Cancer-causing contamination of polio vaccine

For immediate release - July 9, 2004:

The New Scientist Magazine
( has reported on
new information which has recently come to light that a Soviet-made polio
vaccine has been contaminated by SV-40, a monkey virus known to cause cancer
in humans and laboratory animals. This finding provides even more proof that
government and medical assertions of polio vaccine purity is mere wishful
thinking - not backed up by any scientific evidence whatsoever.

"Is there infectious virus? The short answer is, yes," Michele Carbone, a
researcher associated with Loyola University told the Vaccine Cell Substrate
Conference 2004 in Rockville, Maryland, last week.

Last year, a bombshell was dropped at the Third International Conference on
Vaccine Safety hosted by the National Vaccine Information Centre in
Washington D.C.

Stanley Kops, a lawyer who has had his information on polio vaccines
published in peer-reviewed medical journals and who has presented data at
the Institute of Medicine (IOM) conference on SV-40 in mid-2002 (results
published in October 2002), has produced proof positive that the oral polio
vaccine (including the one which is used in Australia) has always been
contaminated with SV-40.

Since 1963, we have been assured that polio vaccines have not contained this
deadly contaminant. Stanley Kops shows that not only is this not the case,
but that the vaccine regulators who are charged with keeping our families
safe, have known all along that SV-40 was never removed from vaccines.

The rate of childhood cancers have skyrocketed since the early 1960's. Have
we been unwittingly exposing our children to one of the most feared
illnesses by trying to protect them from polio with a vaccine that many
European countries have never used because of the known dangers associated
with them?

The AVN want to know what else we have not been told about vaccines?

The AVN calls for:

u An immediate Australian Government investigation into how vaccines are
tested and approved before they are introduced into this country.

u Legislation to require the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to
conduct tests before approval of vaccines which they currently do not do.

u Mandating that the Australian government, which currently spends hundreds
of millions of dollars a year to fund unproven vaccines, provide funding for
independent studies on all vaccines for content and contaminants.

If you have any questions about this issue or would like to conduct an
interview, Meryl Dorey is available at:

Telephone: 02 6687 1699 FAX: 02 6687 2032

Mobile: 0414 872 032 E-Mail: