autism in primates? various models

>From Teresa Binstock....

When Bernard et al & allies (eg, McGinnis, Baskin) were making the rounds
of the NIH, CDC, and FDA after the long-version of the TMS/Hg/autism paper had been
shared, we had a meeting with Duane Alexander and Stephen Foote, etc, of the
NIH. At that meeting I suggesting titrating *small* amounts of thimerosal into
the amygdaloid regions (one on each side) of primates. Dr. Foote said that
such an experiment was being considered.

Why titrate?  Primate experiments are expensive. A crucial factor in
TMS-related human autism is that of individual susceptibility in the hours and days,
perhaps even weeks subsequent to the TMS-injection. If TMS induces or contributes to
regressive autism in 1 in 150 kids, experimenters would have to vaccinate more
than 1000 primates in order to have a chance at mildly significant findings.
Alternatively, researchers can use larger amounts of TMS -- but then critics
say, Not realistic.

Additional factor: as numerously posted with citations, TMS-injections in the
context of the infant's or toddler's vaccination response is extremely
important due to IFNg effects upon gi and bbb permeability (which increases, thus
potentiating additional TMS-eHg effects.

Alternatives: mice and rats are "cheaper" than primates. Susceptibility
could be easily created in at least two ways -- one by feeding our four-legged friends
food that is deficient in certain amino acids. This would, to some extent,
represent impaired nutritional status (eg, as might occur via colic or chronic
diarrhea of infancy or via subtle genetic-enzyme glitches and many etc). Also,
our four-legged friends could be given a sickness a day or several prior to
their TMS-containing, real vaccinations.
At least four groups are here suggested:
    mice with amino-deficient diets
    mice with induced illness
    mice with amino-deficiency & with induced illness
    control mice with neither

All of these experimental protocols are widely used, well established,
materials easily obtained by qualified researchers. Also well established are a
variety of neurobehavioral measures for evaluating impairment.

The rodent experiments would be cheaper and could show TMS effects amidst
several types of susceptibility which parallel what occurs in human infants
and toddlers.

Even when the TMS-titration into amygdaloid regions was suggested, Dr.
Foote and I knew that such procedures were already well established in primates and
other species (tho' not with TMS).

Now let's consider politics. A researcher might wish to avoid such projects or
might design them in such a way that statistics would mask significant

IMO, neutral observers should monitor such experiments OR they should be
done by trustworthy scientists.

Teresa Binstock