIES about  MERCURY Free vaccines. At the end a medical doctor discusses how he gave his child a vaccine and it caused him to have severe autism. He vowed never to vaccinate himself or his family ever again after FINDING out the TRUTH!

[Dr. John Martin] 911truthnc - Vaccinations Dangers - The Science - 1of27   Science Dr. John Martin as done extensive research into vaccinations. In this presentation he warns people about the danger they present themselves and their children when taking vaccinations Educate Before You Vaccinate

Alan Phillips, Attorney at Law. Points out the laws concerning vaccinations and children.

April  Renee. After losing her daughter to vaccinations. April studied the causes of Vaccinations Injured Children, VIC. Here she presents her research and the clinical studies conducted on the success of vaccinations programs.

[Hancock, Bronwyn] This is the first half of the shocking but extremely informative video documentary "Vaccination - The Hidden Truth" (1998) where 15 people, including Viera Scheibner (a PhD researcher), five medical doctors, other researchers, and parents' experiences, reveal what is really going on in relation to illness and vaccines.
    With so much government and medical promotion of vaccination for prevention of disease, ironically the important facts presented here come from the orthodox medicine's own peer-reviewed research, of which a total of well over 100,000 pages has been studied by those interviewed. The result is a damning account of the ineffectiveness of vaccines and their often harmful effects.
    It shows that parents are not being told the truth by the media, the Health Department and the medical establishment, with a medical doctor, Dr. Mark Donohoe, confessing that "It is a problem for me that I am part of a profession that is systematically lying to people."
    Find out how vaccines are proven to be both useless and have harmful effects to your health and how they are often erroneously believed to be compulsory.
    Many people simply refuse to believe the truth regardless of how clear it is, but the impeccable documentation presented in this amazing video has changed the minds of many who have seen it.
    To view or purchase the whole DVD/video, go to 


Boyd Haley Ph.D. is a professor and chair of the chemistry department at the University of Kentucky. In this interview, Dr. Haley discusses mercury toxicity as a causal factor in Autism. He also discusses the two primary sources of mercury toxicity: vaccines & dental amalgams

Dr. Boyd Haley on Mercury toxicity & Autism: Part 2
Dr. Boyd Haley on Mercury toxicity & Autism: Part 3
Dr. Boyd Haley on Mercury toxicity & Autism: Part 4

Vaccination And Media Bias

Vaccinated vs. Non-Vaccinated: Who Is Healthier?

Vaccines Exposed - A Hidden Crime Against Our Children


[Dr. Mark R. Geier, MD, PhD. and David A. Geier, Dr. Boyd Haley] Video interview

The Reality of Vaccination Myths Part 1  58mb.wmv
The Reality of Vaccination Myths Part 2  65mb.wmv
The Reality of Vaccination Myths Part 3  48mb.wmv
The Reality of Vaccination Myths Part 4  41mb.wmv 


[Sterilisation] Akha Forced Vaccinations

J.B. Handley Interview Autism & Mercury Poisoning

Who's afraid of Tinus?

[Scheibner, Ph.D.Viera   Hancock, Bronwyn ] Vaccinators the snake oil salesmen of our time

Gary Null blasts the swine flu vaccine scam:

[Gary Null 1] 3 The biggest health fraud in History - Vaccine Rights Rally Albany NY 9-29-09

[Gary Null 2] 13a Are Vaccine safe Vaccine - Rights Rally Albany NY 9-29-09

[Gary Null 3] 13b There is no science behind vaccines - Vaccine Rights Rally Albany NY 9-29-09