Smallpox vaccination & Tuberculosis (TB) quotes
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In 1796 Jenner inoculated 8 year old James Phipps with pus from a dairymaid with cowpox, and shortly after with pus from a smallpox victim---he died of tuberculosis at 20 years of age.  He also inoculated his own son--he too died at 21 of TB.   Tuberculosis (also known as consumption) has long been associated with vaccination.

"It is a remarkable fact that Jenner's first child, his eldest son, on whom he experimented, died subsequently of consumption. Another of his subjects, the man Phipps, whom Jenner vaccinated, also died of consumption."---Dr. Charles T. Pearce, M.D.  [1868 Book: Essay on Vaccination]

"In the five years 1838 to 1842, inclusive, the average annual mortality in England and Wales, from phthisis and bronchitis, was, in round numbers, 61,000. In the five years 1847 to 1851, it was 65,750. In the five years 1852-56, 69,250. In the five years 1857-61, 79,530. In the five years 1861-65, 86,336."---Dr. Charles T. Pearce, M.D.  [1868 Book: Essay on Vaccination]

"Consumption follows in the wake of vaccination as certainly as effect follows cause."--Dr Alexander Wilder, Editor of the New York Medical Times and Professor of Pathology, United States Medical College.

"HUMAN AND Bovine Tuberculosis.—At a meeting of the National Veterinary Association, on May 8, in a paper written by Mr. J. K. Cox, of the Army Veterinary Department, several cases were cited where the milk from "wasting cows " was used for food, and those using the milk were attacked with phthisia and died. Apparently there is no question among veterinarians that tuberculosis is communicable in the milk and flesh of animals to man; and if thus communicable in the process of digestion, how much more must it be communicable when the products of disease from tuberculous animals are inoculated in the blood under the euphemism of "pure lymph from the calf!" . (Vaccination Inquirer 1883 Vol5 p114)

"First came what was called "arm-to-arm vaccination." This consisted of inoculation with pus from the sore of a vaccinated person. Then it was arm-to-arm vaccination that became "one of the best established of medical facts" and "highly salutary to the human race." But, alas, for this improvement! Its continued practice brought the discovery that scrofula, tuberculosis, and even worse diseases latent in the constitution of the subject from whom the vaccine virus was taken, were being sown among the people.22 ."---- John Pitcairn

"With regard to tuberculosis, the most deadly of all diseases in Europe, the following extracts from the translation of an article in the Gazette Hebdomadaire des Sciences Medicales, by Dr. Perron, Officier de la Legion d’Honneur, which appeared in the Vaccination Inquirer and Health Review of December, 1890, may arrest the attention of the reflective reader. Dr. Perron says"If we now turn back and examine the events of the last century or so, we can show a constant increase of tuberculosis, a fact never hitherto satisfactorily explained. There was a time when this malady existed only as an exceptional thing; now, actually, in spite of the incessant progress in public and private hygiene, in spite of all the material improvements that have been made, it tends more and more to rise to the rank of a pestilence. It should be remarked that it strikes by preference at the young lives, that is, those who are, nevertheless, at the age when the physical resistance to morbific causes is the strongest. Now, a malady which originates in exhaustion, in vital poverty, should display its power in the inverse order, and should fall most heavily on the old. We are, then, compelled to believe that young folk offer, for some quite special reason, an exceptionally favourable soil for the implanting of Koch’s bacillus.
    "Side by side with this growing extension of tuberculosis, we see ... the practice of vaccination. We may ask ourselves whether in this double simultaneous evolution there is not a hidden oneness? If tuberculosis, in spite of all sanitary precautions, has multiplied its attacks during the last hundred years, it is, we submit, because vaccination has come to Create for it a propitious soil. That would explain, not only its advancing growth in all civilised countries, but also its special influence over the young subjects who are always more or less recently vaccinated, and consequently more receptive than the others in the presence of the bacillus.""------William Tebb   COMPULSORY VACCINATION IN BOMBAY----THE DANGER OF TUBERCULOSIS. (APPENDIX to  LEPROSY AND VACCINATION )

"The widow of a tradesman presented herself to the author for examination in order that an assurance on her life might be effected.  Her family history was thus stated by her;—"I am 40 years of age. I have a brother living who is 44. My brother and I are the only survivors of a family of ten children. Five of the eight who are dead, died in childhood, two at puberty, and one, at eighteen years of age, of consumption. My brother and I had small-pox; we had neither of us been vaccinated, for it was not much in fashion in the country when we were children, but the eight younger ones born after me were all vaccinated, and my poor mother always attributed their deaths to vaccination; there had been no consumption in the family until then."---Dr. Charles T. Pearce, M.D.  [1868 Book: Essay on Vaccination]


2003 Bovine TB:
Bovine tuberculosis is a strain of TB that infects cows and other animals, but it can also give people TB. The bacteria that cause bovine TB, called Mycobacterium bovis, are closely related to M. tuberculosis, the bacteria that usually cause TB in humans. Before the introduction of the pasteurization process of milk, bovine TB was a serious problem in Canada, and hundreds of children between the ages of 5 and 15 were affected and death from this cause was not uncommon. .....Another factor that helped prevent the spread of bovine TB in Canada was the elimination of infected herds of cattle, because cows are the source of the disease. When cattle become infected with TB, the bacteria infect the udders, and are carried in the milk. Humans that drink this infected milk ingest the deadly bacteria which produce TB. Bovine TB, when spread to people can cause crippling injuries to the bones and organs, and can lead to death if untreated.
    Before 1960, all cattle in Canada were tested for tuberculosis and infected animals were eliminated. The federal government gave farmers money to compensate for the cattle they lost, and today ensures that all milk sold in Canada is safe to drink by strictly enforcing pasteurization regulations. Bovine TB is no longer a major health concern in Canada, and you don't have to worry about drinking milk. However, if you are travelling outside of Canada, particularly to less-developed countries, it is important to check the packaging of any milk before you drink it, to be sure that it has been heat pasteurized."--(Source

"Of the total number of yearly tuberculosis cases (eg in 1949 there were 157, 352 people with TB), 10% became were infected with bovine tuberculosis.  This amounted to about 16,000 people a year in which 1,800 died. In children about 50% of tuberculosis infections were of bovine origin.-----The Decline of Tuberculosis despite "protective" Vaccination by Dr. Gerhard Buchwald M.D. p122.