Donald Rumsfeld
(Chief of Poisons)
The Vaccine Industry
government players
[Rumsfeld fits the profile of a No Conscience type, he brought us poisons such as Aspartame, Swine flu & Anthrax vaccines (c. 200,000 with service connected disabilities) along with Iraq (700,000 civilian deaths and see: Depleted Uranium), just for starters!]
See: Robotoids, cloning, doubles Oseltamivir (Tamiflu)
Classic Illuminati ploy (same trick with Saddam):
"The two faces of Rumsfeld. 2000:
Director of a company which wins $200m contract to
sell nuclear reactors to North Korea. 2002: Declares
North Korea a terrorist state and a target for regime change."--Media
UK, May 2003
Torture Jailer: 'I Was Supported by Rumsfeld'
Monsanto: America's Most Dangerous Criminal? by ROBERT COHEN
[Media May 2003] The two faces of Rumsfeld
Partners in Crime: US Complicity in the War Crimes of Saddam Hussein
by Paul Rockwell
Cheney, Rumsfeld Help Coverup CIA Scientist's Murder. Gordon Thomas - Globe-Intel 23 August, 2002
Swine flu vaccine
[Book] Rumsfeld and
the horseshoe crab that could save your life
flu vaccine
Aspartame approval:
Rumsfeld's conflict of interest and ASPARTAME
[April 2003] Former FDA
Investigator Exposes Aspartame As Deadly Neurotoxin
Tamiflu profiteering [see:
Bird Flu]
Big Stakes in Tamiflu Debate
Searle President Donald Rumsfeld, Nixon, and the Watergate team [Extract Nutrapoison by Alex Constantine ]